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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1910)
L h Vr7qg -- TWENTY EIGHTH YEAR A NOTE OF APPRECIATION I wish to show my appreciation of the liberal patronage bestowed by the people of McCook and sur rounding towns during the open ing months of my studio and to bespeak their continued confi dence during the New Year prom ising my best efforts to produce the best and most artistic con ceits in the photographic art and to attune my step to the music o its progress E Schell Kimmell Studio 1st door north 1 of Commercial hotel A Parting Word Office of Co Supt Rkd Willow Co McCook Nebr Jan 5 1909 To the Members of the School Boards Patrons Children Voters and all citi zens of the county The time has come when as your coun ty superintendent I must say Good bye The two years that I have served as your official have been enjoyable ones to cne aDd it is with many regrets that I iiow sever the connection The pleasant acquaintances and asso ciations formed have helped me in my efforts and to each and all I am indebt ed for what small success I may have attaired and I trust that all errors and mistakes will be kindly overlooked by you as I can conscientiously say that I iid the best I knew Especially do I wish to thank the farmers for their generous hospitality vand entertainment as I traveled thru the country Wishing you a happy and prosperous Year followed by many similar ones I am Most Sincerely Claudia B- Hatchkb PLEASE STOP COUGHING A cough racks the system irritates he membrances of the air passages and extends the inflammation which is the cause of the cough McConnells Balsam jgoes to the seat of the trouble soothes -sway the irritation and heals the in flamed membranes Stops coughs -as quickly as any safe remedy can Price 25 cents L W McConnell Druggist Fine Horses and Jacks William Jeffries recently returned tfrom Iowa with a carload of fine stallions and some choice jacks which are on exhibition and sale at the east livery barn He has some fine ani tmals to offer Phurs Furrs Furs They are going now at January prices at slaughter prices at your own price Any scarf cravat throw rug muff or tmatched set for two thirds its price The Thompson D G Co Clearing the Furs GIven Liberal Space and Illustration The splendid review edition of the Lincoln Journal of last Sunday devoted -about five hundred words and liberal te3pacein illustrating the Temple theatre Iribuilding of McCook j Residence For Sale Wishing to move to Colorado I desire to sell my residence 906 1st street east at once H L Kennedy Ladles Graves is an expert on sharpening -shears Shears called for and delivered 301 west 1st st John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Get a millinery bargain at 114 east B -street rear of DeGroffs If you want pickles go to Hubers and - yoa will find most anything in the fickle line We have the Wedding Breakfast syrup to go with the coffee at Hubers Monarch Silver Bell and White Satin spell success in good bread and cake baking Buy the best McCook Flour and Feed Store If you have money lying idle or in vested in a way that is not satisfactory or does not yield more than 4 per cent you should investigate the Certificates of Deposit issued by the First National Sank r i V fe Two Fire Alarms Tuesday Morning- McCook was disturbed by two lire alarms Tuesday morning Fortunately neither fire amounted to much The first was tutnpd in from the resi dence of Dr A T Gatewoud and was cuseri by the explosion of the water back iu the range The water had and consequently the water back was in the same condition Fire was bull in the range and a heavy presure of steam was thus caused resulung iu a terrific explosion wrecking the stoe and cluing some damage to the kitchen Fortunately the young bon escaped with slight injury The becond alarm came from the resi dence of J Braubcom on 3rd street east occupied by E W Glandon A defective flui had caused a small fire on the kitchen roof which was easily ex- 1 tinguished with small los The department responded to both alarms but found it only necessary to turn on the water at the Branscom fire Post Resolutions J K Barnes Post No 207 GAR January 1 1910 Whereas It has seemed the will of the Great Commander of the Universe to muster out of service our beloved comrade H H Berry one of the char ter members of J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R and he answered his last roll call December 28 1909 be it Resolved That this Pest and all G A R men in this part of the state will miss his genial face and cheery voice at all gatherings and on the street that the Grand Army has lost an active comrade the oity a good citizen and his family a good loving husband and father Be it further Resolved That the Post Charter be draped in mourning for thirty days that these resolutions be pub lished in the city paptrs and a copy be sent to the bereaved family J A Wilcox J H Yarger Committee Patrons of City Schools The regular work of the second half- year will begin January 