The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 13, 1910, Image 1

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John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Everything in drugs McConnell
A McMillen prescription druggist
Get a millinery bargain at 114 east B
street rear of DeGroff s
Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at
McCook Flour and Feed Store
McMillens Cold Cure will not only
cure your cold but relieve your cough
If you want pickles go to Hubers and
you will find most anything in the
pickle line
We have the Wedding Breakfast
syrup to go with the coffee at
Monarch Silver Bell and
White Satin spell success in good
bread and cake baking Buy the best
McCook Flour and Feed Store
We have an exceptional line of toilet
soaps ranging in price from 10 to 25
cents per cake Purity of all gar
L W McConnell Druggist
Chilled Feet
irake one feel chilled all over They
are h foe to refreshing sleep and one
who is subject to them should not think
of rmiring these cold nights without
tho remedy
tucked away at the foot of tho bd
The comfort ono fc fiords costs too lt lc
to go without
We have genuine lubber hot water
bottles at various prices and with prop
per care will give satisfactory service for
several years They are made extra
strong and hae reinforced sams
L W McConnell Druggist
Miss Peck Succeeds Miss Asnfnrd
Monday of this week Miss Allie J
Peck assumed possession of the west
B street millinery store purchased
from Miss Elizabeth Af hford Miss
Asbford departed Monday night for
St Joseph and rumor has it will in a
few week be wedded to the gentleman
of her choice
Miss Peck makes due announcement
elsewhere ia this issue
Farmers Attention
Saturday Jan 22od Mr L H Paul
will be with us to tell you of the value
of the Silo You are invited to call and
let him explain to you His experience
with the Silo enables him to give much
information otherwise hard to abtain
and we hope ou will take advantage of
this opportunity
McCook Hardware Co
I am operating a dray and take pleas
ure in quoting the people of McCook the
following prices In East West and
South McCook half ton 35c ton 50c
In the city proper 25c half ton 50c
ton I respectfully solicit a share of
your drBy business
Bradley Devkny
I have moved my dress making par
lors from the Welles residence to the
old Sutton home at 606 Main avenue
and will receive orders at that place or
will bow at homes by the day
Miss Beth Roberson
its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy thb famous Loomis high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
Nebraska Poultry Show
The 25th annual exhibition of the
Nebraska Poultry Association will be
held in Hastings January 17th 21st
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
tMano For Rent
A piaoo for rent Mrs Mills
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
For quick results use McMillens
Cough Cure
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of other
Fresh and wholesome home made
mince meat at Magners market and
While they last astonishing bargains
in millinery at 114 east B street rear of
DeGroff s store
Our line of breakfast stuffs is com
plete Breakfast foods and pancake
flour corn syrup and maple syrup Old
Manse the best maple syrup on the
market Huber
Profit by the costly experience of
those unfortunate people who have lost
their money by speculation fire or
thieves and deposit your hard earned
savings with the First National Bank
where you are insured against loss from
any cause
At tho annual meeting of the stock
holders of the Citizens National Bank
Tuesday A McMillen was elected a
member of the board of directors suc
ceeding as stockholder and director J S
Doyle retired G H Watkins assist
ant cashier became vice president in
succession to Mr Doyle The assistant
cashiership remains unfilled
Attention Land Seekers
See H L Kennedy at once about the special in
ducements to purchasers of Irrigated Land in the best
part of Colorado Excursion leaves McCook Jan 1 8th
I have this day Jan 10 1010 purchased tho millinery stock of Mis s
Elizabeth Asbford at 111 west B street and cordially invito the public to
see me
We sell all trimmed hats at ligdiscount All hats from 500 to
800 going at S300 Hats worth 6300 to 1400 at 5 00 See my lino
New spring goods in a tew weeks Wait for announcements
A rousing impromptu ma s meeting
of citizens of McCook was htJd in the
court room of tho court house Monday
evening to give expression to their
