The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 30, 1909, Image 6
iwwqpM FjGGZmQneskjn n rcfft mjwvtzi JtWKADBYTHETPSj Pllf Ml ftf Fureinthe li lilllPii baking S m3 Never B v liT BAKING Ftf HKBr DANBURY The E J Ludwig place south of Dan tSury has been bought bv R Sanders S R Messner arrived home Monday Sroui Kansas City where he accompan ikk a shipment of hogs Jacob Korfs an old settler and an old asldicr died on December 21 J L Newman was a Lebanon business nsitor Tuesday Jacob Clouse wrenched his neck and ahoulder recently while wrestling and is making a business just now of Keep aag pretty quiet Will Yates and wife went down to 3endley Tuesday evening Madeline McDonald arrived home last 3sturday to spend the holiday vacation with the folks at home Patrons of the rural routes are re quested to have their money boxes in place handy for the carriers to get the oin out C V Dow and son of Indianola sere here en business Monday Mrs Alfred Ashton of Cedar Bluffs came down to town Wednesday last to spend their Christmas with the home folks Mrs Mark Lumb of Des Moines ar rived here Thursday for a visit of in definite length Prof Morris failed to make his regu lar visit here this week Mr and Mrs P M Spease departed last Saturday night for Crawford and Crete to spend the holidays This kind of weather keep3 the black smiths busy horse shoeing Mr and Mrs Mitchell Young left on Saturday night last for North Platte This is Worth Remembering Whenever you have a cough or cold lust remember that Foleys Honey and Tar will cure it Remember the name Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse sub stitutes A McMillen rwrT - v- Taste Nation i NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY PIAR1UN Mr V II Eifeit and cliihlrsii spent Xmiw with her mother Alra Wilbi r north of Danbury S B Gockley and family ai rived here Saturday from West Pltin Mo after visiting his parents Mr and Mrn L I Gockley He will move on a farm south of McCook The shooting match last week was not very well attended on account of the stormy weather J E Dodge and wife spnt Christmas with Mrs Dodges parents Mr and Mrs N J Johnson at McCook Myrtle Siner came home Thursday for her holiday vacation Mrs Sutton and baby spent Christ mas with relatives south of town Ernest Schweitzenberger has resigned his position on the ranch and moved en a farm north of town Miss Nellie Smith of McCcok is spend ing the holidays with her parents Jesse Smith and wife north of Danbury Mrs A C Furman and children of Fort Collins Colo visited relatives in town last week Mrs B F Darnell is entertaining her parents from down the line over the holidays The school children are enjoying a two weeks vacation the teachers spend ing their vacation out of town W F DaMay spent Christmas with friends at McCook G R Redfern of Fairview is doing the clerk act for F M McFadden We understand the lumber yrl has changed hands E G Caine Co of Indianola being the purchasers to take possession the 15th of January County Attorney Sidney Dodge of Mc Cook was in town the latter end of last week Claude Fowler Ira Kennedy and John Hammell from near McCook mar keted wheat here last Friday Mr b E Gulasha and children visited her sister Mrs Dimmitt south of town a few days the first of the week Lowell Sims of Danbury came up Saturday for a few weeks visit with his grandparents R S Sanders and wife Can Save You Money We can save you some money and a little time if you will order your news papers and magazines through us for the coming year Bring in your lists and let us quote you figures Just a few weeks to New Year Do it now FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf W WHrtj THE DARK OF THE MOON A Result That Is Produced by the Light From the Earth Many people have wondered why the part of the moon that receives no sun light is often visible to us the term being the old moon in the young moons arms The dark part is easily n as a copper colored filobe repos ing in the bright crescent This that we see is nothing more or less than th earth shine on the moon We np juir the same way to the moon when wo are in that phase and our dark part is where the moonshine appears and the bright part of the sunshine The reason the copper color appears is because light has to traverse the atmosphere of the earth three times ence on coming from the sun to the I exrlh once when reflected to the j noon and again on being reflect rd back to us Our atmosphere possesses tl peculiar property of absorbing the hle rays of this white light and al lowing only the red and orange to go through thus causing the appearance of copper color by the triple absorp tion An edd thing connected with this jAenomenon though having nothing to do with it is this That part of the laoon which appears dark to us is the parne part of the earth that appears light to the moon at any specified time and that part of the moon which ap pears bright to us corresponds to the portion of the earth appearing dark to the moon Of course