The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 14, 1909, Image 2
Cotton Holds Wrinkles -Wool Holds Style You dont care what your clothes are made of all you want is the result If somebody could invent a way to make more lasting and more stylish clothes out of part cotton than out of pure wool you would prefer the cotton Clothcraft Jail Wool Clothes But the fjctSy as you know are that part cotton clothes hold vjrinhles and keep shabby while clothes of pure wool hold style and keep shapely Clothcraft Clothes are pure wool theres a Signed Guarantee in each suit And they sell at the CongresMnan Norris One of the Lecturers JLMcBrien who was recently placed at the head of the Nebruska university extension work has secured among other speakers Congresiman Norris of our city for the delivery of lectures in the state Theso lectures nro given free by the gentlemen delivering them Con greseman Norris spent last week and part of tho present week in this work and the Lincoln Journal refers to his work in the following language Congressman Norris gave his lecture A Dream of Pence at Guide Rock Tuesday night Wednesday forenoon he addressed the Superior high school pupils on The Panama Canal Wed nesday night he lectured at Cadams Thursday afternoon he addressed the pupils of the public school at Hubbell and Thursday night he lectured there to a large audience Friday afternoon he addressed the pupils of the high school at Wymore and Friday night he was greeted there by a large and appre ciative audience Sunday night Oct10 he gives his great lecture A Dream of Peace at Trinity M E church Lin coln Nest Monday night he will lec ture at Adams on Cannonism and the Remedy Next Tuesday night he lec tures at Geneva and Wednesday night at Harvard Then he returns to his home at McGook for the remainder of the week He will devote the last two weeks of October to university exten sion lectures in Nebraska Of Judge Norris lectures Mr McBrien says I have heard Congressman George W Norris in his great lecture A Dream ef Peace It rankB with The True Grandeur of Nations the great lecture that made Charles Sumner famous Judge Norris served as a member of the worlds peace congress at The Hague He therefore speaks from a full under same prices as part cotton clothes They are the ONLY clothes at these prices that are Guaranteed pure wool As soon as enough people find out about these clothes we wont be able to get enough from the factory to supply the demand C L DeGroff Sl Co 1 1 msaMtm cm KSAS SktKVJfcS I Rr Slilnll World Pay Whsni CUBED All Rectal Diseases cured without a surgical operation No Chloroform Ether or other gen eral aneasthetic used CURE GUARANTEED to last a LIFE TIME examination free WRITE FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS DR E R TARRY 224 Bee BuIIdlngr Omaha Nebraska standing of the attitude taken by the leading civilized nations in behalf of world wide peace This lecture has been given on the leading Chautauqua programs throughout the country and it should be heard by everyone who be lieves that peace hath her victory no less renowned than war says Mr Mc Brien It is a classic that is filled with the sentiment of the sermon on the mount The lecture by Judge Norris on Cannonism and the Remedy is the lec ture of the hour It is a scholarly truthful and fearless exposition of the evils of the rules now governing the na tional bouse of representatives by the leader of the insurgent forces against the czardom of Speaker Cannon It should be heard by every true American who believes in a government of people by the people and for the people It is just such gospel as Judge Norris is mak ing that will save the government from perishing from the earth Legal Blanks Here This office carries all kinds of legal blank forms and makes special blanks to order promptly and accurately John Casnen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank Money To Loan On Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store Mary Harmon nurse Phone black 286 Picture framing The Ideal Store Buy a Carhartt overall or jacket Huber is sole agent Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee and be happy At Hubers only Before making a loan see Earl Barger the real estate and loan man Meeeived Highest Award leago Ps Fair OIL MADE EARTH ROADS New Product Which Will Keep Dirt Highways Hard and Smooth Now it Is possible to iniike smooth boulevards out of rough country roads at a comparatively smiill cost Pro tracted rainy weather may prevail or regular gully washers may come but the roads t rented by the new proc ess will keep hard and smooth even though mud is knee deep in the ditches and In the fields A prominent oil com pany asserts It has solved the prob lem The general malinger of the fuel oil department of that company in New York city states that for several years his company lias been making tests to perfect mi oil which would serve the same purpose on the earth roads in the country and small towns as the nsphnlt rond oil does on the macadamized boulevards In April the company placed on the market the standard macuda mixed nsphnlt hinder oil for earth roads Tests have been made in different parts of the United States and the general manager says it