to I v J Business Office Station ery is Our Specialty sw Particularly Fine Line of Writing Papers in Boxes McCook Views in Colors Typewriter Papers Box Writing Papers Legal Blanks Pens and Holders Calling Cards Manuscript Covers Typewriter Ribbons Ink Pads Paper Clips Brass Eyelets Stenographers Notebooks Photo Mailers Memorandum Books Letter Files LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets every second and fourth Sunday of each month at 230 in Morris hall Walteb Stokes C E W D Burnett F A E LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN AND ENGINEMEN McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E meets on the first and third Saturdays of each mouth in Morris hall I D Pennington Pres C H Husted Sec RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Harvey Division No 95 O K C meets the eecond and fourth Wednesday nights of each month at 800 p m in Morris ball at 304 Main Avenue S E Callen C Con M O McCluke Sec BAILWAY TRAINMEN C W Bronson Lodge No 4S7J3 of H T meets first and third Sundays at 230 p m and eecond and fourth Fridays at 730 p m each month in Morris hall C W Cobey M E J Mooke Sec BAILWAY CABMEN Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A moots on the first and third Tuesdays of each month ia Morris hall at730 p m W C Stephens C C N V Fbanklin Rec Sec machinists Eed Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 8 00 p m in Morris ball Theo DrEBALD Pres bkd Wabson Fin Sec Floyd Bebby Cor Sec Post Card Albums Duplicate Receipt Books Tablets all grades Lead Pencils Notes and Receipts Blank Books Writing Inks Erasers Paper Fasteners Ink Stands Bankers Ink and Fluid Library Paste Mucilage Self Inking Stamp Pads Rubber Bands Invoice Files McCook Views in Colors are a Leader with Us THE TRIBUNE Stationery Department CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A F 4 A H McCook Lodge No 135 A F fc A M meets every first and third Tuesday of the month at B00 p m in Masonic ball Lon Cone W M Chables L Fahnestock Sec e a h Occonoxee Council No 16 R S M meets on the last Saturday of each month nt 800 p m n Masonic ball Ralph A Hagbeeg T I M Sylvester Cobdeal Sec B A M King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets every first and third Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic ball Clabekce B Gray H P W B Whittakee Sec KNIGHTS TEMPLAR Bt John Commandery No 16 K T meets on the second Tburbday of each month at 800 p mM in Masonic hall David Magneb E C Henry E Culbeetson Rec EASTERN STAB Eureka Chapter No 86 O E S meets the second and fourth Fridays of each month at 800 p m in Masonic ball Mrs C W Wilson W M S Cobdeal Sec MODERN WOODMEN Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 330 p m in Morris ball Pay assessments at White House Grocery Julius Kunbbt Consul J M Smith Clerk ROYAL NEIGHBORS No le Camp No 862 R N A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 230 p m in Morris ball Mrs Caeoline Konebt Oracle Mes Augcsta Anton Rec w o w Meets second and fourth Thursdays at 8 oclock in Diamonds hall Chas F Mabkwad C C W C Moyeb Clerk workmen McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every Monday at 800 p m in Monte Cristo ball MAUBICEGRIFFINReC MS jKNNINdSMW JMWENTZFinancier RoYZiNTFdreman DEGBEE OF HONOR McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every econd and forth Tuesdays of each month at 100 p m in Monte Cristo ball Mrs Della McClain C of H J0BB UABmEOUliLAbtli ttBl BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodge No 407 B of 3 M I S B of A meets first and third Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows hall KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets ever Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall H W Conoveb C C D N Cobb K R S odd fellows McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets everj Monday at 800 p m in Morris hall F A Denton N G W A Middleton Sec EAGLES Mr Cook Aerie No 1514 F O T3 meets every Friday evening at 8 oclock in Keiley building 316 Main ave C L Walker W Pres C H Ricketts W Sec national association of letter cabbiebs Branch No 1278 metJts first Mon ay of rhcIi month at 330 p in in carriers room postoffice G F Kinghobn President D J OBrien Secretary KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Conncil No 1126 K of C meets th first and third Tuesdays of each month at 801 p m in Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on the second and fourth Thur days of each month at 8 p m in Monte Cristo ball Anna Hannan G B Nellie Ryan F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meet every first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Morri ball Mes W B Mills Commander Harriet E Willetts R K g a b J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each mouth at 230 pm Morris hall Wm Long Commander Jacob Steinmetz Adjt belief cobfs McCook Corps No 93 W R C meets every second and fourth Saturday of each month at 230 p m in Ganschow ball Adella McClain Pres Susie Vandebhoof Sec l of g a b McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the first and third Fridays of each month at 230 p m in Morris ball Maby Walkeb Pres Ellen LeHew Sec p e o Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each mont j at 230 m ai wo uuuies ui lue variuus niemDcrs Mrs J A Wilcox