it is well known that the noon gives out no light whatever itself the moonshine being merely the light of the sun on the moon reflected to us The same applies with the earth in its shine on the moon save that we do give out glows no doubt around great cities at night on ac count of the enormous number of lights One thing however in which moonshine excels the earth shine is its constant character Where the earth possesses varying clouds the old moon never has any at all St Louis Re public A PUNJAB CIRCUS Program In Punch and Jab English as Good as the Show The sun never sets on the English language This overdose of sunshine sometimes warps it out of shape In the Malays it becomes pigeon in the south seas it is either sandal wood or beche de mer and among the erudite along the water front at Yo kohama it is banzai Ilere is a sam ple of a brand sometimes called punch and jab English It was cap tured alive by a Calcutta exchange ed itor armed with his scissors in the jun gle of advertising literature that threw its shadow ahead of a native Punjab circus PROGRAMME Under patronage of Royal Duke of Knaught K C B c wferta6P9l - mrviTrwcueHtrjtvniivT has actually been changed and cultivated by Uneeda Biscuit No longer are people satisfied with crackers taken from the grocers box or barrel exposed to dust moisture handling They have learned that the only crackers that are crisp tender always fresh and really good are those protected by a moisture proof package These are the kind they get as If just from the oven when they ask for m cuat - - nia i - us i3 mc very Derter therefore he comes to see that The performance preparation will com mence at S m sharp PART I 1 Some horse will make very good tricks 1 The Ulown will come and talk with that horse therefore audience will lauyh itself very much 3 The lad will walk on horses back and hoise is jumping very much also 1 The Klown will make a joKinfj words and lady will become 10 anqry therefore klown will inn hiiMelt away 5 One boy will tall a ball from top side then he can catch that ball nerore that ball can fall 6 Tin is the very better jumping trick Refreshments 10 minutes PART II 1 One nin will make so tricks of trapeze Audience will fraid hims2lf very much 2 Dogs will jump and roll in the mud 3 One lady will make himself so bend then everybody he will think that he is the rubber lady 4 This is the very grand display 5 This is the very better Gimnastics 6 One man will walk on wire tight ha is doing very nicely because he is a pro tessor of that Refreshments 10 minutes PART III Then will come the very good Dramatic NOTICE No sticks will be allowed in the spec tator and he shall not smoke also Charges for Entrance 1st class Rs 2 2nd class Hs 1 3rd class annas There is no any 4th class New York Tribune Lost Temper Lost temper does great harm said a politician I once knew a man who held thirteen trumps at whist and on ucuuuul ui ui jjuilijui s ii nijiur Ut lOOK only one trick with that ideal hand Impossible sneered a reporter who conducted a weekly bridge column Impossible Not at all was the politicians reply You see as soon as this man trumped his partners ace on the tirst play his partner in a rage jumped up and kicked him out of the room Accounting For Patrick Henry It is related that Chief Justice Salmon P Chase on stopping at the birthplace of Patrick Ileury in Vir ginia exclaimed What an atmos phere What a view What glorious I mountains No wonder that Patrick Henry grew here Whereupon an honest native dryly remarked that the atmosphere the view aud the moun tains had been there for ages but that only one Patrick Henry had been produced Macon Telegraph Pretty Blunt Elderly Lady Doctor I am troubled with a hallucination that I am being followed by a man What sort of cure would you suggest Honest Physician A mirror Cleveland Leader If we cannot live so as to be happy we can at least live so as to deserve it Fitche wtt Mjnrvi vri r - - l M I TEMPERANCE COLUMN Conducted by the McCook W C T u i AV Lincolns Condition As the year draws on the situation at the capital city crystaliz is upon the new no license policy and so far all is grati fying to the prohibitionists The cam paign list spring was wa ed upon three propositions by the salcon sympathizers Fir t that it would increae taxes since the 50000 heretofore received from the saloons must be rnisad by additional taxation second that it would injure business and third that crime aud drunkenness nould not be decreased The first proposition has proven un true since the added taxation has been nominal and offers no substantial basis for argument As to the injury to busi ness that too has been a as the wholesale business of tail dealers quote an increase of 50 per cent The only adverse condition so far known has been with the wholesale cigar dealers who numbered saloonkeepers as their patrons Restaurants also claim a decrease in profits not attributable to pronibition but to the greatly increased price of foods The hotel