If IE I A It 4k i r f f m w m - rt TWENTY EIGHTH YEAR jgoJr Have Your Photo Taken at Home Either by Window or Flash Light You can thus secure the advan tage of home effect sand surround ings and avoid the inconv nience of going to the studio AH the latest conceits in Photography and the most stylish mountings and up-to-date finishes KIMMELL STUDIO 1st doer north of Commercial hotel A CRACK IN YOUR SKIN one ono hundreth of an inch d a wid John Casnen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Everything in drugs McConnell A McMillen prescription druggist Dr Green next Wednesday evening Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at McCook Flour and Feed Store McMillens Cold Jure will not only cure your cold but relieve your cough If you want pickles go to Hubers and you will find most anything in the pickle line We have the Wedding Breakfast syrup to go with the coffee at Hubers Monarch Silver Bell and White Satin spell success in good bread and cake baking Buy the best McCook Flour and Feed Store Better Quality Shoes for Men are the French Shriner Urner Shoes hand lasted sold exclusive ly by Drehert Coining Co A F A M Meeting Special meeting of McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M Saturday Jan 22 at 7 30 p m Work in E A degree By Order of tho W M fc It Fahnestock Secy BOTH ARE HELD TO DISTRICT COURT James C Purdy and Mrs Nancy J Lane Charged with Unlawfully Living together in County Jail here Awaiting Trial uiuuniiiiii7i oiteu cans4 mure nciutu distress uiaii a serious disesse This is because the minute fibres uf the nerves or the fUin are ixpoed and keep up a constant pro test McConnells Colii Cream helps first by ijliimr the chaps with a List Sunday James O Purdy and Mrs Nancy J Lhuo wore arrested at tneir apnrrments in the Phillipn rnsidetice in this city charged with uiLtwfully livnm together as husband and wife On Monday morning Mrs Line wan tikiMi befom Justice Heaton in the court room nt the court house and given a preliminary hoarirg undi r the charge The justice concluded thtthe evidei ce I warranted her being held and placed her under bonds to appear before the next term of the district court in this eity January 31 jt and in d fanlt of the 8250 bond bhu was placed in the county jail awaiting trial Monday afternoon June G Purdy was given a preliminary heiiriig before the same justice in the court room wif h the result that he was placed under an nppenia ico bond of 8000 under the same charge to appear for trial in district court January 31 t He wan unable to jiv boud and was placed in the county jail to await trial Some of the facts in the c ise are rather Purdy is a cousin of Lane for whom he had been working near Denv r j Purdy and Mrs Lane together with two of the Lane children a girl aged five and a boy aged nine years arrived hero from Denver December oth since which time 1A Kr I l 1 I It i iiiii iiit i it iii iiuiiiiiini mi i iiij i - ii fi - - 1 J v J hngton bridge Kant under William mu irriuiuuii uuu ai uuiiu iy huiiiul ing quick repair of the iiijury Vou need it every day this time of the year Get it today Price 35 cents L W McCoxnkll Druggist Dr Thomas Green It is very hird to define Dr Greens strength At one moment it is hi 3 keen perception of human nature at another a gentle but resistless humor while again his audience hangs breathless uj on his word pictures drawn with excep tional dramatic power Cold type can not present the living breathing sjm pathetic inspiration that he carries to his hearers The beautiful and master ful lessons are drawn almost wizard like by the eloquent word painter Dont forget the date next Wednes day evening Tickets at McConnells The Merry Widow ThiB production by local talent The Mask and Wig Dramatic Club tomorrow night in the Temple promises to be one of the best yet attempted by local talent Note the cast elsewhere in this issue Remember tomorrow night Friday eight at the Temple Our Button Machine makes sizes from 15c a doz up to 35c a doz Bring the scraps of your dress and our machine will turn them into buttons while you wait sometimes The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Residence For Sale Wishing to move to Colorado I desire to siIl my residence 906 1st street east at once H L Kennedy Ladies Graves is an expert on sharpening shears Shears called for and delivered 301 west 1st st Rine Tno erring wife exhibited at the pre liminary trial no remon e for her con- duct notwithst Hiding it is stated that the couples married life had been pre viously to Purdys appearance un marred Lane is described as a man of gentle manly appearance and deportment while Purdys personal appearance is anything but such as to attract any discriminat ing woman Lane and the two children departed Monday night for Denver - - - It is stated