CITY rniK VV xOlJSUlrtrM CONGKHUATIONM ll4 IllUg lit 11 and 8 oclock ol t 10 Ba ChriMtmii E lHor 7 utloc Prayer meetitm Wednesday VHiifni at eight oclock Tbo public is cor dially invited to theee service Kkv R T Haynk Pastor Eiineoi M lnchinii rvices at Si Albanti church at 11 a m and tMu so Sunday -school at 10 u ni Coin amnion 1 t Sundajs 11 a in 3rd Sun ays74rn rn each month All nre welcome to these Bervicob x- E R Eaklk Hector ATHiuc Ordwr of services Man fcSOnm Mttb and dormou 103Jum Evening service at b oclock Suuda Auu2i0 p m Everj Sunday Wm J Kirwin O M 1 Msthouiht Sunday school atlOt m SWmons by pastor at 11 and 8 Jim- at 12 Junior Li ague at 3 Epwnrtl kt hguo at 6J5 Prier meeting WVil aitvtiay night at 7Ao MiiVvr Huvk Pa tor Baiti t Sunday school a 0 am Preaching view i 110 i a Kv n imr eervi - tS0 H V I U at 700 p m A niiM cordifil mvi i i n it x tonded to till vor iip with u E I1 itnr EVAJiUhLIGW ILTrthKAN K e t u I a I Gorman rai bun in church uoroer ol E ami 6 li eit t every Sunday mortiinti ai 1030 All Germane tordiolly iuvst d Kkv Wm Hkikukma t7 oti - bast Chui ti Sciknch 219 Main Ave- tu rfuiitlrts at 1 I a m and v at S 1 1 m UhmiHiih KMm opei the timu Si ience literhture On riH EvArtft LlCAI LUTHKKAN tional Sundav bohool at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a in and 730 i nt by pastor Junior f E at 130 m Senior C E at 700 p m Piatr xaeetingb ev r VednHda and Satur day evenintrs t r30 All Germans cordially invilfd io thet e vices Rkv GuctavHrnkblmann 505 3rd West kIem vtii T7jjfljB m iffir T A Hardy Nursery Stock And Seeds Wo have just been looking through the excellent catalogue issued by the German Nurseries and Seed House at Beatrice Neb This is the 21th annual issue and consists of 112 pages Every page is full of interest Tho fruit trpe depnrtment contains Fome particularly good novelties includ ing Currant and Gooseberry Trees These were imported from Germany some yews ago and proved wonderfully successful in this country The seed department illustrates and describes a full lineof garden flower and field seeds Mr Sonderegger the proprietor of the German Nurseries in talking of the great success of his nursery stock and seeds in all parts of the country gives much of the credit to the rather severe climate of his district It produces vig orous hardy stock that can stand the jaw cold winters and the dry hot sum aoers if necessary Wo know that the company will be pleased to send their splendid catalogue io anyone interested in seeds or nursery 3tock To those who mention this pap er when writing they will send a free trial packet of their New Coreless Tom ato seed i RED WILLOW Mrs Paul Smith spent the week at F C Smiths Owens Longnecker has been disabled or days presumably from lumbago Louis Lorgnecker and wife going from church on Sunday took dinner at Eoscoe Korns The Quigley boys hauled feed for Off ma Longnecker on Saturday The unannounced celestial visitor that makes its appearance in the western sky early in the evening the briliiancy of Venus which enables it to be seen even in the daytime and the probability of soon seeing Halleys comet with the na ked eye make it interesting to watch the heavens as this time LaGrippe pains that pervade the en tire system LaGrippe coughs that rack and strain are quickly cured by Foleys Honey and Tar Is mildy laxative safe and certain in results A McMillan Mr E A Kelley Belvidere 111 writes usI am an ex engineer with 22 years active service to my credit About three years ago my kidneys were effect ed so that I bad to give up my engine First I was troubled with severe aching pain over the hips Then followed in flammation of the bladder and specks appeared before my eyes A sample of Foleys Kidney Pills that I tried so benefited me that I bought more I con tinued to take tbem until now I can safe ly testify they have made me a sound and well men A McMillen i w - MARION F G Stilgebouer and E E Smith from Hartley were in town on business last midweek S W Stilgerouer of Danbury was in town last midweek C 11 Aogell and wife visited at the parental Smith home near McCook a few days close of last week DrBartaoIomew entertained his moth er of Lebanon a few days last week Mrs Pepter and children visited her parents south of Cant ury Sunday Edith Newberry was an over Sunday visitor with friends in Lebanon Mrs R E Bacon is very sick but is getting along very nicely under Dr Bar tholomews care Dr Simons of Cedar Bluffs was in towu Saturday on professional business Mrs