The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 23, 1909, Image 6

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W F Everist
V Franklin
G H Watkins
VKVt iiji A
This is the face of
the man who burns
coal butght at the
Phone No 1
Let us estimate on
your next bill None
too large or too small
to fill Complete stock
grades high prompt
deliveries prices low
everything right
i if r j in r r
I w
Jas S Doyle
W M Vastine
R A Green
Vernice Franklin
Tuesday October 5 Firework
Wednesday October 6 Electrical Parade
Thursday October 7 Military Parad
Friday October 8 Coronation Ball
Saturday October 9 Childrens Ball
Lumber Co
Phone No 1
Get cur prices consid
er quality and we will
get your business
S3 Op OtJAl Utfin 31
X 0 Hz
Let us print your PROGRAMS MENUS
kinds of Commercial or Law Printing
CiCfe us one order and you toill gi de us another
a gaagareEMgBBmaBUMMUiiii MiinmniiiMMaBBn MaiBMmMa
True Davis
W L Lozier
D E Eikenberry
The United States Investment Co
Colorado Irrigated
Lands a Specialty
Dealing in All Kinds of
Main Office at
Monte Vista Colo
V Franklin Pres - Jas S Doyle Vice Pres
R A Gheen Cshr - GH Watkins Asst Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
LtXf1itrxrW1 tfiy f iartqiqOB
320 Acre Free Homestead
law makes provision for 320 acre homesteads in certain localities instead of the
usual 160 acre tracts The requirements of the law are practically the same re
garding residence improvements and cultivation These lands are going fast
if you want a homestead close to the railroad you should act now
CROPS AND RAIN FALL Visitors to the Omaha Corn Show will remem
ber the magnificent display of arm products from Weston county Wyoming
grown on exactly the same kind of land that can now be taken in 320 acre home
steads The Mondell Act includes lands that receive from 16 to 21 inches of rain
fall annualiy and you only need to see the crops grown ty the farmers already
located there to be convinced These homesteads can be taken along the Burl
ingtons new line now building in Wyoming
I personally conduct excursions the first and third Tuesdays of each month
to these lands and am employed by the Burlington to answer all inquiries and to
assist you in every possiDle way to locate along the Burlington Lines Write for
new folder and map of these lands
D CLEM DEAVER General Agent
Land Seekers Information Bureau Omaha Nebraska
1004 Farnam St Omaha Nebr
1 in rin Tu in 1 in lirrnr r
- - en - TT jrrrr 1 WW vwmm t i1iifPr -
- v
MnMSMnln3n irlMMaiMBiBMMMMMMMnlnBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnW
inmii i inf rm
Fon Sale A now modern five room
uttnge with batb and pautry Oall at
dll Idt st west or phono red 218
0 M Kent
First class young family horse for
tale Single footer under saddle 9 3
H I Kennedy
For Rent A houBe arranged for two
families Corner N W of eaBt school
house Inquire of Wm Whygint
Wanted Success Magazine wants
in energetic and responsible man or
woman in McCook to collect for renew
als and solicit new subscriptions during
full or spare time Experience un
necessary Any one can start mon
friends and acquaintances and build up a
paying and permanent business without
capital Complete outfit and instruc
tions free Address -VON Success
Vlasrazioo Room 103 Success Magazine
Building New York City N Y
Wanted Rooms for light housekeep
ing Central locatiou Phone red 211
CLE FREE Greatest i ifer out Get
your friends to subscribe to our maga
zine and we will make you a present of
a 40 Columbia bicjelp the best made
Ask for particulars free outfit and cir
uular telling How to Start Address
The Bicjcle Man 29 31 East 22d St
New York Citv N Y
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks ofBcp
since last report
William LZintetal to Dallas
G Divine wd to pt 19 20-21-
22 in 28 McCook 2500 00
Minnie A Everist et cons to C
M Shakespeare wdto pt blk
14 in West McCook 900 00
Oscar Grismore et ux to Chas
W McMillin wd to 3 in 9
7th McCook 1200 00
Philip Gliem et ux to Mary
A Fox wd to 3 4 5 in 14
Danbury 2200 0C
Zanithen Spicklmier et ux to
V Franklin qcd to 23 24 in
1 South McCook 100
United States to Joshua D
Day pat to se qr se qr 18 sw
qr sw qr 17 n bf ne qr 19 3 29
Lincoln Land Co to Robeit J
Moore wd to 1 n hf 2 in 2
6th McCook 325 00
James J Caton et ux to John
W Wolf wd to se qr 25 4 27 5000 00
John W Wolf et ux to James
J Caton wd to nw qr 26 4 27 6500 00
William Weygint et ux to Wil
liam M Raine wd to 6 in 24
2nd McCook 1200 00
George Beck et ux to John E
Kelley wd to 10 in28 McCook 3000 00
United States to William M
Bergin pat to w hf w bf 20
Congkhgational Sunday school at
10 a m Prayer meeting Wednesday
evening at eight oclock The public