hearty and earnest endorsement of the
course persued by our fellow townsman
Congressman G W Norris in his light
for a revision of the rules of he national
house of representatives to the end that
more representative legislation and gov
ernment be secured and that by the
same token special privilege be checked
This action was inspired and prompt
ed by the recent successful effort of
Congressman Norris in the house in se
curing tho adoption of a motion making
it the duty of the house to appoint its
own committee to investigate the Bal
linger charges and the interior depart
The meeting was organized by calling
to the chair Dr C L Fahnestock and
the selection of H W Conover as secre
tary and the appointment of C W
Taylor P S Heaton LW McConnell
MLawritson a u E S Howell as a com
mittee ou resolutions
During the absence of the committee
while formulating the resolutions several
citizens gave utterance to their senti
ments on the subject and person in
J A Wilcox Dr J D Hare J F
Forbes and others responded briefly to
the call
The expressions of the speakers of
the evening indicated their harmony
with the moral political awakening of
tho people especially of the great Middle
West and cryetalized in the subsequent
adoption of these hearty and stirring
resolutions endorsing and encouraging
ttie course persued and the ends t o far
accomplished h Congressman Norris
A t the conclusion of the meeting thoi e
present affixed their names to the reso
lutions adopted and these wero forward
ed by mail to the congressman in Wash
ington where the wire bad already ca
ried him the language of the vote of
LOLfidence of his towns people
Following is the resoluions adopted
We the citizens of McCook and
neighbors of George W Norris in mass
meeting assembled do hereby pass the
following resolutions
We commend his integrity of pur
pose his unfeigned loyalty to the peo
ples interests and his persistent effort
in the endeavor to attain such a re
vision of the rules as will make the
house of representatives a truly repre
sentative body We do hereby heartily
and unreservedly endorse the firm and
fearless stand taken by our congress
man in the contest now being waged
in congress against a one man power
and for a return of representative gov
ernment Especially do we command
him for refusing to abandon this
righteous cause when refusal meant
humiliating punishment We believe in
the cause of the insurgents and com
ment their courage We are unalter
ably apposed to the present system
under which laws are enactea by a
few for the benefit of a few contrary
to the wishes of the people We ex
tend to him our unqualified endorse
ment of his position in the endeavor to
be a real representative of the people
and an opponent of machine legislation
as practiced in the national congress
under its present rules
Temple Theatre Friday Jan 21
The College Widow
A pictorial 4 act comedy drama by Geo Ade
presented by
under the personal supervision of
Seats on sale at McConnells Drug Store Monday Jan 17
Popular Prices 25c 35c 50c
Pastime theatre Saturday
matinee and night Airship
Zeppelin Be sure and come
How About This
If still debating let this decide you
S750 buys our ladies 91500 loDg coat-
S550 buys our S10 00 ones S3 50 buys
our 8650 ones 89 00 buys our 815 00
ladies coat suits S12 00 buys our S18 00
ones S1600 buys ourS2500 ones This
is in reality asking jou less than the
cost of the cloth in these garments
These prices will sell the last suit and
garment Will you get your share
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
Spiegel Stokes
Albion Neb Jan 12 A home wed
ding took place Monday evening when
Miss Edith Spiegel of this place and
Clarence Stokes of McCook were united
in marriage The bride is the daughter
of Mr and Mrs A Spiegel Rev HH
Millard pastor of the Methodist church
performed the ceremony Mr and Mrs
Stokes left yesterday for their new
home at McCook Lincoln Journal
Alter exposure and when you feel a
cold coming on take Foleys Honey and
Tar the great throat and lung remedy
It stop3 the cough relieves the con
gestion and expels the cold from your
system Is mildly laxative
A McMillen
Not All But Nearly
The Tribune just missed a big burg
lary story by the absence of one fact
its reality Miss Ethel Morrissey how
ever presents fragrant Havanas to thobe
who insistently seek the facts at the
electric office And Art pants for an
other joke
Mind YouThe Best
The best calicoes Simpsons Ameri
can Garners none better are maae
