ra McCOOK NEBRASKA i yimZ5SttMni ity cau lk AMourictrcfcKU CoNruijATHNAi SuiwW y school ut 10 it ut Vuijtst meeting Wt dniirdiiy evuuin at cignt oclock Tho public is cordinlh inviuul to thcsi uerviueB iCiMbtiOiAL Preaching services at St Allans church at 11 a m and 730 p m snudfiy fchool ar 10 a m Com nun ion let SuodnjB 11 a m 3rd Sun days 745 n in each mouth All are welcome to these serviette E 11 Eaiilk Rector Catholic Order of services Mani 830 i tn Mass and soruion 103 1 am Evening sorviee at S oclock fciundn school 230 p m Evory Sunday Wm J Kikwin O M 1 Mktuodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Clans at 12 Junior Longuo at 3 Epworth Loaguo at 645 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 Bkyant Howe PaHtor half mile from post office frame barn I M KvBx vvsaessiiSN u Evanokuoal Lutheran Regular German preaching sorvices in church corner of E and Gth Btreet oast every Sunday morning at 1000 All Germans oordinlly invited RkVWm BltUKGGKMAN 607 5th st East Chhihtian Sciknck 219 Main Ave nuo Sorvices Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room open all the time Scienco literature on sale Subject for next Sunday Soul and Body Evangelical Luthekan Congkkga riONAL Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by pastor Junior O E at 130 p m Senior C E at 700 p m Prajor meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 All GermanB cordially invited to these services Rev GubtavIIenkelmann 505 3rd street West Closing Out Sale 1 mean business If you have money I can provo to you that Money Talks I am ottering for sale the following properties No 1 Lot 8 bile 11 2nd add to Mc Cook unimproved except as to a few trees location No 903 W 2nd st No 2 LotB 5 and G of blk 27 2nd add to McCook improved house No 401 5th st East one block from school 7 room house good repair fitted with gas for cooking and light shade lawn and cement sidewalk corner lofr No 3 A lovely suburban home ad joining the town of Irfdianola 40 acies well wind mill and three cisterns Pos sesion March 1st No 4 E y2 320 acres im proved fnrm 8 miles from McOok 140 acres in cultivation 160 acres in pasture This is a nice farm and io plain view of city with good roads Frame bouse of 4 room- stible 16x40 well wind mill and cistern some treei Posses sion March lt Object for selling is to quit business I will make reasonable terms If interested come and Sbe me and look over the properties If they suit of land brick house of 10 rooms you we can deal If you deal with me jou have no commissions to pay Smith Owner 20i ilain ave McCook Neb Phone 191 Received on account Paid out Cash Credit slips etc for sale at the Tribune office Per 1000 50c JOHN E KELLEY ATTOEHEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTE McCook Nebraska OBsAgentof Lincoln Land Coandor MoCoof Water Works OfBco in Postoffico bnildinc ma Aw 7fPznn JtOLElSMWMJ for children safe cure No opiates 1T TV TTB TT fc X1 T- Hi SC U JO U IXIJC JCi Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron iead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an 3oiIer Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Posiofice Building f J A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnolls drug store McCook Nebraska C H Botle C EEldeee BOYLE ELDREB Attorneys at I aw Long Distance Iono44 Rooms 1 and T second floor Poe tottirn Bnildins McLook Neb E F OSBORN rayman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE ME A TRIAL Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phone 13 How to be well ressed all the time Some men are well dressed only while their clothes are new From that time until they buy another new suit they look seedy care less and shabby Might just as well be well dressed all the time This UUJLO AiVy IJ1VJ1 JUL jfvu vvai Clothcraft All -Wool Clothes These are the only clothes at their prices that positively hold their shape and style as long as they last They are made of pure wool and are scien tifically tailored thats the reason And a Signed Guarantee goes with each suit whether it costs 10 or 25 v J1 C K wVft tjt vin W2 I 4SiBv S Your clothing troubles are over the minute you decide to buy CLOTHCRAFT Its worth trying C L DeGroff Co FISTULA Pay When GOREB All Rectal Diseases cured without a surgical operation No Chloroform Ether or other gen eral aneasthetic used CURE GUARANTEED to last a LIFE TIME examination free WRITE FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS DR E R TARRY 224 Bee Building Omaha Nebraska W iSEifflEE ww THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies - i S - - ififjgiffiififfjl fr v JaSMpSf ANTIQUITY OF DICE Origin of Theso Devices Buried In he Remote Past Scholars have delved in uiln for the origin of dice which in vunoiw shapes have been used iu tonus of worship and religious ceremonies since the dawn of history Their earlier use was for the lorecastiug or evvnisxi obtaining of divine guidance Their adaptation to a game or chance was comparatively finite recent There Is a surprising nuinlier or varieties of dice bin they may he di vided Into two general classes The most familiar form is the cube With two exceptlons the Korean anu dice have the spots