The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 23, 1909, Image 2

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    A Mistaken
Sonic people havo an idea
that in order to have a
bank account they must
have a largo sum to deposit
that the hank does not care
to be bothered by small
This however is not
true of the First National
Bank This bank welcomes
now accounts whether of
SI or 81000 and tho samo
courtesy and servico is ac
corded tho small depositor
as those in more fortunato
It is our object and wish
lo servo the public in finan
cial matters in a manner
that shall bo satisfactory
to all old or young rich or
We Want Your Banking
Business and will be
pleased to have you open
anjacfjtiaiwith us
Bank of Mccook
South Wcstern Nebraska Teachers Rally
October 8 nnd 9 are the dates of the
South wostHrn Nebraska Teachers
R My to be held at Culberson Rpd
Willow Hitchcock and Dundy counties
have united to have as large and inter
esting a rally as possible Friday aft
ornoon October 8 h to be eiven over
especially to the patrons and directors
but all teachers are welcome
The plan of this rally is to have dis
cussed at thiStfrnVnthose problems that
are sure ttfcpuzfcle all teachers most
but especiallyiib inexperienced teacher
One of thecrrost important features of
school work is enthusiasm This is
given a generous boost when all teach
ers and directors meet together to talk
over school problems under the leader
ship of the foremost educators in the
Such leaders in education as Ex State
Superintendent McBrien Chancellor
Davidson of Wesleyan University and
Superintendent C W Taylor of Mc
Cook along with our best local talent
promise us something extra fine in the
matter of a fruitful meeting
A concert will be given by the Mc
Cook band which has no superior in
the middle west This concert pre
pared as it is especially for this occa
sion would be worth any teachers or
directors time Ample arrangements
are being made by the WomanfsirClub
to see that all those attending the rally
will be taken care of
0 rt
Exbcdtivb Committee
Testifies After Four Tears
Carlisle Center N Y G B BurhansJ
writes About four years ago I -wrote
you that I had been entirely cured of
kidney trouble by taking two bottles of
Foleys Kidney Remedy and after four
years I am again pleased to state that I
never had any return of those- symp
toms and I am evidently cured to stay
cured Foleys Kidney Remedy will
do the same for you A McMillen
John Casnen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank j j -
The Updike
Grain Co -
sells the
following coals
Nigger Head Maitland
Canyon City Lump
Canyon City Nut
Baldwin Lump
Iowa Lump
WierQty Lump
Wier City Nut
Sheridan Egg
Rex Lump
ipennsylvania Hard Coal
S S Garvey Manager-
Phone 169
Hoidregc District Appointments
0 C Wilson Holdrege District Supt
Alma Uuymbnd BuHh
Axtoll LE Levis
Arapahoe B J Cram
Atlanta M L Gardner
BartloyC ANorlin
Beaver City B F Eberhart
Benkelman and Max J F Hageman
Bloomington E E Crippen
Box Elder Supplied by F S Tyler
Cambridge W T Gately
Culbertson II E McFarland
Danbury and Lebanon WJ Miller
Edison C S Hawley
Franklin Geo F CooU
Haigler and Laird Supplied by L S
Hendley and Spring Creek J A May
Holbrook W J Cratro
Holdrege E C Newland
Huntley and Salem G W Burnett
Indianola A D Burress
Lowell and Newark C W Muir
Loomis and P View Supplied by N
H Lines
Hildreth 81 S Satchell
McCook Bryant Howe
Minden M B Carman
Norman and Heartwell Supplied by J
Orleans L S Powell j
j va
Oxford and Frank Nayler JJg Gilpin
Evngan ana oacramemo rK pftpjuuege
Republican City W F Hasans
Riverton J W Custer rJ
Swatton and McCabe J DIp
Trenton J L Murr
Upland and Campbell R
Wilcox and Boardner G H
Wilsonville and Tyrone J G Hurlbert
Visit From Gang of Crooks
McCook in common with otder towns
in this section of the state was visited
by a gang of crooks end of week In-
cidoni ally two of them will remember
McCook better than other places where
they worked
bat ur day nigut one of toe gang giv
ing the name of Leonard Lyons short
changed the Monte Cristo cafe where
be sought to have a twenty dollar bill
changed The cafe got stung for the
sum of five dollars in this transaction
The short change artist was arrested
and placed in the county jail until Mon
day morning when he was brought be
fore Justice of the Peace Berry who
assessed him 5000 and costs of suit
with restitution to the cafe of twice the
amount stolen or ten dollars
Sunday evening during the dinner
k ur at the cafe a pal of the crook in
jail appoared at the cafe and attempted
to have Mrs Ballew drop the matter of
