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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1910)
f it h t V - i - p i TWENTY EIGHTH YEAR KTYTY Y YYYYYYY YYTYYrYYYYYT M A A EINE FRESH LINE of 4 Groceries it the Right Price call it The BEE HIVE D B DOYLE Prop See the light1 in the window a a 4 A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJULAJLM Best 2 Bu Grain Sacks 23c They nre tho American A We tell the best 9 quarter bleached sheeting for 25c Amoskeag staple check ginghams 6c Simpsons and American prints 5c Best table oil cloth 15c Bleiiched muslio oc to 12Joc Unbleached 5c to 10c Hemp carpet 35c Wool blankets 2 69 Cotton blankets 39c to S275 Ladies S15C0 long coats for 7 50 S1500 Jacket suits for S900 100 ones for 1200 Ladies 1000 long coats S5 50 Childrens bearskin coats for 81 65 125 knit scarfs for 89c 100 sheep lined cluck coats for 82 99 Peerless- carpet warp 23c per lb Those prices dont loakmuch like advances on account cf high cotton do they They are hpt advances They are away below other dealers anywhere Cash does it our customers cash put into our hands at time of purchase We invite your trade The Thompson D G Co Some Fine Colorado Apples E B Nelson left at this office this week a few samples of Colorado apples which speak volumes for horticulture in Colorado They were sent by J M Lob dell of Austin Colorado and embrace such varieties as the Rome Beauty Gano Jonathan Newtown Pippin aud White Winter Pearmain BROWNIES Little pictures of and by little folk re easy to make with a Brownie Cam era Very simple No dark room nec essary Eight different styles from 100 to 1200 Its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if you dont buy the famous Loomis high patent at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor Residence For Sale Wishing to move to Colorado I desire to sell my residence 906 1st street east at once H L Kennedy John Cashen Auctioneer Endianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton The meat boycott in the east will prove unfortunate to many a western feeder and shipper if it continues any length of time Some of our local feed ers shippers and dealers are due for a loss if it holds out lone It is hard to ask for anything in the toilet preparations we db not carry Ours is an unusual stock L W McConnell Druggist Wanted A few good steady sober men with teams to work on Fruit Farms in TJfcah For particulars call on H I Peterson Monarch Silver Bell and White Satin spell success in good bread and cake baking Buy the best McCook Flour and Feed Store W e have tho Wedding Breakfast syrup to go with the coffee at Hcbers McMillens Cold Cure will not only care your cold but relieve your cough Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at McCook Flour and Feed Store A McMillen prescription druggist Everything in drugs McConnell Better Quality Shoes for Men are the French Shriner TJrner Shoes hand lasted sold exclusive ly by Drehert Cothing Co The College Widow I Tln miiiioms of the Mhsk and Wig I Dintimtic club quite civered themselves I with glory last Fri lay in the presenta tion of - The College Widow The audience was one o the finest and largest thai has graced the Temple at any offering and thoywereduly apjr ciative and well pleaded The play was an athletic comedy pro duction well calculated for the cast which diMclosed some promising talent The play was a financial as well as a dramat c success A supper at the Monte Oristo celebra ted the first appearance and tuceeas of the club which afterward declared a I dividend and has since been feeling quite satisfied with life They promiso ancther elTjrt in the springtime Building Trade Prospects Indications already point to no incon siderable buildiug activity this year John Morris is having completed plans and specifications for a new brick build ing to replace the frame building on Main avenue recently damaged by fire while occupied by Miss Andersons millinery stock It will be two stories high and eighty feet deep and built in modern style throughout The German Congregational people have offered their present church build ing and parsonage for sale and expect to be able to build them a new and large er church home during the summer Several othpr business and residence buildings are incubating Cancelled St Elmo Wednesday morning the Temple managment received word from the com pany that a change of route maao it impractical for them to fill their date at this place so the engagement of St Elmo February 8tn has been cancell ed Wanted Salesman We wont a reliable energetic agnt to represent us in McCook Have an at tractive proposition to make the right man Address United Wireless Telegraph Co 622 Bee Buildings 20 2ts - Omaha Neb- N0TICE Parties knowing themselves to be in debted to McCook Electric companj will