The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 07, 1909, Image 4

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A Mistaken
Some people have un idea
that in order to have a
bank account thoy must
have a largo sum to deposit
that the bank does not caro
to bo bothered by small
This howovor is not
true of tbo First National
Bank This bank welcomes
now accounts whother of
lorSl000 and the same
courtesy and service is ac
corded tbo small depositor
as those in moro fortunate
It is our object and wish
to servo the public in finan
cial matters in a manner
that shall be satisfactory
to all old or young rich or
We Want Your Banking
Business and will bo
pleased to have you open
an account with us
Bank of Mccook
t Jltf B 1
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Republican Ticket
Forjudges of tho Supreme Court
Samdeii H Sedgwick
John U IIabnis
Jacoh Fawcktt
For Regents of the Universit
FBANK L Hallek
For County Clerk
CnARLES Skalla
For County Treasurer
C Naden
For County Superintendent
Elizabeth Bettchee
For Sheriff
H J Peteeson
For Judge
J C Mooee
For Commissioner 2nd District
Samuel Peemeu
Congressman Norris of the Fifth
district seems to have decided definite
ly against being a candidate for the sen
ate next year That means evidently
that be will return to the fight against
Cannon and Canncnism in the lower
house Local democratic papers hint
of the possibility of republican opposi
tion at the primaries but republican
papers say there will be no contest
against Norri9 in his own party Oc
casionally Mr Norris delivers an ad
dress in his district on Cannonism and
the Remedy That alone seems enough
to maintain his grip out there Lincoln
There are good men nominated upon
the Republican ticket this year and
they should receive the united support
of the entire party in the county
Wild rumors have been afloat at times
that a general knifing of certain candi
dates will be indulged in by McCookites
but the Inter Ocean trusts that such
reports are unfounded The Republi
cans of that city are generally repre
sented by one or more candidates up
on the ticket and it would certainly be
suicidal upon their part to defeat or
attempt to defeat any one or more
candidates on the ticket this year
As tho balance of power rests entirely
with the country precincts in this coun
ty and such a move would be remem
bered only too well by the balance of
the county in future campaigns The
Republicans of the county should drop
all petty personal spites and go into this
campaign thoroughly united and work
unceasingly for the entire ticket If
there are those in the party so moss
grown and disgruntled that they cannot
do this they should be relegated to the
rear where they belong and where
their whines cannot annoy those who
are laboring for the best interests of the
ticket Bartley Inter Ocean
Have you noticed the beautiful effect
of Keystona Flat Finish Sold only by
A McMillen Druggist
Enameled ware money saving sale
one week only
McCook Hardware Co
A Penny Saved Is
A Penny Earned
Is a Dollar That May Come Back
f to Your Purse
8 -
Republican Caucus
of Willow Grove
precinct aro called to attend a cauous
to bo held in ibe district court room in
the court bouso in the city of McCook
on Monday evening October 11th 1900
at the hour of 8 oclock p ra for the
purpose of putting in nominations two
candidates for justice of the poace two
candidates for constable one candidate
for assessor and one candidate for road
oversper and for the trunaaction of
such other business as may come before
the meeting M II Griggs
W 0 Allison
H W Conover
J P Cordeul
Double Red Cross Consumptive Camp
Under the new htate law there has
been designated in the pnk of Tahiti i
hospital Lincoln a double rod cross
consumptive camp to which under
mips t et forth following persons ma
secure access
In addition to open air and sunlight
methods actual trentrannt by immuni
zation is being cinied out with success
Patients should bring with them rubbers
or arclics if possible a pairof blankets
A synopsis of the new law is append-
ed Persons interested should address
J H Tyndale M D 217 Richards
back Lincoln Neb
Any person who is afflicted with tu
bprculoiH dieae of the rpspiratjry or
gans of a curable nature and who has
been a resident of this state for at least
one year continuously preceding the
application for his or her admission to
ji hospital under the provisions of tbi
act and who is without means to pay
for hospital care and treatment may be
admitted to such treatment
It is made the duty of ench county in
his state to bpar tho pecuniary hurdnn
of caring for tho indigent consumptives
within its border at the rate of seven
dollars jipr wet k which shall include
board lodging care and medicul ser
Upon written application to the
county judge signed by the person
seeking treatment or by some relative
or friend setting forth the name resi
dence and circumstances of such person
the county judge shall order a heiring
and examine under oath such per oas
as may be required by him to establish
the facts If the county judge shall be
satisfied that all the conditions are ful
filled ho shall approve the applications
in writing and certify the same to the
county board of that county It shall
thereupon be the duty of the county
board to provide for the transportation
of such perbon to some hospital in the
state approved by the state board of
No person shall bf cared for under
the provisions of this act without a