business also claims a decrease but local conditions enter here largely The tecond hand stores on the other band report a loss of business and one man frankly states that the working men now do not spend half their earnings for booze so they are able to buy new goods Rentals are not decreased as was prophesied in spite of the fact that twenty five former saloon buildings were thrown upon the market Higher rent is alwajs demand ed for a saloon since many landlords are not willing to rent property for that pur pose and further under the law the property itself is answerable for dam ages sustained by reason of tho salcon being conducted illegally Building permits for five months in 1909 were 8816426 and for a correspond ing period in 1903 SoG6735 At the present time there are in course of erec tion enough business buildings whose frontage would cover half a mile solidly Bank deposits exclusive of government deposits have increased nearly 700000 Postoffice receipts a good index of the life of a city have increased for the five months from 11222075 in 1903 to 5120 59393 in 1909 So much for business Now for the third proposition or lack of decrease in crime From thirty eight policemen the city has reduced to fif teen and of the 3G1 arrests for drunk enness and disorderly conduct in 1909 Tasfaf Cz CITI IRUIICH NROlLNCEMBN l CONGKKJATIMNAI Pre iclilr Jit 11 unit H oVI it Sunrt tii i t 10 a in Chrt LiUi K cIhiv m 7 clock J Pmjer iiieetinir Weiliifflv evening at fht nVnik 1 - is oorr iliill inviini Uh ho n n tin Ki v li 1 viK Pastor riincsnu lfMchiti - at St I litjn church at 11 t in uu 730p I in rtuuday rtcnool at 10 a in Com- miii ion l t Sundays 1L a m 3rd Sun- djs745a in each month All are v iiUif to lliMsf servient E R Kaklk Rector Cvniouc Order of nrvices Mass 3U am Mass and sniioii 103 j am e ervice at o oclock ouuday J3U p in Kvory wiidrtj Wm 1 Kiuwin O M I MiCTHouisT nuntuij school citlOaui by iisht at 11 and 8 Class t 12 Junior L aue at 3 Epworth 67 Prayer meeting Wed bUm nignt at 715 Hkyant Howk Pastor EVArGKLICAL LUTHKKAN Keg U 1 a T oti ni n preaching services in church coner ol E and Gth street ef every momma at 1030 Ail Germans Mrdiwily ivitd KkvWji Bkchggeman 007 5MJ rit Kast Ohkitia Suiknck 219 Main Ave ii orv ice 1 Sunday at 11 a m and U tiiiciiliy ac S p m Reaning Room jpen all tht tune Science literature on -me fcunji ct lor next ftunaay tjhristiaii fcuiHiioe Evangelical Lutheiian Conckkoa rtoNAL Sunday School at 030 a ru Preaching at 1030 a in atd 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 700 p tn Prayer meetings every Wi clnpsOHi and Satur day evenings at i30 All Germans cordially invited to these services Rev Guotav Hknkeumann 505 3rd Hexamethyteneteiramine The above is the name of a German chemical which is one of the many valuable ingredients of Foleys Kidney Remedy Ilexainothylenetetramine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvit1 and antiseptic for the urine Tako Foleys Kidney Remedy as son as you notice I any irregulmities and avoid a tin no us intlacy A McMiilen Our LongniontjCoIorado cannod veg etables are now in This years crop of peas beans and tomatoes at Hubers McConuells Balsam cures coughs as compared with 373 in 19G8 fully 75 per cent of the HGl were taken direct from fho Ilavelock cars and arr due to the saloon conditions in Ilavelock which by the way is wet by a majority of seven votes and will not in the event of Lincoln dry next spring repeat the ex periment These are but a part of the facts that have been gathered regarding the Lin coln situation They could be multi plied by the hundred in testimony and by statistics ANSWERS EVERY CALL McCook People Have Found That This is True A cold a strain a sudden wrench A little cause may hurt the kidneys Spells of backache often follow Or some irregularity of the urile A certain remedy for such attacks A medicine that answers every call Is Doans Kidney Pills a truo specific Mrs B F Marshall living in the coin has increased materially in tho past western pare of Arapahoe Neb says half year of prohibition and many re While lifting some years ago I strained myself and after that began to have trouble with my kidneys If I worked a little harder than usual or caught the slightest cold I was sure to sulfer more severely and at times would be forced to remain in bed for a couple of days My back was very sore and when I straightened after stooping sharp pains wou 1 dart through me I also had frpquent hpadaches and dizzy sjiells and the kidney annoyed me some what by their irregular action Not un til I tiaed Doacs Kidney Pills was I able to get relief They went directly to the root of my trouble and before long I was in good health Pl6iity more proof like this from Mc Cook people Call at McConnells drug store and ask what customers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York solo agents for the United States Remember the name Doans take no other and McMillens Cough Cure is effective and pleasant fi 13 t l IV ti w