please call and make settlement be fore February first as we must close up all of the 1909 business by that date McUook Electric Co For Sale Reasonable The German Congregational church building with or without the lot or ad joining parsonage Inquire of l J KltlKGEIt Cheaper than Apples Those Sun Kist navel oranges at J A Wilcox Sons store a specialty at 65c peck for a limifed time FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf STRICTLY PERSONAL G H Meeker is a Lirjcoln business visitor Clifford Browne was down from Denver fore part of the week A P Ely arrived home last Satur day on No 9 from a business trip to Lincoln Russell Lant who recently returned from Boise Idaho is quite ill at home in our city Rodburn Simmons went down to Omaha lastfevening to undergo a min or operation Mrs Leroy Kleven is spending a day or two in Benkelman with friends end of the week Mr and Mrs H C Clapp are ex pected home this evening having been called home by the seriousjllness of his father Mrs Mart Scott of Denver visited her mother Mrs Rose Mokke early days of the week coming down on Monday and returning to Denver with her hus band Engineer Scott Wednesday Furnished room for reit suitable for one or two ladies Phone black 150 Huber handles the Carhartt gloves and caps also and a full line of other makes Fresh and wholesome home made mince meat at Magners market and grocery If you enjoy a good comedy with a few pathos see Chas A Gordinier and his company in Big Jim at the opera house next Friday night February 4 Our line of breakfast stuffs is com plete Breakfast foods and pancake flour corn syrup and maple syrup Old Manse the best maple syrup on the market Hcber PROMOTION FOR FATHER I IRWIN Goes to Holy Angels Buffalo New York One of the Most Important Oblate Parishes in United States The unexpected news reached Mu Cook this morninc that Uev W J Kirwin O M I p istor of St Patricks church and Superior of Opiates in Neb raska had bt n transferred to the past orate of Holy Angola church Buffalo New York to suereed Ritrtit Rev M F Fallon O M I 1 D who ha- been appointed by Pope Pius as Bishop of Loudon Ontario Canada The arish of Holy Angels is consid ered the most important Oblate prcvinQe of the United States As Castor and Superior of Holy Angels Father Kirwjn will have eight other priests to assist him in the work Under tiis charge will be a parochial school considered by px perts as architecturally one of the finest in America with attendance of 900 pu pils Also a preparatory seminary for young men who are stud ing to later be come members of the order Moreover there are four convents attended by fathers from this same hoii e Rev William Patton O M I of Lowell Mass will be the new pastor of St Patrickss church and he will be assisted by Fathers Haggerty and Pa quette News also reached St Patricks rec tory that a new house of the Oblate Brothers would be established in Se attle Wash in tho near future with Father Dorgan and McGrath in charge and they will accompany Father Fallon here from the east on their way to Seattle Father Fallon Provincial of the Ob lates in the United States present Superior of Holy Angels with the other fathers named will be in McCook with in the next week NON GREASY BEAUTY CREAM To remove blackheads to dense the pores to bleach the skin and to make the complexion clear and soft use A D S worn immediately after using it v- Cures diseases and blemishes of the skin and is perfect for massage purposes Does not promote the growth of hair as greasy preparations do Sold by us only Price 25c and 50c L W McConnell Druggist Becoming Fainter Th c iinet to hn seon In tho lower iw siern ky nightly is rapidly tecom ini diniffii r Id is Kiid to be traveling 120 miles a second and by the end of this month when it will be no longer visible will be 160 million miles distant That is going some Bring 50 Cents and a jug and get a gallon- of pure New Orleans syrup J A Wilcox Son For Sale Property with 8 room modern house at 412 6th street east French Shriner Urner Mens Shoes of Better Quality11 are no less correct in style than excellent in quality Drehert Clothing Co The C T Caswell stock of electric fittings etc was sold under attachment proceedings Monday afternoon A gen tleman from Minden purchased the goods The stock remains in the Morris basement for the present tho purchaser not having decided whether or not he would locate here The boys of the Sunshine club entor tained the girls of the club Tuesday evening in their class room in the Con gregational churcn The evening was spent in playing progressive games Ice cream and cake were served Quality like blood tells Quality ex plains the well earned popularity of the Famous Loomis High Patent Fours Sold bv McCook Flour and Feed Store Thi3 week Miss Margarett Houlihan sold her