The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 18, 1909, Image 4

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T L L -
A Mistaken
Some people have an idea
llial in order to havo a
hank account they must
have- a largo sum to dojosit
that the bank does not caro
to be bothered by small
This however is not
truo of the First National
Bank This bank welcomes
now accounts whether of
SI or 1000 and the same
courtesy and service is ac
corded the small depositor
as those in more fortunate
It is our object and wish
to serve the public in finan
cial matters in a manner
that shall bo satisfactory
to all old or young rich or
We Want Your Banking
Business and will bo
pleased to have you open
an account with us
Bank of Mccook
LarreM Circulation In Red Willow Co
Entered at postoflice MeCook Nebraska as
second class matter Published weekly
Subscription i a Year in Advance
The moral irfluence exerted by a
town or city is properly to be esteemed
one of its highest and best assets It is
well to bepro3perous It is better to be
clean and wholesome and safe to live in
Let us strive more earnestly for tl e
SurT G A Gregory of the Crete
city schools has been appointed by thH
state superintendent to be in charge of
the domestic science and industrial
work of the state Supt Gregory has
assisted several times in the MeCook
Junior Normal School work and is very
favorably known here
Jamjahy 1st 1910 all the local nt ws
japcrsof Vct tter county will ad vat c
their subscription to SI 50 per year
Sooner or later all weekly local newspa
pers doing business on profitable busi
ness basis will be compelled to this ac
tion The preseut price of SlOOis not
profi able and has not been remunerat
ive for several years since the great ad
vance in printers materials and labor
If Aldrichs central bank proposition
has as much in it for the American peo
ple as his tariff bill has the quicker and
the harder the American people land on
his proposed currency measure the bet
ter for the people A central bank with
Wail street and The Interests at the
helni brooks no good for the common
people Those eastern Special Privilege
fellows should set up a decoy with whom
the people are less familiar
The almost unbelievable profits of old
line or industrial life insurance can be
seen in the fact that in the last 30 years
one of the big companies received 287
000000 in premiums and during the
same period paid to its policy holders
but 92000000 During but three years
of this period too 70 per cent of the
policy holders dropped out and lost all
they paid into the companys coffers
And this suggests the economy of postal
savings insurance for the workingman
Industrial or old line insurance absorbs
3731 per cent of premiums in its expense
account while postal savings insurance
takes but 147 per cent for expenses Do
you seek a better argument for postal
savings banks and postal savings insur
ance Both should be demanded by
the people and that speedily
The law breaking and law defying
character of the liquor interests is clear
ly indicated by recent developments in
Omaha where investigation has been
progressing through attorneys and se
cret officers of the temperence advocates
of the state It is disclosed that the
leading hotel keeper and restaurant
men have been selling liquors on elec
tion day on Sundays and after eight
oclock That gambling is commonly
practiced in the hotels and elsewhere
That boot legging is numerously follow
ed That evil resorts defy and break
the eight oclock law and the general
liquor law of the state The officero of
the city decline and fail to enforce or
attempt to enforce the laws of the state
and the governor has been appealed to to
remove from office Mayor Dahlman and
to proceed against the delinquent
fire and police board of the city Some
interesting developments may be expect
ed from this procedure
McMillens Gough Cure is effective
and pleasant
Shortly before thoolection the Demo
crats after warning the voters to bo on
their guard against campaign literature
that might bo circulated by the Re
publicans at a timo when it would be
impossible for the Democrats to answer
themselves issued hand bills which con
tained charges that whi o false in part
or in whole bore such an imprint of
truth as justified tho confidence of the
voters and may bo credited with being
responsible for tho electon of two of the
Democratic candidates Had the voters
heeded the warning sounded by tho
Democrats themselves no attf ntion
would have been given these canards
which were so carefully concealed from
the managers of the Eepublican cam
paign and wero issued so lato that it
would in any circumstances have been
impossible to convey a refutation to tho
large majority of tho voters
While it has not been customary for
the Republican Committee to issue an
post election staement the organization
believes in this instance that in jus
tice not only to the accused officials
but to tho voters as well s me explana