so ar ranged that the six and one live and two and three and four are opposite milking the sum or the opposite sides invariably seven lu all ages the num ber seven has been regarded with par ticular awe and as having much mys tic import The dice just described are not only proper to modern Europe and Amer ica but to classical Greece and Komi ancient Syria Persia India China Japan and Siam The other form is the long square prism sometime found amid prehistoric ruins in Europe and existing today in India A most interesting form Is the top or spinning dice with four or six sides which was twirled with the thumb and second linger or which a specimen was discovered in ttie re mains of Naucratis a Greek colony of GOO B C Two specimens ot dice hav been discovered at Babylon Harpers Weekly The AN ARCTIC RESCUE Feeling When the Relief Ship Came Into View Very often during the mouths of daylight we stood on the cliff straining our eyes to see the louged for relief ship As the summer of 1905 slipped on we almost despaired but one day in July when hope had almost aban doned us we saw oue of the boys jumping up and down and supposed that at last his brain had giveu way under the strain Iu fact many of us were almost crazy with the monotony and anxiety that wore upon us day after day We watched a moment and wondered which of us would be the next to go off his balance When we went to him and saw what he saw the long looked for relief blnp I dont know whether we all jumped for joy or what we did for we hav no memory of our actions in that hour Quickly each man gathered his little kit ready to rush to the boats aud leave forever that island where death had stared us iu the face for sixteen mouths and where we had almost given up all hope of ever again look ing upon the faces of our loved ones In our frantic haste to be gone many of us left behind relics and records which we prized and later regretted the loss of At the end of sixteen months the relief ship Terra Nova had arrived and we steamed to Norway where our party divided some going to London and others to Germany Captain Edwiu Collins Account ot the Ziegler Polar Expedition in National Magazine Has Seven Sons A mother who had only one c hild a son lost him through an accident by drowning when he was seventeen II is body was washed out to sea and never recovered She very much wanted i portrait ot him and she called a fa mous artist who was a friend of the family De asked for every photo graph she had of her son from baby hood onward When the- painting ar rived it represented a glade iu a wood Playing about were five little children of various ages but all the same boy as his mother had known him Com ing down the center joyous gay was the seventeen-year-old lad leading his baby self of one year by the hand The mother looked at the picture aud burst into tears 1 have lost seven sons she said Yon had lost six of them before your son died the artist replied Stealing Sea Water They arrested me in Italy for steal ing a bucket of water out of the sea The reporter laughed He -thought that the tourist on the pier was jok ing but the tourist resumed Its a fact You cant draw water out of the Italian seas without a per mit The idea is to prevent your dodg ing the salt tax Salt you kuow is very heavily taxed in Italy Its a government monopoly You buy it only in the government tobacco shops a nickel a package vest pocket size And the government wont let you monkey with sea water lest you extract the salt from it Not Vindictive There are germs lying iu wait for you no matter where you turn said the scientist I kuow it replied the matter of fact person 1 dislike germs as much as auybody can but Im not going to quit eating drinking and breathing just to spite em -Washington Star The Widows View of It Briggiiu a wily onei No I shall never marry I loved a girl once and She made a fool of me The Widow disappointed of her prey What a lasting impression she seems to have made Illustrated Bits Pleasant Rehearsal Fair Amateur The curtain will rise in a few minutes Are you quite sure you know your words Hero Tas all except the part where I kiss yon Wed better rehearse that again No man is really beaten himself admits it -O HWr3fr - -- until he MUSICAL MISERY When Bagpipes Squeak Out The Star Spangled Banner I wish growled a man who made a tour of the llittish isles that the British bandmasters would take a course of instruction in what consti tutes the American national airs Baud concerts are the rage all over England Ireland Scotland aud Wales During the summer season probably as a compliment to the hordes ot Ameri cans who are tiiiiging away gold for their beiielit the present daily what is generally duhhed American naiion al nirs The majority of these bandmaster think Dixie N the national an he cause they sagely observe it is the only oue which Americans applaud Tlie Star Spangled Banner is dismal and lugubrious enough under the best of circumstances but to hear the Scotch bagpipes have a ling at it is indescribable misery The man who wrote the Columbia hymn would not know his own work as pertormed in Great Britain and even the Kentucky Home and other negro ballads get