we sell for 5c a yard We believe that
interpsts you The Thompson D G
Co Utmost value
Pneumonia Follows a Cold
but never follows the use of Foleys
Honey and Tar which stops the cough
heals the lungs and expels the cold
from your system A McMillen
For Sale
My residence Hot water beat Mod
ern Call and look it over
F S Wilcox
Hubers have every thing in olives
plain and stuffed from 15 cents to 51
a bottle
Our Longmont Colorado canned veg
etables are now in This years crop of
peas beans and tomatoes at Hubers
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 1 5 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
A Thrilling Drama
A firtw r vvil of tho w test of all
rioimntic HMhxirhinas Monte Cristo
is iirui th TitiihIm theatre Mc
Cook Nrh on Jan 15 and Manager
Fri A Coiir id nf tin attraction prom
ises that thi mot uhsorliini and thrill
ing of dramas will have it two require
ment thoroughly well supplied a uocd
company ami equipment of
a entry The play as presented here
will b perfected by one of the best of
in dern Monte Oristo star actors It
is well known that no play ever written
has exceeded Monte Crkto in the
pnwer of its climaxes or in the fascina
tion of its sttirv It is to be hoped that
rhe laudable ambition of Mr Conrad to
p vide th best kind of theatrical enter
tainmeut will be encouraged by a liber
al patronaue of this famous classic
Prico 25 35 5C 75
Annual leetlnfi January 6th
The annual meeting of the German
Congregational church was held on the
6th Following officers were elected
Deacon John Krieger 2 years secre
tary John Wagner treasurer John
HofT trustee for 3 yearn Adam Schil
lereff S S Supt Adam Getman S S
trustee Conrad Amen S S secretary
Henry Lenbart
Baptisms 39 confirmations 21 mar
riages 5 deaths 6
Members 130 C5 main and 65 female
Families 95 Sunday school 155 End
eavor 65
Missions 215 home expenses 8951
Pastors salary 700 Church property
value 83000
A Famous Duel
The memorable duel scene in Monte
Cristo as well as such climax as the
World is Mine will bo irresistible
magnets for the coming engagement of
the play at the Temple theatre McCook
Neb Jan 15th and is as exact a repro
duction as possible of the most thrilling
combat that ever took place on a field
of honor the meeting of Del Fresnchi
Chateau Renaud in the Fontainbleau
forest near Paris It is a deadly duel
with aU details closely f3llowing the
historical combat as described by Ben
jaman DIsreali Prices 25 35 50 and
75 cents
Simple lotions and skin creams may
aid beauty by making and keeping the
skin smooth soft and clear but
McConnells Cold Cream
does more It rounds out the angles
while it does all that any preparation
can do in clearing the complexion
Carefully massaging with cold cream
beautifies by aiding nature to fill in the
hollows Its a food that nourishes the
underlying tissues Delightful to use
Price 35 cents
L W McConnell Druggist
Jurors January Term 19 10
Fred Adams J R Brown
J V Brush Perry Castor
George Clouee Frank
Ed Erwin C W Graves
R A Hagberg John E Jones
Frank Junker Thos Kennedy
Robert G Knowles F E Lafferty
F W McCashlaud Joseph Reiter
S D McClain Jas McCollum
D C Marsh P O Probasco
W T Shields L W Stayner
Chester Strockey C M Lofton
Furs at Two Third Price
Any scarf any cravat any throw or
four in hand any pillow muff or rug
muff any matched set all all go at
two thirds of the price That means
business That makes business The
Thompson D G Co Utmost service
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Straw For Sale
Both wheat and barley straw Phone
cherry 1651 DaveDeven
Try me and see how white I am 91
Lincoln A P mixed paint is fully
guaranteed for durability A McMil
len druggist
At the Intermission in Temple theatre
building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar
and Novum Templum 5c smoke
Quality like blood tells Quality ex I
plains the well earned popularity of the
Famous Loomis High Patent Fours
Sold by McCook Flour and Feed Store j
1 -
I wish to show my appreciation
of tho liberal patronage bestowed
by tho people of McCook and sur
rounding towns during tho open
ing months of my studio and to
bespeak their continued confi
dence during tho New Year prom
ising my best efforts to produce
the best and most artistic con
ceits in the photographic art and
to attune my step to the music of
its progress
E Schell Kimmell
1 Studio 1st door north
of Commercial hotel
Resolutions of Respect
Wherea9 it has ploased the Grand
Master of the Universe to remove from
our midst our worthy brother Henry
