The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 04, 1909, Image 3

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Given or anv substance in
jurioui to health found in food
resulting horn the use ct
Congkfoationai Sundny kcIiooI at
10 a m Puijor niLMitin Wedntwlay
ovoniriK at eight oclotk I ho public
is cordially invited ro theso services
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p
m unday Hchool at 10 a in fern
ihl io t lflt Suodaj alia m 3rd Sin -days
745 a m each month All an
welcome to these servicer
E K Eakle Rector
Catholic Order of services Mans
830 am Mass and sermon 100 a in
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m EVery Sunday
Wm J Kikwin O Al I
Mkthodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epwortb
League at 645 Prayor meeting Wed
nesday night at 745
Bkvant Howe Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Burton Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
Germaq preaching services in church
corner of E aud 6th street east every
Sunday morning at 1000 All Germans
oordially invited
RevWm Bruegceman
607 5th st East
Christian Science 219 Main Ave
nue Services Sunday at 11 a ni and
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room
open all the time Science literature
on eale Subjpct for next Sunday
Evangelical Lutheran Congrega
tional Sunday School at 930 a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Praor
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All German
cordially invited to these services
Rev Gustav Henkelmann
505 3rd street West
Faunie N Gibbs LaDelvert W P Gibbs
Nollie Wilson W W Wilson bur husbnnd true
Gibb Mrs William
name unknown William M
liam M his wife Mar Hunton William
Clark Mrs Wiliam Clark his wire Deuel
Clark Mrs DpuscI Clark his wife and Kirt
land C Arnold Defendant- you and each of
you are hereby notified that Cordelia Vrnolil
plaintiff herein has tiled her petition aramst
you in the district court of Red Willow Count
Nebraska the object and praer of which tiro
to confirm the title of the plaintiff m an un
divided one third interest in Lot iive 5 Block
Fourteen 14 in the Original Town of McCook
Bed Willow County Nebraska and the title of
the defendants Fannie N Gibbs LaDelvert W
P Nellie Wil on and llham 31 bibb
in an undivided one twelfth interest in said
property aud the title of the defendants Mary
Hunton William Clark and Peusel Clark in an
undivided one ninth interest in said property
and for a decree for the partition of all of said
real estate in accordance with the interests of
the parties and for the sale of said real estate
in the event tho ame cannot be equitably
divided and the division of the proceeds of
said sale between the parties found by the
court to be entitled thereto and that all other
defendants may be barred of any interest
You are required to answer said petition on
or before Monday the 6th da of December
Dated this 23th day of October 1009 2Mts
Cordelia Arnold
By Boyle Eldred her attorneys
stpos the couglx and Ixeals luzg
E 1
Grain and Coal
We have just added coal to our
business and have now in our bins
a full stock of both Colorado and -
i i u -
w ieuuswiuiui uuina suuu ua
Chandler Canon
Sunsnine Maitland
Baldwin Nut and
Susquehanna Anthracite
Your orders will be appreciated
and given prompt attention
ter children cafe cure no opiate
tf flUU
First Modern One Was Opened
In Scotland In 1810
Ho Was a Presbyterian Clergyman and
Was a Friend of Thomas Carlyle and
of the Celebrated Dr Chalmers The
Rapid Spread of the System
The first savings bank to accept de
posits in small amounts and to pay
cumulative Interest was opened in Scot
land In May 1810 Several Institutions
for havings existed In foreign countries
prior to 1810 but there was nothing In
any respect like the modem savings
bank England for example early
witnessed the appearance of numerous
small charitable associations and Insti
tutions which undertook to invest the
savings of their members
The first modern savings bank how
ever was originated by Henry Dun
can a Presbyterian clergyman of
Dumfries Scotland a friend of Thom
as Carlyle and of the celebrated Dr
Chalmers who throughout his active
life was Interested In various schemes
of practical benevolence In 1S10 aft
er he had already set forth his views
on the subject in the Dumfries Courier
he established the Uuthwell Savings
bank His purpose as expressed in a
memoir published by bis son in 1SSS
was to induce the mass of people of
his time to realize the value of the lit
tle savings which by economy could be
put away
The Dumfries community of lowland
