The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 30, 1909, Image 3

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Attention Land
Sugar Beets Cantaloupes Alfalfa and Seed Crops Spdl
At La Junta Colorado located 9l2 miles from Rocky Ford in the famous
The Realm of Sugar Beet and Cantaloupe
ThA MrtH fVltfYA I Iff Pr The nrst croP of Sugar Beets will pay the original
lllC XTlUl Igdgt JLIILLI cost of your land This is a statistical fact
The Sugar Beet raiser spends his winters where he JJjg Qt BllUdCF
AUV vauv ja
this class
pleases Why not join
Our lands are ideal sugar beet lands Sugar beet facto y in sight of our lands
We have ioooo acres of the best land in the Valley for sale No land more than
three miles from shipping point Our lands adjoin the town of La Junta the county seat
of Otero couiry which has a population of 7200
Prices Low Terms Easy
Our water rights are unexcelled We have just completed the best reservoir in the
State of Colarado and in addition have an ample river decree All lands sold by us are
watered by the OTERO CANAL This insures you abundant water
Alfalfa nets 40 per acre in our section and is very easily raised Forty acres of alfal
fa will educate the children and leave you a comfortable margin Compare this with the in
come from 160 acres in Iowa Nebraska or Illinois Desirable land at a reasonable figure
is fast disappearing Dont Delay
Cantaloupes net from 75 to 150 per acre each year We are in the Rocky Pord
District and our market is established
La Jounta is the end of three divisions of the Santa Fe Ry and has the railroad shops
which employ 1200 men whose payroll is 90000 per month We can ship our products
direct to Kansas City Chicago Denver or Los Angeles
Our public school system is second to none
Prices run from 20 to 115 per Acre
Very liberal terms with six per cent on deferred payments
The land of the Otero Irrigation District at La Junta Colorado offers irresistible in
ducements to the homeseeker
Transportation facilities are the very best
The climate is pleasant the year round
The farm tracts are close to a fine city with good schools and this community offers
every social and industrial advantage that the fanner is seeking
There are 10000 acres now for sale in small and large tracts not far from Rocky
Ford in the very heart of the most productive cantaloupe and sugar beet district
I invite correspondenc and will be glad to furnsh you with circulars maps etc and
we guarantee that if you investigate this proposition and find it misrepresented either by us
or by the literature of the LA JUNTA LAND CO we will pay the entire expenses of your
trip For further information address
-- iftHMJHiwinffBWiiiiii WHJW
ke Walsh
id Rubber Copper and Brass
I Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
srTTT Irwofinn Inst nrross FrC rrr
iaeroeSin P Walsh building i
WFwyiviVVWWFvW lffW
Dr J O Bruce
McCOOk Neb
TJrfspione 55
over ElecrlcTheatreonMaln Ave
Fj ivai i iWi if tiMi tii f
Br Herbert J Pratt
Office 212V4 Main av over McCouuells
Drug Store McCook Neb
C Selephoncs Oflice ICO S
Residence Black 131 c
fin inf n J I bUNfi Pfliy
Phone 112
f Booms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Vfir i
Thats All
33ut we nan meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
fix mn
Phone 5
T P OConnor Predicts Uprising of
Masses Over Rejection of Budget
Commenting on the action taken by
the British house of lords in adopting
Lord Lnnsdownes amendment to the
finance bill T P OConnor M P
one of the Irish Nationalist leaders in
the house of commons now in the
United States in the interest of lrisli
home rule said the other night that
the rejection of the British budget by
the British peers had announced their
own doom
I am greatly pleased and so is every
one wlm is an enemy of the house oi
lords sai 1 Mr OConnor Every Lib
eral aim suil more every Irish Na
tionalist has known for several gen
erations that it was impossible to have
anything like steady Liberal progress
so long as the house of lords retained
its power to defeat or postpone all
democratic legislation Ireland has
been the special sufferer from the pres
ent power of that body for the house
of lords consists almost exclusively ol
the landlords who have always been
the curse and the enemies of Ireland
As to the effect in England I be
lieve the rejection of the budget will
lead to an uprising of the masses the
strength of which the lords have fail
ed to realize They will realize it be
