The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 03, 1910, Image 1

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    1 I
JW 7
at the
Right Price
cull sit
See the light
In the window
Surprised Mrs Heskett
Monday evening a company of cuhb
friends of Mrs C C Heskett happily
surprised her at home on wewtlst street
It was the occasion of her fiftieth birth
A bountiful supper was served in the
dining room bearing all the earmarks
of the splendid cook Mrs Heskett is
The ladies claim that Mesdames Sly
and Elder will both be especially
anxious to subscribe to this statement
Music for the evening was provided
by Mrs W V Barntt nsMted by the
member of the choir of the Christian
church and by Mrs Hujblur of Stam
ford an alto singer of ability
When the pelf invited guests left at a
late hour it was with the wish that Mrs
Heskett might live to enjoy many happy
Mrs Heskett received a number of
pretty and useful remembrances of the
Enlarging Elevator Facilities
The Updike people are largely increa
singtheir elevator facilities at this place
making it one of the largest in this
section of the state by a large addition
to the east side of their elevator
Real Easterday are arranging to
add another story to their elevator at
this point also
For Culture and Enjoyment
A number of McCooks young people
have lately organized what they happily
style the Treble Clef club They assem
ble every Monday evening and with
music and games enjoy themselves im
mensely They anticipate many a glad
some evening from the sessions of this
Its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy tht famous Loomis high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
Furniture for Sale
All the furniture for a 5 room house
practically new Phone black 321
Mrs F J Fierce
201 1st street East
Bring 50 Cents and
a jug and get a gallon of pure New
Orleans syrup
J A Wilcox Son
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Farm Loans
Ontional navments No
mission required
cash com-
P S Hkaton
Wanthd A few good steady sober men
with teams to work on Fruit Farms in
Utah For particulars call on
H I Peterson
Monarch Silver Bell
White Satin spell success in
bread and cake baking Buy the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
We have the Wedding Breakfast
syrup to go with the coffee at
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of other
McMillens Cold Cure will not only
cure your cold but relieve your cough
Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at
McCook Flour and Feed Store
A McMillen prescription druggist
Everything in drugs McConnell
Better Quality Shoes
for Men are the French
Shriner XJrner Shoes
hand lasted sold exclusive
ly by Drebert Coining Co
Masonic Social Events
Two i otewcrlby hocial evtiuiH in Mas
onic circles mid of last weelt
Thursday evening Mm members of St
John Commandety No 10 Knidus
Templar gave a banquet tu thoir wives
which had all the accessorieH of a do
liLhtful affair and was Inrely atiend
ed by local and out of town Knights ami
thuir families
The ha liquet was served Uy tlm la
of the Order of the Eastern Star
was a dainty gastronomic tuToriug Ubto
fully served
Rev R T B ine exhibited his opleti
did collection of views of tin Yellow
stone park with the aid of hit fii e Imi
Miss Lona Phelps recited a popular
The Pythian orchestra adod to the
evenings pleasure which reached a cli
max and conclusion in me ot prandial
speeches over which Sir Knmht Eiuer
s n Hanson presided as inaslm ister
Friday evening the leular woik of
the Order of the Eastern Star was fol
lowed by ttio initiation of a class of
candidates for the decrees of the order
after which was spread the usual ban
quet with toasts and other etceteras
Over sixty members participated in the
1 mr
oesslou ana ensuing jojs ttureK i is
growing vigorously and its social feat
ures are among the notable order events
Solemn High Mass
Sunday was a day of more than com
mon moment at St Patricks Catholic
church in view of tho visit of the Rt
Rev M P Fallon of Buffalo N Y and
Beveral other priests
Solemn High Mass was calibrated
with Rt Rev M F Fallon as celebiant
Rev P J McGratb Deacon Rev E A
Dorgan Sub deacon and Revs Kirwin
Patton Paquotte and Haggerty occupy
ing seats iu the sanctuary
After Father Krwin announced the
news of his approaching departure Rt
Rev Fr Fallon spoke a few words to
the people congratulating ttiem on
