The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 06, 1910, Image 8

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is Cnc cf the Curiosities of the
Mineral Kingdom
Nature Hss In Some Peculiar Way
Produced This Rare Form of Carbci
And Then Thrown Away the Secret
of the Process Found Only In Brazil
Tin term black iliuuiuuds Is koiih
times Jokingly sipplltd tt ordinary coir
wlilcli vc hum in our runiwiS Inn
Viw real hind dliiinonds of coir
uiLtce an nniony the most unique nun
vn prudiiits of the world and ilir
wrvc a purpose in tin industrial v 1 1 1
ttm makes ilium of ureal value Tin
Dlnck diatiioiids are pure curium aim
et in no outward nppearanre reseui
ble the diamonds which we are arms
tomed to wear as ornaments Tliej
wre slightly harder than the rrstal 01
uem diamonds and in fact ahout tin
hardest suhstanre known
Black diamonds or carhons ari
anions the greatest curiosities of the
lalneral kingdom They are without
rystnlllne form and are found In ir
Tegular pieces rangin in size from
laalf a carat up to three four and Ave
kuudred carats They are dark gray
Unck or brownish In color aud opaque
She real diamond of the jewelry trade
also pure carbon but translucent
and crystalline in form Two objects
so alike In composition could not be
Hound so opposite In appearance as
these two forms of carbon
Another peculiar thing about the
Hack diamonds is that they are found
only in one locality In the world They
come from a very small section of Bra
sdl not more than 225 miles square in
area Outside of this limited territory
bo pure black diamonds have ever
Been found
What peculiar freak of nature caus
ed the deposition of the black dia
monds in this section of the world and
aowhere else is one of the mysteries
which science has failed to explain
Soue of them has been found in tho
jreat Kimberley diamond regions
where the crystal Torm of diamonds
Save for so long beenmined
The whole origin of the black dia
mond is therefore a scientific eulgma
Saturally the question is raised Of
TOliat use Is a black diamond V No
ane would care to wear one of these
diamonds which resembles a piece of
-soul more than a real diamond and so
Snr no one has popularized the black
euis as the black pearl has been
Severtheless the black diamonds serve
s most important and useful function
St the industrial world
This pure black carbon is not only
harder than the real diamond Mil
rougher and not so brittle as the gem
Consequently it Is of great value for
nrtny mechanical purposes aud panic
aiarly for boring with diamond drills
n diamond drilling the tips of the
drills are studded with carbon or
black diamonds and when the bores
are deep the pressure is so great that
sue gem diamonds would be crushed in
she process But the carbon resists
shls continued pressure and slowly
aats down into the rocks
In diamond drill work the carbon Is
set in circular pieces of soft steel or
son called bits and these bits are at
tached to tubing Armed with these
alack diamond teeth the drills push
ibeir way down under severe pressure
A a depth of live and six thousand
eet cutting through the hardest kind
at rock Some black diamonds are
iuch harder than others aud there is
20 way to determine by the color the
jffereuee in the degree of toughness
Black diamonds or pure carbou are
not by any means cheap and the own
rs of the mines in Brazil where they
are gathered are making a good thing
OTt of their monopoly There is no
Saown substance that ran take the
glace of carbon in drills in boring for
3ld silver cupper and other mineral
deposits Before the blark diaionds
cf Brazil were discovered it was im
jjossible to make borings
When the was lirst introduc
ed in our industries jt was used in
diamond saws iii nittiii xfuiitv mar
31e and similar sulHtaures Thru tin
grice ad van ed si thit tin- irluii wa
round too cosily tor mkIi um and bur
jras substituted fur stone iirtiuu Brr
i really an unperfert rrystil ur gni
diamond i i too brittle fur iw
Si drills tup eiucuily hurt has tak
en the pla r blr diimunds tin
Stone rutting asd tlie iUer Iiive been
restricted lilnmt eitn to diamond
drillinu purposes
The average size f black diaiuoud
ast d in the drills rmye from two to
Jive carats but tin- larirur specimen-
give much In ttet rrult Tlie com
more but thr 1im lunger Iuiixc
quentiy there i a greatet demand tor
tile larger pieces ut pure rarbuii aud
Tile price is sometimes run up to pre
mium figures for unusual specimens
The fear thai the supply of black
diamonds may some day give out and
paralyze the diamond drilling industry
ftmr stimulated prospectors to syste
matic search for uew deposits but so
far they have not been successful On
the other hand scientists have been
milking a close study of the chemical
spnditiotre which have produced the
Slack diamonds but their manufacture
is apparently about as difficult as the
making of the gem diamonds It is
When Bagpipes Squeak Out The Star
Spangled Banner
I wish growled a man who mad
a tour of the British Isle ibat Uie
British bandmasters cjuiti lake a
course of instruction m i im i w
tutes the American national w
