The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 04, 1909, Image 4
iVt XS2 fc Ji 1 - vltf r Du jaaBMaiWJMPCjMBBBaWWKMKOMMnpaanB - ivsarw BiM csi r S1ZCS 5fS5Q 5TVLES 129 100 00 Ada Durbin etcons to George Q Durbin wd 4 in 8 Spring dale Park 1800 00 Mary E Crafford etcons to Ar thur H Eldredge wd se qr 7 n hf ne qr 18 i 30 4803 00 Martha A Morris widow to Wil liam C Morris wd pt ne qr sw qr 17126 1000 00 William C Morris etux to Hib eerd E Waugh wd same as above 1000 00 United States to Bathsheba E Newman pat sw qr 19 2 26 Grant Johnson to Marion J Walters bill of sale 22 bead live stock 3 harness lister harrow binder mower 17 hoes 5 tons hay etc 1423 63 John M Smith etux to August Brunke wd 1 in 1 1st South McCook 2800 00 Milton D Hobbs etux to Jessie J Hillers wd 7 8 in 21 Indian ol 200 00 James W Nutt etux to Emily Thompson wd pt se qr se qr 18-1-27 120 00 S W Selley etux to Frank J Schumacher wd e hf ne qr 7 w hf nw qr 8 1 30 sw qr 1 se qr 2 2 29 6400 00 Margaret A Evans to James R Jackson wd pt 3 in 5-2-29 1500 00 Susanah Kennedy to Mathias Colling wd 2 in It 2 in 12 Goodrich Park 2650 00 John Flurry etux to C M Bruseneqr 2-2-26 5600 00 Edward G Bohanan etal to El liott Lowe nw qr 1 e hf w hf s hf ne qr 1 2 in 2-2-29 8400 00 Hannes Wilkin etux to R A Rehner qcd se qr 18 4 27 1 00 COURT HOUSE NEWS county court Following licenses to marry have been issued since our last report Harold V Huff 21 and Mabel Green wood 18 both of McCook Neb mar ried Oct 30 by County Judge Jake Leibbrandt 26 McCook and Martha Boll 20 Indianola Taylor 0 Gaines 49 andMrs Delia M Oliver 46 both of Stratton Neb Married Nov 4 by County Judge Quality like blood tells Quality ex plains the well earned popularity of the Famous LoomiB High Patent Fours Sold by McCook Flour and Feed Store aiestic ring Week of McCook Markets Merchants and dealers in McCook today Thursday are paying the follow ing prices Corn 8 90 Wheat 70 Oats 40 Rye 60 Barley 40 Hogs 6 75 Butter eood blk20 22 to 2i Eggs I TEMPERANCE COLUMN S Conducted by the McCook W C T U Demonstr 17 5 Mrs McBride and Mrs Callen attend ed the state W C T U convention held in Lincoln Oct 18 to 20 They report an enthusiastic convention It was all business relative to the years work Encouraging repoits were read from different parts of the state It is a great uplift to meet with co workers and wo become enthused when we meet with our sisters who have become grey in the service and who are earnestly working for state wide prohi bition 1910 Mrs Wicks of Marion was elected as a delegate to the great national conven tion held at Omaha to represent the western part of our state Mrs Laverty of Orleans is our field worker for Red Willow county There was a gain of 565 members for the union over last year Nebraska now has a total of 4665 mem bers who are proud to wear the white ribbon The next state convention will be held in Fairbury Our delegates were very hospitably en tertained at Uuiversity Place Mrs Daily our genial state vice president saw that each delegate was provided with a home while in the oity Mrs Heald was reelected as state president She is a faithful worker and is a splendid leader Mrs Benjamin the National Parliamentarian was at the convention and was very much enjoyed and appreciated She gave the conven tion valuable aid in parliamentary drills Mrs Orr read the plan of work for 1910 which later will be printed in pamphlet form It is very comprehen sive and should be in the hands of every member The convention closed Wednesday noon A special train over the Rock Island took about 100 white ribboners on to Omaha to attend the great national con vention Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hubers only November lllllllMrflM iWJSifeJ II rIAJESTICNEVEK nunN COOSXT STEAMER CUEXENDEi ANI DRAIB TIip Perforated Cooker 9 Hr 1 i fl 8 shown in center has small feet which admits water a the bottom Nothing can burn Iool can be lifted out h 11 W H WlS53 I of main vessel shown on left at the sane time draining oil all the water J he tp nrr or Giuroler shown on g WWwVWrt 1 riBht can be u1 M an ordinary Cullender It also Gt3 on top of main vessel and i uacd as a steamer j 70PqUE ftffl J CAN FURNISH ffiKMShlllf Wit 1 Tl RIGHT HAND I BKsMMJ I lm8lM MA I f j ll V FUJ5H RESERVOIR ISvSl I W43f l BBl R5 I J AlMLiE VP l THE MAJESTIC Extra THE MAJESTIO 18 oz All THE MUFSTIC H oz All 1 Mckol plated Coffee S Heavy Stamped Iron Marble- Copper Nickel plated Tea Copper iJ WAT i WfaSfMA fe IXettlc Handsomely nickeled on Iot Handsomely nickeled on I KaSBB I iTCd Kettle complete with cover Xr 4RMj 1 1 lfiW 1 P and handle that holds on co er outside tinned on inside outsido and tinned on inside l twIMtallrt lS ll Ehfpi 3 fi fl THE MAJESTIC Marble- THE MAJESTIC Patent TWO MAJESTIC Patent jj SS U BiU a B xes H3 I 1i1llrii iGrJlV U l V xaC di VD i NAvrrhurn Wired Drinninc Kcvcr Burn Wired minnlnc i M wlr sncciallv fine for the Pan Size of pan 14 in x 20 in Pans Size of pan 9 in x 12 in g I 1 Majestic fetl Made specially for the Majestic Set Made specially for the Majestic Set l BARTLEY The election being over all parties interested can now pursue other occu pations than politics Sam Bryant carat home from Hast ings to vote and returned Wednesday