Scotch was a good one in which to
start such a scheme During the first
year savings to the amount of li0
were deposited in the Rutliwell Sav
ings bank and in the next two years
171 and 241 respectively By 1S1 1
the deposits amounted to 022
As the success of Mr Duncans
scheme became known similar institu
tions were organized elsewhere in
Scotland and England One of the
earliest was the Edinburgh Savings
bank still a thriving institution
The Ituthwell bank had some pe
cuiarities which distinguished it from
the institutions that were developed
later There was an annuity fund for
instance Most remarkable of all be
fore anybodys first deposit was re
ceived inquiries had to be made as to
his age family affairs and previous
moral conduct According to what
was discovered tho management decid
ed first whether his deposit should be
accepted and second what rate of
Interest should be allowed him
The Rutliwell banks funds were
placed with the British Linen company
which allowed f per cent interest on
them Most of the depositors received
4 per cent but to those of three years
standing whose deposits amounted to
5 or more per cent was allowed
provided the depositor wanted to get
married or that he was Gftj six years
old or that in other respects it would
be especially advantageous for him to
receive more interest The first sav
ings bank was under no obligation to
aliow depositors -to withdraw funds
when they wanted There was a pro
vision that when the depositor shall
have become incapable of maintaining
himself from sickness or otherwise a
weekly allowance may be made to him
at the option of the court of directors
out of the money he has deposited
The Edinburgh Savings bank was
much simpler in its organization than
the Ruthwell aud more closely resem
bled the savings banks of the present
day Each depositor received the same
rate of interest There was no pre
Iiminary investigation of his charac
ter and he could withdraw his de
posits at pleasure The rate of inter
est was uniformly 4 per cent
Widespread interest was aroused in
the early experiments in Great Britain
Earseelng people realized that the new
institutions were destined to add large
ly to general prosperity and happiness
This opinion was eloquently voiced by
the great Scotch critic Francis Jeffrey
who writing in the Edinburgh Review
said It would be difficult we fear
to convince either the people or their
rulers that the spread of savings
banks is of far more importance and
far more likely to increase the happi
ness and even the greatness of the na
tion than the most brilliant success ot
its arms or the most stupendous im
provement of its trade and its agricul
ture And yet we are persuaded that
it is so
Laws safeguarding savings bank
were passed as these institutions began
to show vitality aud clearly needeJ
regulation Trustees and managers
were early prohibited from making anj
profit in connection with these banks
The Euglish savings bank movement
rapidly spread throughout the con
tiuent France Jermany Denmark and
Italy successively taking up the idea
Everywhere with modifications propel
to tile nationality it 1ms proved suc
The first American savings bank wa
opened in Philadelphia in lSHi ami
was called the Philadelphia Savin
Fund society The same year one wa
established in Boston New York fol
lowing in 1S19 and in 1S20 there wen
ten in the coumry having SUCo de
positors and 1138570 in deposits
Boston Globe
Trouble For Pa
Yhere do they wind you up Miss
Wind me up
Yes pa said you sang mechanical
ly Houston Post
He that speaks sows but he that
hears reaps Arabian Proverb
It Came Just at the Time H Wanted
to Sell His Place
One of the leading men of L uisvllle
reported to be one of the richest got a
bad start In business He began by
being a photographer but found tint
the business didnt come up to exp
tatlons He therefore wisely decided
to sell out aud start at something else
lie finally interested some people in
the proposition and appointed avtime
when they should come and look things
He now has the reputation of being
shrewd and that this is not a cum
plhnentary designation only is fiicli
catcd by what happened then nc in
serted an advertisement in the daily
papers in small enough type not to at
tract everybodys attention and yet
conspicuously enough to win consid
eration Trom those who make a point
of looking for bargains announcing
that on a certain day he would take
pictures free of charge By a coin
cidence the day he set was the day
when the prospective purchasers of
ids business were to be there
The ad as usual paid and that
afternoon his gallery was crowded
