The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 07, 1909, Image 1
J If J TWENTY EIGHTH YEAR The New Store on the Corner culls your attention to the now goods that are arriving daily See our lino of CHILDRENS SCHOOL SHOES Also MENS WORK SHOES F S VAHUE General Merchandise 223 Main Avenue Phone 47 THE COMING FARMERS INSTITUTE Boys Corn Growing and Girls cooking and Sewing Contests and Edu cational Exhibit The next annual session of the Farm ers Institute Boys Corn Growing and Girls Cooking and Sewing contests and Educational Exhibit for Eed Willow county will be held in McCook after noon and evening of Saturday October 23rd sesBionB being held in the new Temple theatre and the exhibit being probably made in the corner store room of the same building The State Educational Department will send a lady here to judge the cook ing and sewing exhibit State Superintendent E C Bishop will be here Prof Hunt a well known farmers institute worker who is now at the head of an experimental station in South Dakota will be here The famous McCook band will give a concert in the new theatre in the eve ning This will be a great gathering and exhibit Dont fail to see and bear It will be a greater success than last years fine occasion QUALITY ALL AROUND There are two sides to the drug busi ness the professional and the commer cial side The first has to do with the preparation and sale of remedies for the cure of diseases the second with all the miscellaneous goods the drug stores must carry Both sides of the business have equal attention here Goods and service are the best L W McConnell Druggist Your Next Shoe Purchase should be made here if you have had to earn your money The desirable kinds for men women children and babies are in our stock at very reasonable actu al cash prices Give them a look The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Seed Wheat For Sale We have a supply of seed wheat of excellent quality for sale at a reasonable figure Updike Grain Co S S Garvey Manager For Rent A well improved farm of 320 acres 200 acres under cultivation one mile and a half from McCook S Ladles Graves is an expert on sharpening shears Shears called for and delivered 301 west 1st st FOOT BALL Wednesday Oct 13th AT 345 P M High School vs Co M National Guards TICKETS 25 cents Buy a season ticket for SI good for nine 9 games WE MUST SELL 250 A F A M Meeting Special meeting of McCook Lodge No 135 A F AM Saturday Oct 0th at 30 oclock Work in F C Degree By Order of the W M C L Faiinestock Secy A Farewell and God Speed Members und friends of the Method j ist congreeation to the number of about seventy five gathered in the church parlors last Friduy evening for tho purpose of bidding good by to j Rev and Mrs Bryant Howe who will dopart at tho close of this week for their new field of endeavor at McCook whore Rev Howe whs assigned the pastorate of the Methodist church at the recent meeting of the West Ne braska conference A short but enter taining program was given Miss Ada Robb sang sweetly and was followed by Mrs C E Garner in two pleasing recitations Misses Alta Godfrey Ada Robb and Hattie Godfrey sang -The Glow worm and so pleased the audi ence with their sweec harmony that they were recalled giving another se lection that was equally well received Supt J O Lyne gave an address expressing for the congregation the sorrow that it felt in this parting and the hope that all will be well with Rev Howe and his helpmate in their new home Rev Howe replied in evident sincerity that tho regret at parting was mutual he thanked the people of his own church and the citizens of Minden generally for kindly treatment during the time he has betn here and extended a cordial invitation to Minden people to visit the little white house on the hill in McCook Miss Ethel Newell presented Mrs Howe with a souvenir spoon from the Rcsetta club an organization of young ladies in the church that Mrs Howe instituted a year ago Miss Nowell gave happy expression to her thoughts and Mrs Howe gracefully thanked the girls for their interest and kindness Mrs J H Robb then presented a handsome rug to Mrs Howe from the Ladies Aid Society in grateful recognition of her loyaltv to this band of workers Light refreshments were served and a period of sociability followed the com pany parting with felicitous expression of good will and kindness Minden News Hens New Fall Suits 500 to 15 in the latest style and out in materials of special value made by artists in the trade Unless yours is easy money you owe it to yourself to inspect our of ferings The Thompson D G Co Ut most value Ideal Silk Waists from 225 to 8500 just received in blacks browns greens copenhagens silver greys etc Perfect in fie attract ively tailored The Thompson D G Co Utmost value To be satisfied use Kamo Everything in drugs McConnell McConnells Balsam cures coughs Mrs J Jackson nurse Phone red -V Be sure and try McCook flur mi get the best The new jewelry firm vli p Known as L C Stoll Co ii Now is the tiuio Little Liver Granu and Jennie Beach 19 of Quick i Charles Golois 28 and Anna Mar garite Braumgart 20 both of McCook j