is cordially invited to these services
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p
m Sunday Bchool at 10 a m All
are welcome to these services
E R Eable Rector
Catholic Order of services Mass
3 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kibwin O M I
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Clasp
at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth
League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed
nesday night at 745
M B Cabman Pastor
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 11 00 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P TJ at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Bubton Pastor
Evangelical Lutheran Regular
German preaching services in frame
building of East Ward every Sunday
morning at 1000 All Germans cordial
ly invited Rev Wm Brueggeman
607 5th st East
Christian Science 219 Main Ave
nueServices Sunday at 11 a m and
Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room
open all the time Science literature
on sale Subject for next Sunday
Evangelical Lutheran
iiuAij ouuuay ocnoot at dl a m
Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m
by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m
Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer
meetings every Wednesday and Satur
day evenings at 730 All Germans
cordially invited to these services
Rev GustavHenkelmann
505 3rd street West
Dr Abernethy the great English
physician said Watch your kidneys
When they are affected life is in dan
ger Foleys Kidney Remedy makes
healthy kidneys corrects urinary ir
regularities and tones up the whole
system A McMillen
New Product Which Will Keep Dirt
Highways Hard and Smooth
Now it is possible to make smooth
boulevards out of rough country roads
ut a comparatively small cost Pro
tracted rainy weather may prevail or
regular gully washers may come
but the roads treated by the new proc
ess will keep hard and smooth even
though mud is knee deep in the ditches
and in the tields A prominent oil coin
puny asserts ii lias solved the prob
lem The general manager of the fuel
oil department of that company in
New York city stales that for several
years his company lias been making
tests to perfect an oil which would
serve the same purpose on the earth
roads in the country and slnall towns
as rhe asphalt road oil does ou the
macadamized boulevards In April the
company placed on the market the
standard m icnda mixed asphalt binder
oil for earth roads Tests have been
made in dincient parts of the United
States and the general manager says
It has been thoroughly demonstrated
to be a complete success To show his
confidence ill the oil arrangements
have been completed to build a small
section of road at Independence Mo
The process of making good roads
with this new brand of road oil is very
simple First the road must be plow
ed thoroughly and then run over sev
eral times with a harrow after which
it should be rounded with u grader
and dragged to make it hard After
this it -is ready for the road oil
The cost of this process is far less
than the rock or macadamized roads
of course said the manager It will
cost from SHOO to a mile to thor
oughly oil an earth road the first time
The cost after that is far less each
year to keep it oiled
It Is expected that this new process
will revolutionize road building We
receive thousands of letters from all
parts of the country asking for com
plete details The demand has been
so strong it has been necessary to have
printed matter prepared ou the sub-
ject The good roads movement is
spreading rapidly It is one of the
most striking evidences of continued
and substantial prosperity Good roads
enhance the value of property and the
pleasure of living in the community
Only the Wheel Track Is Paved Re
ducing Cost of Construction
Orlando H H Dickson of Jackson
ville Fla one of the most active
champions of good roads in Duval
county for many years has received
word from his attorney at Washington
that a patent has been allowed on his
concrete block for constructing roads
The authorities at the patent office at
method was they thought in conflict
with other similar roads that had been
patented but Mr Dickson employed a
first class attorney who fought the
matter through to a successful issue
The road as patented consists of
heavy concrete blocks in shape uot un
like common T rails laid on their sides
except that they are much larger and
only three or four feet in length
They have a mortise on one end and
a tenon on the reverse end and so are
locked together making them a con
tinuous road but easily repaired if
broken as one block can be taken out
and another one inserted in a few