Judge H W Keyes was a business visitor in Bartley Wednesday of last week Mrs Baker has returned from her visit in Iowa and The basket ball team of Bartley went to Beaver City last Saturday and had a very pleasant time but were defeated by the Beavers 27 to 20 Mr and Mrs John Ginther are re joicing over their first baby which is the exact image of its father A baby boy came to cheer the home of Mr and Mrs S R Grissell Monday just on the eve of election The people here are generally pleased that Moore Naden and Skalla were re elected Mrs Lela Fidler Premer has return ed to her home at Haigler Mrs Mose King visited in the coun try last week Mrs Marion Rittenberg of Indianola visited several days last week with her parents Mr and Mrs John Durbin of this village Mrs James Carnahan visited in Cam bridge last week Mr and Mrs Robert Cox and Mrs J S Miller and daughter Elsie visited in Wilsonville Sunday last Harry L Brown left Tuesday even ing for Scotts Bluff to take his position with the Star printing office The Bell Telephone Co is putting up new poles and cross arms for ten wires Thats the swellest mount I ever saw declared a young man the other day while looking at one of our photo mounts the kind intended for wall or den decoration You will agree if you see it Come in Kimmell Studio 1st door north of Commercial Hotel YOU WILL NEVER KNOW A tenth of what is going on in Town State Na tion and World if you fail to take THIS PAPER Order It ffotv Order It Jfoto I Odd 3BesB92S9 tion j 3 ouvenir Fre e Set of Majestic Ware If you will call at our store during our Majestic Demon stration Week and allow us to show you tho manyndvntages and tho superior qualities of the Great and Grand Majestic R inge and will purchase one at the regular price we will give you FREE the beautiful and useful Souvenir Sot of Ware illustrated in this advertisement This ware is made to match the quality of tho Majestic Ranges and we know all ladies will see the beauty and utility of thiss t especially the first three pieces which are entirely now and cannot be had alone by purchase except at a very high price The prices of Majestic Ranges are the same but we give the set FREE with each Mnjestic Range nought ijuhino demon- STKATION WKKK ONLY Reasons Why the Great Majestic You Should Buy 1st It has the reputation of being the best range money can buy 2nd It not only has tho reputation but is the best rango made and we will prove this to you if you will lotus 3rd It is constructed of Malleable Iron material you can not beat and of Charcoal Iron material that resists rust 500 per cent greater than steel is riveted together air tight No hoat escapes or cold air enters range thus uses very little fuel to do perfect work 4th The reservoir alone is worth the price of the range over any other reservoir mado It boils 15 gallons of water is heated like a tea kettle with pocket against left hand lin ing and is movable and sets on a frame hence cannot wear out When water gets too hot it can be moved away from the fire MAJESTIC RANGES use less fuel heat more more water and heat it hotter costs practically nothing for repairs lasts three times as long bake better easier to keep clean and If knew that the above statements were true wouldnt you buy a give better satisfaction than any other range on the market yoo positively Majestic at once Come in during Demonstration Week and we will prove it to you McCOO bgr HPANY T kT i A Mistaken Idea v Some people have an idea that in order to have a bank account they must have a large sum to deposit that the bank does not care to be bothered by small accounts This however is not true of the First National Bank This bank welcomes new accounts whether of SI or 81000 and the same courtesy and service is ac corded the small depositor as those in more fortunate circumstances It is our object and wish to serve the public in finan cial matters in a manner that shall be satisfactory to all old or young rich or poor We Want Your Banking Business and will be pleased to have you open -an account with us The First National Bank of Mccook By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published weekly Subscription 1 a Year in Advance IflDIANOLA Michael Madden an oldtime resident of this county died on Tuesday morn ing ct 6 oclock of heart trouble A C Furman and daughter Bessie of Fort CollinsColovisited here Wednes day en route to their old home at Dan buay The Democrats of elected their whole precinct ticket Arch Carmichael and Ernest Kennedy were McCook visitors this week had business in McCook H W Keyes on Wednesday Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in the county clerks office since last report Arthur P Sidebottom etux to J H Weyenenth wd se qr 35- A Few s and Ends B argams We have a few odds and ends in first class merchandise ia the line of WORK SUITS which we are selling for a short time at greatly reduced prices as follows Youths Suits 6oo to 1600 values at 400 to 1200 Mens Suits 750 to 2000 values at 500 to 1600 Odd Coats 400 to 1000 values at 250 to 750 While these last you will have an opportunity you should not pass up of securing desirable wearing apparel in the I work suit line at bargain prices ROZELLSONS WEST B ST THE CLOTHIERS I I A Vj I r t u