The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 23, 1909, Image 4

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Republican Ticket
For Judges of the Supreme Court
Samcel H Sedgwick
John- B Baknhs
Jacob Fawcktt
For Begents of the University
W G Whitmobe
Ciiahles S Allen
Fbakk L Hallek
1 For County Clerk
Charles Skalla
For County Treasurer
C Naden
For County Superintendent
Elizabeth Bettcher
For Sheriff
H I Peterson
For Judge
J C Moore
For Commissioner 2nd District
Samuel Premer
It may at least be said of the late Mr
Harriman that he did what he could
to do the other fellow in gobbling up
Kindly note the men and the papers
who are opposed to the primary elec
tion method of nominating candidates
and you will not experience much dif
ficulty in deciding where to cast your
allegiance For the most part they are
the same fellows who for years have
been in evidence in the caucuses and
conventions The primary method re
lieves the politicians and places the
duty and responsibility of naming can
didates where it belongs the people
It is only up to the people to recognize
and perform their duty
Only a false alarm Wednesday noon
Special prices on gasoline engines
McCook Hardware Co
The great motive power of any busi
ness is the strenuous personal faith of
the men back of it First National Bank
of McCook
5Tou cant travel without a trunk a
valise or a traveling bag They are in
dispensable See Rozell Sons for a
good article at veryressonable price
tVWty v S
In Our New Fall Stock you will find every v ae
and color and the largest assortment to be found in South
Western Nebraska
Handsome Suitings at 25c and 50c per yard 42 inch
Stripe Batistes all colors at 65c And a beautiful selection
of Stylish Dress Fabrics at 100 and 125 per yard
Broadcloths in every shade and color at 50c and
100 per yard Dont fail to see our
New Dress Silks
With Messaline Satin Finish
All in exclusive Dress and Waist Patterns at 100 per per
yard No two alike
I iuaui tu nuiiYiiiiJ
fi j - ssiir
And you will agreeas
all others havethat we
are showing
Tiie Highest Class
Merchandise at
the Very Low
est Prices
Give Us a Call and be Convinced
222 Main Ave
Phone 56
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladles Furnishings McCook Neb
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription i a Year in Advance
State Teachers
The State Teachers Association
meets in Lincoln on the 3rd 4th and 5th
of November 1909
Last years splendid attendance dem
onstrated the wisdom of fixing an ear
lier date than the winter holidays and a
date when all teachers school officers
and patrons are most interested in edu
cation The Association is not a holi
day celebration it is a meeting of earn
est men and women for mutual help
and inspiration in the work of making
Nebraskas public schools the most
effective in the world
The executive committee the local
committee and the Lincoln Commer
cial Club have given the most careful
attention to every detail of program
and local entertainment required for
ten thousand school people
A splendid program cannot benefit
those schools whose officers and teach
ers are not in attendance
Where school boards have not already
granted their teachers the three days
on regular pay the superintendent of
the town and city school and the
teacher of the country school should
place the matter before the board and
give positive assurance that the time
asked will be devoted to improving the
work of the school
If necessary dismiss school and make
up the time later
You are engaged in a great work for
a great state Be patriotic
A L Caviness
1 For Executive Committee
W D Darnell visited McCook friends
first of tne week
Conductor George Brooks went over
to Oberlin Kansas last Saturday on a
short visit
John Seth who has been ill and con
fined to the house for several weeks is
now able to be up and about though
still weak
Conductor Herman Hegenberger is
over in Iowa looking after that farm
and his interests in that connection at
the former home
M R Sheldon formerly employed
here but now in the C S yard at
Denver announces the birth of a baby
boy in the Sheldon family
Six splendid new passenger locomot
ives for the Denver Bio Grande road
passed through McCook yesterday and
today -They are numbered 775 to 780
Are of the monkey motion type and of
the American make
iffiySffiirr - fFTg7rrjsQ
More Accurate
The pastor and his wife had called
upon 11 member of the congregation a
widow with a small but exceedingly
lively boy und were on their way
home Well said the preacher she
seems to be u very Intelligent woman
And very positive in expressing her
On the contrary said big wife she
struck me as being strongly negative
Negatlve V How
Everything she said to her little
boy began with a Dont Johnny
Sympathy of the Flowers
More or less credence Is ftill given
In England to the old belief in the
sympathy of the vegetable kingdom
for fm 1111 1 suffering I prayed all
night writes n gardener whose em
ployer was very sick and the lowers
on my window sill drooped tnd I said
to myself they were dead But toward
morning they picked up and I was
sure enough the master was better
And the same thing had happened to