a touch between an Irish jig and a Scotch wail which robs the American visitor of any pleasure which he might experience in hearing songs Irom home It may be thnt British Scotch and Irish guests on this side of the water get as much discomfort in hear ing Annie Laurie I hope they do for it would establish a sort ot inter national musical balance New York Press SLEEP SUPERSTITIONS How to Awaken at Any Hour You May Designate Sleep trouble is the best cure for waking Hours for sleep Nature gives five Custom seven Weariness takes nine Laziness eleven If you wish to arise at a certain hour before going to bed make with your right foot as man marks on the Moor as the hour on which you wish to wake then go to bed backward To insure happy dreams burn some hazelnuts aud do the ashes up in a package which you must place be neath your pillow You will then dream sweetly If you wish ever to marry never look under the bed If a person talks in his sleep put his hand in a bowl of water and he will tell you all his secrets The Hindoos say it is bad luck to sleep with your head to the north but sleeping with your head to the south promotes longevity It is considered by some nations dan gerous to sleep while thirsty for the soul leaves the body in search of wa ter and if the body awakened too quickly the soul might not have time to return to it so the body would die In Germany the nightmare is believ ed to be a spectral being which places itself upon the breast of the sleeper depriving him ot the power of utter ance or motiou Philadelphia Press Pc ks of Australian Cities Australians wirh a tine climate be lieve iu enjoying themselves and there are plenty of facilities Thus in Syd ney there are parks and squares and public gardens with a total area of 433 acres Sixteen miles from the city a shilling excursion train fare is the picturesque national park con taining 3GS10 acres preserved in their natural state A similar reserve -all-id Kuriu gal Chase comprising 3rU0 acres of land chiefly of densely wood ed hills skirting tor many miles arouud numerous tidal arms of Rrokeu bay is also held for the enjoyment of the publrc forever Melbourne has no fewer than 5400 acres of recreation grounds iu or near the city Adelaide is surrounded by a belt of park lauds and has about 2300 acres set apart for the public beneiit Nor are Perth and Ilobart and Brisbane and some of the Gne inland towns less well provided for Westminster Jazette MalaV Race Not Dying Out There is a very common idea that the Malay is a race that is dying out killed in its own country by the enter prise of Chinese Tamils Javanese who however are kiusmen of the Ma lays and Europeans To those who come out east expecting to Qnd a few miserable remains of a once powerful race whose probable fate is that of the Australian aborigines it comes as a revelation to hud a sturdy independ ent aud courteous race whose lan guage runs from Suez to Australia and who so far from dying out are year ly becoming more numerous Java Times A Bad Start Ever try this Keep a smiling prop osition Tried it once but with poor suc cess Unfortunately 1 started the ex periment on a day that the boSi felt grouchy Louisville Courier Journal What Made Him Sick Teacher Your little brother was all right when he left the house with you and yet you say hes sick and wont be in school The Kid Sure Didnt 1 give him the seegar wid me own hands Fuck Stationary Youth Rich Father My daughter Is too young to get married She is only eighteen Impecunious Lover I know sir but I have waited patiently for years and she doesnt seem to get any older Early Intelligence Sunday School Teacher finishing the narration Aud that is the story of Jonah and the whale Johnny Isnt It strange they knew what a Jonah was j that long ago mm ininirnfc CANINE JUSTICE Eskimo Dogs Sem to Have Laws of Their Own In his voyage ot polar exploration Commander Fiala observed among his dogs a sort ot government quite inde pendent of that ot their keepers iney were of the Eskimo variety and were trained to work iu teams In their general conduct however they acted as a community and their rules had reference to the common good There was no penalty lex than that or death During the period or darkness we lost eight dogs Three ot them splen did large animals were killed by their companions The other live either wan dered off on the young Ice and were blown away or were killed by the pack at a distance trom camp Every dog was known by name It is a curious fact that when one dog has antagonized the others the ouly way to save htm trom destruction later on is to chain him Then the other dogs let him alone Unfortunate ly for us the dogs that seemed to in cur the enmity or their fellows were the large strong animals the bullies aud lighters There seemed to be a degree of jus tice in their judgments From close observation I found that the dogs gen erally forgave a bite on the head or body but that an attack on the legs seemed to be considered foul play and must be paid for by the life of the of fending canine The whole park unit ed in Ins execution otiths Compan ion VIRTUE IN SMOKING One Man Who Now Has an Argument Handy For His Wife The wife