interest in the notion store to D W Colson McConnells Gold Cream keeps com plexions young Price 35 cents Organize District Association At meeting of interested ones held in thin city hint wet k it was decided to organize a district association for the purpose of securing better raciug re sults iu this p rt of the state Mem btrd representing Red Willow Hitch ccok Chase and Dundy counties to gether with the McCook Driving Park association went iuto the organization with A Barnett as prenident Emer Kay secretary and C C Barr of Ben kelniin treasurer Tnis association hopes to secure ma terial for a good race circuit next fall arranging dates accordingly A nieetii g of the association will be held in this city later when the dates purses etc will be decided upon and the facts made public FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS We have the proper regard for the welfare of the little people for whom we furnish nursery supplies We buy the best and we provide all the latest and most hygienic feeders and other nursery goods It is worth while coming to us regu larly for all these thiugs L W McConnell Druggist Stamp Photos For a shorJ time we will take two doz stamp photos for 25c Come while we areijere The Gem Studio Over the west meat market How About a Cook stove or range We have special bar gains that will surely please you and prices to suit every pocket book McCook Hardware Co For Sale Large Plymouth Rock cockerelBchoice stook till February 1st at 75c each Miw J W Burtless Phone ash 1351 Route 3 McCook WANTED A tobacco stripper Call at BAGriggs cigar factory 2ud door west of city hall ADDITIONAL RAILROAD J J Frank is feeling good over addition to the hand car shop an T - i New driving tires were placed on the It gloves can 1911 this week cylinder packing and other minors repairs CE Emerson spent part of last week in Kansas City as a witness in a company suit which finally came to trial there Engineer H W Perkins went down to Holbrook last evening to spend a day with his wife who is there with her par ents F Darnell is a new blacksmith this week They are now running five fires in the blacksmithshop and as busy as beavers The steam pipe men are gradually finishing up the work in the round house and will extend their labors to other parts of the shops Engine 1756 has received new flues some additional stay bolts and her brasses overhauled etc and is being broken in this morning W J Bagan of the coal chute force was quite painfully injured this week being pinched severely about the abdo men but i3 getting on nicely Materials are b9ing unloaded at the round house for the new transfer drop pit This pit will allow of the locomotive wheels being taken out from under the engines W V Johnson left last evening for Colorado Springs Colorado to secure aid for his wife in the Woodma nsanitar ium at that place in which the local lodge has an interest Next time you are inter ested in shoes at least look at the French Shriner Urner Better Quality shoes for men Exclusively ours for McCook Drehert Clothing Co Our Longmont Colorado canned veg etables are now in This yenrs crop r f peas beans and tomatoes at Hubers Hubers have everything in olives plain and stuffed from 15 cents to SI a bottle McConnells Balsam is the right rem edy for your cough Try it Only 25c Apples and Potatoes Carload Apples now in storehouse both bulk and barrels Also choice Potatoes at 85 cents a bushel delivered Phone No 104 ACKERMAN CLARK IL 11 I IP 14 Jj I C McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING JANUARY 27 1910 Entertained Fellow Teachers Last Thursday afternoon Miss Milli cent Slaby fin t grade teacher in the Central school building together with her pupils entortained tho teachers of that building in a manner to call forth snecial mention and commendation The handiwork exhibited of her pupils was a pleasitt surpro in uniqueness and meritoriousnesH exemplifying thoir busy work A miniature tvuvntory build ing of four rooms was provided which had been equipped throughout inimita tion mission furniture appropriate to each room done in paper It was very clever in conception and the children ex ecuted the work well Light refreshments popcorn balls nuts wafers etc were served A Mission A mission will be hell in St Albans church beginning Saturday evening January 23th and lasting for eight days The missioner ia Rev G G Bennett of Holdrege Rev Bennett ia a gifted man It is to be hoped the people will turn out and hear him There will be three services daily at 730 am tho Holy Communion at 3 p m on instruction at 730 p m prajers and sermon Pilgrims Progress Illustrated Next Sunday evening January 30th RevBayne of the Congngational church will deliver an illustrated lecture on the Pilgrims Proves He bai a fine stock of slides aud with the aid of a