concerts are the rage ah i 1 110
Ireland Scotland aiui imuiiu
the summer mui jnuami a
compliment to ttoido t
who a iiiuPiiig away goiu tor
their benefit llic present daily vvi at
is geiuiallx dulibed American nation
al nil
1 in majority of these iuuiti masters
think Dixie Is the national air be
luitse they sagely observe it is the
only one which Americans applaud
The Star Spangled Banner is dismal
and lugubrious enough under the lni
of circumstances but to hear the
Scotch bagpipes have a Uing at ii 1
iudescrlbable misery The man who
wrote the Columbia hymn would not
know his own work as performed in
Great Britain aud even the Kentucky
Home and other negro ballads get a
touch between an Irish jig and a
Scotch wail which robs the American
visitor of any pleasure which he might
experience in hearing songs trom
home It may be that British Scotch
aud Irish guests on this side of the
water get as much discomfort in hear
ing Annie Laurie I hope they do
for it would establish a sort of Inter
national musical balance New York
How to Awaken at Any Hour You May
Sleep is the best cure for waking
trouble Hours for sleep
Nature gives five
Custom seven
Weariness takes nine
Laziness eleven
If you wish to arise at a certain
hour before going to bed make with
your right foot as many marks on the
floor as the hour on which you wish
to wake then go to bed backward
To insure happy dreams bum some
hazelnuts and do the ashes up in a
package which you must place be
neatb your pillow You will then dream
If you wish ever to marry never
look under the bed
If a person talks in bis sleep put his
hand in a bowl of water and he will
tell you all his secrets
The Hindoos say it is bad lurk to
sleep with your head to the north but
sleeping with your head to the south
promotes longevity
It Is considered by some nations dan
gerous to sleep while thirsty for the
soul leaves the body in search of wa
ter and if the body awakened too
quickly the soul might not have time
to return to it so the body would die
In Germany the nightmare is believ
ed to be a spectral being which places
itself upon the breast ot the sleeper
depriving him of the power of utter
ance or motion Philadelphia Press
Parks of Australian Cities
Australians wich a tine climate be
lieve in enjoying themselves and there
are plenty of facilities Tints in Syd
ney there are parks and squares and
public gardens witb a total area of
4335 acres Sixteen miles from the
city a shilling excursion train fare
is the picturesque national park con
taining 30810 acres preserved in their
natural state A similar reserve call
ed Kurin gal Chase comprising 3i3U0
acres of land chiefly of densely wood
ed hills skirting for many miles around
numerous tidal arms of Brokeu bay is
also held for the enjoyment of the
publrc forever Melbourne has no
fewer than 5400 acres of recreation
grounds In or near the city Adelaide
is surrounded by a belt of park lauds
and has shout 2300 acres set apart for
the public beneGt Nor are Perth and
riobart and Brisbane and some of the
fine inland towns less well provided
for Westminster Gazette
Malay Race Not Dying Out
There is a very common idea that
the Malay is a race that is dying out
killed in its own couutry by the enter
prise of Chinese Tamils Javanese
who however are kiusmen of the Ma
iaysi and Europeans To those who
come out east expecting to Gnd a few
miserable remains of a once powerful
race whose probable fate is that of
the Australian aborigines it comes as
a revelation to bud a sturdy independ
ent and courteous race whose lan
guage runs from Suez to Australia and
who so far from dying out are year
ly becoming more numerous Java
A bad Start
Ever try this Keep a smiling prop
osition V
Tried it once but with poor suc
cess Unfortunately 1 started the ex
periment on a day that the boss felt
grouchy Louisville Courier Journal
What Made Him Sick
Teacher Your little brother was all
right when he left the house with you
and yet you say hes sick and wont
be in school The Kid Sure Didnt
1 give him the seegar wid me own
hands Puck
Stationary Youth
Rich Father My daughter s too
young to get married She is only
eighteen Impecunious Lover I know
sir but I have waited patiently tor
possible under certain conditions to years and sne doesnt seem to get any
muiie euuer uui uui iu ic suuit ieui 0ider
to be or any commercial value ma
ture in some peculiar way has made
these rare products and then thrown
Early Intelligence
Sundav School Teacher finishing the
Sie secret of the process away If any narrationi And that is the story of
man can ever unlock or find that se- jorjah and the whale Jounuy Isnt it
emt he may cause a panic id the dia strange they knew what a Jonah was
rnond trade Scientific- American J that long ag0 i
400 500 and 600
Trimmed Hats for
800 1000 and 1200
Trimmed Hats for
1500 1800 and 2000
Trimmed Hats for
Do your trading
at our store every
day next week
Be sure and try McCook flour and
get the best
McMillens Little Liver Granules will
do you good
If you want a good loaf of bread try
Anchor Patent
Remember the sale of millinery at 114
east B street
