i J TWENTY EIGHTH YEAR The New Store on the Corner calls your attention to tho now goods that are arriving daily Seo our lino of CHILDRENS SCHOOL SHOES Also MENS WORK SHOES F S VAHUE General Merchandise 223 Main Avenue Phone 47 Lutheran Church Dedicated As was announced in last weeks pa per the Evangelical Lutheran church of McCookwas formally dedicated last Sunday Kev W Brueggemann deliv ering a short address on Ephesians 219 22 and reading the dedicatory prayer from liturgy Rev F Evers McCook R F D 1 having charge of tho altar service Rev R Finster from Culbert son and Rev L Grotheer of Oxford delivering tho German and English dedicatory sermons on I Corinthians 1 23 24 and Acts 412 respectively It is to be regretted that the services next Sunday will have to be dropped but tho sister congregation at Ash Creek requested that we celebrate their mission festival with them next Sun day So the next service in the new church will bo a week from Sunday at 10 a m All Germans cordially invited Communicated In Fine Spirits A portly gentleman was seen walking down street the otherVday with a broad smile on his countenance which was called by a prominent citizen whose look of friendly curiosity brought forth the explanation I take a 50 inch waist in pants found em in the first place I tried dandy fit and only 450 for the pair got em at The Thompson D G Cos Senlces In Christian Church Next Sunday morning at the usual hours John T Cropper will preach in the Christian church All members and friends and the general public in vited to these services Later Services will begin this even ing with a sermon on Faith Changed to Sight Preaching also on Friday and Saturday evenings Your Neighbor Knows a good thing Tell him about our price of 369 for Stetson hats and let him in on it He will return your kindness The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Weary Tired Feet At our Btore you will find everything for their relief Foot Powder Corn Cure Corn and Bunion Plasters A McMillen Druggist Ladies Graves is an expert on sharpening shears Shears called for and delivered 301 west 1st st You are always welcome at Miss An dersons so be sure and see her hats be fore buying NOTICE TO REAL ESTATE TAX PAYERS McCook Neb Sept 9 1909 To save advertising fees all delin quent 1908 Real Estate Taxes should be paid by not later than October 1st 1909 C NADEN County Treasurer LADIES Do you wash your hair Of course you do However we wish to call your attention to some of our SHAMPOO PREPARATIONS Wanous Shampoo bgs3 for 25c Dry Shampoo Powder 25c Liquid Green Soap 25c and 50c Violet Ammonia Water 25c C R Woodworth Co Druggists A F A M Meeting Special meeting of McCook Lodge No 135 A A M Friday September 25 at 7 30 p m Work in M M degree By Order of the W M C Jj Fahnestock Secy II Vf Jr - ir - t Receives Unanimous Call I Lnst Sunday evening after the preach ing service the members of the Congre gational church held a brief business session at which they extended to Rev R T Bayuo of Farnam Nebraska a unanimous call to become pastor of this church He will enter upon his ministry hero early in Oct ober Rev Bayno preached here two Sun days since ns well und by his sermons and contact with tho membership creat ed so favorable an impression as to re sult in bis call to this pastorate by the above action The new pastor is a son of Rev Bayne of Holdrege He is young in the ser vice having preached at Farnam one year where they desired his return with ian increased salary He also sened one other church for one year He is mentally well equipped of genial personality and gives a good ac count of himself in the pulpit He comes under favorable auspices and the hope is general that his work may be successful New Firm and Business About October 1st Miss Margaret Houlihan and Mrs D W Colson do ing business as Houlihan Colson will open a notions store in the Morris store room which has been lately thoroughly overhauled and splendidly improved for metcbantile purposes Tho ladies will deal in 5 10 to 25 cent goods only nothing over 25 cents They will sell for cash only The ladies will have something additional to say in their own babalf in the near fnture Committee Meets The Republican County Central com mittee held a meeting In this city last Saturday and while tho press was not represented at the session The Tribune understands that the dope concocted by the committee out of their political pharmacopoeia will be all sufficient to put Democracy to sleep and pull out a decisive victory for the Republican tic ket in November Will Build a Cottage The M W of A lodge of our city will decideto night at their regular meeting the question of building a cottage at Colorado Springs for consumptives in the order Such a cottage will cost about 250 and there is small room to doubt that the local lodge will fail to decide favorably There is Satisfaction in the possession of a real likeness of a friend or member of the family This is heightened when there is present also the touch of taste and art At the new photograph studio first door north of the Commercial hotel Social for Rev Carman A social will be given in the Metho dist church basement