certificate from a practicing physician
that such person is afflicted with tuber
culous disease of the respiratory organs
of a curable nature
Modest Goldsmith
Oliver Goldsmith was an underpaid
man from start to finish Two hun
dred and fifty dollars for The Vicar
of Wakefield was bad enough yet
for The Traveler he cot but S10O
and 25 for his English Grammar
For The Deserted Village however
his publisher sent him 300 This he
at once returned with the message
It Is too much It Is near 5 shillings
a couplet which Is more than any
book owner can afford or indeed any
modern poetry is worth So he died
with 10000 worth of debts Was
ever poet so trusted before said Dr
The Hissing
I frequently experience a hissing
sound in my ears remarked a pa
tient to a doctor What would you
advise me to do
What is your occupation asked
the medico
Im an actor
Then Id advise you to adopt some
other vocation
in Doubt
Hairdresser while giving lady a vig
orous shampoo Will you have any
thing on your head when I am finish
ed madam She I am sure I dont
know I was in hopes you would leave
enough hair to pin my hat to
They Needed Prayers
A member of parliament tells a good
story of an out of the way country
clergyman who did not keep up to
date In what was going on in the
world One Sunday he asked his sex
ton Is the prayer for parliament to
be tised today Is parliament still sit
The sextons reply came promptly
Well sir I dont know but anyhow
better pray for them for theyre a
precious bad lot London Standard
He Give me a kiss She decidedly
I wont He Tou shouldnt say I
wont to me you should say I pre
fer not She But that wouldnt be
The greatest firmness is the greatest
mercy Longfellow
Very Convenient
Caretaker to prospective tenant
Yes this ouse is most conveniently
situated Theres a music all close
and andy and theres a pub just over
the way and a pawnbrokers round
the corner London Tit Bits
When a king creates an office Provi
dence at once creates a fool to buy it
Master of the Devonian Also Writes
Songs and Poetry
It Is no easy position that of cap
tain of a big stonaishlp Besides the
multifarious duties of the ollice and
the worry and responsibility there are
the nervous passengers to be looked
after and given assurance that sword
tlsli and whales are not going to attack
the vessel
Captain Alfred Trant while always
on if alert for the comfort of his
passengers and the safety of his ship
is a master mariner however who
Ouds time on a voyage to paint pic
tures in oil write songs and compose
verses that are of more than ordinary
merit For the past fifteen years he
has been using the palette and brush
and now has a collection of fifty paint
ings some of which have been ad
mired and praised by artists of na
tional reputation
When the weather is bad Captain
Trant spends his spare time writing
verse or composing songs He is Eng
lish bred and born and master of the
Leyland liner Devonian
Man Who Financed Cooks
pedition to the North Pole
A man who shares in the honor and
fame of Dr Frederick A Cook dis
coverer of the north pole is James It
Bradley who financed the Cook expe
dition Mr Bradley is also an ex
plorer of much fame and as one of
the most indefatigable hunters of big
game in the world he has had thrill
ing adventures ou every continent In
relating some of his hunting experi
ences recently Mr Bradley said
I will never forget one experience
which 1 had with a rhinoceros I was
going along one day through an open
section of the country in equatorial
Africa my caravan plodding along be
hind me About 300 yards away to Mavwood Nebraska are guests of his
the left I saw something which at- 8ister Mrs M A Nortbrup
tracted mv attention and getting outi
Mlss WoOD of Seward who has
my glasses discovered a rhinoceros
When I was within about 100 yards been the guest of her sister Mrs J P
of him I fired and saw from the kick Croue departed for her home on last
fV BSg
r fMmmFm
1 w - - XVvt
of dust from his thick hide that I had
fired too high In a second he had
wheeled and was coming for me like
a locomotive I dashed toward my
gun bearers and snatched from one
my Winchester and with this opened
fire on the rushing beast and in elev
en seconds more or thereabouts had
pumped eleven bullets into him most
of them glancing off from his snout
but one fortunately breaking one of
his knees He is too heavy and
clumsy a brute to do much on three
legs and I was thus enabled to ma
neuver so as to put a bullet through
his brains
How Mr Bradley came to send an
expedition to the north pole is an in
teresting story in itself Primarily he
did not equip his schooner which later
he turned over to Dr Cook for a
strictly polar expedition of discovery
but having hunted big game in everv
other quarter of the globe and sighing
for other game than lions leopards
tigers and rhinoceroses to conquer he
determined to shoor polar bears seals
and such other game as could be found
along the northern fringe of this con
tinent He wanted sport and Dr
Cook who had become notable as the
first man to conquer Mount McKinley
In Alaska the tallest and bleakest
peak in North America if not in the
western hemisphere went along as a
companion and to make scientific ob
servations I
Ajwfi i -
I Emerson Hansons mother and sister
a rived from the west on No 10 last
Friday evening and are visiting him
here again
Kev Edker Burton went to Lincoln
Tuesday to attend the state convention
j of the Baptist church representing the
McCook church
Mother Suess is up from the farm