JftcCooh McMillens Feed of all kinds ba td hay etc at McCook Flour and Feed Store One Minute and Motor washers McCook Hardware Co The recent campaign removed about a hundred useless canines fiom this city The Junior dancing club opened the season auspiciously last Friday evening- The ladies of the Congregational church will hold a big bazaar Novem ber 18 19 Remember the public sale October 16 1909 rear of DeGroff Co Dont miss it A Brunke Certificates of deposit bearing 4 per cent interest and secured by its entire assets are issued by the First National Bank The Tribune enjojed a brief visit from Governor Shallenbarger yesterday afternoon which ho spent in the city on his way to the Democratic banquet at Indianola last night j The Shriners colors are white and yellow Let every business man deco rate for them October 14th It will be the greatest Masonic event in the his tory of southwestern Nebraska COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTV COURT Following licenses to marry have been issued since our last report OttoC Tilgner 28 and Ina P Scha mal 19 both of Indianola Ernest Hefner 24 and Bessie Hicker son 22 both of McCook B Chester Barger 23 of Culbertson ABOUT OPENING PRICES Not in Any Sense Regular But Spec ial Benefit Figures SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS Must Be Raised at This Great Event and Every Patriotic Citizen of McCook and Vicinity Is Expected to Do His Duty McCook is now on the thr shold of an event toward which she has been look ing for tho past year the formal open ing of her superb now Temple theatre Tho date for this event has been decid ed for Tuesday October 19th and the attraction secured for tho occasion is The Girl at the Helm a musical com edy classic which has enjoyed an al most unprecedented run in the La Salle theatro Chicago of 300 performances This company numbers some forty peo ple and the equipment of tho company leaves nothing to be desired in scenic effects costumes music dancing etc The management in careful consulta tion with the board of directors of the Temple Craft association has decided the important question of price of seats and announces the following scale Box seats 8300 Parquet ten rows 500 Family circle two rows 500 Dress circle four rows 400 Balcony four rows 300 Gallery 100 The Tribune wants at the start to state that these prices are not to be the regular prices by any means but the opening benefit prices only and we ap peal to the people of McCook and vicin ity to respond most generously to this opportunity to assist in making this op ening just as profitable as possible In dividual citizens of this city have given hundreds and even thousands of dollars to finance this great enterprise other citizens have given days weeks and even months of time and labor in the promotion and furtherance of this pro jectand without money and without price This opening occasion affords every citizen a chance to give something to assist the board of directors in the heavy task of financing the enterprise and at the same time enjoying a mus ical comedy of a class to warrant 300 performances in Chicago So remem ber this is a benefit opening and the prices correspond Tickets will be on sale at nine oclock on next Saturday morning October 9th at the Temple theatre box office Be on hand and secure your choice of the seats Top of the Market Every stockman and farmer naturally sh ks to secure for his stock the highest a i a best price the market affords Mc Look is well situated in this respect in having a dealer who deals squarely with those who bring hogs and cattle here for sale D C Marsh is thoroughly acquainted with the stock proposition in southwestern Nebraska He knows the worth of stock and pays the right full price ail the time Youll Need It For several months now chapping and roughening of the skin is quite apt to result from out of door exposure It will be an easy matter to avoid skin irritation if you give your face lips and hands the protection of McConnells Fragrant Lotion Apply this dainty lotion before going out of doors and wind dust and sun will not cause the least injury It is the best Price 23 cents Concert In Baptist Church Mrs Olday and Miss Barber who ap pear at the Baptist church next Tues day evening come highly recommended while Miss Heckman and the others need no introduction to McCook audi ences Bishop Bonacum Next Sunday Bishop Bonacum of the diocese of Lincoln wiH be in McCook next Sun day and in the morning at St Patricks church will confirm a class of 55 Fixtures Arriving The fixtures and goods for the new notion store of Houlihan Colson are arriving and being placed in position They will soon be ready for business Rugs 30X64 135 in brilliant colorings and beautiful pat terns alike on both sides at The Thompson D G Co a Others at 150 52 00 and S3 Utmost Value BASE BURNERS Garland Riverside Jewel and Monitor Radiator Call early while stock is complete McCook Hardware Co For Sale My residence Hot water heat Mod ern Call and look it over F S Wilcox City Fathers Meet The city council was in regular session Wednesday night with all present but