H Berry
Therefore be it resolved this frater
nity has lost no earnest and active mem
ber the family a loving and affectionate
husband and father and the community
an upright and honorable citizen
Be it further resolved that McCook
lodge No 61 A O U W extend to the
bereaved family their profound sympa
thy in this their hour of grief
Resolved a copy of these resolutions
be sent to the family of our late brother
a copy spread on the minutes of the
lodge and a copy furnished to tho city
papers for publication
M O McClure
Maurice Griffin Com
C B Gray
Foot Ball M Men
Last Friday morning at assembly
exerciser the HighJSchooL Athletic as-
sociation granted letter Ms to the
following men of the 1909 foot ball
Joe Moore Charles Nelms Glen
Rowell Hay Ryan Charles Milligan
John Byfield Joe Williams Fred Ams
den Frank ORourke George Allen
Merle Fish Walter Campbell Charles
Bailey and Baxter Austin
The association is preparing for the
spring athletic meets and from the
number of candidates it appears there
will be a well contested program for
first place in representing the school
at the Southwest Nebraska field meet
and the State High School meet at
Lincoln on May 14
Residence- For Sale
Wishing to move to Colorado I desire
to sell my residence 906 1st street east
at once H L Kennedy
Graves is an expert on sharpening
shears Shears called for and delivered
301 west 1st st
In Twenty Years
will you bo living from hand lo
month or will you be comfort
ably woll off Somo men havo
mado a million dollars in that
time Thousands of them havo
become independent mon of in
fluence and standing Tho road
is open to you as well as others
Somo of your friends havo already
started and are woll on thoir way
towards a fortune You do not
neod to wait any longer boforo
getting started but can begin
now by depositing JUST WHAT
YOU HAVE with this bank
Bettor begin tho Now Year
right by depositing REGULAR
LY with
P Walsh President
C F Lkhn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
The Truth About Japan
In the fourth number of the Citizens
Entertainment and Lectuic Course Dr
Thomas E Green will discuss the Japa
nese question which has been holding
so much of the diplomatic attention of
the world for the past two jears
Tne committee hardly knows what
language to use to impress your mind
with the excellence of Dr Greens work
on tho platform Ibere are lecturers
and lecturers But the difference in
merit is as wide as can be imagined
Many so called lecturers are not worthy
of the name in any way Every public
minded citizen who boasts of a taste for
the better things in a cultural way
ought to hear Dr Green on January
25 at the Temple theatre The time may
come soon when every citizen will be
called upon to vote on questions pertain
ing to Japanese policy The Japanese
labor question is yet unsolved
Dr Green and his work are known
wherever there is an intellectual public
The dignified News of Lynchburg Va
said Dr Green is the most intellect
ual man on the American platform
It was the Boston Advertiser that in a
bit of most enthusiastic comment called
him the Webster of ihe West
And the Richmond Va Times-Dispatch
one of the most conservative pap
ers in America said editorially Dr
Greens lecture of last night was tho
best heard here in ten years excepting
none although in that time wo have
had some of the most celebrated orators
in the world
Such praise miht seem extravagant
but the merit is back of all of it
Did anyone make our flag Ah no
By colors that will not fade
By sinuous sweep and by deathless glow
It is us that the flag has made
And it whispers today to each star told
You must hold me high and must keep
me great DrGreea
Compound Fracture
Monday afternoon a horse Eph Benj
amin was riding slipped on the ice and
fell on Mr Benjamins leg causing a
compound fracture a few inches above
the ankle He is doing as well as can be
expected considering the severity of the
Bring- 50 Cents and
a jug and get a gallon of pure New
Orleans syrup
J A Wilcox Son
All kinds of wagons for the boys
McCook Hardware Co
Delinquent Personal Tax Notice
Personal Taxes for 1909 now un
paid were delinquent December 1st
now drawing interest at 10 percent
from that date Should be paid du
ring the month of January Are
subject to collection by distress war
rant after February 1st 1910
C NADEN Co Treas
McCook Neb Jan 1 1910
Apples and Potatoes
Carload Apples now in storehouse both
bulk and barrels Also choice Potatoes at
85 cents a bushel delivered Phone No 104