prosecuting the short change man
Upon her refusal he made most insult
ing allegations against the house for
wbih he was promptly and thoroughly
trounced by the enraged proprietress
perhaps the blaokguard never received
such a trimming down in so brief a
while in his life He left the city the
same night
There were two others with the gang
but the police were unable to secure any
oases against them The gang was
well supplied with money
Three Million Acres of Government Land
to be opened for settlement about Oct
1st in South Dakota Uncle Sams
greatest land drawing These lands to
be opened under the United States
homestead laws For reliable informa
tion about these lands send 25 cents
silver for our interesting bqoklet The
Cheyenne and Standing Rock Reserva
tions Tells about the history topog
raph and soil climate rainfall who
may take homesteads etc compiled by
state historian Includes also up-to-date
map of South Dakota showing
lands to be opened
If you are interested in securing 160
acres of this rich land wrap up a
quarter and send for this booklet and
map at once
Address Homestead Information Bu
reau Pierre S D
Will Build a Garage
Dallas G Divine has purchased part
of lot 19 20 and 21 block 23 the corner
lot just south of the Pastime theatre on
west B street and proposes to erect
thereon an automobile garage The
plot of ground covers a space of 46x100
feet and the building will be quite a
desirable addition tothat street It is
expected to begin work at any early
There is Satisfaction
in the possession of a real likeness of a
friend or member of the family This
is heightened when there is present
also the touch of taste and art At the
new photograph studio first door north
of the Commercial hotel-
Do not be persuaded into taking any
thing but Foleys Honey and Tar for
chronic coughs bronchitis hay fever
asthma and lung trouble as it stops the
cough and heals the lungs
Legal Blanks Here
This office carries all kinds of legal
blank forms and makes special blanks
to order promptly and accurately
School Annuals for Sale
The Tribune has a few school
annuals for sale at the regular price
25 cents each
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Woman Suffrage
To the Editor of the Tribune-
The attainment of the suffrage for
women is accepted by the leaders in this
movement hb the final accomplishment
of womans emancipation from thral
dom to man tboevidence of her com
plete economic independence Step
by step she has encroached upon mans
province as the maintainor provider
and defender of the home till now be
has to face her competition in every
bread winning vocation and finally as
a last step in her progress she demands
the ballot which is regarded as only
another degree in her advancement
analagous to entrance into another vo
But the attainment of the ballot is a
vastly different matter for it involves a
wholly different principle in the social
philoophy a step longer than all the
rest combined Individual women al
ways have earned their living but the
province of government she never has
encroached upon and in this country
the voter is the government aud the
suffrage typically masculine
From the earliest prehistoric times of
which we catch any glimpse the main
tenance and perpetuation of the social
organism have been secured by a divis
ion of labor based upon hex In the
early infaucy of the race men came to
recognize the overwhelming dominance
of the Bexual attraction and the utter
impossibility of holding the sexps aparP
Pains and penalties were useless Love
laughs at obstacles is proverbial the
er burdened by her infant could not
by any possibility care for her child
and herself too Hence from puberty
to the menopause one half the mature
social body must be dependent upon
the other half for maintenance and de
Out of this condition was finally
evolved the home and national govern
ment in all their modern complexities
their several duties and responsibilities
being divided between the sexes as the
order of nature seemed to dictate To
the woman as the mother of the race
and necessarily physically dependent
fell the work of making the domicile a
home for her mate and their children
and rearing them into useful manhood
and to the man physically free fell the
duty of providing maintaining and de
fending the home so created out of
which finally developed the whole in
tricate machinery of our industiial in
tellectual and governmental fabric For
the central thought of- national govern
ment with its legislative executive and
judicial departments its courts and
sheriffs and armies in defense of the
homes of the land not of the individu