Friday tomor row evening for Mr Carman by the Ladies Aid Society to which all mem bers and friends are cordially invited Have You Seen the Monitor Radiator Base Burner at McCook Hard ware Cos Largest heating surface ever put on a Base Burner They also have Garland and Riverside Base Burn ers that are beauties Pupils Invoice Miss Elva Barber of Lincoln a grad uate of Prof Clemens Movius in the Sbriglia Paris method will receive pupils in voice at the Norris residence Main avenue - Local Matter Inside Much of our outside space is taken up with advertisements and necessarily the local reading matter will be found on inside pages which indeed is the fact each week We are Prepared to show you a large assortment of crave nettes and overcoats in auto and plain and combination collars R0Z9II Sons J H Woddell Auctioneer I will be in McCook the lasc ten days of each month to cry sales Make your dates at the Citizens National Bank For Sale My residence Hot water heat Mod ern Call and look it over F S Wilcox For Sale Fairbanks wagon scale Second hand A bargain Staksberrt Lumber Co Bo sure and see the swell fall hats at Miss Andersons The band is engaged for a concert at Culbertson October 8th in connection with an affair of the teachers of Hitch cock county percent 4 4 interest i paid on 4 i Certificates 4 4 4 4 4 of 4 Depesit First National Bank of McCook ENGINEER PRONG ER DEAD Falls Dead on Ills Engl eTnls Afternoon at Herndun Kansas A brief mps sme from llrndon Kin at half past one ocock this afternoon announcts tho sudden death at tliHt time of Engineer George F Pronger who expired on hi1 engine at Hern on while train No 189 was stopping at that station taking water for the locomotive Heart failure wiw the probable cause of death Information as wp go to press this afternoon is magre Engineer Pronyer belonged to the Old Guard on the McCook division where he has seen over a quarter century of service as an engineer The fnmily resides on a farm near Trenton in Hitchcock county The dead man is a member of Stunt John Commandery of this city where his remains will probably be buried Heavy Rains Saturday Sunday Heavy rains Saturday night and Sun day morning did -great damage to the Burlington east of Oxford and was said to have been most severe in tho vicinity of Franklin There Center creek got out of its banks and flowing down the railroad grade washed the passing track off the grade Several hours after the washput the water was too high for the repair gangs to crib up the track to make it passable and the line was closed all day yesterday Trains were detoured via Holdrege from Oxford This was said to have been tho heavi est rain of the season in this vicinity In several places east of Oxford some damage was done to railroad property Lincoln Journal KEEP THE COUGH AWAY The season is approaching when coughs are apt to prevail Resolve to avoid severe coughs if possible this year It is possible to have at band a thoroughly reliable remedy and using it promptly Such a remedy should be kept in every home The remedy to keep is McConnells Balsam This remedy has been so long and thoroughly tried as to leave no doubt that it is superior in every way Pleas sant to take prompt in results and equally good for young and old You ought to have a favorite cough cure Test this one and you will have Price 25 cents L W McConnell Druggist A Former Red Willow County Boy The Business Educator published at Columbus Ohio has the following word of commendation of a former Red Willow county boy who spent a good many years in Coleman precinct J A Stryker the skillful and ener getic penman in the State Normal school Kearney Nebr recently favor ed the Business Educator with a good list of subscriptions Mr Stryker is one of the most enthusiastic teachers of penmanship in the country and is doing great good in improving the pen manship of a large number of young men and women each year Recovered Some of the Goods Rozell Sons have recovered a small portion of the goods stolen by unknown and unapprehended burglars last week Tuesday morning of the same week they recovered one of the fur lined overcoats near the store Last Saturday morning four coats and two trousers were found in the McManignl pasture southwest of the city Announcement After September pay day all coal bills must be paid in full the following pay day and the first of the month Barnett Lumber Co by J L Shirey Local Manager House for Sale Four room dwelling in West McCook 3700 cash or half in stock Address Charles H Harris Catherine Nebras ka 9 3 Leave Your Orders for wind mills pumps pipe tanks etc at McCook Hardware Cos Wells drilled and repaired All work guaran teed Ladies Serge Suits 18 at the Thompson D G Co Satin lined splendidly made Our line runs from 1250 to 525 For Rent A well improved farm of 320 acres 200 acres under cultivation one mile aud a half from McCook S Cordeal Gasoline Accidents will not happen if you send your stove to Graves for repairs 301 west 1st st If your boy needs a fall suit or overcoat this year you will be interested in Dre bert Clothing Cos ad to be found on another page McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 23 1909 New