24 All parents of children who are to enter bchool for the first time are requested to have their childien entered between January 24 and February 4 This does not apply to children who have been to school here or elsewhere before this time butsimply to beginners For the reason that there will be no classes suitable we will not want to ac cept beginners after February 4 No children can be admitted by law before they are five years old MAY YOU NEVER NEED THEM BUT if you do remember we have them We refer to crutches No one knows when they will be required and it is the misfortune of some to require them all of the time Those wo handle are of superior qual ity All sizes L W McConnell Druggist A Card of Thanks We are most grateful and thankful to all the neighbors and friends for willing assistance and every sympathy during the illness and after the death of our dear one The memory of your kind nesses will ever be with us Mrs H H Berry and Family McConnells Balsam cures coughs Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hubers only Huber handles the Carhartt gloves and caps also and a full line of other makes Fresh and wholesome home made mince meat at Magners market and grocery For a consideration of 8925 Edgar B Ozman has sold his Cretor popcorn wagon and equipment to Lewis E Oz mao The Baptist friends received New Year afternoon and evening in the church to meet thoir new pastor Rev lams Boys with hats on the back of their heads and long hair hanging down over their foreheadp and smutty stories in their mouths are cheaper than old worn out work horses Nobody wants them at any price Men dont want them and sensible girls wont marry them They are not worth their keep ing and it is not likely that they will be able to keep themselves If anybody should happen to read this who answers to the above description let him take a look at himself and jump in a well and say Here cops nothin Unknown A F A M Meeting Special meeting of McCook Lodge No 133 A F A 51 Friday Jan 7th at 700 p m Work in M 31 degree By Order of the W M C L FAnuESTOCK Secy 4 BUSINESS CHANGbS 0 JANUARY FIRST First of the Year Produces More Than the Usual Number of Changes m Business Partnerships The first of the ear seems to be the customary period when business changes become tffective when partnerships terminate etc This year of grace in McLouk brings more than the usual grist The partnership which has for years existed between C W Barnes and EJ Mitchell in the publication of the Mc Cook Republicpn was on this day dis solved by mutual consent Mr Mitchell retiring and Mr Barues buying his in tertstsin the business which be wilt continue at the old location Mr Mit chell will engage in the real estate busi n hp having contracted with the T V Lowe Realty Co of Goodland KansaB to be1 a field man for that company He will assume the duties of his new- posi tion February 1st The Tribune wishes him success January 1st the old plumbing con cern of F D Burgess underwent a blight change in name and now reads F D Burgess Son his son George entering the business as partner Martin Matson is now going it alone in the auctioneering business S D McClain retiring from the firm by mu tual consent The legal firm of Morlan Ritchie vVolff has also undergone a change Mr Morlan returning to the practice alone aud Messrs Ritchie Wolff con tinuing the partnership and at the old location Mr Morlan has equipped quarters in hs building in the rear of the old quarters Miss Nichols and E R Jordan constitute his office force FARMERS Would You Be Interested In a proposition that would make you one hundred percent on the investment the first year besides guaranteeing you a permanent income In reality this is what we are all look ing for and every farmer nan have it We mean a Silo We are going to sell Silo because we believe they are a gocd thing for this country We intend to have a man come in and talk to our farmers about the value of 1 the siio but first we want to know that there will be some interest takon Come in and tell us if you would like to hear this man and we will then ar range a date and notify you McCook Hardware Co District Court Terms 1910 Judgtj Orr has ainouuced the follow ing terms of district court for the Four teenth judicial district for 1910 Chase April 23 Nov 14 Dundy March 7 Nov 21 Frontier March 21 Oct 3 Furnas Feb 14 May 31 Oct 17 Gosper Jan 24 Sept 26 Hayes April 18 Sept 19 Hitchcock April 5 Oct 10 Red Willow Jan 31 May 23 Nov 28 All the above terras will be jury terms but the two May terms the 23rd in this county and the 3lst in Furnas Draylng I am operating a dray and take pleas ure in quoting the people of McCock the following prices In East West and South McCook half ton 35c ton 50c In the city proper 25c half ton 50c ton I respectfully solicit a share of your dray business Bradley Deveny The College Widow The Mask and Wig Dramatic Club will put on The College Widow in the Temple theatre Friday evening Janu ary 21st Watch for future announce ments Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton