The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 06, 1910, Image 2

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Tha bist play w ever had was The
ilesspnger Boy Friday evening Dec
3L The orchestra was immense
Mr nH Mrs J R Sinn and iho bal V i
apent New Year day at Holbro k with
Sir and Mrs Frank Purvis
The drill and oyster supper by the D
of H after the opera Friday night was
xhot affair
Frank Camahan of Manilla Iowa re
named horn1 Tuesday morning after
several dajs visit with his parents Mr
and Mrs James Camahan and other
relatives and friends It was niue years
since Frank had visited Bartley and fce
was much surprised to see the great im
provement since that time Hereturne
koine by way of Columbus Neb where
Ife will visit his brother Prof L A
H L Burton and wife of Wauneta
ho have been here during the holidays
with relatives and friends went to their
home Wednesday
Elmer Turpin says a nice girl baby is
fee finest Christmas present and that
saakes him smile
Ed Lohr and wife of Axtell visited
with Mr Lohrs parents during the
iolidays Ed is R R agent at Axtell
The Bartley Dramatic club will i lay
Down in DiMe this Friday eveniDg
atHolbrook and at Cambridge Saturday
Will Reiner returned to Lincoln Mon
day morning to continue his studies at
She university
A coal famine existed several days at
The Reiner boys are in Omaha this
week buying a stock or goods which
they will open up first door north of the
drug store They are fine boys and we
anticipate will receive a fair share of
the custom that comes to Bartley Mibs
Emma Reiner will assist them in the
Tlie Misses Shirley Durbin and Hazel
Cochran returned from Beaver City
Sunday morning after a pleasant visit
at the Ira Sheets home
The teachers have all returned and
these is a busy hum at the school house
this week
Foleys Kidney Remedy will cure any
caBe of kidney or bladder trouble not
beyond the reach of mediciue It in
Tigorates the entire 9ystem and strength
ens the kidneys so they eliminate the
impurities from the blood Backache
rheumatism kidney andvbladder troub
les are all cured by this great medicine
A McMillen druggist
E E Holdricige and wife and W
P lillips and wife were call d to Delhi
Io vj Tuesday last on wcoin t of thn
death uf Mesdrtines HnldiJgiaud Phil
lip mother
Laura Simintou of Thurmin Colo
came lat week for a visit with friends
Roy Boy was n Bird City
visitor Monday last
Jessn Nriden and wife of Franklin
Nraska came Weduesda to si end
the holidays with the home folks
Rev W J Miller is holding meetings
in Lebanon this week
Albert Palmer and son came Thurs
day for a short visit with his old friends
There was a surprise party given on
Mrs Nettie Naden Thursday night
There was quite a crowd our and all
report an enjoyable evening
Emmett Erviu is working on the dray
line this week in the absence of Mr
James Robinson and Stella were Mc
Cook visitors Monday last
Yates Olmstead are having their ice
shipped from Beaver City
C S VanPelt and wife from Cedar
Bluffs were down Thursday
Bernice Parker and Ervio Brown were
married at John Browns near Lebanon
Saturday last
A E Boyer left on Friday night for
Omaha to bring Mr Murphy home
Chas Hendricks sold John De Long a
pair of mules for 350
Mr and Mrs M M Young came home
Saturday from visiting in North Platte
Mrs Lewis Elmer and her two little
daughters spent from Wednesday until
Sunday at Louis Longneckers
Hauling ice has been the order of the
day John Owens Louis Longnecker
and Mr Sexson helped each other fill
their houses from the mouth of Red
Willow creek
Mr and Mrs Jacob Randel took New
Year dinner at F C Smiths f
Mr and Mrs Andy Barber spent
Thursday at John Longneckers
Miss Lida Rozell returned to F C
Smiths after staying three weeks at
Mrs Owens Longneckers
Mrs Lewis Elmer visited Mrs Long
necker on Friday
Lewis Elmer helped Longnecker Bros
put up ice
Mrs Jacob Randela health has been
very poor for some time past
rtwnwrt JtrfHV
Charles Van Pelt from near Cedar
Bluffs was in town on busiues one day
last week
Mr McClain of McCook was in town
supplying our merchants with coal oil
and gasoline one day last week
Ralph Smith and George Wingo fin
iihed husking corn for W Pepper Fri
Bernard Milhr is permanently offi
ciating as devil in the Citizen office
Dr DeMay and wife of Danbury
were in town Friday
J L Sims was up from Danbury on
business last midweek
C M Dodge has secured a position as
fireman with the B M Company at
Roy Lofton of near McCook was in
town a few days last week guestof Er
nest Dodge
The ladies of the W C T U gave an
entertainment and oysters in the school
house one day last week The program
consisted of readings music by orches
tra ana vocal solos with songs by the