tions of th charges should be m do so
that the tax payors whose interest in
this subject is vital but whose oppor
tunities for knowing the facts are lim
ited may be informed as to the truth
The voters should also know that they
ari now the objects of derision on the
prt of som of tho Democratic 1 aders
who instead cf being humiliated bo
cau e of the disreputable tactics em
ployed aro impudently laughing at
them for being so easily deceived
At tho outset the Committee desires
to contrast the methods employed by
the Republicans with those resorted to
by the Democra s in the last campaign
The Republicans believe the voter
should bo advised as to the qualifica
tions of tho various candidates so that
he may vote understandingly They
believe a man should ba supported not
because ho is a candidate of the party
that has placed him in nomination but
because is fit for the office that ho
seeks They believe a candidate should
win on his own merits not because his
opponent is weak or wicked that a 1
appeals should 1 e made to the intelli
gence of the voter not to h s prejudices
that dis onesty is as much of a sin in
political warfare as it is in busness
that tho office of a political organization
is lo enlighten not to deceive the voter
and that the use of whiskey and other
similar inducements should be pro
scribed by the organization itself as it
is by Kw So far as the Republican or
ganization and the Republican candi
dates know their campaign was con
duced in conformity with the principles
they believe should govern in conflicts
of the sort that has just closed The
Republicans relied for success upon tho
experience and quaifications of their
-candidates net upon the unfitness
of their adversarys They issued no
false or garbled statements to deceive
the voters nor was one drop of liquor
used with the sanction or knowledge of
either the organization or the candi
dates fur the purpose of improperly in
fluencing voters
On the other hand the conduct of
the campaign on behalf of the Demo
cratic candidates was notorious for the
employment of methods that are im
possible of adequate characterization
The Republicans have indisputable
proof and charge that the Democrats
in the conduct of their campaign were
guilty of the following off nses against
good morals and law
1st They used in more than one
precinct whiskey for the purpose of im
properly influencing voters
2nd They accused innocent men
Republican candidates and others con
nected with the Republican organiza
tion with the commission of atrocious
3rd They issued false statements
concerning the conduct of the countys
affairs knowing them to be false
4th They applied opprobrious epi
thets to certain men and classes of men
for tho purpose of arousing the passions
and prejudices of the voters
5th Chief among those who are re
sponsible for this outrage is Sidney
Dodge the Democratic county attorney
of Red Wilow county
So far as the first charge is concerned
the facts are so well known to so many
people that the necessity to further
particularize does not exist As to the
second charge that they have fasely
accused innocent men with tho com
mission of crimes their own printed
words convict them of one of the most
despicable offenses that can be committ
ed They have attempted to blacken
the characters of men who have here
tofore borne a good reputation by mak
ing charges they cannot substantiate
charges for which there is not the
shadow of a foundation
The third charge that they have is
sued false statements concerning the
The Republican County Central Committee Presents the Truth and Nails a
Few Lies Spread Too Late for Denial or Refuta
tion Before Election Day
conduct of tho countys affairs knowing
them to bo flso statements which in
volve the integrity of nearly cveiy Re
publican office holder has in part
been answered I efore and attention i
will here be directed to those only
which owing to the lateness of the
hour at which thoy wero issued could
not be met before election On Saur
day night and Sunday before election
day a bill of winch tho following is a
copy was issued and sent broad cast
over tho country
Voters are you satisfied with
tho County Affairs Have you
seen the County Treasurers Semi
annual Statements Here it is
condensed S op and Consider
Cash on hand Jan 1
1909 S7086d90
Receipts Jan 1 09 to
J une 30 09 8G5S97G
Making a total of 1G445GGG
Baku ce on hand June
30 09 5545030
Total paid out in six
months 10500G3G
Just think of it The enormous
sum of S105OOG3G pad out in six
months leaving the treasury de
The persons who issued this statement
intended the voters should believe that
the county had paid out 10500G3G
during the first six months of 1909
Such an expenditure if it had been
made would of course have been evi
dence of the grossest extravagance
But the authors of tho bill in questi n
knew that less than one fifth of this
amount had been paid for general coun