fore many hours 1 believe we are on
the eve of the fiercest fight we have
seen in British politics for a century
that the fight will go against the lords
that they have pronounced their own
doom and that before two or three
years from now their power of mis
chief will be so broken as practically
to be nonexistent
This means the fiual emancipation
of the English masses from the grip
of feudalism and of Ireland from gov
ernment of an alien parliament
Public Parks For Germany
A committee has een formed to se
cure national parks governed after the
style of Yellowstone park in all the
German speaking countries Such
parks are planned in the Austrian
Alps in soutt Germrny in north Ger
many and in central Germany These
parks are to be open to the public
wthout any charge whatever
Salesman Traveling by Auto
The practice of using the automobile
as a conveyance for traveling salesmen
is growing A case in point is that of
a touring car in which N K Smith a
traveling representative of a shoe com
pany recently completed a trip from
Atlanta Ga to Richmond Va and
back covering 1200 miles and doing
business along the way
Timely Friendly Warning
That Christmas isnt far away
Ive had a warning
The janitor remarked to me
Good morning
Detroit Free Press
Confederate Chieftain Consider the
Game Worse Than Warfare
Colonel John S Mosby the famous
Confederate partisan chieftain and
alumnus of the University of Virginia
who denounced football the other day
in a remarkable interview in which he
compares the game to actual warfare
to the detriment of ihe former main
tains that the great number of fatali
ties iepreseuts so many murders
1 have read with indignation min
gled with sorrow the account of the
murder of young Christian a student
of the University ot Virginia in a foot
ball game in Washington with George
town university said Colonel Mosby
1 use the word murder advisedly the
killing was not an accident The very
fact that a university surgeon went on
with the team shows that they were
going to war They neglected how
ever to provide an ambulance to carry
off the wounded
1 hope it this barbarous amuse
ment is continued the board of visitors
will require it to be conducted in ac
cordance with the regulations of mod
ern war
Some years ago I expressed to Dr
E A Alderman president of the uni
versity my objection to football be
cause it was uot a recreation for stu
dents because many were making it a
profession because it developed the
brutal instincts of our nature and be
cause it should be no part of the cur
riculum of the university A student
who has broken somebodys nose at
football stands higher than a master
of arts A man ought not to go to col
lege to learn to be a circus rider or a
Dr Alderman says there is great
danger to life and limb in football and
that the dauger must be eliminated
before it can be played any mure But
if the danger is eliminated uothiug will
be left of the game The danger is uot
only the chief but the only attraction
to the mob that gathers to witness it
The defenders of such sport say it
develops the manhood of youth 1
deny it unless y manhood they mean
physical strength My idea of man
hood is a sense of honor and courage
and such qualities may exist in a weak
The difference between the past
and the present in great American uni
versities is the distance between
Stonewall Jackson and John L Sul
livan Football simply develops the
brute dormant in human nature and
puts the player on a level with an Es
kimo or a polar bear
Napoleou once said Scratch a Rus
sian and you find a Tartar implying
that Kussiau civilization was only skin
deep If the university is a fair rep
resentative I fear that the same sar
casm equally applies in Virginia My
observation has been that athletes be
long as a rule to that class who are
invincible in peace and invisible in
At first glance the Chri tmas gilt tot
King Baby impregnable as he is in his
pink ard white well fed contentment
seems the hardest problem of the hol
iday season lie his no wants that are
obvious and patent and it is evidently
quite hopeless to ask him to follow his
II 1
big brothers and sisters example and
write out a list of the desires of his
heart for Santa to gratify On a ven
ture just try how his highness wili
like a toy belt It is made of a piece
of two iuch satin ribbon long enough
to fit about the waist comfortably and
to lie in an attractive bow in the back
with long ends The portion that is
supposed to go around the waist of the