that Purdy figured in an other affair some time since in which he received a gun wound which is men tinned as explaining his lame condition now It is intimated by Mr Lane that Pur dy might be able to give some informa tion concerning a postoffije robbery or two recently occurring near Denver To Trade For Land Stock hardware A city property A store building A 160 acre farm enst of here well im proved 60 acres in alf ilfa A hotel building and lots and a fine list of rclinguifhments 80 acres to trade for McCook property I havrt some dandy homesteads I would be glad to show you What have you to 6ell or trade L E Bargek Room 3 over McConnells its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt tho best ever if you dont buy the famous Loomis high patent at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton Piano For Rent A piano for rent Mrs Mills McConnells Balsam cures coughs Dr Green next Wednesday evening For quick results use McMillens Cough Cure The man with the bank habit never is laid off 100 or more will start you at the First National Bank Huber handles the Carhartt gloves and caps also and a full line of other makes Fresh and wholesome home made mince meat at Magners market and grocery Our line of breakfast stuffs is com plete Breakfast foods and pancake flour corn syrup and maple syrup Old Manse the best maple syrup on the market Huber Our 1910 wall paper will soon be in Watch for them and choose from the en tire line The new patterns are very beautiful L W McConneix Druggist Extra fine program at the Pastime Theatre for Saturday matinee and evening Come JEFFRIES GOTCHCOMBINATION Fills the Temple Theatre to Its Capacity and Over Two dred Are Seated on Stage RECORD ATTENDANCE SINCE THE POPULAR PLAY House was Opened to the Public Oclober l90ver Twelve Hundred in Tuesday Nights Audience Great Aggrega tion of Athletic Stellars The appearance of the JefTries Golch combination of athletes here in the Tem ple theatre Tuesday evening of this week set a new mark in attendance at that popular play house and marked a new epoch in sports for McCook and this sec tion of Nebraska No combination approaching this one in the public eye has ever appeared in this section of Nebraska and no audience approximating this one in numbers has ever before assembled in a theatre in Southwestern Nebraskaor indeed anywhere else outside the larger cities Over twelve hundred people witnessed the exhibition which was entirely ath letic in character with satisfaction These familiar with the subject regard the exhibition as having been a clean and a strong one The aggregation itself had no hesitation in claiming tiat it is the premier athletic combination on the globe Tim i nnr nn i ixttli T vln TTAKntnnDnn i I i r wf f1 Int and Anna Cocker followed wi h a juggling stunt and incidentally some fun Dr Roller gave a neat little talk on athletics and then look on Jack McCormack in a wrestling bout in which he was winner Farmer Burns after a brief talk and muscle expansion exhibition tried conclusions with Claude Suiders a promising youngster from Edison this state defeating Siddcrs but affording a nice exhibi tion of f lie art Frank Gotch the worlds champion wrestler afterwards defeat ed Asbell of Kansas City in a lively wrestling match Jim Jeffries concluded the program with an exhibition of rope andskippingand shadow i ancing such as is used in the regular line of training doing a very dilli cult abdominal muscle developing act over a chair and a boxing bout with his training partner the genial Sam Jierger The big prize lighter appears to be quite fit with the wind question the stay ing quality only in doubt lie wj3 the popu ar idol with Frank Gotch the champion wrestler personally quite wili known to many here as a close second The combiation arrived in the city in the morning from Lincoln and were at once objects of the camera and of the admiration of the crowds During the day several auto trips were taken through the city giving all the fleeting opportunity of seeing the big fellows now so prominently before the sporting world of two hemispheres It looked ike a big irrigation convention but the crowd was commendably orderly and good natiued The theatre management is to be congratulated upon landing so popular an at traction and in the rich financial results of the enterprise No my son it wasnt a prize fight The only thing that reminded you of a fight was the booze fight and that was a juicy peach AKD MIKE RILEY CAP1E BACK He Is Now a Star Boarder in Sheriff Hlggins Winter Resoit About Christmas time Mike Riley an attache of one of McCooks saloons fell off the train in detraining at Indian ola while in an inebriated state drop ping a well filled suit case containing 24 botl of liquors II J was arreerpd hy tlm Indianola authorities t h af ter