Pres Mes J G Schobel Cor Sec Try This For Catarrh Free tests are now being supplied by mall to all Catarrh sufferers There is no expense no obligation whatever Dr Shoop is combining Oil of Eucalyptus Thymol Menthol Oil of Wintergreen etc and is incorporating these ingredients into a pure snow white cream like Imported Petrolatum This Creation Dr Snoops Catarrh Remedy gives immediate and lasting relief to catarrh of the nose and throat That all may first test it freethese trial boxes are being mailed without charge simply to encourage these tests and thus fully demonstrate beyond doubt the value of this combination If Catarrh has extended down to the stomach or bowels thon Dr Shoops Restorative must also be used internally if a complete cure is to be expected Otherwise the Dr Shoops Catarrh Remedy will alone be entirely sufficient Write Dr Shoop Racine Wis for sample and book Sold by Druggists everywhere Wilch took thill I tend ycoT No 1 On Dyspepsia I No 4 For Women No 2 On the Heart I Kb 5 For Men No 3 On the Kidneys 2to6 0aBhemsatiSB A Mc MILLEN MADAGASCAR SPIUtRS Their Wonderful Webs and an Experi ment In Weaving It Is Interesting to know the prac tical uses to which the webs of a large Madagascar spider might be applied to replace silk for woven fabrics said Fisher S Williams of London who Is Interested In the manufacture of silk I know from visits fo the interior of Madagascar that the webs spun many feet across the walks or shady avenues of gardens are sufiiciuntly strong to hang thereon a light bam boo walkinir cane At the Paris ex position of 1000 a whole piece of rlc eighteen yards long and eighteen Inches wide was exhibited which was woven out of this web for which It was necessary to provide 100000 yards of spun thread of twenty four strands For Its manufacture 25000 spiders had to be brought Into requisition and these were procured by offering the natives so much a hundred but not knowing or ignoring the purpose for which the insects were required and having a desire they brought them In by basketfuls mostly dead It was found necessary for the winding off machines to go to the spi ders Instead of calling In the spiders to the filatories However the piece of cloth was completed and was of a shimmering golden yellow color The idea of obtaining silk from the spider Is an old one as distinguished men in France discoursed on the sub ject as long ago as 1710 but the first study of this Madagascar spider came up some ten years ago and the spin ning of its web was then undertaken It is only the female that spins The first difficulty in obtaining the thread direct from the insect consisted in con triving how to secure the living spider so as to wind it off by some mechan ical process from the insect This was originally performed by confining spi ders in empty matchboxes with the abdomen protruding The extraction of the web does not apparently incon venience the Insect although care lias to be taken not to injure it Wash ington Herald Some College Spelling No one can blame the colleges of this country if they demand as one of the requirements of admission the ability on the part of the student correctly fo spell words with which he would ex press his thoughts Essays submitted by 2o0 students contained an average of five mistakes to each pupil Nearly fifty men made the mistake of placing an unnecessary e at the end of a syllable as departement develope ment A very common error was to transpose the vowels ei and ie Relieve and receive were the words most sinned against Preceding and succeeding offered difficulties to many while offered and preferred proved troublesome Why principal and principle should so often be in correctly used by college students is a mystery There are a few simple rules for spelling which should have pre vented at least half of the mistakes Before the age of fourteen these rules should be part of the educational outfit of the student in the grammar schools Professor W B Bailey of Yale in New York Independent A Crooked Parallel It was decreed by the convention of 1818 and the treaty of Washington of 1840 that the boundary between the United States and Canada from the Lake of the Woods to the Pacific a distance of 1270 miles should follow the forty ninth parallel The survey ors who have lately completed the lo cation of the boundary have found that the astronomical parallel varies from a direct circle around the earth and Professor Otto Klotz explains the curious fact that the line instead of being straight is at one point S00 feet south of the direct circle and at another place GOO feet north It was decided that the astronomical parallel or line through places wher the pole is 41 desrref from the zenith should be the accepted boundary This deci sion was followed but local attraction in some pla es deflects the plumb line and therefore the zenith and the as tronomical forty ninth parallel proves to be a quite irregular line Cleveland Plain Dealer The London Police The London policeman aside from the matter of pay has every advan tage over his New York contemporary He is looked up to with respect His slightest command is obeyed In the public streets He takes himself very seriously and is grave and solemn un der the weight of his responsibility I never saw a London policeman laugh or even