of a Topeka man object strenuously because her husband is a confirmed smoker lie is never happy without a cigar or a pipe The other morning she gave him a ten dollar bill and told him to buy several things for her He pushed the bill into his coat pocket and rushed out ut the house to catch a car He found that he had to wait a few minutes at the corner for the cars were off schedule that morning and then he proceeded to light a cigar But he found no matches all of his pock ets were bare of them Suddenly he happened to think that lie also missed the ten dollar bill A hurried search disclosed that it was gone lie turned right about and retraced his steps Itibt as he got in front ot his home he happened to look iuto the street and there was that ten tum bling around iu the wind Dis wife saw him go and pick it up and she de manded an explanation de promptly told her how looking for a match had caused him to discover that lie had lost the bill Now tell me there isnt any virtue in smoking he snorted as he puQed out his chest Kansas City Journal Where Women Do All the Work The smallest dependency ot France is the lie dlioedie situated at the east of Belle isle Its population is 2UU They do not speak French except the cure and the schoolmaster but Celtic and they are provided with tood at an iun managed by the women Fishing is the principal industry The profits are shared out each year among the inhabitants The men live ou soup aud fish and smoke pipes with lobster claws for stems The women do all the hard work get in the harvest look out for wreckage and gather seaweed from which they extract soda The town has no streets The houses are of mud The islanders have a yearly teast in the early part of October The island possesses a good water supply The governing body is composed of the ten ancients of the place under the direction of the cure The Villains Teeth The two or false teeth looked just alike hut oue set cost 510 more than the other There is a lot ot extra work ou those expensive teeth said the dentist They are made for an actor who always plays the part of heavy villain In melodrama and he has to have teeth that he can hiss with I experimented on three dit fercnt sets ot teeth before l got the combination bomehow the nice even teeth that I usually turn out wouldnt permit the sibilant ss sses that he deals in to escape with sufficient ven om Vou wouldut believe how much tinkering it takes to lick teeth into shape for the sdeaths aud ods bloods to sound just right Uf all the people I ever made teeth for the heavy stage villain is hardest to tit New York Tress What Is a Gentleman Ill have to Hive you the real uetlnl tion ot a real gentleman A man thats clean iuideind out u ho neither looks up id i lie neli nor down in poor who can lu e without iii iing and who can win without inagmu who is considerate t women nul dren and old peupie v n im niae to lie ton ueneroii ii - who takes hi hare ot u i iud lets other people hae then- New orK Sun He Wss Wise It seeni ijueer ftzii she ever took u fancy to mm lie isn t ai all the bind or man ne would expect her to admire I know but he always Ind a wa ot notiemr it w Ihii she happened t have on a new hat or a souu mat hat just come trom the dressmakers Chicago Uecord Ileraid Tommys Question Tommy Papa v hen a thing is bought It goes to the buyer doesnt it Tommys Papa Yes my son Tommy Then how Is it that when you buy oaI it goes to the cellar SPMB r i or Mr Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location Jnst across flcCOOk stroet iu P Walsh buidiu kv w vmyw wvvftvivmri f wrT r Dr J U Drutc OSTEOPATH AlcCOOk Neb Telephone 55 Office over OlecrlcTheatre on Main Ave J I tftiflffttnlftAiliii Dr Oflicc Herbert J Pratt HEOISTEItED GRADUATE Dentist 2I2J4 Alain av over McConuelPs Drup Store McCook Neb- Tolophones Ollico 1C0 Itesidcucc Blncx 131 DR EARL 0 VAHUE JJENTIST Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 BR R J OUNN DENTIST poohb iu Offico Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook Dr J A Colter DENTIST Room - Postokkics Building Phone 378 McCOOK NEBRASKA YTVVVVV 1rtnTTrfrvrPVlrTT R H Gatewood DENTIST f Oftico Room 1 Masonic temple jF Phono 163 McCook Nebraska wuridUttiaaiii IoAMyijAtAiaiAt tftuAi Middleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska tl P SUTTON McCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA COS A5M7r P t P Tj Cures Coughs Colds Croup Grip and Whooping Cough Ve are pleased to inform onr readers that Chaherlins Cnfh Jioaotly does not contain naiotkv of any kind This makes it the safest iml best for children It makes no difference when you canght that cold you have it and want to get rid of it quickly Take Chamberlains Congh Remedy It wont do to fool with a bad cold No one can teil what the end will be Pneumonia rntarrh chronic bronchitis and consumption invariably result from a neglected cold As a cure for coughs and colds nothing cn compare with Chamberlains Cough Remedy Sold everywhere at 25c f0c and 100 3h 3 Lumber and Coal Thats All But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber Co Phone 5 BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds x4 v 1 i i M i h i V j 1