Pastor For M E Church While tho friends of Rev M B Car man of the Methodist church are most keenly did ppointed that ho was not re turned to this charge by Bishop War ren in tho West Nebraska conference at Kejirnoy last week thoy are more than pleased with the assignment of Rev Bryant IIo wo who comes to this charge frqm Minden where Rev Carman is assigned for the coming year Rev HoWe is described as being a man of good ability as a preacher of fine presence and of most compan on able social qualities a man especially qualified for tho particular situation here Rev Garman will leave Mc Cook where he has served for the past six years with conspicuous success in tho Mefthodfst chur h where he has been attho forefront of every effort for social and civic betterment with a record fol lowing him of which he may well feel prqud So will give his parishioners at Minden his new charge the utmost effort of an earnest indefatigably zeal ous preacher who has not by any means gone to seed but will bo heard fiom in later years Rev Carman will occupy the local pulpit next Sunday and expects to be able to take hjs reluctant departure for Minden by Wednesday of next week Rev Howe will be on the field next week and preach his opening sermon on October1 3d Price Current Simpsons and American prints 5c Best apron checked ginghams 6c Best table oil cloth incwhite 15c Good yard wide muslin 5c America j A 2 bu grain bags 22c Peerles t carpet warp lb 22c Mens goo i blue denim overalls 39c Mens heavy blue denim overalls 69c Jackets to match both kinds Mens suits good clothing S5 to 1500 Boys 2 piece knickerbocker suits 175 to 400 Boys 3 piece suits 350 to 700 Ladies new coat suits 1250 to 2500 36 inch black taffeta silk 69c Mens Jno B Stetson Co hats 369 Ladies dress skirts 2 to 1200 Boys1 fine Sunday shirts 35c Home made bed comforts 185 to 300 Mens shee plined uuck coats 400 Mens reversible leather corduroy coats 675 Yes its cash only but see the saving The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Top of the Market Every stockman and farmer naturally seeks to secure for his stock the highest aud best price the market affords Mc Cook is well situated in this respect in 1 having a dealer who deals squarely with those who bring hogs and cattle here for sale D 0 Marsh is thoroughly acquainted with the t tock proposition in southwestern Nibraaka He knows the worth of stock and pays the right full price all the time A National Delegate At the Kearney conference last week Rev Carman was chosen a delegate to the National Anti Saloon convention in Chicago next December He was also chosen a trustee of the Nebraska State Anti Saloon League of which Rev J J Loughran a former pastor here is also a member Congregational Church Sunday Principal F W Leavitt of Franklin academy will preach in the Congrega tional church next Sunday morning and evening Miss Elva Barber of Lincoln will sing a solo at the morning service Seed Wheat For Sale We have a supply of seed wheat of excellent quality for sale at a reasonable figure Updike Grain Co S S Garvey Manager Announcement After September pay day all coal bills must be paid in full the following pay day and the first of the month Barnett Lumber Co by J L Shirey Local Manager Like Pigs Nose Thats just how Fincks overalls wear McCooks leading clothier Ro zell Sons are the agents for the city Nothing equals this make For Sale A four horse Olds gas engine Good as new Can be seen in ouryard Will sell at a bargain Stansberrv Lumber Co Shampoo Parlor for Ladles I have opened a Shampoo Parlor for Ladies at No 20o Muinavenuefupstairs Phone red 275 Mrs Thomas Residence tor Sale Wishing to move to Colorado I de sire to 6ell my residence 906 1st street east at once 9 3 H L Kennedy Miss Anderson is showing some of the nobbiest hats this season rtbtttte Clapps Millinery Opening Among the seasonable events of the city are the millinery openings at tho II C Clapp dry goods establishment This fall their showing bad added inter est from the fact that their millinery and ready to wear department had been greatly enlarged and their display cor respondingly increased to meet this hap py circumstance Their formal dates were Friday and Saturday afternoons and evenings and the attendance and patronage were evi dently most satisfactory The displays offered in these lines were of such up to date character such tasteful stylish ness and the showings so rich and num erous in all lines as to receive many ex pressions of pleasure and surprise They would have been creditable to a city of much larger population During the opening the music was the produc tion of those two favorites Mrs E O Vahue and Mrs W B Mills with whom some oanary birds vied in the production of melody The decorations were suitably autum nal and the effect was most attractively pretty and sufficient Governor Johnson Dead Telegrams on Tuesday announced tho death of Gov Johnson of Minnesota following the fourth intestinal surgical operation in the past seven years How frequently the nation is called upon to mourn its greatest men of intellect and endeavor The care of the health is of ten made secondary It should be put first Right