infant is doubled over to form a belt
from which hang pendent from satin
streamers a whistle silver if money is
not a consideration a rubber doll and
on the third end a small play ball
The belt is then completed
String Dell
Easier to make than the rag doll ana
much more hygienic for babies havi
the bad habit of putting things in thetr
mouths and the paint on rag dolls i
often poisonous is the string doll It
is evolved from quantities of heavy
white soft string cut into lengths for
the body and arms The head is stuff
ed out with wadding also the body
and the shapes formed by tying about
neck aid waist pieces of baby ribbon
of some 1 right oor Beads are stuck
in for eyes and a moutli is made with
colored thread worked ii with a needle
About the wrist is a ribbon outlining
the pudgy hand
Babys Bonnet Box
The baby has his bonnet box as well
as his mamma but it is a cunning lit
tle round affair covered with flowered
paper in a pretty babyish design of
forgetmenots This is one of the pret
tiest new ideas in connection with the
infants layette and makes a charming
Christmas gift Inside the box is ill
v l T
- K
rf i
vr il
1 tc
nox ron nis Loitusmps noxxisrs
ted with a round scented lining of
silk and the top of the lid is finished
in the same way Gathering the silk
in rosette fashion and catching up the
ends in the center of the lid with a
rosett of baby ribbon is a dainty
touch to the box
Baby Bibs
A baby cannot have too many bibs
and there is nothing a mother appre
ciates more than gift bibs for her baby
A pretty bib is made of sheer lawn
embroidered with the transparent em
broidery which consists of catstitch
done on the wrong side of the material
for the flowers and simple outline stitch
for the stems and scrolls Set the ni
broidered lawn on to a heavy liner
back Trim the bib with an dgir
of Valenciennes lace With this bii
can be given one of the silver fasten
ers which are new and useful
Two Pretty rrccenis
An acceptable present for a baby is
the sets of silver safety pins that come
on three rinzs tied together with a
ribbon Each rirg contains a dozen of
the pins and all the dozens differ in size
For the rubber blanket used on the
crib there are slips the exact size made
with small buttons and holes so that
a fresh one may be put on with little
trouble These must bear the embroid
ered initials of the new arrival
And That Ended tho Naval Sweatbox
On one of Mr Lincolns excursions
to Fortress Monroe on the steamer
Hartford hi ISIM his attention was di
rected to a narrow door bound with
Iron the una of which he was anxjus
to learn
What Is thlsV he asked
Oh that Is the sweathox was the
reply It Is used for refractory and
insubordinate seamen A man In there
is subjected to steam heat and has very
little ventilation It generally brings
him to terms very quickly
President Lincolns curiosity was
aroused This he said to himself
is treatment to which thousands of
American seamen are probably sub
jected every year Let me try it for
myself and see what it really is
Taking off his hat for he was sever
al Inches over six feet in height he ii
tered the Inclosure which he found to
be little more than three feet in length
or width lie gave orders that at a
signal from himself the door should
be immediately opened It was then
closed and the steam turned on
lie had been inside hardly three min
utes before the signal was given Pres
ident Lincoln had experienced enough
of wlmc was then regarded as neces
sary punishment for American seaineu
There was very little ventilation and
the short exposure to the hot and hu
mid air had almost suffocated him
Turning to Secretary Welles of the
navy department the president ordered
that no such inclosure as the sweatbox
should ever after be allowed ou any
vessel Hying the American flag
It was not an hour after this order
had been given before every sailor on
every ship in Ilamptou Beads had
heard of it The effect was most re
markable on the older sailors many
of whom had themselves experienced
the punishment of the sweatbox Some
of them wept from joy
But the good results of this act of
President Lincoln were not confined to
the American navy Great Britain
France Germany and other European
countries heard that the sweatbox had
been abolished in America as inhuman
One and all of these nations in turn fell
into line and today the sweatbox is
not to be found on any vessel flying
the flag o fa civilized nation through
out the world
Putting Through a Risky Piece of