smile except in one instance and he was an Irishman and possibly might be considered too human for his office His relation to the people is entirely different from that of the New York poi lan The greatest power over him is that of parliament and all political parties are friendly to him He is occasionally investigated bj royal commissions which investi gation is impartial and if anything friendly to him It is their hope to find everything as it should be Wil liam McAdop in Century Snails as Delicacies One thing which the English visitor to Paris detests according to a French newspaper is the edible snail which Is becoming a greater favorite among the Paris gourmets Returns show that in 1907 5G000O kilograms of snails passed through the markets in the French capital A similar quantity was consumed last year and the re turns up to the present indicate that the quantity eaten will be still greater There seem to be fashions In gastron omy as well as in millinery so we learn that the frog is becoming Ies3 popular in fact few are eaten today London Globe Advertisement SOCIALIST COLUMN 1 For Regents of University Aluit H Hlnt William Vyemmkh Regent of University to 1111 Vacancy L A ScinajiEvuK For County ludco U A Folden Vote Tor G A Flden Sv 1st Candi date for County Judjje In last weeks issue of Thk Tin nuNK wo defined socialism as being in its essence the embodiment of democracy in its completed signification or rather demouraey in its com pip test sense is socialism in its fundamental aspect and explained that socialism sought to establish among men n system of govern ment in which the voice of the people that 19 a majority of all the people should be the supreme ruling force in every detail of that government with direct power through their ballots to propose such laws as they desired and with the right to annul such laws as they do not desire by the same method of and with the power to make the tenure office dependent on the will of the peo pie That is to say that the primarj features of the government sought to be establibbed by the socialists is that n an unrestricted right of franchise The initiative and the referendum with the imperative mandate These we stated are the fundamental demands of social ist For with tbee safpguards in thi hands of the people we pointed out that it would be impossible to force up on the people any vicious or harmful legislation and would place within the hat ds of the people an effective meanf for dealing with recreant or unfaithful public officials socialism rurtner demands as a sec ondary proposition that as soon as the people have acquired these fundament al powers of democracy above referred to that all the people by their majority may devise means for bringing uodt r this same democratic management such public utilities as are necessary to the life liberty and happiness of all or an considerable part of all the people for it is clear that if that proposition en unciated by the declaration of nee that men are endowed with ll alienable right to life liberty and th imnir of hHppineue ar d that to th end governments are established among men is a righteous proposition and if the further proposition set forth by the Fame document that governments de rive their just powers from the consent of the governed is a right concept of what a righteous human government si ould be it is also clear that the peo ple party to any such government should be esteemed to be eearly within i itn oi njtir inhi rent rivals nil mand to have a supreme voice in th anagement of all these industrial ir titutions which t fleet the conditions o fe and happinese of all or any consider ble part of all the people Thus th iiilitte lnlifv nch indutrinl ins as should become the subject of ownership and government manage ment would by their very nature be come manifest For the test to be oppliea in every instance would be iietner the thing to be taken over b he people and made a part of thei -stem of government in its potentia tture contributed to tbe means ot fe or in any serious manner effecter he liberties and happiness not of ne individual or a family or som 1 II group of ir dividunls bn rather of all or a considerable number of u the people Thus under a socialist orra of government we the people of be United States of America very nturally would at first take such insti utions as our collocial corporations and rusts whose operations effect the meth ds by which vast multituds of our peo fl mut live and since these multi tudes must live by the operation of these iiaiituuuns and tiuce the quality ot lfe and its abundance are prime factor f happiness in the human economy uch cause would inevitably bring thesp nstitutions within the range and scope if those inalienable human righJs vhich the declaration of American in- lependence proclaims to be inherent nnd just cause for the institutions of overnments How any man can who subscribs to the righteousness of the propositions quoted from the declaration of inde pendence rest content until all these vast resources with their means of pro duction of essential necessities to human ife aud happiness are brought within he province of government ownership s beyond our power to conceive Monarchy differs from democracy mly in that it claims as the inherent rht for but a part of