while in McUouk in iil In escaped from the officer in the baluon above referred to and it is said made his way to Denver One day last week word came from Benkelman to the Indianola authorities that Mike was held for them in Benkel man An officer from Indianola went up and brought Mr Mike back to In dianola This time they did not bring Mike up to McCook to secure bail He was given a preliminary trial there and under the charge of unlawfully keeping for sale and selling liquors with out license was bound over to the next term of district court Last Friday he was placed in the county jail here await ing trial FOR Y0DR SICB When sickness occurs the one who is ailing is entitled to every aid to recovery that care thoughtfulness or science can provide Nothing that can give comfort or pro mote recovery should bo over looked Proper regard in this matter will often require some special item of sick room supplies and our stock should be de pended upon to supply it We have everything that the nurse or physician may suggest L W McConnell Druggist Our Vigorous Efforts have reduced our cloak and suit stocks very much We continue oar slaughter prices as follows Our 81500 coats now ST 50 Our 312 00 ones 8650 Our SGCO ones S3 50 Our 375 ones S150 Our S10 00 ones S550 Our 2500 suits now 516 00 Our 15 00 ones now 900 You will regret it if you let this chance pass The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Settle the Range Question by purchasing a Majestic range at the McCook Hardware Co They are twice as good asa cheap range but do not cost twice as much For Sale Property with 8 room modern house at 412 6th street east Lost Two silk kimonos Leave with C DeGroff Co L Dr Green next Wednesday evening Juniors Entertain Seniors The members of the Junior class en tertained the numbers of the Senior class at the home of Miss Mabel Randel just a little way southeast of the city in a manner to warm the cockles of even a seniors heart The high school teacher corps accompanied the pupils in their Marathon stunt to and from the Randel farm home this feat in pedestrianism being one of the bright particular feat ures in the occasion which was further and greatly enhanced by games and The Randel parlor was pret tily dec rted in senior color tho living room in Junior colors and the dining room in high school colors Solid as Gibraltar If any doubt has ever found lodgment in the minds of any the supreme test applied to the Temple theatre building Tuesday evening surely conclusively re moved the doubt oreven question With over 1200 people in the theatre there was not the slightest evidence of lack of absolute stability With apologies to the great inturance company the Temple theatre building has proven herself as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar Dr Green Lecture The Tuibune hopes that the people of McCook will grant a large hearing to Dr Greens lecture next Wednesday evening The doctor is not a stranger to McCook audiences He is a proved an abje an eloquent lecturer He is eminently worth while Let us show we are intellectual as well as sporty Next time you are inter ested in shoes at least look at the French Shriner Urner Better Quality1 shoes for men Exclusively ours for McCook Drehert Clothing Co hor Sale Large Plymouth Rock cockerelschoice stock till February 1st at 73s each MRs J W BORTLESS Phone ash 1351 Route 3 McCook Simpsons Prints 5c Where Only at the Thompson D G Cos Utmost value Dr Green next Wednesday evening Hubers have everything in olives plain and stuffed from 15 cents to 1 a bottle Our Longmont Colorado canned veg etables are now iu This years crop of peas beans and tomatoes at Hubers Huoers coffee cannot be beat Coffee from 5 cents to 35 cents and Wedding Breakfast heads the list I Shrtbttttt Mccook red willow county Nebraska Thursday evening January 20 1910 CAUGHT WITH BOOTY ON THEM Two Men Taken by NIr ht Policeman gtl While They Were Engaged In Dividing Some Plunder Burglars entered the hardware store of Hnhcuuk Bro in Cambrido Inst Saturday evening and stole a qmtntity of knives razors and jivelry Later in the night they arrived in McCook and noon after were sen by Night Po liceman Schlagel dividing poiiih plunder under an arc light on Mum avenue They and their swag were taken charge of by the policeman and later they wore locked up by Sheriff Higgins in the county jail The next day it became known thro au application to Ex Sheriff Peterson for the use of his bloodhounds that a burglary had been committed as above Information was given tho othcers of Furnas county who cain up Sunday night and on tho following morning they took the prisoners to Beaver City for a preliminary trial To the oflicers here they gave the names of Etrl Richards and Jun Owen and admitted their crime They ha J on their persons goods