ty purposes and knew furthermore
that practically all of it had been paid
for expenses incurred in 1908 They
knew also that two thirds or more of
the money collecto i and disbursed b
the county treasurer du ing toe entire
year are collected ani disbused during
the first six months of the year The
following statement shows how this
money was disbursed
State T easurer 99304S
Couritv General Fund
Warrants 1909912
Bridge Fund War
rants 737342 i
Countv Road Fund
Warrants 144395 27916 49
Soldiers Relief 2S093
Precinct and City
Bonds 431037
School Bonds 1810 53
School District Or
ders 4095733
Road District War
rants 587207
City Treasurers 924840 G219S70
Refunds 6267
Poll Receipts 3S00
Redemption Certi
ficates Tax Sales 333909
County Treasurers
Fees and Com
missions 120000 4G297G
Total 10500036
The only part of the 10500636 which
was disbursed by the county commis
sioners was that paid out to redeem
county warrants bridge warrants and
county road warants The bridge war
rants were issued for steel bridges con
structed in the county during the year
and as a steel bridge is a permanent in
vestment everyone is bound to admit
money spent for such purpose is well
spent The state received S998048
The school and road districts and the
cities towns and precincts received
6219870 the expenditure of which
was directly controlled by the people
On Monday November 1 tho bill of
which the following is a copy was cir
The Sheriff is entitled to 900
thus far since Jan 1 1909 The
following figureswere taken from
the treasurers books by the Dep
uty County Treasurer at the re
quest of the County Attorney
You can find the same figures at
the Court House
Sheriff has received 220700
Salary due and received
bv Sheriff 90000
Balance allowed Sheriff 130791
What right have the Commis
sioners to allow this
What has Sheriff Peterson done
with the 130791
The foregoing statement is without
the first element of truth The records
disclose that from January first to
October first 1909 claims were allowed
by the Commissioners in favor of the
sheriff for 135382 and no more as
Salary Nov and Dec 1908 20000
Salary Jan to Aug 1909
Mileage and expenses
- - - nn MHVihH
1 wt
Total Sl 15382
Tho item of expense includes tho
amounts paid by tho sheriff as railroad
fares for himself and for insane patients
and inebriates taken to the asylums at
Lincoln and Hastings during tho eleven
months from November 1st 1908 to
October 1st 1909 and for his railroad
faro and expenses when ho has been out
over the country after prisoners Tho
item of fees Will be turned into tho
county treasury at tho timo of settle
ment with tho county commissioners in
Janu ry 1910
Neither of these bills ws circulated
inMcCook and it was only by accident
that they fell into tho hands of tho Re
publican campaign managers Why if
they contained statements of facts
should their existence havo been so
carefully concealed from the Republi
can managers Why w s their publi
cation delayed until the last moment
until their allegat ons if untrue could
not be answered Because they were
untrue and because tho persons who
issued them knew that if their disreput
able trick were exposed it would react
and operate to their disadvantage as it
did in MeCook where many a vote that
had it not been for the revelation of
their dishonesty would havo been cast
for the Democratic candidates
What credence will you in the future
be willing to give to tho statements of
men who are thus convicted of having
no regard for the truth This matter
is called to tho attention of the tax-payers
at this lime so they may for them
selves look into the question if they de
sire to do so Let them when thoy aro
at the clerks and treasurers office call
for the books and satisfy themselves
that the assertions now made arc true
and that the statements made by the
Democrats are false
While the R publicans regret the re
sult because they be ieve their defeated
candidates could better served the
people of this county than can the
men who were successful they do
not count the defeat so crushing as tho
Democrats proclaim They lost the
sheriff not by an avalanch of votes
but by the flip of a coin They lost one
county commissioner by an adverse
majority of but forty four They gain
ed the superintendence of schools an
office which for all but two f the last
sixteen years has been filled by men
and women who subscribed to Demo
cratic doctrines Let the Democrats
take what comf rt they may from the
results on election day let their candi
dates successful through fraud and de
ceit enjoy the fruits of their offices
won by such disreputable means if
they can The Republicans at least
have the consolation of knowing what
was gained by them was won by fair
means They have such confidence in
the integrity of mankind that they be
lieve the voters wM on another election
day remember the frauds perpetrated
upon them in this campaign that they
will resent the disreputable methods
resorted to by the Democrats to win
