The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 21, 1909, Image 1

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mfikJP Hi lr
Twenty eighth year
The New Store
on the Corner
calls your attention
to the new goods that
are arriving daily
Sec our line of
General Merchandise
223 Main Avenue
Phone 47
The New Congregational Pastor
Last Sunday morning and evening
Rev E T Bayne late of Farnam this
state lately called to the pastorate of
the McCook church appeared -before
the Congregational church people of
our city for the first time as their pastor
preaching acceptable sermons on both
occasions to fair audiences notwith
standing the rather meager announce
ment of the services of the day
Rev Bayne comes to this pastorate
under a unanimous call with goodly
recommendations and a record of duty
well performed behind him and a
promising field of labor before him He
is a young man with scholarly attain
ments and excellent antecedents The
Tribune hopes he will have a fine record
of accomplishment in this city and for
the church and people he comes to serve
By Getting a 320 Acre Homestead in
Eastern Colorado
Why pay rent to a greedy landlord
when you can get 320 acres that will
cost you little or nothing The people
who buy land today are the rich people
of tomorrow If you dont get a claim
now you will pay some one else for their
foresight Get some land of your own
and be truly independent I have
about thirty claims I can show you
Room 3 over McConnells
L E Barger
Everybodys Book
Everybody whose taste runs to good
reading will find plenty of interesting
books on our shelves Few stores any
where have as fine an assortment from
which to select Over five hundred
books and your choice from this assort
ment for only fifty cents
L W McConnell Druggist
The swellest line of photo mounts and
folders ever seen in McCook This is
not advertizing but fact Your in
spection invited The Kimmell Photo
Studio 1st door north of Commercial
Piano Forte Concert
Miss Hostetter
Temple Theatre Oct 29
Brahms Rhapsodic B minor
Mozart Pastorale Variee
Beethoven Opus 129
Rage Over Lost Penny
Schubert Du Bist Die Ruh
Chopin Nocturne F sharp major
Etude C major
Liszt Etude dc Concert D flat
Liszt Tarentella Venezia e Nnpoli
is a pupil of Edwin Klahre who
was a pupil of the famous Liszt
She is a graduate of the great New
England Conservatory of Music
Temple Theatre Nov 2nd
It is not often that an audience will
stay in a theatre and applaud the finale
of a performance but in The Royal
Chef which cames to the Temple
theatre McCook Nov 2nd the feature
of the last act is one to keep them in
their seats until the last curtain and
which always receives an outburst of
applause which would do credit to a
big number in the show The reason
for this is the rain of confetta which de
cends all over the stage at the every end
of the show Over 8000 yards of varied
colored confetta or ribbon paper comes
down from the flies enveloping chorus
and principals The girls of the chorus
are each supplied with several rolls of
this confetti and they throw it out into
the audience The effect is a very
pretty one Tickets on sale at McCon
nells drug store Tnesday Oct 26tb
50c to SI 50
Sunday school at 10 a m E C Hill
Supt Preaching by pastor at 11 a m
and 8 p m Morning subject A
Glympse at the First Church Even
ing A Sheep Fold Junior League
at 3 p m Mrs J S Chambers Supt
Epworth League at 7 p m O E
Pierson President subject A Lost
Son and a Yearning Father leader
Joseph Moore A cordial welcome ex
tended to all
Bryant Howe Pastor
Congregational Morning subject
The Unmocked God Evening A
Full Grown Man
R T Bayne Pastor
How are you to know how feverish
they are There should be a reliable
fever thermometer in every home We
have them from 5125 up
L W McConnell Druggist
Boys Shirts 25 Cents
Boys double sewed full cut soft shirts
for everyday and school with collar at
tached for 25c Also selling a very
dressy percale shirt for boys without
collar for 35c The Thompson Dry
Goods Co Utmost value
Modern Methods
in eye examinations enable us to give
vou glasses that suit
L U Stoll Co
Jewelers and Opticians
Bed Blankets
at 39c 59c 75c S1C0 S125S1 50 190
S235 275 350 500 600 700and
900 Actual cash values The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co Utmost value
Its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy thb famous Loomis high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
J H Woddell Auctioneer
I will be in McCook the last ten days
of each month to cry salps Make your
