The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 23, 1909, Image 7

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McCook Nebraska
QSuAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks OCttco in Postotllce building
O H Botlk
Long Distance Plono U
fiooma 1 and 7 second Uoor
Porto llJco Building
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnells drug
store McCook Nebraska
liiniyAiaiKwki iiiiMiiiiijKi
Mary Harrison nurse Phone black 28C
Typewriter ribbons for sale at The
Tribune office
Buy a Carbartt overall or jacket
Huber is sole agent
Mind your cough McConnells Bal
sam makes cough curing easy
A tie will slide well in a Corliss Coon
collar Rozell Sons
Hubers have everything in olives
plain and stuffed from 15 cents to 1
a bottle
Get one of those knitted tubular four-in-hands
We can show you a large as
sortment Rozell Sons
At the Intermission in the temple
theatre building for the Judge Norris
10c cigar and the Novum Templum 5c
Rozell Sons sell the famous Wilson
Bros shirts They are priced from 1
to 3 and are made in all colors and
The best of every thing in pure foods
are packed under Kamo Brand and
label Fot sale at the White House
Grocery Phone 30
Keystona has no equal for painting
plastered walls metal ceilings wood
work floors and all interior surfaces
Sold by A McMillen druggist
Mrs Gertrude Thomas left Monday
for u few weeks visit in Oklahoma
Mr Spangler and his folks came
Tuesday to run the hotel hero
John Moss and wife 1 ft Wednesday
for a few months viBit in Prescott
Rev W J Miller and wife left Tues
day for Kearney Neb where Mr Mil
ler was cnlled to conference
John Sutherlin the fruit tree man
came Wednesday
The ladies aid society met at Rov
Richards Wednesday
Olnrence Yountr started to work in
the News office Thursday
Mack Ryan loft for Beaver City to
start to school
Mrs Earl Peacock came up Wednes
day for a visit with her mother
Ed Young has been on the sick list
this week
Prof Morris camp Monday on hi
professional business trip
Orville and Glen Hendersbot left
Thursday for their home in Cheyenne
Mr and Mrs Herb Watkins are re
joicing over a baby boy that came tn
their home Sept 12
Mrs W A Stone and Will Yates left
for Beaver City and Hendley Wednes
R E Pogue was hero the firet of the
week transacting business
M M Young has been on the sick
list this week
Bertha Doud has left for McCook to
go to school this winter
Ed Ruby has built him a new carpen
ter shop just north of the livery barn
Mr and Mrs W S Hetbcote have a
baby boy born Sept 9
A Musgrave arrived Thursday he
has been down in Missouri
A B Gibbs and son Lloyd came up
from Lebanon Saturday
The Misses Nelpon Adams and
Waugh of Lebanon were up Saturday
Sadie Greenway left for McCook Fri
day returning Saturday
Clarence Greenway was over to In
dianola Friday and Saturday
Ben King threshed first of the week
An agent for Arlington Nurseries waB
arourd this week
Mesdames Owens and Louis Long-
necker helped Mrs King cook for
Mrs Waddell with her two children
returned home from a visit in Iowa
Mrs Taylor spent the week in Free
dom making farewell visits to friends be
fore leaving for California
Typewriter ribbons papers etc for
sale at The Tribune offi op
I The First State Bank i
Cedar Bluffs Kansas
of this Bank are
by the Bank Depositors Guaranty Fund of the
State of Kansas
You will also be guaranteed courteous treatment and we
will extend any favors consistent with conservative banking
and business methods We solicit your patronage
ftiii tiii 11 iiff1li
iiiiwiiiiif iti
Mr McCarthy and son Henry are
sowing wheat on their farm this week
Mrs Ed Edwards left Tuesday morn-
ing for Liberty Nebraska where she
was called by the serious illness ot her
m tber
Mi83 Ada Bentley who has been
visiting in this vicinity for some time
paBt left for Franklin Neb -Tuesday
Mr and Mrs Henry Kuhlman visited
Monday with Mr and Mrs E R Chan
Ed Edwards and son Ernest shipped
a car of bogs to Omaha Tuesday night
Rf rt Edwards left Tuesday evening