this paltry victory and that they will
have learned to distrust a party that
found it necessary to rely upon trickery
and deceit to gain a few votes A vic
tory won at the expense of the confi
dence of the people will it is thought
prove costly indeed
You can secure the city
styles the latest devel
opment of the photogra
phers art at half the
price charged for simil
ar work in the city at
The New Studio Also
those who prefer them
can have the soot and
white - wash with every
eyelash sharply defined
sort of pictures Why go
to the city in order to pay
more for the same thing
E Sctiell Kimmell
Main ave MeCook
First Door North
of Commercial Hotel
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Mary Harrisonnurse Phone black 2S6
Fresh and wholesome home made
mince meat at Magners market and
Mens Suits
Odd Coats
A Few
s and Ends
We have a few odds and ends in first class merchandise in
the line of
which we are selling for a short time at greatly reduced
prices as follows
Youths Suits
6oo to 1600 values at
400 to 1200
750 to 2000 values at
500 to 1600
400 to 1000 values at
250 to 750
While these last you will have an opportunity you should
not pass up of securing desirable wearing apparel in the
work suit line at bargain prices
H F Everist is home from Colorado
and with the family here for a while
Mrs C D Ritchie entertained the
Young Married Peoples card club last
Thursday evening
Mrs Lottie Clyde came up from
Lincoln close of last week and is spend
ing the week in the city
Mrs J O Lyne of Minden visited
friends here last week and at Cam
bridge and Culbertson also
Seth and Mrs Silvers went up tho
Imperial line close of last week where
he has some real estate interests
John L Sanders one of the old war
horses o Frontier county has been vis
iting in the city the past week
Rhv C C Wilson of Iloldrege was
in the citj a few hours Monday even
ing the guest of Rev and Mrs Howe
MrsC M Bailey came up from Wy
more Monday morning on 13 to attend
to some business affairs in tho old home
N Mitchell arrived from MeCook
the first of the week with a car of per
sonal effects and will settle in Yuma
county Wray Colo Gaz9tte 12th
A D Snell who has been employed
at the Westrand barber shop left Tues
day morning for MeCook to accept a
similar position Holdrege Progress
Mr and Mrs R M LeGore return
ed to Lincoln Monday night Miss
Jones of Lincoln and Miss Baumann of
West Point returned to Lincoln on
Tuesday night Mrs C D Ritchie ac
companying them to visit her parents
Roy Cocklin now of the Bank of
Wauneta formerly in the Citizens Na
tional Bank of MeCook was united in
marriage with Miss Rosa May Speer
near Astell November 10th Rev M
B Carman of Minden officiating
Dr Effie Current retired from the
general practice of medicine in our city
this week and departed for Colorado
where she has a position in a hospital a
less trying position on her physical
strength than the general practice of
T J OBrien of the Ilenshaw hotel
Omaha was a city visitor end of week
T Js visit here seems to have been co
incident with that little tea cup af
fair in the Heusbaw close of last week
Ostensibly he was looking after some
real estate matters here
Miss Loucile Lawson daughter of
Mr and Mrs W F Lawson formerly
of our city was united in marriage with
Clarence Eastman Williams in Alham
bra California November 9th 1909
The Tribune voices the wish of all
their MeCook friends that their wedded
life may be long and happy and pros
Mrs Wj ston of Lincoln is visiting
her mother Mrs V A Mitchell
Mr and Mrs Barney Hoker enter
tained the Thursday whist club last
Mrs John Plum and Mrs Henry
L Faft of Palisade were guests of Mra
William Jeffries last week
Rev R T Hayne who has been
spending a few days at homo in ilold
rege returnpd to the cit Wednesday
Dr and Mrs C L Fahnkstock and
Mr and Mrs Frank Vahue entertained
their whist club last evening at ih
Fahnestock residence
Rev Bryant Howe went to Minden
on No 2 Wedoesuay morning and je
turned on No 3 tho same night While
there he performed a marriage cera
Miss Lenor Fitzgerald of our city
now at the Kearney Business College
was cho en pn sident of tho State Fed
eration of Catholic Students clubs for
the year 1910 at the annual convention
held in Lincoln November oth and Gfcb
Upon which fac Tho Tribune congrat
ulates Mifcs Lenor
Mrs C DRitchie entertained about
one hundred guests last Friday at a
buffet tea to meet her mother Mrs R
M LeGore of Lincoln Mis3 Jones of th
capital city and Miss Baumann of West
Point It was one of the most elabor
ate social affairs of the winter Guests
were entertained from 3 to G oclock
Annual Meeting- of Association
The annual meeting of Red Willow
County Agricultural society will be hold
in Indianola Saturday December 4tb
1909 opening at one oclock
for any occasion or for an in
vestment at guaranteed prices
We can assist you in getting full
worth for your money
Mountings changed or repaired
Jewelers and Opticians