splendid lantern will be able to entertain and instruct you at this service which will be given under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor society of the church You nre all invited Notice to Potato Raisers If you want Sure Enough Minnesota Red River seed potatoes leave your or ders with us early to insure the best of stock at the lowest prices They are worth now 95j per bu nil kinds pufc up in newsHcks f The H G Phelim Com Co Hand Us the Corrections The Tribune is devoting space to the lodges and orders of the city for tho advertising of their meting nights officers etc Let the efffcers see to it that the directory is kept corrected up to date Work Progressing Nicely The brick work on Divines garage which has been retarded by the severe winter of tho past two months or more is now progressing nicely WALL PAPER CERTAINLY Any day in the year L W McConnell Druggist For Sale My residence Hot water heat Mod ern Call and look it over F S Wilcox The Astoria 111 Searchlight has the following to say of Big Jim the company which is to be here next Fri day Feb 4 On Friday night last under the management of Gordinier Bros the beautiful 4 act rural comedy Big Jim a play written by Mr Chas A Gordinier was pre en ted to a large and appreciative audience for the first time in this city The play is a good one and carries many strong features bringing out clearly the better nature of a tramp outcast when given the op portunity to show his gratitude to those who had befriended him in the time of dire need ending with a fitting climax that at once appeals to the audience and reveals the identity of the man who has successfully kept within his breast the secret of his life history Well backed by a strong company the play bids fair to win popular approval Statu Senator C II Aldrich of David City who was advertised some time since to deliver a lecture sermon in the Methodist church but whose appear- ance was postponed on account of bad j weather will deliver the promised I ure next Sundav evening We mate a noise like two doz stamp pictures for a quarter Come in now Will be here for a short time only The Gem Stl dio Over Marsh meat market I Mr Miller of Minden the new dealer in electrical supplies is expected back from Minden shortly to open up his shop j W C T U topic January 23h is Parliamentary Law Leader Mrs Northrup hostes3 Mrs Thompson When your stomach get3 out of order and you begin to feel bilious it is time to take McConnells Little Liver Pills If you want pickles go to Hubers and you will find most anything in the pickle line j Special bargains in enamel ware McCook Hardware Co l NUMBER 36 In Twenty Years will you bo living from hand to month or will you bo comfort ably woll off Some men havo made a million dollars in that time Thousands of thorn have become men of in fluence and standing The road is opon to you as well as others Somo of your friends havo already started and nro woll on their way towards a fortune You do not need to wait any longer bofore getting startod but can hegin now by depositing JUST WHAT YOU HAVE with this bank Better begin tho New Year right by depositing REGULAR LY with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr niRECTOHS J J Loughran P McKonna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS CHRIaTirts aiKNCK Subject Love CHRISTIAN Christian Endeavor society meets every Sunday evening at 7 conreiational Morning sermon topic What Science Teaches About God Evening Illustra ted Lecture of Pilgrims Progress METHODIST Morning subject What Influences a Mans Character EvoningIay sermon by State Senator C H Aldrich of David City BAPTIST Morning subject The Inexpressible Evening States Evidence Young Peoples topic The Divine Plan in Missions NOTICE We pay cash for fat cattle hogs calves and poultry Phone or write Edwards Bros Butchers 305 West 10th street McCook Neb Money To Loan On Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Straw For Sale Both wheat and barley straw Phone cherry 1651 Dave Devenv McConnells Balsam cures coughs Farm loaas a specialty L E Barger room 3 over McConnells Lincoln A P mixed paint is fully guaranteed for durability A McMil len druggist At the Intermission in Temple theatre building for tho Judge Norris 10c cigar and Novum Tmnplum 5c 3nioke Have you a One Minute or Motor washer If not you should get one now at McCook Hardware Cos NEW SUPPLY HERE We have plentyof hard coal nut stove and egg sizes New suddIv iust arrived BARNETT LUHBER CO Have Your Ph oto Taken at Home Either by Window or Flash Light You can thus secure the advan tage of home effects and surround ings and avoid the inconvenient of going to the studio All the latest conceits in Photography and the most stylish mountings and up-to-date finishes KIMMELL STUDIO 1st door north of Commercial hotel