Business at Santiago
Some naval oilicers at a dinner party
the other evening were discussing the
efficacy of the Cuban blockade in 1898
That many vessels ran the blockade at
Havana Cienfuegos and elsewhere
was admitted
But only one vessel ever ran the
Santiago blockade said one of the
speakers and that was one of our
own vessels the little Gloucester
lie then described how the Glouces
ter ran the blockade while command
ed by Dick Wainwright then a lieu
tenant commander who had previous
ly been executive officer of the Maine
when it blew up
We had been sent down to Asser
raderos to communicate with the in
surgents said the raconteur who was
on the Gloucester at the time Upon
our return it was quite dark and we
were proceeding slowly to our station
on the inside line of the blockade when
the electric signaling apparatus broke
down We could not give a signal
particularly the private identification
signal of the night Dad we been dis
covered by one of the blockading ves
sels it would at once have flashed the
signal and if we did not immediately
respond it would have promptly open
ed fire We would have been blown
to pieces in a minute
It was a risky piece of business but
Dick Wainwright was perfectly cool
and the Gloucester actually picked its
way without beinir discovered through
the whole blockading fleet took up its
station on the inside line under the
Morro and as soon as the signaling ap
paratus was repaired reported its ar
rival It was a clear case of blockade
running but it was mighty ticklish
while it lasted San Francisco Call
An Intelligent Cow
A few nights ago a citizen went
home and found a cow in his yard
He drove her out He then went into
the house and later heard the animal
in the yard agaiu He drove her out
the second and third times The citi
zens son came home later and found
the animal in the yard and drove her
out The citizen then made an inves
tigation and found the cow got in by
wading around the fence on the rivet
side He hung up a lantern to deceive
the cow as she came in and the next
morning so he says he found the cow
in the yard with the lantern hung on
her horns using the same to hunt out
the best grapefruit in his grove Say
what you please but that was an in
telligent cow And the story is true
of course it is Fort Myer Press
Swell Stock
Could I sell you an imported Per
sian cat for SI 000 5 ventured the cat
and dog fancier
What exclaimed the multimillion
aire in surprise Why I just bought
a 5000 bulldog from you the other
Yes but I thought youd want a
1000 cat for that swell bulldog to
chase You surely wouldnt allow a
SIOOO bulldog to chase a common cat
would you Pittsburg Press
An Important Advantage
Do you think a college education
affords a man an Important advan
Oh yes One has to have it In or
der to get into a university club
Chicaso Record Herald
More Danville Proof
Jncob SchrHlI 41T South St Dan
v lc III writeH For over
tnontliH I wan n fufferer from Kidney
nnd bladder trouble During tint wholu
time wna trentod by several doctor- mid
tried several different kidney pila
Seven weeks ngo I eonmn nccd taking
Foleys Kidney Pills and uiu freling
bottor every day and will br glml to Ml
anyone intereated juHt wlmt Fob
Kidney Pills did or me
A McM illen
Received on account Paid out
Hash Credit flips etc for nh at
Mi Tribune olllce Per 1 000 fOc
Office over McAdams Store Phone l vo
Ji J A Col for
Room Postofkick Building
OlIiciMM or Electric Thuutro ltxnnsifc7
Dr W B Ely M D
Practice Limited Specialty
Diseases of tho Rectum
Piles Fissure Ulcer etc
Ollico Hours 9 n m ti 4 p in Photic lifl
Injustice Court before II II Berry
justice of tho peace
7 B Hall will take notice that on tin
10th day of November 1901 FIJI Berry
a justice of tins peace of Red Willow
county issued an order of attachment
for Hit sum of 2L in an action pend
ing before him wherein William IX Bur
nett is plaintiir and TB I Fall in defend
ant and that property of the defendant
consisting of money due and owing in
the hands of the Chicago Burlington
Quincy Railroad Company garnishee
as labor of wages performed by said do
fendant for said railroad company has
been attached under said order of at
tachment Said cause has been contin
tied for hearing to the Kith day of Janu
arv 1910 at 10 oclock a m
W IX Burnktt
In tho County Court of Uod Willow County
Stutu or Nebraska
In the Matter of the Imitate of Lovina Ken
dall deceas cd ss State of Nebraska Ied Wil
low County ss
To all Persons Interested in said Estate