for University Place where he will re
sume his studies in mechanical engin
Cha Bentley of Cambridge spent
Saturday night and Sunday with his
parents Mr and Mrs George Bentley
Ralph Edwards who has been visit
ing his parents and other relatives for
the past three weeks left Saturday eve
ning for Lincoln Neb where he will
stay for a few days than go on to Wash
ington D C and take up his work
again in civil service
Wm Bell and family took dinner with
Mr and Mrs Chas Ginther Friday
The monthly social of the C E
society of Bartley was held Friday eve
ning at the home of Mr and Mrs Robt
Lierley The evening was spent in con
tests games charades etc Ice cream
and cake were served at a late hour
after which an experience meeting
was given by some of the guests which
was very interesting At an early
hour they departed for their homes all
reporting a good time
Edwards Bros engine was laid up
for repairs several days last week caused
by breaking some of the gearing wheels
while pulling their machine up a side
hill to gee over to thresh for Elmer
Robert Lierley has a new kodak and
is learning to take photos of his stock
farm buildings and of any of his friends
that chance to call that way
Mr and Mrs D L Tallmadge of
Cambridge visited Sunday with George
Bentley and wife
Mrs Maurice Nicholson and mother
left Monday morning for an extended
visit with relatives at Grinnell Iowa
Miss Maud Nicholson visited Saturday-Sunday
with Miss Mabel Wright
Mr and Mrs Albert Ball of Bartley
visited Sunday with Ollie Trosper and
Miss Carolyn Collicott nnd Mrs El
mer Robbins visited with Wm Nichol
son and family Sunday
Health and Beauty Aid
Cosmetics and lotions will not clear
your complexion of pimples and blotches
like Foleys Orina Laxative for indi
gestion stomach and liver trouble and
habitual constipation Cleanses the
system and is pleasant to take
A McMillen
Box Elder Caucus
The Republicans of Box Elder pre
cinct will meet in the church ac Box
Elder Tuesday evening September 28
1909 at 800 oclock for the purpose of
nominating precinct officers and for the
transaction of any other proper busi
ness W B Sexson
To be satisfied use Kamo
introduce fine materials clean
methods scientific equipment
into the making of soda crackers
was one triumph
To actually hake into them a subtle
goodness a real individuality never
before known was another triumph
But to effectually protect them so
that the fullest benefit of these fine
materials this careful cleanly baking
this unique goodness comes to you
unaltered was the crowning triumph
that gave the world
Uneeda Biscuit
Roy Shorey was an ovor Sunday vlnit
or with relatives at Beaver City
Mrs Orpha Deck visited at the J O
LuffHrty home a few days last woek and
with Mm G R Haven of Fairview on
Albert Kamp was a social visitor over
near McCook Sunday
County Attorney Sidney Dodge of
McCook was an ovor Sunday visitor
with friends and relatives
Born To Mr nnd Mrs Herbert Wat
kins Sunday 8ept 12th a baby boy
To say Herb is delighted in express
ing it very mildly
Mrs DeMay and Mrs Sandon of Dan
bury were in town between trains one
day last week
Robt Gore our livery man was con
siderably under the weather a few days
last- week
Mrs Nellie Shultz and children from
npur Iloxie Kansas visited her parents
Mr and Mrs Jesse Smith a few days
Dave and Bert Goodenberger from
near Cedar Bluffs were in town Satur
day on business
A J Greer and family spent Sunday
at the parental Yeater home of Fair
Mrs E E Blake returned Saturday
from an extended visit with her parents
at Logan Kansas her parents accomp
anied her home
We failed to mention in our last
weeks items of Ernest Dodge going to
Grand Island to take a course in the
Grand Island business college
Misses Hethcote nnd Huff and Edith
Newberry spent Saturday night and
Sunday in the country
A medicine show is in town giving a
short entertainment every evening and
selling their medicine
John DeLong from south of Dan
bury was in town Monday afternoon