all the people to dptrminp how all the people shall live and the means and method by which ach shall find his source of happiness nd the extpnt of liberty vouchsafed to each and it is by this system of government that monarchy has always bestowed much on the few and toil and misery on the many and this it is that democracy seeks to rectify by placing within the power of all the people the sore right to institute and maintain gov ernments among men and to the con summation of democracy in all the earth is the socialist party pledged i There is no thought in the mind of any Good Clothes are a Good Investment It pays to get clothes that look stylish not only when they are iew but also when they are old It is an investment sure to bring handsome returns Clothcraft All -Wool Clothes look spick and span and shapely as Guarantee of all wool of long life long as they last and they cost no more than common clothes A fine Clothcraft suit for 10 the finest for 25 and a Signed ithttio useless idlers who now Iev tribute on the productive efforts of a 1 men Socialists declare their abiding faith in the rectitude of tho proposition that to the producers alone belong tho full value of the thing produced and that any government which does not guaran teed all who labor the full measure of the proceeds of their effort to the end that all who give their energies to pro ductive occupations may bo assured a place of habitation food and raiment the absolute prerequisite to life liberty and happiness is deficient in the first purposes for which organic forms of governments should be had Socialists believe that righteous just tice demands that the able who will not labor to produce shall not have the proceeds of anothers toil GA Folden Socialist candidate for county judge do rr now McCook People Should Mot Walt Until Its Too Late The appalling death rate from kid ney disease is due in most cases to the fact that the little kidney troubles are usually neglected until they become ser ious The slight symptoms give place to chronic disorders and the sufferer goes gradually into the grasp of dia betes dropsy JBrights Disease gravel or some other serious form of kidney complaint If you suffer from headache back aches dizzy spells if the kidney secre tions are irngular of passage and un natural in appearence do not delay Help the kidneys at once Doans Kidney Pills are especially for kidney disorders they cure were others fail Over one hundred thousand peo pie have recommended them Heres a case Mrs I H Kust living in Red Cloud Neb says Some years ago 1 used Doans Kidney Pills with such good re sults for kidney trouble and have lately A Narrow Escape Edgar N Bayliss a merchant of Rob insnnville Del wrote A McMillen I Better than good enough photo graphs at the new studio first door north of the Commercial hotel Sitt ings from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon Piftnre frnrrnntr Trtp Tdpal Rtnrp WRITE FOR BOOK ON PILES DR E R TARRY 224 started taking them for rheumatism i which has caused me considerable suf fering I am pleased to state that I nave so lar touna tne remedv to be verv beneficial and I am fully convinced that I will obtain a permanent cure through its use Plenty more proof like this from Mc Cook people Call at a drug store and ask what customers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and I take no other r About twotC and of shape holding goes with each suit You lose money and opportunity if you overlook Clothcraft C L DeGroff Co of any scheme of dividing up the natural resources or the accumulat ed wealth of any country on the face of the globe but the socialists do desire to call a halt on the present method of dividing up the proceeds of the toilers Mike Walsh DEALER IK POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paul in C2si Nhw locaciuu just acro is rC trVe street in P Walsh liuildintr k F O BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter GIVE ME A TRIAL E F OSBORN Drayman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices REAL EASTERDAY Grain and Coal years ago I was thin and sick and a ful1 stock of both Colorado and mi iuu iiuiu n - v - uuugueu auu x uiu noi have consumption it was near to it I commenced using Foleys Honey and Tar and it stopped my cough and I am now entirely well and have gained j rwenty eight runcisi all due to the ooa results trom taxing t oteys nooej i and Tar We have just added coal to our business and have now in our bins Chandler Canon Sunshine Maitland Baldwin Nut and Susquehanna Anthracite Your orders will be appreciated and given prompt attention PHONE 262 a iron Lead and S jwer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment o tht Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA Bsarsjewy Office First Door South of DeGrofPc Phone 13 ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPES I PHOItllM 1420 24 LAWBEHCE DEWVr B COLO i ruin nniff1 9 flitt B In flj H h BE Is v HWyTYTTVYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVI - - 4 MXXAAAXXAAXAJAJkXXXXAAXXAJC FISTULA Pay When GJREB All Rectal Diseases cured without a surgical j operation No Chloroform Ether or other gen eral aneasthetic used CURE GUARANTEED to last a fre AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIAL Bee Building Omaha Nebraska IUdljilS