als merely as such but as heads or
members of a family
Now under our form of government
the voter is the ruler and the voting
class the ruling governing class the
active defenders of our homes So that
the demand for the suffrage for women
becomes tantamount to a demand for
mans emancipation from the burdens
of paternity his release from obligation
to care for maintain and defend the
mother of his children
For woman must remain woman with
the suffrage as without it She cannot
divest herself of her sex though she may
seize the government and marriage
in the broadest sense of the term in
evitably will continue Ab inevitably
children will continue to be born What
then is there for woman to gain by pos
session of the suffrage Aye What
What but the privilege of carrying the
entire burden not only of perpetuating
the race and determining the trend of
its development but of maintaining and
defending the social organism as well
If it be emancipation at all it is mans
not womans Granted that she gains
the goal of her latest ambition she will
become a thousand times more a slave
than she ever has been For man will
be freed from all coercive force except
his moral sense He will gratify his
lust without a thought of after conse
quences and leave the economically
independent mother of his children to
the full enjoyment of her independence
as the average father of a bastard child
does today
William B Ely
Are You Going to Register
at the Opening October 4th 23rd of
ROCK Reservations Then you want
to know something about this land
Send 25 cents for our interesting book
let compiled by state historian telling
about them Includes handsome map
in three colors of South Dakota
showing lands to be opened This alone
worth the money Wrap up a quarter
and send for copy today Homestead
Information Bureau Pierre S Dak
Ordinance 97 relating to and regu
lating the keeping and harboring of
dogs by imposing a license tax on the
keepers and owners will be strictly en
forced Persons interested will do well
to see to the securing of license tags for
their dogs immediately as the city
marshal has been ordered to dispose of
all unlicensed dogs at once
By order of Mayor and City Council
Grant Ethekton of the Bartley In
ter Ocean w0 in town Monday on
matters of business
Miss Pearl Robkrbon departed Sat
urday evening on No 6 for Grand Is
land to enter a business collpge
Dr and Mrs Petkr Boyle arrived
from Denver last Saturday and are
guests of their son C II for a season
Rev M Bamford of Ord Nebraska
the well known temperance worker web
in the city Tuesday lopking after sorte
realestate interests he has in this vicin
Mr and Mr J B Meservk took
their departure Tuesday morning for
California where tbey will spend the
winter in the southern part of that
Oliver Jeffries departed this week
for Laird Colorado to look after some
rani estate interests there lie has dis
posed of bis merebnntile interests in
South McCook
Mr and Mrs Craig McDonald were
vi ry graciously visited by the tradition
al stork last Sunday and the happy
parents have wisely decided to adopt the
promising young lad
M R Osborn city marshal return
ed tin 3 lHst Friday night from Omaha
where he has been receiving treatment
from an oculist with success we are
pleased to note
JVIrs Matie G
Tuesday night on
Welles departed
No 3 for Grand
world over Inevitably helpless infant Junction Uolorado on a visit ot several
cy was continually bein thrust aipoos
society demanding its care The moth
weeks to her Bister She will also visit
Dr and Mrs Ira Clark in Delta
Miss Emma PADEand Miss Ida Rug
gles departed Tuesday morning for
Lincoln to enter the university This
makes nine representatives in the uni
versity from McCook and vicinity this
Mr and Mrs W R Starr have va
cated their rf sidenre and moved into
apartments in the Fahrenbruck block
Mr and Mrs A G Dole of Denver will
occupy the Starr residence on North
Main after repairs and improvements
have been completed
E S Wood of Syracuse this state
came up last Saturday night to trans
act some business connected with his
farm interests heie and to close leases
on bis farms for next season He re
ports his returns very satisfactory from
his Red Willow county farms this sea
Ladies Two Times Winners
The ladies were well represented in
the womans suffrage debate in the
Baptist church last Thursday evening
and by the same token the lords of cre
ation were in submissive minority
The music -literary program which
preceded the debate was excellent in
quality Three selections by an orches
tra composed of Meadames Vahue and
Mills and Messrs Ely and Gaarde vo