moments time The groove is large
enough to easily carry an automobile
tire and such a road can be built with
a double track at less cost than ordi
nary first class countrv roads cost
for concrete work who assure him
that a machine can be constructed to
turn out several hundred blocks in a
day at small cost for labor A short
piece of the road Is now in use be
tween Jacksonville and Apoka and has
been tested enough to prove its com
plete adaptability as a Hrst class road
for farm vehicles or automobiles
Crushed Coral For Roads
fiPtiera vailos Garcia Wlez minis
ter from Cuba to the United States
who has been traveling in the west to
promote reciprocity sentiment says
that Cuba boasts of more than liUU
miles of the most excellent macadam
roads in the world
We used crushed coral in our roads
in Cuba said he and there is uo
better medium for road building
known It is practically impervious
to watpr and when rolled smooth pre
serves for many years its continuity
Our government has expended in
0000U0 in the past three years in this
kind of improvement and will con
tinue until we have a perfect system
of roads
Good Roads Would Help Everybody
rPlm rrrwwl rvirlc Tiinrunimif iu -in
Fire In East KcCooK Last Friday
Fire destroyed n barn coal shed etc
for Charles Dewey in Enst McCook
last Friday noon Some supplies of the
Welsbach Street Lighting Co kept in
the buildings destroyed were also burn
ed Mr Deweys loss was covered ny
That part of the city which is outside
the incorporated limits is without fire
protection but the bucket brigade and
water from the tank at the Dewey bouse
kppt the fire withiu the limits named
The fire alarm was not sounded
promptly but the hook and ladder
company made a delayed run
The fire is thought to have originated
from train No 76 which passed about
the time the fire broke out we are in
formed by a member of the fire depart
Following hcetibes to marry have been
isbiied since our last report
Otto G Tilgner 28 and Ina P Scha
mel 19 both of McCook Married by
J S Lellew jubtice of the peace Sep
tember 20ih
Huber bandies the Carbartt gloves
and caps iilto and a full line of other
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska facptember 15 1009
Tho Board of County Commissioners met per
sunnt to adjournment Present F S Lofton
and C B Gray County Commissiouers and M
G Elbert Deputy County Clerk
Ou motion tho County Clerk was instructed
to advertise for sealed bids to make n yearly
contract for tho construction of tho super
structure sub structure and approaches of all
steel and wooden bridges to bo built in said
county for a year from the 12th day of Novem
ber 1909 and for furnishing materials in the
construction of same according to tho plans
and specifications on file in the County Clerks
office All bids to be filed on or before 12
oclock at noon Novemb r 12th ir09 Bids will
be opened by the board at 2 oclock in tho after
noon of the same day The Board reserves the
right to reject any or all bids
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and the Clerk was instructed to draw a
warrant on the Koad fund of Commissioner
District No 1 as follows
Ernest Galusha labor on cement bridge 30 00
On motion the Board iidjourned to meet Sep
tember 18 1909
S Premer Chairman
Attest CnAELES Skalla County Clerk
McCook Nebraska September 18 1909
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment Present S Premer C
B Gray ad F S Lofton county commission
ers and Chas Skalln county clerk
The following claims were audited and al
lowed art the Clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the Koad fund of the respectivo
- - tn aw i -4 ta a t inin a f rtl T A
hrst refused him a patent because the
Comin Dhtrict No
Q R Miles road workfclaimed nt 590 al
lowed at 50 00
J M Brush road Aork Comm Dist No 2 11 23
Geo Harrison No 3 3 00
and on County General Fund levy of
1909 as follows
Hammond Stephens Co Supplies to
Superintendent 50 75
Dr H J Arbofjast salary as Co physi
cian 1st and 2d qu 09 -10 00
Omaha Printing Co legal blanks 7 30
F S Lofton Commissioner service 21 10
CBGray Si 00
S Premer 12 75
The following damages were allowed on
the County General Fund levy of 1909
I J Brinegar road No 41C on sw se
of 27-1-30 claimed 8150 allowed at 30 00
Peter Nelson road No 421 on nw of 35-2-30
claimed at M alloucil at 50 00
Daniel Linahnn road Ni 424 on south Vz
of 3-1-30 claimed at 5100 allowed at 40 00
The fees in the insanity case of Kate Kurren
Mr Dickson is in correspondence with as certified Lj the Clerk of the District Court
several manufacturers of machinery j and amounting to5ui for C A Rodgers 8C0
for Dr Z L Kay 30 for J E Kelley 4 45