You are hereby notified that on the Llstday of
December 1JdfJ Howe Smith administrator of
the estate of Lovina Kendall deceased filed in
said county his final account and iwtition for
distribution and said account and petition will
be heard on the Mh day of January 1010 at tea
ornok at fie county rmiri room in the city of
McCook in said county and you are hereby cited
to appear atsaid time and place and show cnui
if any such exists why the same should not b
It is hereby ordered that notice bcuiven to all
persons interested in said estate by cati int a
copy of this order to be published in the Mr
Cook Tribune a newspaper printed and pub
lished in said county for three successive weeks
of the time last set for said hearing
Dated this 10th day of December 1000
Seal County J ikIkc
To All Persons Interested in the Estate or Frank
J NuKent deceased
You are hereby notified that on the 3Kh day
or December KUO William C Nugent filed In
Itetition in the County Court of fed Willow
County Nebraska prayiiur for the appointment
of Patrick Walsh a administrator of theestato
of Frank J Nugent deceased which petition
will be heard by me at the County Courtroom
in the City of McCook in said county and state
on the 17th day of January 1010 at one oclock
p in
Notice is hereby given to all per ons having
claims or demands against said Frank J Nu
gent deceased that the time fixed for lihng
claims against said estate is six mouths from
said 17th day of January 1010
Final hearing of claims will be heard at my
office in County Court room in Mcook in said
county and state on the 10th day of Jul 101O
at one oclock p in and any and all claims not
presented before the date last abote mentioned
will be forever barred
lttl tAltto MALE
By virtue of an order is ued from the District
Court of Hed Willow county Nebra ka under
a decree in an action wherein Cordelia Arnold
is plaintiir and Fannie N iihbs LaDelvert V
P Gibbs Nellie Wilson W V WiL on her hus
band true name unknown William M
Mr- William M Gibbs his wife Mary Hunton
William Clark Mr- William lark his wife
Deusel Clark Mr- Deusef Clark his wife and
Kirtland C Arnold are defendants directed to
the undersigned as refereeI shall oiler at public
sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at
the front door of the court hous in the city of
McCook Ifed Willow county Nebraska on the
21th day of January 1010 at the hour of one
oclock pm the following de cribed real estate
to wit Lot Hvein Mlock Fourteen lt in
the Original Town of McCook lied Willow
county Nebraska
Dated this lnth day of Deceinb lKj
I2oyie it Eldeeo Attys J It McCARL
2 rits Referee
Whereas default has been made in the con
ditions of a certain chattel mortgage executed
by John Hretining and Jqcob Hreiiniiig mort
gagors to MRumely Company inc mortgagee
dated on the Uth day of July IWrtand tiled for
record in the office of the county clerk of Red
j Willow county State of Nehra ka nt McCook
I Nehra ka on the 18th dav of July KiiO and the
nature of such default is the non payment of
three promissory note- all bearing date of July
i Cth VM and de cribed as follows One note for
Slifoa due October 1 10U7 one note for 3I0D
due December 1 lJ07 one note for sO7J00 due
December 1st all bearing intere t at -ix
Ier cent per annum from July 1 IlOi until due
and ten per cent per annum thereafter upon
which there is now due the sum of Si2SJ17
which is the amount claimed to be due thereon
at the date of this notice of which mor gage
and the debt thereby secured said mortgagee
is still the owner and th holder and the same
has not been and no suit or proceeding-
has been had for the recovery of the debt
thereby secured
Now therefore notice hereby given that
because of such default -aid mortgage will be
foreclosed and the undersigned will offer for
-ale and sell at pubiic auction tothehighe t
bidder the following described per onal prop
erty covered ly said mortgage to wit One Kuci
ely 20 H P engine No 40i one Rumely 35x5
Ideal Separator No 371 one Rumely ind
Stacker No Wo One Peoria Weigher No Ct
fi2 one Ruth Feeder No 177 one Vft foot icrh
f ply canvas belt one mounted steel tank one
tank pump one Monarch engine tender at 1012
West Fourth Street in the City of McCoox
County ot Red Willow State of Nebraska on
the 11th day of January 101t at 2 oclock p m
jf that day Terms ca h
Dated at McCook Nebraska this 20th day of
December YMt
25 its rWf SHKtN Collector
SYRUP cures coughs and colds