Piano Por Rent A piano for rent Mrs Mills Everything in drugs McConnell A McMillen prescription druggist Try me aud see how white I am 91 Patent Use McMillens Cream Lotion for chapped face and hands Wheat is down and so is flour In quire of McCook Milling Co Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at McCook Flour and Feed Store Our line of breakfast stuffs is com plete Breakfast foods and pancake flour corn syrup and maple syrup Old Manse the best maple syrup on the market Hdber After Jan 1 1910 all daily papers de livered must be paid for in advance The small profit on papers at present makes necessary for us to adopt this system Barney Hofer McCook News Co i wmwimmmmMYftiitpiyvBS8 Mtmk - Max Landows Piano Recital The piano ncital by Mux Lmdow of Omaha last Friday evening was one of ttw best of the really high class musical events in the history of McCook Th r is but one fact regrettable namely that bo few comparatively were present to en joy the efforts of that finished and de- lightf ully skillful artist The quality of i his program may be gained conclusively irom tne following numners irom ine masters program Sonata F minoAppassionata Beethoven Allegro assai Andante con inoto Allegro ma uon troppo Presto Des Abends Nocturne J Sohumnnn Arabesque f Vogel als Prophet J Prelude D flat major Mazurka I fa Nocturne b phnrpmaj Scherzo B minor J Eriking after Schubprt j lot Rhansodie Honeroise No Lipzt Polonnaise E major -HEED KIDNEY TROUBLES A iVODERN DANGER The conditions of modern life have bVought about an increase of kidney troubles Overwork high living and overheating combined with sedentry habits throw an unusual burden oi the kidneys and they often yield to the strain Any sign of disorder of the kidneys should have prompt attention REXALL KIDNEY PILLS are a most valuable remedy for all kid ney troubles L W McConnell Druggist Getting Rid of the Cloaks aDd Suits these days at slaughter prices S6 50 Ladies Long Coats 83 50 S875 ones for S450 10 ones for 5 50 15 ones for 7 50 2500 Ladies Jacket Suits for 1600 18 ones for 12 1250 ones for 7 50 You will see the advantage of these fig ures we are sure The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Different on Saturday Nlgfht A large audience greeted A Messen ger Bjy last Saturday night While on the barn storming order it was to many unexpectedly fair in performance and on the whole quite satisfactory The orchestra was much above the ordi nary xne nana maae up in encnusias tic vociferousness aught lacking in num bers Flnlty the New Clerk H M Finity is the new clerk of the A O U W but those who have been accustomed to get their receipts for dues eic at the White House Grocery can do so in the future as in the past Jeffries Gotch The famous Jeffries Gotch combina tion is expected to show in the Temple theatre January 18th This will be the only stand this combination will make in Nebraska For Sale My residence Hot water heat Mod ern Call and look it over F S Wilcox Hubers have everything in olives plain and stuffed from 15 cents to 1 a bottle Our Longmont Colorado canned veg etables are now in This years crop of peas beans and tomatoes at Hubers Hubers coffee cannot be beat Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents and Wedding Breakfast beads the list LET US BE YOUR SOLICITOR Our Printing Will HELP YOUR TRADE Every Kind of Commercial Law and Social Printing In Up to Date Styles When In JVeed of JobiaorK Call at This Office W f fr McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING JANUARY 6 1910 HMMHM CWM bmte Stockholders Annual Meeting The annual stockholders meeting of i the shareholders of the Masonic Temple Craft association was hnld in tiiH rooms of the McCook Commpri ial club Mon day afternoon commencing at 230 oclock Reports in writirg and verbal were submitted by the board of directors showing the business affairs of the as sociati jii to be in very satisfactory shape and statements of shareholders present indicate that the htockholders were en tirely pleased with the manner in which the board of directois had transacted the business of the association during the pHt year The financial report made indicated that the total receipt from all sources were 5090450 and the toal disburse ments were 5657001 The building is practically complete and equipped The stockholders then proceeded to the election of three directors with the result that Messrs H P Sutton M O McClure and F M Kimmell were re elected to the directorate for throe years Almost 3000 of- tho 4500 shares were represented at the meeting A vote of thanks was voted the board by the stockholders And a similar and deserved action was taken with respect t the theatre management After the adjurnment of the meeting of stockholders the board of directors met and reorganized with tho election of all the old officers C L Fahne stock president M O McClure vice president Lon Cone secretary C B Gray treasurer M O McClure and F M Kimmell were appointed as the committee on finance and J F Cordeal Matthew