dates at the Citizens National Bank
For Sale
My residence Hot water heat Mod-
Call and look it over
F S Wilcox
For Rent
Five room house with bath
O M Rector
Phone red 319
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
McConnell fills prescriptions
See Rozell Sons if you want a Hart
Schaffner Marx suit You should
enow what they are
Silk Lisle Hose in clack smokewine
tan navy hunters green gunaad pur
ple Rozell Sons
The business of the First National
Bank is governed with that conserva
tism combined with enterprise and up-to-date
methods which give soundness
and satisfactory service
JLau mpLiLjHimiiiiiiMuWiiwaawWS
1HI f -
Most Notable Gathering of Masons in Citys History--150 Nobles and
30 Novices Here Great Ceremonial Session and Banquet
Parade of Nobles and Exhibition Drill of Sesostris
Prize Winning Patrol
Last Thursday afternoon and night
McCook witnessed a most unusual dem
onstration in Masonry in the presence
and ceremonial sossion of Sesostris
shrine of Lincoln in our midst Per
haps no other town of the size of Mc
Cook in Nebraska has ever had the hon
or of entertaining this notable body
and this distinction came to this city
largely through the fact of the recent
completion here of oie of the finest
Masonic temples n Nebraska and by
grace of the indominitable efforts of
Noble Willetts
The nobles were here from all over
this section of Nebraska with a sprink
ling of Kansas and Coloradan shriners
among them numbering in total 150
The afternoon and early part of the
night were utilized in conferring the de
gree on 27 novices who wore initiated
into all the mysteries of the degree
which has earned the title of the play
ground of Masonry
At about midnight the nobles and
former novices were seated at a festal
board iu Menards hall presided over
by the ladies of the Eastern Star who
served a six course banquet of ideal
particulars as the appended menu will
Oyster Cocktail
Cheese Wafers Celery Olives
Cream Iiouillon
Croutons Pickles
KscallopcU Chicken Mashed Potatoes
Cold Tongue with Jelly
Peas in Cases
Parker House Rolls Butter
Perfection Salad Mayonnaise
Brick Ice Cream Assorted Cake
Cigars Mints
But a menu ia only half of the delights
of a banquet The toasts and toast-
master and response must be reckoned
with and the story is but briefly told
below It was a season of keenest plea
sure to all and was voted a memorable
affair by all participants
Illustrious Pot ntate Sbinn in intro
ducing the toastmaster of the evening
Congressman G W Norris graciously
and gracefully acknowledged the appre
ciation of the officers and members of
Sesostris shrine of the most hospitable
and lively welcome and treatment ac
corded them by the Masons and citizens
ot McCook He also read a telegram
from Wichita Kansas announcing the
institution of the baby shrine of
American Midian in that city on
that date with a class of novices of
about 200
Richmond Rag captured the nobles
patrol and all and the orchestra had to
do it some more
Among the old masters and classics
vocalized by the nobles during the ban
quet were
Were here because were here I
feel like I feel like I feel like I feel
How dry I am how dry I am Each
and all were feelingly offered to familiar
Novice vVolff to Novice Johnson I
am all in
To much Johnson
Hurrah for Norris
That orchestra was no Rube organ
ization if they did draer Joe out of the
alfalfa to have him answer to roll call
Few Nebraska cities can produce a
metropalitan orchestra of twelve pipces
the equal of the one which delighted
the shriners Thursday night
It was a champaigne banquet with
out the popping of corks and the ab
normal caputs in the morning
Top of the Market
Every stockman and farmer naturally
seeks to secure for his stock the highest
and best price the market affords Mc
Cook is well situated in this respect in
having a dealer who deals squarely with
those who bring hogs and cattle here
for sale D C Marsh is thoroughly
acquainted with the stock proposition
in southwestern Nebraska He knows
the worth of stock and pays the right
full price aii the time
Change of Service Hours
Services at St Patricks Catholic
church have been slightly changed for
the fall and winter months The early
morning hour is 830 instead of 800 as
formerly and the 1000 hour has been
changed to 1030
The visiting nobles were compliment
ary in their reference to su
peib Masonic temple and theatre a
building not excelled in the land in a
city uf our size and class
Let the sucker go
Toastmaster Norris took to his duties
as naturally as a canvas back to water
with a brief foreword clever introduc