R S Sanders and family left Tues
day via McCook for a few weeks visit
ing at Denver and western points
Charlie Jacobs is entertaining his
daughter Mrs F L Barnes and her
children from Culbertson this week
Charles Markwad is arranging to re
move to Missouri about the first of the
new year to make that state his home
Kenneth Jacobs is home from spend
ing the summer in Frontier county and
is attending school in McCook
Mrs Bales and children from Kansas
are guests of her parents Mr and Mrs
S B Ranttin
Before making a loan see Earl Barger
the real estate and loan man
Have you noticed the beautiful effect
of Kwystona Flat Finish Sold only by
A McMillen Druggist
yOULL feel
better for work
play or rest if you
eat Ouaker Oats
at least once a
day s
John Modrell is attending school
Mr and Mrs J S Modrell visited
tlu ir daughter Mrs Maxwell Wolfe on
day last week
Mrs Tom Elms returned from Mc
Cook Saturday and her fronds wish for
her upeedy recovery
F G Lytle has been haviug troubla
with his eyes caused by poisoning chora
from taking care of a colt which had
beeu cut on the barbed wire
Box Eldor will be supplied this year
by Rev F S Tyler
Llugh the seven year old son of T M
Campbell undertook to teach his dog
not to fight and ran between it and an
other dog that were fighting and came
out with a rather bad arm bitten by his
own dog His arm is getting along fin
and will soon be well again
E A Johnson of Conterpomt is bail
ing hay for D B Doyle Jr
D B Doyle Sr is entertaining a
frieud from Kansas The old gentle
man visited the school Friday Mfternooa
and gave a little talk and told the child
ren how he use to go to school in Ken
tucky which pleased them very much
The friends and neighbors of R E
Lant gathered at his home in good
ly numbers on the night of the 18ch to
give a farewell reception to their genial
and estimable host A good time and
ample refreshments were enjoyed by
all The Lants will move to Idaho im
mediately after their sale Wednesday
Miss Sallie Hawkins
is improving
Charlie Olmstead and wife are th
proud parents of a new girl
Mrs Haskell Tirrill who is visiting
at Alvin Benjamins over in Grant was
a participant iu Lants surprise
A Bird City Kansas man was in
these parts buying hogs last week
Doctors claim heart failure Is increas
ing That doesnt seem strange consid
ering the great increase in our popula
tion For we supposed everyones heart
failed when they died Never heard of
ones heart going after death
Bud Austin came home Friday even
ing and took a hand at threshingSatur
Jake Crockford was helping Austins
thresh forepart of week
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only-
If you have a Graham hat you will
need to ask no questions as to quality
Rozell Sons
There is safety and satisfaction and
often saving in bringing prescriptions
to us
L W McConnell Druggist
If you buy a Wilson Bros shirt you
can rest assured you have one with all
the strong points and features fast col
ors are guaranteed in this unexcelled
shirt Rozell Sons
The reader will note the new adver
tisement of D W Colson who is locat
ed over the Bee Hive and doing a fira
insurance business He has some resi
dence and business property for rent
Many people delude themselves by
saying It will wear away when
they notice symptoms of kidney and
bladder trouble This is a mistake
Take Foleys Kidney Remedy and stop
the drain on the vitality It cures
backache rheumatism kidney and
bladder trouble and makes every trace
of pain weakness and urinary trouble
disappear A McMillen
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoffice September 24 1909
Brow ning Mr Malcom L Clark CookMessrs
Devine Mr Jim
Eby Mina
Johnson Mr W J
Morgan Miss Ella
Roberts Mrs E J
Ferrel Mr Jim
Jordon Mrs Elgic
Osborn Mr George
Stolts Mr Frank
Dodge Mr Bert
Groves Mr T B
Morrisey Mr John
Nichols Mr Robert
Wright Mr E M
Greening E F
McAtee Mr Roy
Piper H J
Stewart Mr Frank
Smith Harold G
Anton Mr Eli
When calling for these plea33 say
they were advertised
Loit Coaa P of