with visitors They thronged in aud
out and he could not take care of
them rapidly enough even with the
aid of several assistants When the
folks he Intended to do business with
came he greeted them with a crown
of disappointment explaining that he
was simply so busy that he couldnt
see them then and asked them to crime
back In the morning when things
would likely have slackened up They
agreed and went away duly impressed
lie sold out to them next day and it
is perhaps superfluous to add that he
got more for his outfit than he would
have done if it hadnt been for the
modest little advertisement Louisville
Courier Journal
System of Tubes That Run the Length
of Their Bodies
Landlubber animals have lungs and
sea creatures have gills But insects
have neither one nor the other They
have a complex system of tubes run
ning throughout the whole length of
the body by means of which air is con
veyed to every part of the system As
they are destined to contain nothing
but air they are strongly supported to
guard against collapse from pressure
This support is furnished by means
of a fine thread running spirally with
in the walls of the tube much in the
same way that a garden hose is pro
tected with wire There are generally
two of these tubes which run the
whole length of the insects body
Many flies as larvae live in the wa
ter Arranged along each side of their
bodies is a series of exceedingly thin
plates into each of which runs a se
ries of blood vessels These plates act
and absorb the oxygen contained in
the water The tail ends in three
feather like protections By means of
these the larva causes currents of wa
ter to flow over the gills and thus their
efficiency is increased
The gnat also lives in the water as
a larva But it has no gills there
fore it cannot breathe the oxygen in
the water but must breathe air This
is done by means of a spicade situated
at the tip of its tail Indeed the tail
is prolonged into a little tube The
larva floats along head downward in
the water with this tube just above
the surface to enable it to breathe
After some time it is provided with
two little tubes which act in the same
manner Chicago Tribune
Breaking Them to the Yoke
Edward Lisle whose Observations
on Husbandry was published in 1737
described the method employed by his
oxhind or cattleman to break cattle
to the yoke lie yoked two of the
steers being two yearlings together
and so suffered them to walk about
the ground where there were no pits
or ditches for them to receive hurt by
He also tied together the bushy parts
of their tails the reason of which was
because they should not be able to
turn their heads to each other so as
to strike one another with their horns
or by bending their necks too much by
endeavoring to face one another and
then striving break their necks In
this condition the oxhind let them go
on the ground if without holes or
ditches all night or else turned them
into an empty open barn so yoked and
thus treated them two or three times
before he worked them
There was once a Billville citizen
who could never rid himself of the
chills but went shivering through the
hottest days of summer When at last
it seemed that all was up with him his
good wife to comfort him said
John youve been a shakin an
a shiverin all yer life but youll get
warm over there
For the Lords sake Mary said
the shivering man dont talk so
Which way do you think Im a goin
Atlanta Constitution
Music Hath Charms
So you are fond of music
Yes answered Senator Sorghum
I have the highest regard for it
When you go home and meet a crowd
of constituents there is nothing like a
brass band to take their minds off the
explanations they have been looking
for Washington Star
An Instance
Knicker Time brings many strange
changes Bocker Yes the boy whose
mother cant make him wash his neck
grows up to be a rich man who goes
abroad for baths Harpers Bazar
Ifs folly to try deaf mutes as serv
ants they wont answer
smnuMV m
He v Hugh Jennings Developed a Team
cf Pennant Winners
That the Del roils were enabled to
capture a third pennant and again fig
ure in the worlds championship se
ries was dut in a great measure to the
work of the team manager Hugh
Jennings Although not a player now
himself he has shown year after yeai
that brains as well as ravn ligun
largely In bringing home the pennant
The man whose aggressive persoral
ily baseball sense and Indomitable
spirit have played so important a
share in the success of the Detroits i
thirrj -nine years of age a nathc of
Peunsyhania atd in his day v as on
of the famous stars of the diamond
Aller five manager- St tilings Dwycr