which corresponde t with the articles de Tibed as having been stolen from tho Cambridge hard ware store Criticises the Management Gorge Cappei who recently brought his wife homo from the Ha ilnga as ylum is not at all pleasid with affairs there lie says thar his wife was neither warmly clothed nor properly fed at tho asylum and has brought the matter to the attention of Governer Shalleuberger During tho cold weather he sas the in mates suffered considerably from the cold his wife among the number Public Sale Thursday Jan 27th at 10 oolock C L Taj lor will offer horses cattle im plements household goods etc at the Harry Grotesold place north of Osburn postoffice Mens Overalls 39c with swing pockets Others at 69a Jackets to match Boys double front overalls 39j Mens Statson hats S3G9 The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Enameled Ware Bargain will be found at our store iu goods that are guaranteed Do not buy elsewhere till jou look over our stock We have everything for the kitchen McCook Hardware Co NOTICE We pay cash for fat cattle hog3 calves and puultry Phone or write Edwards Bros Butchers 305 West 10th street McCook Neb For Sale Reasonable The German Congregational church building with or without the lot or ad joining parsonage Inquire of C J Krieger Cheaper than Apples Those Sun Kist navel oranees at JAWilcox Sons etora a specialty at 65c peck for a limifed time One Minute and Motor Washers save work and clothes and really make washing a pleasure Get one now at the McCook Hardware Co Money To Loan On Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Straw For Sale Both wheat and barley straw Phone cherry 1651 Dave Deveny Dr Green next Wednesday evening Farm loans a specialty L E Barger room 3 over McConnells Lincoln A P mixed paint guaranteed for durability A len druggist i3 fully Mc Mil- At the Intermission in Temple theatre building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar and Novum Templum 5c smoke NEW SUPPLY HERE We have plentyof hard coal nut stove and egg sizes New supply just arrived r NUMBER 35 In Twenty Years will you bo living from hand to month or will you bo comfort ably well off Somo men have made a million dollars in that time Thousands of thorn have become independent men of in lluonco and standing Tho road is open to you as Well as others Some of your friends have already started and are well on their way towards a fortune Von do not nee 1 to wait any longer before getting started but can begin now by depositing JUST WHAT VOU HAVE with this bank Better begin the New Vear right by depositing REGULAK LVwith THE Mccook national BANK Walsh President C F Lbiin V Pres CJ OBkikv Cahr DIKKCTOHS J Loughran P F Mclvennn CHURCH NOTES AKD TOPICS CHItlsTlAN sriKSCK Next Sunday morning subject Truth COVURFfJ ATI ON A I Morning or liiiruhhas Ev ening Gods Suint in the Devils ii1 ace MKTJImsT Morning subj ut Why the Yolo is Easy and tho Burden Light liven ing Give God a Chance HWTIST Subject of the morning sermon A Unique Burial The evening theme Accurate Accountants Topic or B V P U 615 Does Religion Pay Baitst Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at 730 BVPU at6J5 pm A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us Fisancis E Luis Pa3tor French Shriner Urner Men s Shoes of Better Quality are no less correct in style than excellent n quality Drehert Clothing Co Mr Lewis Secured Judgment But that was all WM Lewis brought suit before County Judge Moore a few days since to collect a note of S50O against W V Johnson He was award ed judgment and an execution was issued Mr Johnson claimed exemp tions and Mr Lewis half thousand was not forthcoming The suit of a wholesale liquor house Ferdinand Westheimer and Sons for something overlive huudred dollars on account so far has not met with any better success It has been continued in county court until February 3rd at ten oclock Ladies Circle Meeting The regular meeting of the Ladies Circle of the G A R will be held on January 28th at which time there will be the installation of officers Every member is urged to be present Bring 50 Cents and a jug and get a gallon of pure New Orleans syiup J A Wilcox St Son For Sale My residence Hot water heat Mod ern Call and look it over F S Wilcox Dr Green next Wednesday eveninjr Quality like blood tells Quality ex plains the well earned popularity of the Famous Loomis High Patent Fours Sold by McCook Flour and Feed Store A security that cannot be questioned a location that is convenient a courtesy and accommodation that is uniform are aI1 afforded ou as a depositor of the RADNPTT I IIHRPD m I tSAKlNfcil LUlltSfcK CO First National Bank Apples and Potatoes Carload Apples now in storehouse both bulk and barrels Also choice Potatoes at 85 cents a bushel delivered Phone No 104 ACKERMAN CLARK