The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 16, 1909, Image 4

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    A Mistaken
Some people have an idea
that- in order to have a
bank account thoy must
havo a largo sum to deposit
that the bank docs not care
to bo bothered by small
This however is not
true of the First National
Bank This bank welcomes
now nccounts whether of
81 or 81000 and the same
courtesy and service is ac
corded the small depositor
as those in more fortunato
It is our object and wish
to servo the public in finan
cial matters in a manner
that shall bo satisfactory
to all old or young rich or
We Want Your Banking
Business and will be
pleased to havo you open
an account with us
Bank of Mccook
WVi4 23
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription i a Year in Advance
Republican Ticket
For Judges of the Supremo Court
Samuel H Sedgwick
John B Barxks
Jacob Fawcett
For Regents of tbe University
W G Whitmoisi
CiiAitLEs S Allen
Fbank L Haller
For County Clerk
Chables Skalla
5or County Treasurer
For County Superintendent
Eliza betii Bettcheu
For Sheriff
H I Peterson
For Judge
- J C Moore
For Commissioner 2nd District
Sam del Premer
Some of our Democratic friends are
fixing a senatorial dope for the Re
publicans of Nebraska It reads like
this Thompson and Rosewater May
be and maybe not Most likely maybe
Grand Secretary Mann of the Eagles
Btates in his last report to the grand
session at Omaha that At least forty
per cent of the aeries that have become
defunct can charge their untimely
and dishonorable death to the fact that
the buffet room was allowed to take pre-
cedence over the beneficial features of
our order
Fred Grimm of Wauneta is among the
non resident pupils in the high school
William Moore brother of Miss Lil
lian Moore of the 1st grade west was
buried in the Bartley cemetery last
Wednesday afternoon The brother
died in an Omaha hospital Monday
after an operation
McCook fails this year to show her
usual increase in public school attend
ance as the following figures indicate
1907 1908 1909
McCook high school 120 130 111
McCook grades 758 763 712
It has been for several years our cus
tom to note and compare attendance
with Holdrege and this is the first year
they have shown an increase over our
schools in that regard
1908 1909
Holdrege high school 170 183
Holdrege grades 626 700
McCook Neb Sept 13 The McCook
high school has perfected an athletic or
ganization and elected officers and com
menced the selection of material for the
football squad The school boasts of
the fastest football team in southwestern
Nebraska The teams are now making
up there schedule for fall and winter
games George R McDonald is in
charge of tbe athletics and will act as
coach The boys basket ball team ex
pects to make a trip in Nebraska when
the southwestern season opens Their
football season will open with the Bur
lington shop team October 2 Lincoln
Health and Beauty Aid
Cosmetics and lotions will not clear
your complexion of pimples and blotches
like Foleys Orina Laxative for indi
gestion stomach and liver trouble and
habitual constipation Cleanses tbe
system and is pleasant to take
cv i A McMillen
Gkokge Howell of Hebron was here
first of tbe week
R E Coupe of Falls City visited Mc
Cook friends and relatives end of Inst
Frank Hasslkr of tbe Bullard Lum
ber Co visited Exeter relatives part of
last week
Mrs H P Sutton returned close of
last week from her visit in Ainsworth
this state
Miss Blanche Asthn now has the
position of book keeper in The First
National bank
Mrs Joseph Menard and Miss
Aimeo departed Tuesday morning for
Cincinnati Ohio
Arthur Pbonqer was in the city
first of tbe week coming down from tbe
farm near Trenton
Editor Corrick of tbe Culbertson
Banner was a city business visitor last
Saturday evening
Miss Leah Pennell left Tuesday
for Omaha to resume school for the
fall and winter term
Mrs A N Lineburg returned home
Monday night from a short visit in
Omaha her former home
Dr H J Pratt returned Tuesday
morning from a visit of two weeks in
Denver and the mountains
mas J xj jlavis oi Arapanoe nas
been spending a few days with hei
daughter Mrs E R Earle
Miss Wilhelmina Berdine of Mc
Cook has returned to Hastings to attend
the high school Hastings Tribune
A L Cochran was up from Bartley
last Friday on business connected with