Barrows Lowe and Armour had fail
ed to whip together a fairly good r ec
ond division team he was selected a-
pilot of the Tigers When Jennings
joined his team in the training camp
in Macon Ga in the spring of Ui7
the members of the team wre fighting
and quarreling Every player was at
the throat of his fellow The general
opinion was that Jennings task was
hopeless But before leaving the train
ing camp he had welded them together
into a scoring machine that has since
won three pennants and he did it by
the force of his own personality They
were drawn to him looked up to him
and forgot their petty disputes When
they did a good piece of work he was
always ready with a slap on the back
and a cheery favorable comment It
was always
Thats the way ah
By the time the team reached Ma
con Jennings had pounded this expres
sion down to the one stirring shriek
Thats the way was not explosive
enough to suit his fighting nature lie
wanted action and action quickly Any
three syllable yell was too tame for
him And the players understood the
yell just as though he had spoken Eng
it stands todav and will
stand It is the keynote of the suc
cess of a man great in his chosen pro
Wilbur Wrights Sensational Flights
In the East
Once called an American bluffer
again an Ohio faker and only recent
ly derided in some quarters because
he refused to give a correct imitation
of an aviator breaking his neck on a
windy day Wilbur Wright has as
vi wjv
4N O
jIYs sjvM
ifrVi tsS
j w
7 yj
usual come out with flying colors Ii
fact his recent remarkable flights in
Xew York were the greatest both in
spectacular interest and personal dar
ing that have ever been accomplished
in the history of aviation
As Mr Wright was about to give a
last exhibition he had one of the closest
calls of his career an explosion -blowing
a hole throurh til tcp of machine
and a i J Lriss narrowly missing
the inventor Mr Wright however
only smiled anj clirugeJ his shoul
Taking tho Cure at the Sal Springs
of Bohemia
When you are at Marlenbad the first
sound you hear is tap tap tap at your
bedroom door
Half past fil Time to get up
All right you growl in reply rail
ing while you slowly get out of bed
against the absurd tyranny of medic
inal waters Unit Insist on being taken
so early In the day
Sallying forth you find the Marieti
bad world already astir Warrr drink
its are converging from all sides to
the spring Each one on arrival pm
vides himself with a glass and goe
forward to receive his daily dose Yon
join the waiting file Soon It is yom
turn and the attendant maiden for a
modest coin fills you a bumper You
take it aside and eye it keenly hold
ing It to the light Then surreptitious
ly snllling you taste it cautiously The
flavor it appears is not unpleasant
You are reassured and assuming a
resigned air you drain the glas
Elated by this proof of your courage
you walk out The band Is playing
the promenade crowded Here you
may see the crowned heads million
aires great singers and all the other
celebrities who frequent Marlenbad
There is a peculiarity of the place
that will quickly strike you the stout
ness of many of the visitors As tlu
Baron von Seidsplitz himself a man
of girth remarked to an English
friend There are many thick people
in Marienbad
Hunger by this time probably pos
sesses you for it is 8 oclock but do
not expect a hearty breakfast Crisp
rolls or toast and fragrant coffee will
be enough served In the open air To
a favored few an egg or a small plate
of cold meat Is permitted
Curious morning tasks are prescribe
for some of the patients Mr X for
instance is ordered a piping hot mud
bath while Mr Z follows the terrain
cure This consists in walking an in
creased distance each day so as grad
ually to strengthen tin organs of which
the functions are impaired Most peo
ple however spend their time in read
ing writing or lounging
The welcome call to dinner draws
all together about 1 oclock Again
the fare is simple the motto being
Nothing very sour nothing very
sweet nothing very salt nothing very
fat Even the restaurants are not
allowed to provide dishes harmful t
the cure So you make yourself
content with fish roast meat or chick
en green vegetables and stewed fruit
and as for drink water diluted claret
or Pilsener beer must suffice Woe
to him whose choice strays to made
dishes pastry cheese or spirits for
these he must abjure as long as he
stays at Marienbad
To rest awhile without taking for
ty winks is the patients next prob
lem and when he has worked through
it he will probably stroll along to a
concert or make an excursion among
the delightful pine clad hills that in