has been thoroughly demonstrated to be a complete success To show his contidence in the oil arrangements have been completed to build a small section of road at Independence Mo The process of making good roads with this new brand of road oil is very simple First the road must be plow ed thoroughly and then run over sev eral times with a harrow after which it should be rounded with a grader and dragged to make It hard After this it is ready for the road oil The cost of this process is far less than the rock or macadamized roads of course said the manager It will cost from to a mile to thor oughly oil an earth rond the tirst time The cost after that is far less each year to keep it oiled It is expected that this new process will revolutionize road building We receive thousands of letters- from ail parts of the country asking for com plete details The demand has been so strong it has been necessary to have printed matter prepared on the sub ject The good roads movement is spreading rapidly It is one of the most striking evidences of continued and substantial prosperity Good roads enhance the value of property and the pleasure of living in the community CONCRETE BLOCKS FOR ROADS Only the Wheel Track Is Paved Re ducing Cost of Construction Orlando H H Dickson of Jackson ville Fla one of the most active champions of good roads In Duval county for many years has received word from his attorney at Washington that a patent has been allowed on his concrete block for constructing roads The authorities at the patent otlice at first refused him a patent because the method was they thought in conflict with other similar roads that had been patented but Mr Dickson employed a tirst class attorney who fought the matter through to a successful issue The road as patented consists of heavy concrete blocks in shape not un like common T rails laid on their sides except that they are much larger and only three or four feet in length They have a mortise on one end and a tenon on the reverse end and so are locked togetner making tuera a con tinuous road but easily repaired if broken as one block can be taken out and another one inserted iu a few moments time The groove is large enough to easily carry an automobile tire and such a road can be built with a double track at less cost than ordi nary first class country roads cost Mr Dickson is In correspondence with several manufacturers of machinery for concrete work who assure him that a machine can be constructed to turn out several hundred blocks in a day at small cost for labor A short piece of the road is uow in use be tween Jacksonville and Apoka and has been tested enough to prove its com plete adaptability as a first class road for farm vehicles or automobiles Crushed Coral For Roads General Carlos Garcia Velez minis ter from Cuba to the United States who has been traveling in the west to promote reciprocity sentiment says that Cuba boasts of more than loOU miles of the most excellent macadam roads In the world We used crushed coral in our roads in Cuba said he and there is no better medium for road building known It is practically impervious to water and when rolled smooth pre serves for many years its continuity Our government has expended 15 000000 in the past three years in this kind of improvement and will con tinue until we have a perfect system of roads Good Roads Would Help Everybody The good roads movement is an economic movement a thing that somewhere and at some time touches the pocket nerve of every producer and every consumer in the land a fac tor as indispensable as navigable in land waterways to the fundamental settlement of all freight rate questions A real and stable macadam highroad between Denver Kansas City and Chi cago for instance would be of more benefit to the economic development of Colorado than forty successful appeals to the interstate commerce commission Good Road Campaign The chamber of commerce of Wichita Falls Tex has engaged in a campaign of education on good roads subjects It is sending out speak ers with stereopticon exhibits to lec ture in county schoolhouses on the advantages of improved roads and to secure signatures to a petition to the county commissioners to call an elec tion to vote on a 100000 bond Issue for the construction of good roads in the precinct or district I HUMOR OF IE HOUR Brave Girl Saved cried the beautiful girl in triumph Saved The old gentleman In the easy chair dropped his paper in astonishment Who is saved my daughter he in terrogated with alarm The whole city My name shall go down to posterity as a heroine Still the old gentleman was visibly perplexed But my dear I havent heard of any great conflagrations or earth quakes In what way was the city in drnger It was then that the beautiful girl came over and sat on the arm of his chair Listen father and you shall hear Twenty minutes ago Perceval Van Pickle proposed to me and vowed if I refused to become his wife he would jump into the main reservoir and end it all When I thought of those twenty packs of Turkish cigarettes Perceval carries in his pockets I linew the wa ter would be poisoned and the people doomed Then I I accepted Dont you think I am a brave girl Chica go News The Ever Delicate Question How