the Olson estate which is being closed
S Seaman of Beatrice spent Satur
day in the city on his way home from a
crip and visit in tbe west his annual
Ralph Bosworth came down from
Denver first of the week and has been
i guest of his brother-in-law Dr R J
Mrs T A Endsley returned last
Friday nightfrom her visit of six weeks
in Albia Iowa with her daughter Mrs
G F Clark
Mrs Mary A George departed
Monday for Baesett up in Rock county
where she will make her home having
relatives there
Miss Elsie Campbell is taking
music German and other studies in the
state university at Lincoln entering
bchool last week
Mrs Irvin Hill of McCook who has
ueen visiting witn Mrs a u mil in
this city returned home Saturday eve
ning Arapahoe Pioneer
Mrs J H Corrick of Culbertson
was the guest of Mrs R M Osbotn
close of last week returning home on
No 5 Saturday morning
Mrs R J Gunn and the little ones
went up to Denver close of past week
and are visiting her parents Engineer
and Mrs F W Bosworth
Mr and Mrs J G Schobel and
Marjorie spent last Saturday in Denver
visiting an ailing sister of Mr Schobel
returning home Sunday morning
Mrs Anderson of Mount Vernon
Iowa arrived in the city Monday night
and will spend some time with her
daughter Miss Florence the milliner
A W Smith of Lincoln in the job
printing and novelty business was in
the city Tuesday en route to Dundy
county where he has some interest in
real estate
Mrs S W Hockett went to Mc
Cook Saturday afternoon to join her
husband who went out there last week
to attend to affairs on his ranch Har
vard Courier
Judd Kay has resigned his office as
first lieutenant of company M of our
city and the state department has order
ed an election by the company to fill
the vacancy
Mr and Mrs
Brank Utter were
over from Long Island Kansas early in
the week returning home Monday
night He reports crops in that section
this year as pretty much a failure
Mrs Chas McKenna who but re
cently returned from Chicago to her
home at McCook came down last Fri
day evening for a visit with Charlies
mother Charlie is still in Chicago but
will leave there for Portland in a short
time Arapahoe Pioneer
F H Crawford of Paulding county
Ohio arrived in the city last Friday
evening on train 10 and has been visit
ing his brother-in-law T A Endsley
Mr Crawford had been seeing the
sights of the weBt and the exposition at
Mrs T A Endsley is entertaining a
sister-in-law Mrs Nicholson of Lerna
Illinois who arrived last week Mr
Nicholson who has been visiting rela
tives up in Greeley county this state
arrived here Monday evening for a
short visit also
I O Premer of Alma and L M Mc
Clentock of McCook are in Haigler
supplying for Mr and Mrs Harding
who are enjoying a two monthsvacation
in the west Billie Predmore and wife
came up from McCook Saturday to visit
IjD Longs and hear all about his
brother in Idaho but finding them sick
they returned home Sunday Haigler
cor Benkelman Chronicle
E B Perry was up from Cambridge
Monday on legal business
Judgk Adams of Minden had legal
business in the city Monday
C F Lehn has placed his little boy
in the Catholic school in York
Lon Miller the Democratic candi
date for treasurer was in thb city Mon
day night
Fred Bruns nrrived home first of the
week after an absence of a few weeks
on a visit
Mr and Mrs B L Webber are ab
sent attendingtho state meeting of the
Congregational church
A C Hipple went down to the east
ern part of the state first of the week
to spend the week on a visit
Miss Lenor Fitzgerald departed on
No 2 Thursday morning for Kearney
where she will continue her work in the
state normal state
Mrs C L Fahnestock is in Saint
Louis to be with the doctors mother
who is to undergo a slight operation af
ter which both will come to McCook
Mrs A C Ebkrt gave a one oclo k
luncheon Wednesday for her mother
Mrs Stockton serving a thiea course
luncheon to a small company of lady
Mrs G W Norris and the children
departed Tuesday morning for Wash-
ington u u to place tne enndren in
school for the fall and winter term
They will briefly visit a sister of Mrs
Norris in Wymbre en route Mr Norris
will join the family later
Dr Chas W Eliots 5 Foot Library
A complete library for the travel
ing people something distinctively
new in Railroad service has just been
adopted by the Chicago Burlington
Quincy Railroad for its fast trains be
tween Chicago and Denver