kindness shown the Oblate Brothers n
the past and exhorting thorn to evtend
same to all future priests of the p irish
and to give them same hearty coopec
aftion -
Fathers Fallon MuGratb and Dorgan
left Monday morning for Seattle
Wash to establish an Oblate Brother
house there
The banquet to Father Kirwin will
be given Monday evening in Monte
Cristo hall
I Father Patton will assume the pastor
ship here next Sunday
Chae County Court House at Imperial
Was Burned Last Night
An incendiary fire destroyed the
court house in Imperial last night
Nothing saved
Vaults have not been opened so con
dition of iecords is not known
For Sale Reasonable
The German Congregational church
building with or without tho lot or ad
joining parsonage Inquire of
C J Kkiegkr
Cheaper than Apples
Those SunKist navel oranges at
JAWilcox Sons store a specialty
at 65c peck for a limifed time
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
McConnell for drugs
McConnell fills prescriptions
A McMillen prescription druggist
Mary HarrisonnursePhone black 286
For quick results us9 McMillens
Cough Cure
McMillens Corn Cure needs only a
trial to satisfy you of its merits
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubors only
Fresh and wholesome home made
mince meat at Magners market and
Get our prices on canned goods before
buying Magner giocery and meat mar
Someone appropriated the peanut
vender at the store of J A Wilcox
Son last Saturday night
Valentines All the new designs to
choose from if you choose soon
L W McConnell Druggist
See the advertisement of Helms big
horse and mule sale appfaring in this
issue on another page Feb 15 is the
date Read the particulars
Our line of breakfast stuffs is com
plete Breakfast foods and pancake
flour corn syrup and maple syrup01d
Manse the best maple syrup on the
market Hibkr
Jr J JL L lw KL HJi IJ i
Mccook red willow county Nebraska Thursday evening
Special Invitation
To the Ladies of McCook and Vicinity
To the demonstration of the HYPA TIA CORSET
by Madame Henderson of Nrw York City Monday Febru
ary 7th at I
Miss Pecks flillinery Store
1 1 1 West B street
Engineer Koll Buried Here
Tho remains of William Koll were
brought here last Saturday from Re
publican City and interment was made
in Riverview
This cl ses a life Koll was
terribly burned November 27th we are
informed in an accident near Salt Lake
City Utah which finally resulted in his
The remains were first taken to his
home in Republican Citywherc services
ware conducted
Quito a large delegation of neighbors
friends and relatives accompanied the
body here from Republican City
Deceased leaves wife and one daugh
ter who was severely injured some
years since since on her fathers engine
while he was then employed as a Burl
ington engineman
The family is well known here and
they have the deepest sympathy of all
in this last sorrow
The Suit Failed
In the case of the State of Nebraska
vs Nora Leo first of the week before
County Judge Mooro the jury found the
fair prisoner not guilty and released
Robert Jenkins was the prosecuting
witness and a gold watch and chain
were involved in the case Robert claim
ing Nora had in her possession unlaw
fully and that it belonged to him The
jury didnt think that Robert made a
good case and he was assessed the costs
in the prosecution
Robert and Nora were at the time of
the alleged offense both Commercial
hotel employes
You ned not have another chap this
winter if you will depend upon
McConnells Fkagrant Lotion
Use it every time the bands are wah
ed or when they are exposed to cold and
the skin will keep soft and smooth
Not afceky nr iris gloros can bo
o lately afu r umitr Iic
Old Trusty Incubators
Are made better than ever Call and
see them and if possible give us your
order for one
Many have already ordered and we
are anxious to piovide them in plenty of
time So let iia know early as you can
McCook Haudwark Co
Chosen a Director
At the meeting held January 21th
Dr C L Fahnestock of our city was
chosen a member cf the board of direct-
tors of the Masonic lluma at
A girl at the Uou Ton
DhLong Mitchell
For Sale
Propei ty with S room modern house
at 412 Gch street east
French Shriner XJrner
Mens Shoes of Better
I Sold by McCook Flour and Feed Store
This little bunch of that fine Italian
weather Southwestern Nebraska is fa
mous for is being fully appreciated
this week
For Sale White Wyandotte cocker