Short of Wilsonville is taking care of her daughter Mrs Bacon Guy Wicks was a Cedar Bluffs visitor between trains last midweek The DeMay Lumber Co received a car of coal Friday night and by Satur day evening it was all gone Rev W Li Packard of Lincoln ad dressed the people here last Sunday He will hold revival meetings here this week E J Ludwsg of Fairview had two cars of corn shipped in this week from Butler county Nebraska About thirty young people gathered at the home of G T Plumb one night last week to celebrate Patrick nineteenth birthday The evening was spent in playing games etc The merrymakers left in the wee sma hours of the morn ing wishing Patrick many happy birth days BANKSV1LLE Edwiu Towle has recently rem oved from this neighborhood Fine weather now--with the snow near ly all gone Born to Mr and Mrs Harry Marsh all Thursday Jan 27th a son Archie Beard and Fred Bisnett of Traer Kansas are both in McCook expecting to go into the railroad service H H Blunck is a new wiper in the round house at McCook John H Wesch who has been a B ur lington employe for some time is Lome on a lay off John H Wesch and W F Everist went out to Colorado Thursday of last week on a land deal returning to Mc Cook on last Saturday morning on No 16 BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cares coughs and colds wwwwmniiiiiwi BARTLEY Harry Wyrick has returned from Lin coln where he was operated on for ap pendicitis He is at his home south of Bartley doing well Howard Jones is getting along nicely since the surgical opuration he had last week but is not able to be up Truman Wood has recovered from his sick spell so as to be down town this wwk Will Wight has been on the sick list for quite a while but was able to come to town Tuesday Fred Daniels is yet lame from the in jury to his ankle a few weeks ago John Wolf and wife have returned from their Texas trip E E Smith and F G Stilgebouer were over to Marion on busiuens one day last week Charlie McKnight and family will nrove from Gothenberg snon to afaim west of Bartley J F Grimes of Des Moines Iowa has been visiting old time friends here for a few days He is wonderfully sur prised at the improvement in Bartley and vicinity since he moved from here to Iowa George Shepherd of Indianola was a business visitor here last week While in town he tuned I A Lymans piano A telegram received from Lincoln Sunday brought the sad news that Mrs Marts wes sinking very fast and there IPIH a Biscuit Hunger makes me think of yott Thought of you makes me hungry Between the thought and sight of you Indeed Im always hungry But with appetite awaiting a nickle in hand and you in store who could wish for anything more NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY was little hope of her recovery from the operation she bad undergone a few days ago A postal card received today by Mrs Cochran says Mrs Marts is grow ing worse On arcount of a lame back E E Smith was obliged to walk with a cane this week Henry Conrad and family left Tues day evening for St Anthony Idaho H H Gallatin and family left for Texas on No 10 Tuesday evening An athletic club has t een organized here The Jennings building south of the bank is being fitted up and it is ex pected that soon first class stunts will be pulled ou in wrestliog boxing and other sports W B Downs and Arthur Chandler went to Colorado Wednesday with two cars of live stock and household goods They will locate near Yuma Mrs Downs and Mrs Chandler and children will join their husbands there in a few days We have known the parties for several years and regret their removal from here They are excellent citizens and we wish them great prosperity in their new home Sore Lungs And Raw Lungs Pains in chest and sore lungs are symptoms that quickly develop into a dangerous illness if the cold is not cured Foleys Honey and Tar stops the cough heals and eases the congested parts and brings quick relief A McMillen ghX r in the baking that is where Calumet Baking Powder proves i i ffiF m its superiorityj its wonderful raising power its never failing ability to produce the most delicious baking and its economy In the baking that is the only way you can successfully test it and compare it with the high price kinds You cannot discredit these statements until you have tried CALUMET the only high grade baking powder selling at a moderate cost 100000 is offered to anyone finding the least trace of impurity in the baking caused by Calumet Ask your Grocer and insist that you get Calumet Received