for E F Osborn 2 10 for Mrs Alary Nichols
S210 for H W Wimer and S210 for T F En
riKht total 2775 were on motion rejected
On motion the Board adjourned sine die
ReRular session of the Foard as provided
by law will be on October 5 1909
S Puemer Chairman
Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk
September 211909
Notice is hereby fh en that the rental upon
the lease contracts to the following described
school lands in Red Willow county Nebraska
as set opposite the names of the holders there
of is delinquent and if the amount which is
due is not paid within sixty days from tho date
of this notice said contracts will be declared
forfeited by the Board of Educational Lands
and Funds and said forfeiture will be entered
of record in the manner provided by law
List to Advertise 1st 1909
Red Willow County
NH NeH Sec 16 T 3 B 28 Anna B Holland
Lot 1 Sec 6 T 3 R 28 C F Bebcock
x a wwles commissioner
By C Boslaw Deputy
nn1rins r a Bilnss his wife John
Killings Qlauys BillinKs his wire Inez Wailes
Leslie Wailes her husband Earl Notley a
mmfgd3d 2otIehisife defendants
wo ru ff i V aotiei has filed
wu iUU uisincE court or Ked Willow
county Nebraska aKainst said defendants he
object and nravpr nf u mm n u i
economfe movement a thiiiir that
somewhere and at some time touches
the pocket nerve of every producer
and every consumer in the land a fac
tor as indispensable as navigable in
land waterways to the fundamental
settlement of all freight rate questions
A real and stable macada
between Denver Kansas City
cago for instance would be of more
benefit to the economic development of
Colorado thau forty successful appeals
to the interstate commerce commission
Good Road Campaign
The chamber of commerce of
Wichita Falls Tex has engaged in a
campaign of education on good roads
subjects It is sending out speak
ers with stereopticon exhibits to lec
ture in county sehoolhouses on
advantages of improved roads and to
secure signatures to a petition to the
county commissioners to call an elec
tlon to vote on a 100000 bond Issue
for the construction of good roads In
1 the precinct or district
creed to be the owner of the follow ing deriE
ed real estate situated in Red Willow county
Snorfh Mt Cmineilcin at Point two
rods north of the southwest
corner of the couth-
W the southwest quarter of secdon
twenty eight township three north of range
narfaTihWe 0f ll e 6th P M thence eatt
lm highroad thence south sixteen rods to the place of bel
fnnhoVmd th the thereto be quieted
-mil Chi-
ami himself
as against said defendants You are
required to answer said petition on or before
mc oiu uay oi vcrooer iflot 0 9 it
Dated this 9th day of September 1909
John P Notley
tj r i r
i jiunan nucine A Wolff his attorney-
In the county court of Red Willow county
Nebraska v
To the heirs of and to all persons interested in
the estate of V mifred Glynn deceased
filed her petition in this court praying that P I 4
- - jj iiiiiiiiiur ii n i in n i ct wri r na a v I
the fSlfpaand that a
ijjuuuu win oe naa Deiore me
at my office in McCook in said county on tho
u uBjpi uciooer iivj at one oclock p m at
Which time VOU urn rannimJ i 4
show cause if there be
any why the prayer of
saia petitioner should not be granted i
Jl1 and and seal of said court this
13th day of September 1P09 16 3 i
RA1 X T7t J J i iV v ub
vuuicuailJB Is
as to the
Baking Powder
Received Higest Award
Worlds Pore Foed Espositie
Chicago 1907
CURES disease with Pure Blood
Dr J O Bruce
Telepaone 55 iuvvuub nww i
Office over Elecric Theatre on Main Ave
V ii WliiiiVil tiiiiitl ifliiiiihii IlT11 1A1 a
Dr Herbert J Pratt
Office 212J4 Main av over McConnells
Drug Store McCook Neb
Office 160
Residence BIucx 131
Office over McAdams Store Phone 1 9
OHi Hi
DENTIST phonk 112
Office Booms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Dr J A Colfer
Room Postoffick Building
ttrrrn v v f it flu ii ii mm iiitwwii
R H Gatewood
Office over McMillens drug store J
Phone 163 McCook Nebraska J
nlidriiiimiiu Win -ft H
iMiddleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
I Jp e JPW ff jk jjl
Quickly Cured
Colic Cholera and
Diarrhea Remedy
Can always be depended upon
During the summer months children
are subjectto bowel disorders and should
receive the most careful attention A
xj uuuuLurai looseness of the
bowels is nofacea Chamberlains Colic
oholera and Diarrhea Remedy should bi
uat ouc zt cents a bottle jind
it is economy to always keep a bottle
handy You do not know when it may
be needed bufc when you do want it -
want it badly Get a bottle today
U 1 M
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
ttt 4J3
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
r s
- rt
- K
- v M