close the Marienbad valley
When evening approaches the gar
dons and promenade fill with people
They sit about at small tables and
sip their coffee while Iistiiing to the
Your last meal is a light supper at
7 oclock and by 9 you should be in
The normal length of the cure is
four weeks It is said however that
Americans with characteristic energy
have been known to compress it into
something like half that time Phila
delphia Ledger
Cant Be Cut Off With a Shilling
French parents or at all events
those with more than 2 shillings to
dispose of by will are precluded from
the gratification of cutting a mutinous
child off with a shilling A reserve is
established by law which no testator
can bequeath away from his offspring
A Frenchman with one child can dis
pose of half his property according to
his pleasure the other half must in
evitably pass to the child Those with
two children can dispose of only one
third of their property those with three
children of one fourth and so on ac
cording to the size of the family
Stern parents occasionally seek to
evade the law by subterfuge but the
disposal of property in France is
hedged round with so many restric
tions that family black sheep are rare
ly mulcted of their legal inheritance
London Mail
Net the Same
The new mine ter was making a duiy
call at the home of one of his flock
and taking a little six-year-old miss
upon his knee he said Now my dear
you want to be a Christian like mam
ma dont you
No sir was the unexpected reply
I would rather sing in the choir
Chicago News
Her husband is very good to her
Is that so
Yes he does everything to please
her even to talking back when shes
looking for an argument Detroit
Free Press
They Pass It
I suppose the deacons in your
rhurch pass the plate
Yes they even go so far as to cut
it absolutely dead Ive never yet seer
any of them put in a cent Puck
Should Die For Her
Her You dont love me Him I do
Ive just had my life insured havent
I Her Yes but it would be just like
you not to die Cleveland Leader
What is called liberality is most
often only the vanity of giving which
we like better than the thing we give
Ofhci Over Liidvuck k Furniture
Store No 3CG Mam axenue
HouiiH From OOu to 1 10 unu
and to JiMt p m
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McCohrhIIs drc
Htore McCoolt Nebraska
C II Hotlk
Poftolllco Kuiltlinir
C K tttiio
Attorneys at i v
Louk DiBtnnce
Rooms 1 and 7 ecouri tloor
MCI on XcK
Tl of Ni I riiiil til iIIijw County
In tl o ouiity hum
In imitii r nf t lit t f nt of 1 ora l iiihtiir
ihctiiMi To tint creiiitiirs of Mini i i tuto
arc liiTi t j inn ilit it lliui 1 ill lliu Coun
ty Court room in McCook m Miiil count on tl
lMli tiny of pril ill sit out- oclock p ni la
exmni e claitii1 nniinst Mini Istiitr with u vie
to tlteir ndjiisMiiont ami nUounncc Tho tim
liniilctl for tlio iri uutitiou ot rlniin uk1
baid cstnt is six month- from t hi- ilnti
Wants- no hniul mill tin Mlil of nid County
Court this Jilth ilnj of IrrnVr Mi9 -21-1
Seal J C Mooir Count IuiIka
jlovlt Sc rhlrtd ttornrs
Not iff U hi rub Mrn that on tho I7lh day or
Nowinlier IM at lOurlnrk a in at thcollee
of the rount trvUMin r of K d Willow County
the oiiiii i inner of i uhlic 1 amU aud
or his authorized repri Miitatiewll oiler
for en i al iiiijlu auction all edueatu nal
land- within -aid fount upon which forfuiturw
of contract has been tie tared ib follows
All Sec lti T It Sit Albert Mert
No n w S C tnln
NiM nw
s 1V
Sw III I 2S f II Tjijltw
Dated October Vi IM
K 1 Cowics
- - - p i mlst liiiilriiiis
lil IN TlI
j v - i i iti
Of till WILLOW I OUm Nhl KAShA
ou ant hen b uoiillid l at on the
sixteenth iay ofOtloler I IKS L
lahiitsttxk tiled his jit niiou in tl e oimtj
oiin ul lid Willow mint Nehrnk a foe
in iippiuiitiiiiiir a- iitlntiii trator of tl e estate
of Mild Nm ij I iiliiiisiniti lute oT miC
onnt lt ft a eii ami It it lie -an e will be
heard at the miri ourt mom in tl o city of
Mi nk in I ed Willow Count Nt Ira la on
the di of Nowmltr A J tr at ninr
lock in the forenoon
It is further ordered that ntititv of said hear
ing be Kien all parties int rested in -aid estate
b the publication of ihis iotite for three suc
ce mc weeks iii the MrConk Tribune a news
paper printed publiIntt and circulating in
-aid Count
Dated this sixteenth day of OeNbur A II
Se ill 1 C Moore Count Judc
v - iivi Uolir
I iTiiando C Pai antl Martha 1 Iais defendant-
will take notice that Jiuue h Hoik
plaiutillha hied hi- petition m th lkistni
Court of bed Willow ountyNebrn ka aKtnrisl
siid the ol jt ct and prat r of which
are to require said defendants and each of