Councilman Morris Previous minutes were approved City ongineflr was instructed to estab lish grades on both sities of 4th street west between B and D streets and to crown east side of block 7 Gth addition Gas lights were ordered at intersection of east Gth and E streets and 1st street west and K street Reports of the police judge city weighmaster and city treasurer were read and placed on file Bills as follows were allowed Frank Cain 837 Welsbach Street Lighting Co S15727 McCook Electric Co 838 W A Gold 40 J M Henderson 827 Mc Cook Water Works Co 855130 A C Ebert 12 50 L W McConnell 12 50 M O McClure 1250 H P Waite 12 50 J U Stephens 1875 J R McCarl 6250 H W Conover 83815 Norman Campbdll 8 F M Kimmeli 715 Mc Cook Hdwe Co 445 C A DeLoy 4 R M Osboru 7540 CWGraves 1 50 T A Clapp 250 T C Hegeman 30 S V Frazier 48 Fred Schlagel 6334 Ross Odborn 2750 John Ekstedt 78 U W Dewey 2 SOME COMING EVENTS AT THE TEMPLE THEATRE Managers McConnell Pennell have listed some of the best obtainable talent for the Temple theatro and announce already having secured such plays and attractions as are below enumerated Two Merry Tramps The Little Homestead The House of a Thousand Candles Mr Patton in the Blockhead The Old Clothes Man The Bachelors Honeymoon The Gentleman From Mississippi The Blue Mouse The Royal Chef Maharas White Minstrels The management is taking on addi tional numbers as desirable ones offer but aim only to secure the best and most desirable attractions possible Bought the Twin Store Last week before bis departure for Chicago on business A F Drebert an nounced the purchase by the Drebert Clothing Co of our city of the Schatz Clabaugh clothing store in North Platte a sort of a twin brother to the McCook store in that it is equipped with identical fixtures throughout like the McCook store This naturally en ables the company to buy larger BtocKs for the two stores at a better price and their customers will enjoy at least part of the advantages We Quote You the following prices on flour feed etc 91 Patent per sack 155 Anchor Patent per sack 145 Pride of McCook per suck 135 Whole Wheat Flour per sack 85 Rye Flour per sack 90 Graham Flour per Back 30 White Corn Flour per sack 30 Bran per sack 110 Shorts per sack 120 McCook Milling Co McCook Nebraska Sanitary Carpeting 35c Yard This carpet is a different color and pattern on each side Made of hemp Moth proof Stronger than other mod erate priced carpetings stands whip ping aud wears better Come and see it The Thompson D G Co Utmost value For One Week Only Special 49 cent sale of large pieces of Onyx Enamel Ware Dish Pans Water Pails Roasters Tea Kettles and such pieces as usually sell at from 90 cents to to 125 This is your chance to replen ish your stock at a great money saving sale McCook Hardware Co Gave Teachers Tnree Days At its lat meeting the board of edu cation of our city gave the teachers three days in which to attend the meet ing of state teachers in Lincoln Novem ber 3 6 one of the great educational gatherings of the west Bear Skin Coats 235 in brown blue red reseda navy grey and white Bear skin hoods caps leg gins and muffs Also the new Leopard skin coats with caps to match The Thompson D G Co Utmost value There is Satisfaction in the possession of a real likeness of a friend or member of the family This is heightened when there is present also the touch of taste and art At the new photograph studio first door north of the Commercial hotel Shampoo Parlor for Ladies I have opened a Shampoo Parlor for Ladies at No 205 Main avenueupstairs Phone red 275 Mrs Thomas J H Woddell Auctioneer I will be in McCook the last ten days of each month to cry sales Make your dates at the Citizens National Bank tritiums HcCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING OCTOBER T 1909 Democrats Dine and Make Dope Tho Democrats of Rod Willow county indulged ina big pow wow in Indianola last night at which tho bhoys regaled themselves at 100 per and mixed up several sorts of political dope to enliven the closing days of a sofar featureless campaign Our very excellent governor Ashton Shallenbarger was tho principal orator of the occasion with Frank Colfor of our city sotting off tho minor pyrotech nics And there were lessor luminaries Altogether they had a great timo my countrymen and did what they could to save the country and incidentally to improve tho chances of a few Demo crats to occupy offices in Red Wiilow county Who is asleep at the switch A Girl at the Helm is a distinct departure from the ordi nary musical comedy in that its music is exquisite the book consistent funny and clever and the ensemble numbers are delightfully artistic There are sur prises without agitation and a com mendable plot with amusing situation not all dependent on the music and dancing The garnishing of the play lies not alone in its splendid dainty chorus its scenery and the motor boat race but in the fairylike electric effects with which its producer H H Frazee has so clev erly clothed it A Girl at the Helm is high class dainty like its chorus and makes and retains a good impres sion Temple Theatre McCook Tues day Oct 