old are you madam asked the cross examining lawyer The wo man blushed deeply and stammeringly blurted out I 1 and stopped short The attorney looked guilty Please madam quickly he urged in a gentle kindly voioe Its getting worse every minute you know Success Maga zine What Puzzled Him What you want to do said the druggist as he handed the old darky the patent medicine is to take a dose of this after each meal Yes suh was the reply an now will you please suh tell me whar Im gwine ter git de meals Atlanta Con stitution Ma a Phrenologist Pa what do they call a person that roads heads A phrenologist my bey Gee Then ma must be one of those things She felt my head this after noon and said right away Youve been swimming Detroit Free Press Victims of Circumstances Did any of your ancestors have in sanity Im afraid so What was its cause The lack of facilities for employing alienists to show they were all right Denver Republican Progress Reggie I see youre still among- the admirers of the popular Miss Peach ley How are you getting along Algy Well I think Ive climbed to the top of the second divi on in her percentage column Chicago Tribune Marked Down From Thirty nine While woman may have her face on the dollar said the corn fed philoso pher looking thoughtfully at the coin yet to tell the truth she is more ap to have her eye on the 3S cents In dianapolis Journal An Offhand Opinion Do you think anybody ought to read that book Judging- from the immense interest it appears to have created answered Miss Cayenne I should say not Washington Star Applied Mechanics Boggs Going out motoring morning An Infant Industry Airships are just in their infancy Yes and theyre mighty hard to raise Cleveland Plain Dealer Lyrico LAfricanique In this the peculiar songs of the desert are admirably reproduced The ostrich speeds across the sand Gay beplumed is he and grand He careth not for Teddy and His slaughterously inclined band Gluschee gawawa Gawawawa The zebra zigzags oer the zade And joins the zooful serenade Where resting In the zephrous shade They fear no Teddlne fusillade Zlllopopewa Zlllopopewa Stlusch The amphibious hippopot Who lives where It is very hot Will have to hide an awful lot To hide the hide that he has got Woo buboo Woo buboo Zade A kind of pluff This Is the kind of noise the hippopot makes when dead or dying Puck sioep5iMiaasrMaMMa0MgMMaBMgBMaapiaBteHBMM6aMiKFgffM L nnGfiTTTS711iIuLlIl ieMriri iiMtojUjim1 Opposites Miss McQueery You and Mr Soput ly correspond do you not Miss Gidday Oh gracious no Hes real dark complexibned while Im quite a decided blond of course Phil adelphia Press Foolish Question He told me if I didnt kiss him hed drown himself And did you kiss him Have you read anything about his committing suicide Cleveland Lead er this Toggs Xot for awhile my wifes using my starting crank on her wring lug machine Boston Herald Poeticus Touched -He told me a very touch- ing story Hardhead And how much did you have to let him have Cincinnati Times Star I racmnaia A Poor Weak Woman As she is termed will endure bravely and patiently agonies which a strong man would give way under The fact is women are more patient than they ought to be under such troubles Every woman ought to know that she may obtain the most experienced medical advice free of charge and in absolute confidence and privacy by writing to the Worlds Dispensary Medical Association R V Pierce M D President Buffalo N Y Dr Pierce has been chief consulting physician of the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo 3 Y for many years and has had a wider practical experience iitolifl thiiiV Mr Dresser I mis tAtiaiitptiat4 yxAnK 4 Pfegrffeff if Iff wl in passing you are looking for clothes of the fitting sort that have style better than most clothes Ours are yours Stein Bloch correct here and in London Town Graham Hats Wilson Bros Shirts and Gents Furnishings s AT THE CLOTHIERS LLSONS SS D W COLSON FIRE INSURANCE Residence and Business Property for Rent Office Phone 16 Residence Black 333 McCOOK NEBRASKA m pjwir i m in the treatment of womens diseases than any other physician in this country His medicines are world famous for their astonishing efficacy The most perfect remedy ever devised for weak and deli cate women is Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG SICK WOMEN WELL The many and varied symptoms of womans peculiar ailments are fully set forth in Plain English in the Peoples Medical Adviser 1008 pages a newly revised and up-to-date Edition of which cloth bound will be mailed free on receipt of 31 one cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only Address as above I V t4 V - t f 1 M V WWg ff r With a Base Bail Bat Some men should be beaten with a base ball bat instead of with a broom If there is anything that will trv a good womans putience it is bum coal If you want coal that will please kt us sell you If your wife does not say that she never had better coal for the money wo will take the beating and remove the coal at no expense to you All we ask is a trial order You take no chances We agree to deliver coal with all good qualities Give us a trial order Ask our customers Stansberry Lumber Co iktoiiayrBiLi3ei33wa8sS STgwiwvgaTTV rfwarega m2 h k il i i j1 4