els W C Eldred 1CC2 Main avenue I
McConnells Gold Cream keeps com 1 a bottle
Tho J miliar irm of district c iirt for
Red Willow county opened here Monday
ihe following chps were dinpo eii of
The Stata of Nebraska vs Erne it F
Wright five cass nulled
J sifO E vs Frank J Botmt
Divorce Decree granted to plaintiff
who is to pay coits not oferaiivo till
six months from ibis date
Eirnett M Pearson vs The State Ins
Co of Nebraska d image Judgment
for plaintiff by rgreemout fur S250 and
Oliver llanthnm vs Sarah J ilafer
Sale confirmed deed ordered
rrrKriuir a i x niUa
efal Sale confirmed deed on ered
William Ranonll vs Lottie Kminedy
appeal Special appearance sustained
Mary a Lydon s A D Segl et al
Decreb entertd quieting title in la ntiff
Gt orge Leland vs A D Segal t al
Ueire entered quieting title in pllff
Allen N PuUtt et al vs Uuknown
ht irs of David N Smith et al Title
quieted in plaintiff
Jacob M Gerver et al vs Hiram C
Rider bt al Title quieted in plaintiff
John Dunning et al vs Willmer Mayes
et al Title quieted in plaintiff
Lillian M Churning vs Robert R
Churning Divorce Decree granted
plaintiff effective six months from date
of decree
State of Nebraska vs James C Purdy
Found guilty Sentence will be im
posed Saturday
State of Nebraska vs Nancy J Lane
Nolle prosequi entered
Robert H Wilson vs Katie L Wilson
Divorce granted plaintiff effective -six
months from date of decree
Fortnightly Entertains
Last Friday evening the Fortnightly
Dancing Club entertained the old mem
bers of the club at their regular session
addirg an interesting item to usual at
tractive details of their twice-a-month
A ten piece orchestra was one of the
inspirational features of the event
C D Ritchie Has Filed
C D Kiichi has filed his petition
with the count clerk to have his name
placeu on tho Republican primary ballot
for county attorney
Vacuum Cleaners
We are agents for the Retina Every
lady should have one Price 21 00
McCook Hauihvaiik Co
Two girls to strip tobacco after school
hours Call at B A Grigts cigar fac
tory 2nd door west cf city hall
Next time you are inter
ested in shoes at least look
at the French Shriner
XJrner Better Quality
shoes for men Exclusively
ours for McCook
Drebert Clothing Co
nr7V nra - locc nynA Th improved roads are letting the
farmers come to town to do necessary
in Style than excellent in trading which has accumulated during
Quality ke inclement weather and muddy roads
Drebert Clothing Co
Quality like blood tells
plains the well earned popularity of the
Famous Loomis High Patent Fours
I The W C T U subject for February
1 11th will be Medical Temperance
Quality ex j Mrs W B Whittaker will be hostess
and Mrs H N Rosebush leader
Our Longmont Colorado cauned veg
etables are now in This years crop of
peas beans and tomatoes at Ilubers
One of the first fruits of the Jeffries
Gotch incident here is the organization
of au athletic club in Bartley
Hubers have everything in olives-
plain and stuffed from 15 cents to SI
plexions oung Price 33 cents District Court this week
Some dainty things at reasonable prices now showing
and other seasonable articles for Decorative Purposes
3 1910
Following licenses to marry have been
issued since our last roport j
Francis E Mchntee 2 j of Havana
and Sarah Ellon Alexander 17 ot Uox
Elder M irried by Father Kelley
1st J
Odcar T Hadlock 23 and Anna May
Suhirup 18 both of Denver Married
by County Judgo on February 1st
Clarence L Davin 21 and Hazel
Green 18 both of Palinade Married
by Coui ly Judie January 29 h
Polk D Pucker of Iiipiritl and
Franklin Furn Vdach of Champion
Married by County Judge January 23
Jonn U Gillen 21 aud Mary Wes
kamp 24 both f Indianola Married
by Father KHley February l t
George A Jewel and Mabel Anderson
of Maywood sought a marriaun licence
first of the week but the groom was too
intoxicated to enter so herious an engage
ment and tl o judge refused the license
Our trade on paint has grown from year
to year and we boliovc that the coming
season business will bo by far the largest
we have ever had Wo are prepared for it
and in a position to provide the highest
grade goods at tho lowest possible
prices We carry a complete lino of
materials for up-to-date finishing as
woll as paints and paint sundries for all
We w ant to figure with you on your
spring painting
L W McConnkll Druggist
Great I 0 0 F Doings
The Odd Fellows had a big blowout