Lawritson and Louis Thorgrimson were appointed an auditing committee to go over the books of the secretary and treasurer for the past year I 0 0 0 F Installation Etc All members of McCook Lodge No 137 1 O O F are requested to be present next Monday evening In addi tion to the installation of ofiicers there will be degree work also business of im portance All sojourning brothers are invited to be present Why Will You Go And pay 6c to 7c for calicoes when we sell you the best for 5 cents Dout let your husband get wind of the fact that his pay check is so easily parted with Come to us for Simpsons Amer icans etc The Thompson D G Co Utmost Value Money To Loan On Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Straw For Sale Both wheat and barley straw Phone cherry 1651 Dave Deveny Lincoln A P mixed paint is fully guaranteed for durability A McMil len druggist At the Intermission in Temple theatre building for the Judge Norris 10c cigar and Novum Templum oc smoke Rev lams the new Baptist pastor will preach the first sermon of his regu lar ministry here next Sunday morning Quality like blood tells Quality ex plains the well earned popularity of the Famous Loomis High Patent Fours Sold bv McCook Flour and Feed Store David City used to boast that it had the finest saloon in the state with tbe most co itly furnishings and the best regulations Perhaps it was true But the town became so infested with people who were narrow prejudiced and unfair that they voted the saloons out And great were the grief and lamenta tions at David City It was even at tempted to organize the farmers into boycotting the town Of course no town could prosper without the generous a siatance of that clas9 of citizens who are known to be broad liberal and fair minded But have you beard the lat est The business of David City of ate has seemed to call for more bank ing facilities and a new organization has jut opened for business in the room oc cupied by the famous saloon and tbe former proprietor is one of the ofiicers of the bank Bully for David City and tho man who saw fit to get into a busi ness that will doubtless be more of a satisfaction and pride to his relatives Nebraska Capital In Twenty Years will you bo living from hand to month or will you bo comfort ably well off Some mon havo made a million dollars in that time Thousands of thorn havo become indopondont mon of in fluence nnd standing Tho road is open to you as well as others Some of your friends havo already started and are well on their way towards a fortune You do not neod to wait any longer boforo gotting started but can begin now by depositing JUST WHAT YOU HAVE with this bank Bettor begin tho Now Year right by depositing REGULAR LY with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehv V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS J J Loughran P F McKenna wMeAl NUMBER 33 CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS COM5KKGATIONAL Morning subject The Prores of Christianity in 1909 Evening Illus trated Lecture on Life of Christ HAITIST Morning subject A Larger Lifo Evening at 7J0 A Gospel Message IJ Y P U at 64 i forsale fok rent etc For Sale One good invalids wheel chair Phone black 117 23 3 Lo3T A ladys gold watch and fob between West McCook and tbe Palmer hotel Has old English M and photo inside case Reward for recovery Phone black 244 6 2 Lo t Bunch of keys attached to a Viersen Osborn fob Finder will be suitahly rewa ded by returning same to this otlice Lost Christmas night a purple pansy stick pin set with small diamond Finder please leave it at Tribune otlice or phone black 40 Bring- 50 Cents and a jug and get a gallon of pure New Orleans syrup J A Wilcox Son ADDITIONAL PERSONALS Rev Howe is in Ohio called there by the illness of his mother Peter Weigek of Dixon county this state father in law of A L Miller of Indianola was in the city today with his son in law for a short visit Rev Father Paqcette returned last wpek from Montreal Canada whore he was summoned a few weeks since to the funeral of his aged mother Conrad Hofman who has been livirg at Pocahontas Arksansn for some time has disposed of his property there returning here on last Friday night to make bis home here Mrs H P Waite entertained a com pany of the young people last Thurs day evening at whist in honor of her daughters Mi9 Edna and Mis Edith Refreshments were served later in the evening W S Bykield arrived hom close of last week from his trip to California We are informed that he has purchased land in the neighborhood of Fresno Cal and expects to move to that ttate in the spring Delinquent Personal Tax Notice Personal Taxes for 1909 now un paid were delinquent December 1st now drawing interest at 10 percent from that date Should be paid du ring the month of January Are subject to collection by distress war rant after February 1st 1910 C NADEN Co Treas McCook Neb Jan 1 1910 Apples and Potatoes Carload Apples now in storehouse both bulk and barrels Also choice Potatoes at 85 cents a bushel delivered Phone No 104 ACKERMAN CLARK