tions and a touching concluding ode to
the babies
Novice Noble Culbertson of our city
briefly welcomed the guests to our city
in terms which left nought to be desired
in cordiality and genuineness of hospit
The response by Noble Quigley had
the ring of appreciation and enjoyment
of the efforts of the people to entertain
and please His bouquet to the daugh
ters of Eve was the conviction that in
the order of creation woman was easily
i first
Noble Meeker of Imperial had an as
signed topic but took complete avant
Hge of digressive expediency and pluck
ed amanv from the national birds tail
and scattered them with painstaking
particularity and vehement volubility
Noble Wilson of Lincoln responded
to How I hate to go back to a dry
town Notwithstanding the toast
masters citation of a learned judicial
decision that six bottles dont make a
case Lawyer Wilson made up quite a
satisfactory case of some verbal prolix
Our Wives received brief attention
at the hands of Noble Robertson of At
wood Kansas who incidentally made a
plea for increased fraternity between
the sister states
Noble Cornell of Lincoln could have
told a book full about Our Sweet
hearts but didnt contenting himself
with the Health Heres to our sweet
hearts and our wivts may they never
Noble Hill of Imperial made a satis
factory explanation of Why I never
married quoted briefly from Tennyson
and concluded with an apostrophe to
Noble Thomas of Harvard humor
ously almost feelingly described his
impressions as a novice the delights of
the oasis after the burning sands and
other etceteras His recent experiences
bniVCiver constiainedhim to paraphrase
How dry I am to How sore I am
He then concluded his clever and al
ways enjoyable post prandial remarks
with a particularly apropos Health
Heres to thee and thy folks
From me and my folks
Surely there never were folks
Since folks were folks
Ever loved any folks
Half as much
As me and my folks
Love thee and thy folks
Novice Wolff of our city uncorked his
supply of facetiae in giving utterance to
his emotions while crossing the burn
ing sands and put an oratorical period
to his toast by a glowing tribute to the
Masonic order and the shrine in particu
The toastmaster wanted Noble Wil
letts to tell the boys how he managed to
finance a 860000 temple out of his sti
pend as a conductor for your uncle Jim
Hill but George declined and subsided
with a hearty expression of apprecia
tion of the notble visit of Sesostris and
their great ceremonial session here
The resident Shriners are mindful of
the courtesy of the business men of the
city in decorating their stores in honor
of the visiting Shriners and they use
this means of communicating their
thanks therefor
McCooks 60000 Structure Is Formally Opened Before an Admiring
PubicA Girl at the Helm Witnessed by an Appreciative
and Pleased AudienceA Strong Piece of Musical
Comedy Well Staged Handsomely Costumed
With Powerful Chorus and
Able HeadLiners
McCooks superb theatre was formal
ly opened to the public Tuesday even
ing of this week with the presentation
of A Girl at the Helm a musical
comedy which met every reasonable ex
ppctation The company embraced
forty members in all lines with able
principals splendid chorus beautiful
costumes catchy songs clean comedy
fine scenic effects pretty dances and all
the accessories of an up-to-date and
lively comedy company of the better
sort The Tribune has no desire to
particularize as principals and chorus
each and all from opening to closing
chorus kept things moving actively
and vivaciously
Whilb the management is not entirely
satisfied with the financial results of
the opening in every other respect
there is nothing to be desired Every
thing passed off without hitch or delay
and everybody is to be congratulated
upon the result
McCook has a theatre building unex
celled in this state capable of accom
modating the big attractions and is
destined to be a source of much gratifi
cation to our people
Ladles of McCook
and vicinity we have just received an
importation of seemless non leak pyro
lite enamelware something nice for
your kitchen in tea and coffee pots tea
kettle water pails stew pans and ket
tles dish pans dippers etc This is
the best line of kitchen ware you can
buy and a piece of it added to your out
fit will be a source of satisfaction
Please call and see them
McCook Hardware Co
On His Usual Trip
Mr Alex Bergeron is in the city on
his regular trip tuning pianos Leave
orders for him at Suttons jewelry store
For Rent Rooms at S03 2nd strpet
east 21 2t J M Henderson