them to Mt forth the claims they or any ot
tliiiii hate in aid to the following descritjed
real estate in Kelt Willow County htate
a to wi
oiniuciiciiiKUt the Northeast corner of the
Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of
twiiily tiz townsl ip four north i mw
twent nine we t running thence west ulonn
the North line of -aid Nottleast quarter of UV
bouthea t quarter to the middle of the channel
of Hed Wi low reck thento in sontleasterlj
direction follow i g the middle if the chaiiMii
of said creek to the point where the in
tersects the Hi t line of the s outl east quarter
six theme north Ion
of -aid twent a
saiti ea t line of -aid ion to the of tx
Kitwni g tl at the title and po e ion of said
be foreier quieted am confirmed le
plninttti that -aid defendants ami all it
claiming under tl em or an of them r
enjoined from elaiiiing any it terest in aid
advt r e to that of the plaintill or
from mtcrruptii g hi- ii e ami enjo uient there
That a certain dt ttl recorded in book 27 iwuje
007 of the di ttl rt lords of saitl County dat d
JJeceml er 35th IsnK intending to nmwj Hie
prcmi esahoc de eribd from l eruaudo C
iais and Maul a L Iais his wife to Martja
Ifinck to be reform tl to de crit e the
aboe intcmlcd to Le conecd Al o that a
det tl rt corded in book I pijt 7t intent ing c
cone -aid from Martin Iloikaii
Mary A hinck his wife to the plaintiff he re
formed tocorrecth de enbe said premises
oii are required to answer tl is petiiiooor
or before the iid da of November A I ItJU
Dated tin- Hth da or October A D 11
14 1
S Iole Plaintiff
T 1 T l l t Mrv
- wi ji i
1- Iehn 1 lamtilf s Margaret It
Heade Hallick C imnir Halieck ouns
dmini traior of the estate of Lute oiingiV
cesiMd arliton Clark oimg a minor T f
We terii Lan Company ami the Northeast
quarter of section J twp 1 north rang 20 ly
Tlit aliow named defendants wilt take no
tite that the plaintiff has tiled his petition ic
the Di trict Court of Hed Willow omit
a the object and prayer of which are ic
fore clo e 1 ax -ale certificate for the delin
quent taxes thereon the jears Ittt KOt and
1 1 1 io upon the northeast quarter of
thim two CCii township oun 1 north r ijf
twent -ix - ve t in Ifed W illow ounty
Plaintiff alleges that no part c f -aid land has
been redeemed from -A tax sale that there if
due plaintiff on tax lien as aforesaid the sum tZ
sVUC with ten per wi t interest from tbi di
for which sum and interest and an attorney
lee equal to ten per cent of the amount of
plaintiffs decree in this action plaintiff pray
for a deere fur the foreclosuie of his said taa
lien on the above described real estate
You are required to an wer -aid petition t
or before the SliA day of November A D lf
Dated this 12th day of October A D -
Charles P Lear
Iv John E Ki Iter His Attorney
Notice is cn h mven that scaled propo V
willbe n ceived at the ollice of the Counfj
Clerk of Ked Willow County Nebra ka at Mc
Cook Nebraska for the construction and
erection of tin the sub strw
tnre and and for the furni trugof
material- iuconipition with the t ame foraP
steel and wooden bridges to be built in t siia
Hed Willow Count Nebraska within one w ir
from the 12th day of Noiember VAK said Uis
to be Tor tho of all Mtid bridgft
per lineal font for the of al tr
proaches per lineal foot for all piling u etl is
the sub tructure of all bridges and ap
proaches itr foot t board measure according
io the adopted plan- and specifications oa ikr
iu the Count Clerk- oliice of said ounty
Each bid mu t be accompar led by fittO ir
cash or a certified check for said amoun par
be Skalla County Clerk to be forfeit
ed to the count in ca e bidder to ntT
mto c ntract with tie County with proper
bond if awarded to him ami mu t be
tiled on or before noon entral Standard Time
on the 12th day of November IWtt S aid bidr
will be opened at 2 oclock P 31 Central fctAini
ard 1 iine November 12th WfJ
The 1oard of County Commissioners rcserTaE
the right to reject aiy and all bids
Dated at 31cCook this Ilth day of October
ICOO 1 1 4ts
Coantj Clerk
Department of the Interior U S Land Ofiirt
at Lincoln Neb Oct 21 1H
Notice is hereby given that Arry I Kinwr of
Ouirk Neb who on Oct 12 lV k made Hoirxv
intry Nol272 Serial No Oktf for lou
land section 1 township t north rane 0
wet 6th principal meridian has file nonce of
intention to make final five year proof to estab
lish claim to the land aboe described befrro
J C Moore County Judge at Nebcin
the 4th day of December K0 Claimant n ins
as witne es Simeon Cramer Ken Dojj
Chester Nelm all of Quick Neb and Jo epi
Nelms of 3IcCook Neb
Chas- F shedd Register