19th D of H Kensington The Drill team of the Degree of Hon or held their monthly ten cent kensing ton at the home of MrsJames Steinman Wednesday afternoon Tho attendance was large and Mrs Steinman served a splendid supper The team takes this way of raising funds to pay their ex penses when called upon to visit other lodges Many Welcome New Pastor Rev Bryant Howe the new pastor of the Methodist church preached both morning and evening last Sunday to large audiences The Tribune prophesies that the reverend gentleman will make good in this field having the united support of a large and active membership Redlsode Cotton Batts are the size of a comfort 6ftx7ft They weigh 3 lbs and 4 lbs They are quilted all over with rows of stitching 3 or 4 inches apart Nice white seedless cot ton in them Price 75c and 1 For sale by The Thompson D G Co Utmost value State Convention C E The next convention of the State Christian Endeavor will be held in South Auburn October 29 31 with a fine program arranged and prepared for the delegates Each society is entitled to three delegates The 1908 Tax List In this issue of the paper appears the delinquent tax list for 1908 It is one of the smallest printed in years and in dicates that about ninety per cent of the taxes have been paid not a bad record for a frontier county A New Canceling Machine The postoffice at this place has been equipped with a new canceling machine which lightens labor and hastens the work WALL PAPER SALE Twenty five per cent discount on all Wall Paper in stock until October 15th A McMILLEN save 50 Per Cent by buying your enameled ware at the McCook Hardware Co One week only of these great values Mr and Mrs Eugene Garv depart ed for the east last week Ed Flitcraft has a sister visiting him from Liberty Indiaaa Mrs Abbie Jones Dr and Mrs W F Jones will enter tain their whist club tonight Dinner at seven Mr and Mrs H L Kennedy will en tertain their whist club tonight Din ner at 7 oclock Dr H J Pratt attended dental clinic at Oxford Saturday returning home Sunday on No 1 Mrs T E McCarl and children went down to Cambridgp Wednesday night to visit the home folks Mr and Mrs Jimmie Woodson will be the guests of Dr and Mrs Fahnestock Monday They are on their way to California to live Mother Fahnestock was operated upon the second time last Thursday in hospital in St Louis Dr C L Fahne stock is with her Condition is very serious but not hopeless WAKE UP NUMBER 20 THERE ARE FOR TUNES AROUND YOU Do you know that there are doznna of opportunities to bo come wealthy lying all about you Do you realize that thero are in vestments for largo sums and small ones which will double your capital in a few years Uut you must have the capital to start with If you havent it then thore is but one thing to do save your money until you havo enough to invest Sturt an ac count with us add to it when you can and you will soon be able to grasp the Hying cbauco Start a Bank Account Today With THE MCCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTOR8 J J Loughran P F McKenna PUBLIC SCHOOL NOTES Miss Phebe Waite of 2nd erade east entertained her pupils Tuesday aftor scnool at the pumping plant park with a picnic foot ball The High School foot ball team play ed the Cs and Ds city team Tuesday evening of this week the game result ing in a victory for tho High School team by a score of 10 to 0 Tho features of the game wore the line bucking of Ryan and a fifty yard run for a touch down by Campbell both of the High School team Saturdays oajies The High School made a straight record on victories in the contests with Trenton here Saturday Oct 2 The single tennis was won by Roy Green The tennis double by Geo Green and Roy Ryan The boys basket ball game was won by McCook by a score of 17 to 12 The girls basket ball game was also won by McCook by a score of 15 to 7 Ladles New Jacket Suits for 81250 S15 18 20 and 23 at The Thompson D G Cos Expert tailor ing rich satin linings cloths and worst eds at bona fide cash prices Altera tions free One price plain figures cash only Not Later Than Oct 9 Any weak district which wishes to apply for state aid must have its appli cation reach me not later than Oct 9 Claudia B Hatcher County Superintendent NEW LOCATION I have my new optical room completed and am prepared to take care of all new patients as well as former ones Remem ber the place west of Citizens bank L C Stoll Mens Stetson Hats 369 Thats almost like a cut price on post age stamps Our cash method makes it possible Can we serve you The Thompson D G Co Utmost value FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray room 3 Masonic temple McCook Nebraska 25 tf Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton CITY STYLES AT HALF THE PRICE You can secure the city styles the latest opment of the photogra phers art at half the price charged for simil ar work in the city at The New Studio Also those who rrefer them can have the soot and white - wash with every eyelash sharply defined sort of pictures Why go to the city in order to pay more for the same thing E Schell Kimmeli Main ave McCook First Door North of Commercial Hotel