cal numbers by Miss Ruth Wiehe and
MisB Florence Rosebush readings by
Miss Leona Phelps and Miss Gertrude
Morrissey All were of enjoyable merit
and received deserved appreciation
The subject of debate was in sub
stance Shall Women be Given the
Right of Suffrage on Equal Terms With
Men Mrs Mattie Welles affirmed
with skill her experience and culture
her mature training added to enthu
siastic sympathy with her side of the
subject won the verdict Mr Marvin
Somerville came into the negative side
of the debate with the vigor and enthu
siasm of sophomoric young manhood
but was not able to offer a sufficient
array of rebuttal evidence and argu
ment to head off a verdict for the af
firmative which it may be added met
with vigorous approval from the ladies
and insinuations more or less broad
from the men that the committee was
intimidated by the gender circum
stances of the audience Rev Burton
was platform manager and Messrs
Taylor Kimmell and Ritchie judges
The debate and program were under
W C T TJ auspices and the ladies and
friends of the cause may well feel re
paid for the effort put forth
Later information from the state fair
is to the effect that the McCook city
schools received first premium instead
of second premium for the best exhibit
of school buildings and grounds in
Nebraska This same exhibit was also
instrumental in securing for the county
of Red Willow the first prize for the
best county exhibit of school buildings
and grounds
Miss Bertha Doud says the Dan
bury News who has been working in
this office for the past three years has
resigned and will enter the high school
at McCook
The4 McCook high school base ball
team will meet Culbertson team at Cul
bertson Oct 8th during S W Ne
braska Teachers association gathering
Our girls will play their basket ball
team at same place Saturday Oct 9th
Trenton and McCook will play a
double header basket ball contests in
McCook October 2nd Games between
both boys team and girls teams from
respective high schools Turn out
Its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
Received on account Paid out dont buy thb famous Loomis nign
Cash Credit slips etc for sale at patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
the Tribune office Per 1000 50c Store G F Smith proprietor
What Aits You
Do you feel weak tired despondent hnve frequent head
aches coated tongue bitter or bad taste in morning
heart burn belching of gas acid risings in throat after
eating stomach gnaw or burn foul breath dizzy fPcs
poor or variable appetite nausea at times and kindred
If you have any considerable number of tho
above symptoms you are suffering from bilious
ness torpid liver with indigestion or dyspepsia
Xr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery is xnado
up of the most valuable medicinal principles
Known to medical science for tho permanent
cure of such abnormal conditions It is a most
efficient liver invigorator stomach tonic bowel
j 1 1
Ts Jzjz
2fi tw
71 1 1
JftC -
V -
rs urn
y - - j W mv v
regulator and nerve strengthener
The Golden Medical Discovery is not a patent medicine or secret nostrum
a full list of its ingredients being printed on its bottle wrapper and attested
under oath A glance at these will show that it contains no alcohol or harm
ful habit forming drugs It is a fluid extract made with pure triple refined
glycerine of proper strength from the roots of native American medical
forest plants Worlds Dispensary Medical Association Props Buffalo N Y
Residence and Business
Property for Rent -
Office Phone 16 Residence Black 333
ML 5iM
2fc f
tabs 5TtLs na
In the possession and wearing
of a hat there are no other
worlds to conquer if you
have a - - -
They combine such comfort
with style and taste as to
make them the final word
in hat desire
ozell Sons
A A2waswssssxs
essts s
f vSJS
Here Are a Few Points that Should Strike Home
When you want COAL with the highest
per cent of CAR
BON buy from us ask our coal customers
VTp5Thnnnn rU1 Jnnt UMBER ere QUALITY and SER
VICE count let us sell you ask our lumber customers
When you want PAINT that covers and has qualitv lct
us sell you ask our paint customers
Wa feel proud of our record in McCook Everv customer
has become a friend Dear
Reader is there any reason why
vfSUifn0trvA JVe only k a trial Let us have the
next order for COAL You take no chances if it is not just as
we say it is we will come and get it and you are out nothing
Can we be more fair D
Stansberry Lumber Co
- wnmBia vita x -9 nfl w m
mjSmfhs w
When we get your wireless call for HELP
we will come to the rescue with good old
N4 l