Dr Bartholomew and family arrived
home on Monday from Lebanon after
spending the holidays with friends and
Dr Carruthers who has been attend
ing to Dr Bartholomews practice du
ring the latters absence left for Lincoln
on Mondays train
L D Newberry and C II Angell
hauled wheat for Fred Furman from hts
farm south of town last week
A few from town attended the annual
meeting of the Beaver Valley Tele
phone Company at Danbury Tuesday
One of J W Peppers little boys was
under Dr DeMays care last week with
an attack of pneumonia
S W Stilgebouer Jr assisted his un
cle in the bank Friday
It is a dangerous thing to take a cough
medicine containing opiates that merely
stifle your cough instead of curing it
Foleys Honey and Tar loosens and cures
the cough and expels the poisonous
germs thus preventing pneumonia and
consumption Refuse substitutes and
take only the genuine Foleys Honey
and Tar in the yellow package A Mc
Received on account Paid out
Cash Credit slips etc for sale at
the Tribune office Per 1000 50c
SYRUP cures coughs and colds
m wt m f wp m ipj w w
Uneeda Biscuit
are made from the finest flour and the best
materials obtainable
That Makes them an ideal
needa Biscuit
are baked in surroundings where cleanliness
and precision are supreme
That Makes them
axe touched only once by human hands
when the pretty girls pack them
That Makes them
Uneeda Biscuit
are sealed in a moisture proof package
That Keeps them JtM
Tom Browne the English Artist and
One of His Models
Tom Browne the English black and
white artist told the following story
of one of his models- I used to have as
a model n long thin jouth who was a
golf caddie on Black heath I made a
water color study of him and put in a
street corner background Before send
ing it to the frame makers I wrote on
the back in pencil a suggestion for a
possible future title A Loafer The
frame maker after framing the sketch
put it in his window until such time
as he could send it up to me with a
card on the picture bearing the title
A Loafer By Tom Browne
One morning the caddie came to the
side door aud asked to speak to me
Theres a picture of me in a shop
winder darn in Greenwich
Yus an all me pals ave seen it
With a sudden fury 1 aint no loaf
er I aint Im a respectable caddie I
ham and youve got to take it hout of
the winder
I assured him that I knew nothing
of the matter and was very sorry
That be blowed for a tile he re
torted Ill mike yer pye damerges
for this Ive been to my solicitor and
e sez e can mike yer
In the end I fixed it up by a little tip
an old coat and a drop of something
Of course I had the picture taken out
of the window The caddie has not sat
for me since
Old Legends About This Beautiful and
Ancient Flower
The beautiful narcissus is a very
ancient llower and poets of all times
have sung about it It bloomed even
as long ago as when gods and god
desses were supposed to live on the
earth The old Grecian legends say it
was the flower the maiden Proserpine
was gathering when Pluto took her
away to his dark home under the
Another legend tells about a beauti
ful youth named Narcissus His fa
ther was a river god named Cephissus
and his mother a nymph called Liriope
The wonderful beauty of the youth
caused many to love him but he was
cold and indifferent to all
A pocr little nymph called Echo loved
him so dearly that she pined away and
died because he would not care for her
At last Nemesis the goddess of retri
bution decided to punish him for hLs
l hard heart
She caused him to fall in love with
his own image as he looked into a
stream and as he could never reach
this beautiful reflection he gradually
perished with hopeless love
His body was changed into the beau
tiful flowers which have ever since
borne his name Pearsons Weekly
rmrrvji mw w
Loss of Appetite or Distress After Eating
Symptoms that Should Not Be
Appetite is just a natural desire of
the system for food necessary to replace
natural body waste Loss of appetite
or stomach distress after eating indicates
indigestion or dyspepsia Overeating
id n habit very dangerous to a persons
good general health aud insatiable ap
petite is a common symptom of dia
It is not what you eat but what you
digest and assimilate that does you
good Some of the strongest heaviest
and healthiest persons are moderate
There is nothing that will createfsick
ness or cause more trouble than a disor
dered stomach and many people daily
contract serious maladies simply through
disregard or abuse of the stomach
We urge everyone suffering from any
stomach derangement indigestion or
dysrepsia whether acute or chronic to
try Resall Dyspepsia Tablets with the
distinct understanding that we will r9
fund cheir money without question or