the flowers I had sent to his bedroom
Thpy were dying and they came to life
again And 1 know when those low
ers picked up that the master was
The Pins
Oh dear sighed her husbands
wife I cant find a pin anywhere 1
wonder where all the pins jjo to any
Thats a dillicult question to an
swer replied his wifes husband be
cause thy are always pointed in one
direction and headed In anotner
Chicago News
Painters Colic
Mamma Whats the matter with
Fido Tom in le Oh 1 was playing
with my soldiers and lie came in and
insisted upon licking the whole army
Take i rest A field
civs a benutlfn crop
that has rested
Modest Goldsmith
Oliver Goldsmith Avas an underpaid
man from start to finish Two hun
dred and fifty dollars for The Vicar
of Wakefield was bad enough yet
for The Traveler he got but 100
1 and 23 for his English Grammar
For The Deserted Village
his publisher sent him 300
at once returned with the
This he
It is too much It is near o shillings
a couplet which is more than any
book owner can afford or indeed any
modern poetry is worth So he died
with 10000 worth of debts Was
ever poet so trusted before said Dr
The Hissing
I frequently experience a hissing
sound in my ears remarked a pa
tient to a doctor What would you
advise me to do
What is your occupation asked
the medico
Im an actor
Then Id advise you to adopt some
other vocation
In Doubt
Hairdresser while giving lady a vig
orous shampoo Will you have any
thing on your head when I am finish
ed madam She I am sure I dont
know I was in hopes you would leave
enough hair to pin my hat to
I 1 I
The total enrollment in the grades
has increased to 753 and that if high
school to 129 making a total of 882 in
the whole school
As compared with last ea- this
shows a falling oh in the grades A
mistaken impression seems to prevail
with regard to the enrollment in high
school to the effect that the enrollmei t
this ear is considerabh than lasl
year This is wrong At th midd e
of the tKird week this year th high
school enrollment is 129 as compar d j
with 131 at the e d of the fourth week
last year The indications now are
that the high school will have the lar -est
enrollment this ear of ary year in
its history
Mr and Mrs Robert Kerr of Robert
Nebraska have entered the high school
to repare for admission to the medical
college Mr and Mr Kerr are both
school teachers of some experience and
hold high grade certificates
Miss Katherine Price arrived Satur
day and is doing her regular work in
the preparatory grade west
The high school athletic association
has just completed a new basket ball
court at the high school grounds
When used a little while it will be the
fastest court in this part of the state
Both boys and girls teams are hard at
work getting read for match games
Supt Taylor has been invited by the
Board of Education of Beatrice to parti
cirae in the dedicatory exercies of the
new Beatrice high school building
October 1
Fob Rent Front furnished bedroom
with use of parlor 607 east 2nd street
Phone black 290
For Rent A five room and a two
room cottage Both close in Mrs JI
Lee Phone 43 23 tf
Haveryou seen the beautiful as
sortment of some of the finest
Millinery for Fall ever shown by
us These hats are correct in
style made of the BEST MATER
IAL and at prices which will en
able every lady to have a Fall
Hat I Call and see them you are
always welcome and we are al
ways willing to show our goods
Copyright 19C9 by C E Zimmerman CoNo 14
School Shoes-
formisses Shoes must not be
durable but posses style and snapl as well
It is gat thisjperiod that the foot is being molded
and now ifever animpr operIywfittedshoe may
do a great deal of harm tosay nothing of the
unnecessary discomfort It is no small matter to insure you
againstall these troubIesthis is why the first pair of shoes
you buy here villrnake you afpetmanent customer
The Model Shoe Store
Fisher Perkins
McCook Nebraska
See our show window for exceptional
bargains in fancy stationery this week
Choice of any box 25 cents and a large
16x20 picture given free
Wood worth Co Druggists
Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at
McCook Flour and Fped Store
201 Main Avenue
If you have had difficulty in finding
cold cream we would like to have you
use Cream of Almonds Price 35 cents
I W McConnell Druggist
We have some very good bargains in
wall paper if sold soon
Woodworth Co Druggists
CURES disease with Pure Blood Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
R3TFn r
This is to certify that we have visited and inspected
the properties owned by The Denver Colorado Land Com
pany in the Montclair District East Denver
We found the property well lying ground served by
the Colfax Avenue and Fairmont electric car lines about
twenty minutes ride from the center of Denver This par
ticular location is considered very desirable for residence
purposes chiefly on account of its being in the projected
boulevard rd is trict where there is a building restriction en
forced There are many fine homes in the vicinity as well
as a fire station branch postoffce and up-to-date facilities
of a large city
Investments can be made in our opinion with every
assurance of safety and profit
1 x S
v i