near Crete and is keeping house for her
son Louis during the absence of Mrs
Suess in the east
j T F Rowell went over to Kearney
last Saturday on a short visit to his
daughter Mrs Jones returning home
on Monday morning
Guy Bowen invited a company of
little friends last Friday afternoon to
the home to assist him in making
merry over the return of another birth
Miss Grace Donisthorpe of Geneva
arrived in the city last Thursday night
and is the guest of her sister Miss
Louise Donisthorpe of the First grade
Secretary Ryan of the county agri
cultural society was in the city Mon
day looking up some business matters
He thinks the society will come out all
right this season
Mrs H A Rouch and Mrs J C
Marshall went down to Lincoln Mon
day morning as delegates from the local
church to attend the state convention
of the Baptist church in the capital city
Mrs William Bypield and two of
the younger children departed last Sat
urday night for California expecting
to locate in that state some where in
due time and to be later joined by the
rest of the family
Mrs Louis Suess and Miss Winifred
Browne departed end-of-week for
Chicago where Mrs Suess will remain
some time on business and afterwards
go on to Ohio for a visit she will be
absent about a month Miss Winifred
will visit relatives in Chicago
Mrs C L Fahnestock had the
pleasuro of entertaining some relatives
from Pennsylvania close of last and
first of this week in the person of Mr
and Mrs J O Downs of Sunbury who
accompanied Mrs Frank Downs here
to join her husband who is located here
now in the Burlington employ
H fi Frazee presents the Musical Comedy Classic
A Girl at the Helm
Book and Lyrics
Harry Dickeson
John Trainor
Chas Wenzer
Marguerite DeVon
Blanche Warren
Mabelle Palmer
On the contrary said his wife she
struck me as being strongly negative
Negative now
Everything she said to her little
boy began with a Dont Johnny
Sympathy of the Flowers
More or less credence is ftill given
In England to the old belief in the
sympathy of the vegetable kingdom
for human suffering I prayed all
night writes a gardener whose em
ployer was very sick and the tlowers
on my window sill drooped and I said
to myself they were dead But toward
morning they picked up and I was
sure enough the master was better
And the same thing had happened to
the flowers I had sent to his bedroom
Thev Wfr nnrl thov ramotnlifn
again And I knew when those How
els picked up that the master was
The Pins
Oh dear sighed her husbands
wife I cant find a pin anywhere I j
wonder where all the pins go to j
way j
Thats a difficult question to an- j
swer replied his wifes husband be 1
cause they are always pointed in one i
direction and headed in another
Chicago News
Painters Colic
Mamma Whats the matter with
Fido Tommie Oh I was playing
with my soldiers and he came In and
insisted upon licking the whole army
Yonkers Statesman
Take a rest A field that has rested
gives a beautiful crop Ovid
Short AH Right
De Tanque Oh I believe in a short
life and a merry one Wigwag Well
I guess youll get the benefit of the
first half of your theory all right
A Host of Bright Comedy and Musical Features
Big Song Hits
Mrs J F Forbes is entertaining her
mother Mrs Tomblin
W C Cooper has gone down into
Missouri to look up the apple situation
Mus J L Rcgers and Mrs J S
Miller are spending this week in Oma
Mrs Elikaueth Ca hen of North
Loup is visiting her children in this
Mrs Belle Stephenson is up from
Atlanta Nebraska on a visit of a w ek
or ten days
Miss Jennie Ivuiuck has gone to
Clay Center Neb tobe absent two or
three months
Mr and JlKf Louis Cans are over
from Danbury guests of Mr and Mis
C C Brown
J W Kelley who with Merwin
has made Beaver City famous was in
the city Wednesday
Mrs W G Jones was a passenger
for Lincoln last Saturday morning on
a short visit to a sister
Joseph Teetfrs came up from Lin
coln Sunday and is a guest of Dr and
Mrs C L Fahnestock
Mr and Mrs John Chavlier of
More Accurate
The pastor and his wife had called
upon a member of the congregation a
widow with a small but exceedingly
lively boy and were on their way
home Well said the preacher she
seems to be a very intelligent woman
And very positive in expressing her
The best of every thing in pure foods
are packed under Karno Brand and
label For sale at the White House
Grocery Phone 30
Keystona has no equal for painting
plastered walls metal ceilings wood
work floors and all interior surfaces
Sold by A McMillan druggist
i 4Hf rallMS
Mrs Marie Bronson
Toilet Articles for Sale
McCook Neb
302 1st St E Phone Blk 108
To Whom It May Concern
Mrs Marie Bronson having
worked with me for some time at
Chiropody Manicuring and
Dermatology I cheerfully recom
mand her to any needing her ser
vices as she is very thorough and
competent to care the feet scalp
and hands whateer the ailment
Mrs Janet Beede
Sioux City Iowa
Bring Your Friends
Or anybody with you when you come to our store to
buy shoes in fact we are fond of criticism It always
brings out proof of our excellent price values and of
our splendid new styles our wide range of leathers and the fit we
give So we are not afraid when you bring somebody along Re
member in our store we D0NT SELL you shoes
you buy them
Maybe this doesnt seem important at first but it is a whole lot
and if you just think back most of the shoes you bought elsewhere
were sold to you BUT A PAIR OF OURS AND SEE THE
The Model Shoe Stor
McCook Nebraska
Fisher Perkins
201 Alain Avenue
Z l