The Juniors tripped the light fan
tastic New Year eve in the Monte
Cristo hall
The Monte Cristo hall was the scene
of quite a brilliant New Year dance on
the evening of the 1st
Mercy and Ralief is the WCTU
topic for January 14th with Mrs Mc
Bride as hostess and Mrs Wimer as
Note that the meetings of the Ladies
Circle have been changed to 2nd and
4tb Fridays of each month instead of
the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month
as formerly
150 each
hi tig1 Always Follows
Our Annua Muslin Underwear Sale
Which Closes Saturday Night January 8
has receiver the attention of hundreds of the ladies of McCook and neighboring town who have visited our store during this sale
seeming Muslin Undergarment Values never before equalled in McCook
WE URGE every lady who has not been in this week to come without fail before Saturday night and secure a share of these
great values You must see thitn to appreciate their cheapness
Then Comes
Our Popular Twenty Percent Discount Sale
Beginning Honday January 10 and
Closing Saturday January 15
This sale is looked forward to by every customer who is anxious to make every dollar count for the very most possible for
our reputation has been established we do exactly as we advertise and this sale means that
Everything in Every Department Throughout Our Entire Store Will be Sold
at OneFifth Less than the Regular Price
and clean stock figure for yourself what this discount means on
You are familiar with our usual low prices our up-to-date
seasonable and desirable Dry Goods then be on hand next week and get your share
I ill 1
Even Greater Reductions in Our
Ready to Wear Department
During this sale week our entire stock of COATS SUITS AND
DRESSES will go at the following great reductions
One 35 Russian Poney Coat 2775
One 35 Black Fur Coat 2575
One 25 Black Caracul Coat 1575
Twenty Percent Discount on Every
Fur Scarf and Muff in Our Stock
One 3500 Dress 24 75
All 2500 Dresses 1675
2000 14 75
i 1750 I2 75
1500 u 75
Tr 1250 9 75
1000 7 75
McConnell fills prescriptions
Any 3500 Coat- or Suit 28
3000 23
44 2500 18
2000 4 15
1500 4 11
1250 4 9
1000 4 tj
44 750 Coat 5
600 4
500 3
Cheaper ones 2
gS e
Did some one cough Tell him ahout
McConnells Balsam
While they last astonishing bargains
in millinery at 114 east B street rear of
DeGroffs store
Have you written on any of the new
style stationery
L W McConnell Druggist
Mrs Bradford of C L DeGroff
Cos Ready-to-Wear department has
returned from her holiday absence in
Denver and resumed work in that de
partment and is ready to receive dress
making orders for prompt delivery
Lessons in Water Color Painting-
Mrs Lottie Brewer has returned from
her Chicago study in water color work
and will give lessons in painting You
of course have noticed her beautiful ex
hibits in DeGroffs and The Model shoe
Its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy thb famous Loomis high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
R Ill
I Ill i 5 1
Final CleanUp of All Our Millinery Goods
In order to clean our stock of Fall and
Winter Millinery and make room for early ship
ments of Spring Goods we offer during this sale
All Ribbons Malines Chiffons Feath
ers and Wings at One Half Off
All Ostrich Plumes at OneThird Off
This stock is all clean perfect and season
able merchandise which we fully guarantee and
strongly recommend to every lady who wishes
anything in the millinery line
F W 4 i jk jL Ml
Phone 56
222 flain avenue
Real Eslate Filings
Fred Graham to George M
Thomas wd to 13 in 13 Dan
bury 500 00
Joseph L Stitt et ux to Wil
liam M Crouse wd to s hf
nw qr 3 4 in 4 2 27 7500 00
Lincoln Land Co to Margaret
Brumgart wd to 10 in G 6th
McCook 250 CO
Margaret Brumgart et con to
Joseph E Stansberry wd to
same as above 1 00
Walter Hickling et ux to
James 11 Duvall wd to se qr
21 329 7500 00
A H Knuth et ux to W A
Knuth wd to n hf sw qr se
qr stf qr s w qr se qr 26-4-30 2000 00
United States to August Droll
pat to nw qr 1S 3 19
James Wilson to John Harri
son wd to 10 in 31 Indianola 50 00
Rub out lines and wrinkles and make
your complexion fresh and young by
the use of Hudnuts Cold Cream
L W McConnell Druggist
Millinery at practically your own
price at 114 east B street rear of De
On everything
you buy you will
receive 15 off
1 I
8 -- imi 111 ll luiiiTrBPiEaaw7
ill ti i mm thmmii jih irnnifiTirrMriHiJiiTiaiiitTtirrsaBagsrTitiiinmirrMai
McConnell for drugs
McCook Milling Co
91 Patent is the
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postofiice Jan 7 1910
Clark Miss Blanche Clough Mrs
C G Green D A Hickman Mr Eli
Jones Mr Tommy Mullen Mr Peat
Nelson Mrs F Nilsson Miss Tory
Peterson Mrs Noro
Fitzgerald Rev D F Fisher Mr J
K Halson Miss M Imel Charlie Lyle
Mr Earl Purnphry Mr G Rupp Mr
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
Lon Cone P M
Load up you camera and get some
good winter scenes We have every
thing in supplies that you will want
L W McConnell Druggist
Real and genuine bargains in millin
ery Rear of DeGroffs 114 east B
Get our prices on canned goods before
buying Magner gibcery and meat mar
Mary Harrisonnurse Phone black 286X