now as the winter ap proaches tho matter of ample and pro per bedding should be attended to The Izzer Bed Comforts home made 6 feet wide and 7 feet long filled with one large quilted batt sold for 1 85 to 8300 by The Thompson D G Co only is the proper article Your neighbor oan tell you how they wear aud how warm and comfortable they are We do the rest rH FATAL FOOLERY On nothing can you be more easily fooled than on drugs even the heedless druggist is often fooled It costs us a good deal of money time and experi ment and trouble every year to guaran tee the reliability of every thing we sell But we do guarantee this and drug users can not afford to be less careful than we are Dependable drugs Scientific service L W McConnell Druggist National Inspector Since returning from her trip to Salt Lake City Utah Mrs W G Dutton has been appointed by the national president of the Ladies of the G A R as a national inspector of the order Announcement After the September pay day all coal bills must be paid in full the following payday and the first of the month Barnett Lumber Co by J L Shirey Local Manager Ladies Long Separate Coats from 600 to 15 00 For correct styles and superior values in coats and suits see The Thompson D jr Co Utmost value MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs W N Rogers was a Lincoln vis itor first of the week Dr J D Hare and Charlie Freelove went up to Denver Tuesday Miss Alma Weidenhamer departed today for her home in Sterling Colo Miss Ruth Campbell returned Sun day night from a short visit with her uncle in Yuma Postm xbTER McCool of Indianola was up Saturday assisting the spell binders in the committee meeting Mrs Vina Wood Miss Elizabeth BeckriteHd and Mrs Walter Stokes are visiting for a week or so in Ulysses this state giiig on Friday Miss Nellie Gunn has secured The Tribune understands a position in a big Omaha store and will not return to work in this city C F Pade and Miss Minnie Pade arrived home Wednesday morning on 13 from an absence of a month at Ex celsior Springs Mo both improved in health and spirits Mr and Mrs Joseph Elbert of Cullom Illinois and Miss Lena Elbert of Chatsworth Illinois arrived in the city end of past week and are guests of their brother George This is their first meeting in eight years and the gathering is gladsome indeed Chas Skalla who is to again preside over affairs in the county clerks office during the next two years was greeting his many friends here this Friday morning Charley is one of the best fellows one can meet and will run in the coming election like a scared hare Bartley Inter Ocean WAKE UP l NUMBER 18 THERE ARE FOR TUNES AROUND YOU Do you know that there nro dozens of opportunities to be come wealthy lying all about you Do you realize that there ure in vestments for large sums and small ones which will double your capital in a few years But you must have tho capital to start with If you havent it then there is but one thing to do save your money until you have enough to invest Start an ac count with us add to it when you can and you will soon bo able to grasp the flying chnnce Start a Bank Account Today With THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr directors J J Loughran P F McKonna I Denver Land Men In Town E J Carlin general manager A A Dudley F Hadlock W G Hadlock M Spero and G Banks agents of tho Denver Colorado Land Company aro in the city for tho purpose of interesting local parties in tho purchase of lots in Beautiful Montclair Denver This company comes to McCook high ly recommended by Denver bankers and business men as well as by local peo ple j Any one desiring to make a safe and conservative investment will do well by looking into this proposition Ackerman Stephens aro tho local agents for the property in McCook Bargain Flavors Youre not obliged to pay for a bottle every time you want a little flavoring extract we sell our extracts in bulk When you buy at the grocers the j rico of the bottle is figured into the price you pay Bring your bottles to us and have them filled with thts most delicate flavoring extracts that its possible to produce They go farther than tho bottled kinds for they are stronger L W McConnell Druggist How Is Your Back Does it ever ache Call at Wood worths drug store for a free package of Humanity kidney and backache pills Remember the name Humanity The New Majestic Range has many attractive features not shown before If you have any idea of buying a range you should seo them at McCook Hardware Cos For Sale or Will Lease for term of years Sheridans ranch on Willow Hajes county 9 2 4ts R B Sheridan McCook Neb FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton If you want a niffty little tailored hat to wear with your new suit see the ones shown by Miss Anderson 19c for 50c 75c and 1 shirt values at Dreberts Saturday At the New Studio you can secure not only a good likeness but an artistic portrait in the latest styles and shapes and fancies of the photographers art SITTINGS 900 to 500 Special attention to por trait work and to chil drens photographs Every reasonable effort to please and satisfy customers E SchellKimmell First Door North of Commercial Hotel