Mccook red willow county Nebraska Thursday evening October 21 1909
The Swedes Win
Our High School boys lost a game of
foot ball last Saturday at Holdrege to
the Terrible Swedes by a score of
5 toO
Our boys outplayed them from the
start but on account of a lack of unity
coupled with the loss of three strong
players in the person of Joe Moore
Frank ORourke and Walter Campbell
and a moment of demoralization allow
ed one touch down
They weighed in at about 145 pounds
practically the same weight as the
Scandinavians who had throe men
weighing over 200 pounds each yet otly
averaged 145 pounds
Charlie Milligan was a groat star and
Charlie Nelms could never be beaten on
a high school team Ward Evans was
very slow and taking Walter Camp
bells place could not Ell it
Holdrego treated the team in a royal
manner No city ever accorded a team
any nicer visit The not unusual
brawls disputes etc were entirely lack
ing Not a word was exchanged and
only 45 seconds were taken out for
time in the entire game it being the
fastest cleanest football ever put on in
this part of Nebraska
Holdrege will be here November 13th
for a return game Let us get out and
raise a crowd that will more than dupli
cate their 5300 ticket sale
McCook should be proud of her team
No better class of players can be found
their cleen cut playing proves it
Men with years of football experience
witnessing the game vouch for its being
the fastest hardest contest ever seen in
this part of the state
At the Fortieth Anniversary
Mrs C W Britt arrived homo last
week from attending the fortieth an
niversary of the founding of the P E
O sisterhood in the city of Mount
Pleasant Iowa She attended the not
able gathering and occasion as tho repre
sentative of the Nebraska grand chap
ter P E O of which she is the first
vice president
Mrs Britt states that of the seven
young women who formed tha P E O
in the city of Mount Pleasant forty
years since in the Wesloyan college
two of them were present at the anni
versary celebration
The special work tho T E O has
featured during the past two years is
the educational fund which is being
formed by the voluntary offerings of
the ladies of the sisterhood and has al
ready reached a considerable sura
This money is loaned to assist deserving
young woraeu in securing an education
along different lines and it may bo
proudly stated that during tho past two
vears fourteen vnnrm mnmen hnvn
been assisted this way in an adequate
The Royal Chef
Although oue of the youngest in years
La Belle ijaurette is one of tho strongest
members in the cast which will probe nt
The Royal Chef at the Temple
theatre McCook on Nov 2nd Tnis
little girl is only sixteen years old but
already has won for herself a nioh high
up in the temple of dramatic art This
little girl has been on the stage for a
number of years and under tho tutelage
of her mother has made a study of lead
ing actors and actresses on the Ameri
can stage Her imitations of George M
Cohan Ethel Levy James T Powers
Eddie Foy and Marie Dressier are with
out equal anywhere In Chicago La
Belle Laurette has not only tho plaudits
of an enthusiastic public but of the
commending critics In the role of
Kitty the Irish maid in The Royal
Chef she has ample opportunity to
display her talent as well as a mimic
Tickets on sale at McConnells drug
store Tuesday Oct 2Gth 50c to 3150
A Ladys 50 Long Coat
One of our leaders in a moderate
priced garment Made of a thick warm
melton cloth with medium wide collar
and large lappels trimmed with satin
folds on front and back on Bleoves
collar and lappels buttons with large
satin buttons and same on cuffs 52
inches long very dressy and stylish
Price 750 Others from 85 00 to 31500
The Thomson Dry Goods Co Utmost
Our cold cream is more than a simple
emollient It has rare healing soften
ing and whitening properties It is
made of the purest ingredients and can
do only good no matter how freely it is
used Its dainty perfume is delightful
The use of this superb cold cream will
insure a clear beautiful healthy skin
both winter and summer Price 35c
L W McConnell Druggist
See Us For Shoes
We save you money on shoes toofrom
mens and womens clear down to the in
fants moccasins Fat babies shoes 75c
Childrens shoes nt G5c 90cSl 15 SI 05
and 2 00 Boys stout shoes 81 69 81 89
and S229 Boys dress shoes 82 50
Mens shoes at 82G0 8275 and 8300
Ladies shoes at 8125 8200 and 8250
Do you earn your money The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co Utmost value
American A Grain Bags 23c
We make the price for you and we