Highest Award Worlds Pure Food Exposition Chicago 1907 DANBURY Mrs Phicbe Heath of Portland Ore gon came Wednesday to help care for her sick father William Kelley and family came home Wednesday from Cambridge where they have been visiting for some time S W Stilgebouer was a Marion vis itor Wednesday Fred Bcehner came Thursday Ho has been on a business trip to Arapahoe Nebraska The comet is getting farther away and is very dim Chiisline Ashton and Beth McDonald went to Lebanon Wednnesday night to see the Home Talent play A B Gibbs and son Lloyd of Leb anon were up Saturday Mrs Wm Thiesson of Pawnee City came Friday to see and care for her sick father and mother A large number of friends gathered at the home of Mru Wm Nutt and gave her a great surprise the occasion being her birthday Lunch was served and after a late hour all departed wishing her many more happy birthdays Ed loung is among the ailing this week R8v W L Packard will conduct a series of meetings at Marion this week George Bastian made a professional business trip to Lebanon Sunday night There seemed to be a little disorder in town Thursday night from the way things were found out in the street and some window lights knocked out There was a well pleased audience out to hear Clyde Cordner speak Saturday night Dan Hupp of Lebanon was up on business Saturday Mrs Addie Sewell who has been gone for a number of months came home Friday Miss Maime Nelson of Lebanon was up and Sundayed at the James Nelson home More people are taking Foleys Kidney Remedy every year It is considered the most effective remedy for all kidney and bladder troubles that medical sci ence can devise Foleys Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities builds up the system and restores lost vitality A McMillen Application has been made for the organization of the First National Bank at Imperial with a capital of 82500000 The incorporators are JFJohnston F J Taylor E F Bailey S D Hicks and C N Cottrell Only Half Price A quarter will pay for The Lincoln Daily News until April 1 1910 just half price and the paper will stop then unless you send in money to renew it This is one paper that dont try tn force itself upon people Not a name is put on the list unless paid for and every fel low is cut off when his time is up Youre not helping to pay for other peoples papers We dont have solicit ors and other expense methods but do business through Uncle Sams mails which is the cheapest way The News is a live one Youll like it no matter whether you are satisfied with things or are a kicker The News is plain frank and fair Its not afraid of tramping on somebodyrt toes Goes right to the bot tom of things Invest this quarter and youll bo more than satisfied Send di rect to the publisher or give to your post master Dont ever let somo smooth canvasser come around and work you with some premium scheme You can trust your money with your postmaster Effecting- Rural Routes The postofnee department has issued the following order In view of the ex tent to which the practice of placing loose coins in boxes by rural patrons haB grown and the delay in the delivery and collection of mail and the hardship im posed on rural carriers incident thereto yo j are informed that commencing Feb uary 15 rural letter carriers will not ba required to collect loose coins from rur al mail boxes Patrons should enclose coins in a envelope wrap them securely in a piece of paper or deposit them in a coin holding receptacle so they can be asily and quickly taken from boxes and carriers will be required to lift such coins and where accompanied by mail for dispatch attash the requisite stamps LEGAL NOTICE In Justices Court before W B Whittaker Justice of the Peace CLrinB wil1 take notice that on the 14th day of January 1910 W II Whittaker a justice of the peace of Red Willow county Ne braska issued an order of attachment for the sum or 190u in an action p ndinf before him wherein iersen Osborn is plaintiff and V G Uiurnins is defendant and that propertyof the ethat conS1Srtln of money due andT owing m the hands of the Chicago UurlinBton i Qumcy Railroad Company garnishee as waees of labor performed by said defendant for said Kailroad Company has been attached under said order of attachment er u1 hasKen continued for hearine to nv theth day of February 1910 at ten oclock 2 ts VIERSEN OSBORN in i j mm HCMTICT T 1 I J i iHCN E 112 Office Rooms 3 and S Walsh Blk McCook BEGGS CHERRY C0DGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds V 1 I