at Cambridge Wednesday night The
lodges at McCook Indianola and IIol
brook were invited down to see Cam
bridge exemplify the first degree with
Clarance Rozell and HaL E Durham of
our city as victims and 12 from this
lodge as witnesses of the torture
Grand Master Kelly was present
among the 85 Odd Fellows who assem
bled about tho banquet board It is
pronounced one of the most notable
events that lodge has pulled off in this
section of the state for many moons
Many neglect to take a laxative rem
edy when they know they need it be
cause the so dislike the ordinary disa
greeable remedies The trouble is avoid
ed by use of
A mild and pleasant laxative with a
fruit flavor the ideal remedy for con
stipation liver troubles indigestion
etc 25c and 50c packages
L W McConnell Druggist
Bought the Indianola Reporter
Close of last week the deal was closed
for the purchase of tho Indianola Re
porter by John Pontius late of the
Deshler Rustler the paper recently
bought b Frank V Lowe formerly of
this city and late of Davenport this
state Mr Pontius will not take pos
session until March 1st We understand
that the paper which has been publish
ed as an independent newspaper by Mr
Byfield will in the future become a
Democratic paper under the new editor
ial reign
One of the ways of conveying the story
is to send valentines
We have all the new kinds and the
new kinds of the old kinds
Card Mcunts Bodes Designs Floral
Effects Post Card Valentines Etc
Makeoj yourlist of those to whom
you wish to send valentines and select
fitting ons before the choice ones are
all gone L W McConnell Druggist
Is Holding His Own
Gordon Hartman who has been grave
ly ill and who was operated upon Tues
day evening for peritonitis is holding
his own bravely and the feeling is more
hopefui for his ultimate recovery
Died of Hydrophobia
Word comes from Denver of the death
last Thursday of Blanche daughter of
Jo- Ransdeli formerly of our city by
thd terriole disease hydrophobia
For Sale
My residence Hot water heat Mod
ern Call and look it over
F S Wilcox
Note the only change in the local time
table is that No 6 leaves five minutes
than before the change
Received on account Paid out
Cash Credit slips etc for sale at
the Tribune office Per 1000 50c
The good old Quaker once said to his
son Nathan it is not what thee earns
that makes thee rich but what thee
saves The First National Bank will
pay i percent interest on your saving
9Mjunamjj umjiag
will soon bo grown up ready to
start in lifo on his and her own
account What will they havu
to begin with A neat littlo sum
to start with may mean a differ
ence of thousands of dollars by
tho timo thoy nro forty years old
Start an account in tho name of
your boy or girl and insist on
their adding to it and havo some
thing ready for thorn when they
aro old enough to uso it
P Walsh President
C F Iikiin V Pres
C J OIJihen Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKonna
Morning subject lhe Evolutionary
Law in the Spiritual World Evening
The Test of Greatness
Morning subject -Can I Do as I
Please With My Owu and Do Right
In tho evening we will have Mr Frank
Harrison Editor of tho Nebraska Cap
ital with us to deliver a lay sermon
Mr Harrison comes highly lecommend
ed and will no doubt be very interest
ing Ho will speak at 800 p m
Monday morning he will speak in the
High school giving his lecture on Nic
1 Subject Spirit
We pay cash for fat cattle hogs calves
and puultry Phone or write
Edwards Bros Butchers
305 West 10th street
McCook Neb
Residence For Sale
Wishing to move to Colorado I desire
to sell my residence 900 1st street eaat
at once II L Kennedy
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Straw For Sale
Both wheat and barley straw Phone
cherry 1651 DaveDevks
McConnells Balaam cures coughs
Farm loans a specialty L E Barger
room 3 over McConnell
Lincoln A P mixed paint is fully
guaranteed for durability A McMil
len druggist
At the Intermission in Temple theatre
building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar
and Novum Templum 5c smoke
We have plentyof hard
coal nut stove and egg
sizes New supply just
your friend in tho city sent you
Xmas time made you fell rather
envious Youve wished ever
since you could get one so well
taken to send in return The
Kimmell Studio solves the diffi
culty Our work is the best
Come in and give us a trial
Kimmell Studio
1st door north
Commercial Hotel
Phone red 428