have the bags They are American A
10 oz 2 bu seamless bags If you have
the cash you will surely take advantage
of our price The Thompson Dry Goods
Co Utmost value
Save the Pieces
We can duplicate your lenses without
the prescription Prices right
L C Stoll Co
Jewelers and Opticians
Double palm Mittens 50c Dozen
We offer a case of cotton flannel mit
tens made double thick palms at 50c
dozen The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Utmost value
Residence For Sale
Wishing to move to Colorado I desire
to sell my residence 90G 1st street east
at once H L Kennedy
Stetson Hats 369
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Ut
most value
Everything in drug3 McConnell
Rozell Sons sell the Graham hats
Have you tried a Wilson Bros shirt
See Rozell Sons
Wanted Plain sewing Mrs W II
Srigley 110 W 3rd st 2t
Hubers have everything in olives
plain and stuffed from 15 cents to 31
a bottle
Our three special grades of work
gloves are 8100 8150 and 8175
Rozell it Sons
The Shriners are at one that thp ban
quet spread by the ladies of the Order
of the Eastern Star was the best they
have had served them in many jears
The strength of the First National
Bank lies not alone in its capital and
resources but in the character and
financial responsibility of the men who
conduct its affairs as well
Thats the Bwellest mount I ever
saw declared a young man the other
day while looking at one of our photo
mounts the kind intended for wall or
den decoration You will agree if
you see it Come in Kimmell Studio
1st door north of Commercial Hotel
Do you know that there are
dozens of opportunities to bo
come wealthy lying all about you
Do you realize that there are in
vestments for largo sums and
small ones which will double your
capital in a few years But you
must have tho capital to start
with If you havent it then
there is but one thing to do
savo your money until you have
enough to invest Start an ac
count with us add to it when
you can and you will soon be able
to grasp tho lljing chance
Start a Bank Account
Today With
P Walsh President
C F Lkiin V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
On the first of July the McCook
Electric Company wtartod a day service
knowing that a city the size of McCook
should have day electric service and
supposed all small power users would
take advantage of it and use it Hol
drege a town of the same size supports
a day service and are glad to get it We
have operated at a loss of from 3200 to
8250 each month since starting it
So unless tho citizens of McCook
mako a move to support the Electric
Company wo will bo compelled to dis
continue tho day service at an early
date Wo are doing our part now it is
up to you
McCook Electric Company
We Quote You
the following prices on Hour feed etc
91 Patent per sack 155
Anchor Patent pur sack 145
Pride of McCook per sack 135
Whole Wheat Flour per sack 85
Rye Flour per sack 90
Graham Flour per sack 30
White Corn Flour per sack 30
Bran per sack 110
Shorts per sack 120
McCook Milling Co
McCook Nebraska
The Doctor Knows
When your physician says You
had better take this prescription to Mc
Connells he is basing his advise on
his knowledge of our rare 3tock of pre
scription drugs We do unusual pro
scription work and when medicines are
desired that must bo perfect in every
way this is the place to get them
L W McConnell Druggist
Election ot Officers
The next meeting of the missionary
society of the Congregational church
will be held at the home of Mrs T B
Campbell Thursday of next week at
which timo s ill occur the regular elec
tion of officers Full attendance is de
Izzer Bed Comforts
are even better than ever before Now
filled with the new and unequalled Red
disode Batts the size of the comfort
and quilted all over 3185 to 8300 The
Thompson Dry Goods Do Utmost
New Man in Old Quarters
L F Barger has purchased the office
furniture of N J Johnson and will be
found in room three over McConnells
drug store ready for business of all
kinds in his line real potnte loans etc
Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic
temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
You can ocure the city
styles the latest devel
opment of the photogra
phers art at half the
pkice charged for simil
ar work in the city at
The New Studio Also
those who prefer them
can have the soot and
white - wash with every
eyelash sharply defined
sort of pictures Why go
to the city in order to pay
more for the same thing
E Schell Kimmell
Main ave McCook
First Door North
of Commercial Hotel
m witlHit I