formality if after reasonable use of this
medicine they are not satisfied with the
results We recommend them to our
customers every day and have yet to
hear of anyone who has not been ben
efited by them
We honestly believe Rexall Dyspepsia
Tablets to be without equal They are
made from the prescription of a physi
cian who devoted his time to the study
and treatment of stomach troubles
They give very prompt relief stimulat
ing the secretion of gastric juices aid to
digestion and assimilation regu
late the bowels and promote nutrition
We urge you to try a 25 cent box of
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets which give 13
days treatment At the end of that
time your money will be returned to you
if you are not satisfied Of course in
chronic cases length of treatment varies
For such cases we have two larger sizes
which sell for 50 cents and S1C0
Remember you can get Rexall Reme
dipa in McCook only at our store The
Rexall Store L W McConnell
CoNOUKOATioNAf Pronehintj at 11
nnii 8 oclorU Sunday hcIm t 10 a
in Cliri tKtu 13 dnnvir 7 oclock
Iwijit mcetiiKf Wedn dty evening
ul ijht oclock TIim iiuhc is
illitl iiiVileil to I brtflci B
KhV U r I5aYsk Pastor
KimpCiiI Pfiiifliin - at St
iiy church at 11 u m rtid 7 30 p
ai aidn uhool ut 10 a in Com
i it tit nn L t Sundays 11 a m 3rd Sun
dux s 741 in each month All ar
MiiDmM to those services
13 It 13aklk Rector
Catholic Order of services Maaa
zu rttu Mass and sermon 10lJ am
-veiling eorvico at 8 oclock Sunday
hool 2T0 p in Ever Sunday
Wm J Kiuwin O M 1
Mkthouist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Claaa
4t 12 Junior Lngiit at 3 Epworth
Leaguo at 645 Prayer meeting Wed
nesdaj night at 745
Hkyant Howk Pantor
Evangkiical Luthkkan Regular
German preaching Borviuea in church
corner ol E and 5th btreet east every
-Hindu rnormig at 1030 All Germans
cordially invited
G07fh st East
Chicistian Sciknuk 210 Main Ave
nue Services Sunday at 11 a in nndm
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Rouin
ipen all the time Science literature
on eale Subject for next Sunday
Evangelical Lutheran Conokkqa
tional Sunday School at 030 n m
Preaching at 1030 a in and 730 p m
by pastor Junior O E at 130 p in
senior C E at 700 p in Prajer
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day oveninus at 130 All Germaus
cordially invited to these services
Rkv GustavIIknkelmann
505 3rd street WYst
Ruy Campbell of Osborn visited rela
tives in this vicinity Sunday
A T Wilson has returned from his
western trip
Mr and Mrs Bert I lock man have a
n uv 10 lb son
WAStone wife and dnughter ar
rived last Friday night from Oregon
They will visit with relatives here for a
short time then will go to Kansas where
they will make their home
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
Mr and Mrs Wm Bell were Bartley
visitors last Saturday
Another tine snow fell in this part of
the country Monday night
Mr and Mrs Chas Ginther and Hon
Harry visited Now Year day with his
parents Mr and Mrs Taylor Ginther
Sam Walkington hauled hogs to Bartr
ley Saturday
Mrs A Utter Robert Lierley and
wife took dinner New Yuar day with
Taylor Ginther and wife of Bartley
Elmer Oxley and wife of Freedom
visited Saturday and Sunday with hia
parents Mr and Mtb Everett Oxley
George Oxley hauled several loads of
hogs to Cambridge Thursday
George Saylor of Trenton Neb is
visiting his brother Joe Saylor
Kenneth Oxley visited sevornl days
the first of this week with his Grandpa
and Grandma Oxley
Mrs George Oxley and children re
turned Friday evening from Lincoln
Neb where they have been visiting for
the past two weeks
George Oxley and family spent New
Year day with his parents
Mr and Mr3 Charles Ginther visited
Tuesday with her parents
JakeKutz lost a valuable horse last
Wui Hunt shucked corn tor McCar
thy first of this week
Grandpa Collicott lost a valuable
horse one day last week
B F Wilson delivered 75 head of
shoat last week to Mr Somerville of
near Perry
Chris Smith and wife are the proud
parents of another boy that came to
live with them just before the holidays
We wonder when the weather man
will give us some good weather
Steve Fitzgibbons and family visited
his parents one day last week
The foundation for the new Catholic
church at St Ann is laid but the bad
weather prevents putting up the build-
Caspar Heckenkamps new home ia
about completed
Simple Remedy for LaGrippe
LaGrippe coughs are dangerous as
they frequently develop into pneumonia
Foleys Honey and Tar not only stops
the cough but heals and strengthens
the lungs eo that no serious result need
be feared The genuine Foley3 Honej
and Tar contains no harmful drug and is
in a yellow package A McMillen