Four new cars were on exhibition
yesterday at the passenger yards of the
Burlington Railroad System at Four
teenth street and attracted wide atten
tion among railway exports
The Burlington will equip each of the
cars with a Five Foot Library select
ed by Dr Chas W Eliot President
Emeritus of Harvard University and in
addition will supply other works in
tended to give selection of the broadest
possible scope to the amount of space
The new cars are unique in many
ways embodying the idea of a loung
ing club on wheels The cars are for
the general use of its passengers and in
all likelihood will be as well patronized
by the women as the men
One end of the car is devoted to a
sort of sun parlor arrangement which
is regarded as a big improvement
the old style observation attachment
It you want a good pickle in sweet sour
or mixed we have them a quart jar full
for 25 cents HUBER
For Grocers Butchers and
other tradesmen made In
businesslike manner at rea
sonable prices
HwwiwawnaigsaagBSfear -
i l
This section is entirely enclosed in
glass fitted in bronze window sashes and
bronze doors The windows are so ad
justed to the sash which is parted in
the middle that they can be lowered
and raised to suit the atmospheric con
When the weather permits this part
of the coach may be used in much the
same way as the observation platform
In weather that is Ies3 favorable thn
windows may be adjusted so as to en
tirely eliminate the dust feature
The cars are seventy eight feet in
length They are split up into a buffet
smoking room seating nineteen passen
ger a writing room with two desks and
a ladies parlor fitted with twenty two
chairs and a couch accommodating
No expense has been spared in the
manufacture of the car or its interior
adornments The writing room and
ladies parlor are finished in Saniaeo
The sun parlor feature of the car on
bright days promises to be the most
attractive innovation Here the pas
sengers may bask in the sunshine to
their hearts delight or shaded read
any of the books supplied by the Bur
lington library
This radical improvement in equip
ment will be installed on the Burling-
tons Uhicago Denver trains with the
inauguration of the new speed schedule
between Chicago and the Colorado
Metropolis September 12th 1909
Scattered the Wheat and Wagon
This afternoon a wagon loaded with
wheat from the Byfield ranch at Red
Willow stuck on the crossing near the
elevator at that station An engine and
caboose came along merrily shortly af
ter and gave the wagon and wheat a
boost Horses had been unhitched No
one hurt
Weary Tired Feet
At our store you will find everything
for their relief Foot Powder Corn
Cure Corn and Bunion Plasters
A McMillen Druggist
Try our crackers in tin boxes You will
never use any other HUBER -
Fall Millinery
ltej wis mu
217 Main Avenue
iiiMHWMimni 11 mini 111
Socialist Candidate for County Judge
Socialist Candidate for County Judge
Socialist Candidate for County Judge
This is the face of
the man who burns
coal bought at the
Phone No 1
Let us estimate on
your next bill None
too large or too small
to fill Complete stock
grades high prompt
deliveries prices low
everything right
The U S Navy offers exceptional
opportunities to young men 17 to 25
years old men with trade up to 35 years
old Good opportunity for education
and promotion Must be American citi
zens Minors must have parents certi
ficate of age Pay from 1700 to over
877 00 per month with practically no
expense Visit or address U S Navy
Recruiting Station Postoflice Building
Hastings Nebraska 7 29 8t
roR Salk My home on 1st ftraet
west Modern except furnace Phone
red 309 M us Rose Bayles
Fgr Kent house arranged for two
families Corner X W of east school
house Inquire of Wai Wkygint
Dr Abernetby the great English
physician said Watch your kidneys
When they are affected life is in dan
ger Foleys Kidney Remedy makes
healthy kidneys corrects urinary ir
regularities and tones up the whole
system a McMillen
Never before have we
shown such a beautiful
line of FALL HATS as
we are showing now
We have them in all
the new shapes and
colors Call and see
them you are always
McCook Nebraska
Lumber Co
Phone No 1
Get our prices consid
er quality and we will
get your business
saop oqAi utfui an
jo 3dbi aqj si snrj
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook
today Thursday are paying the follow
ing prices
Corn 6
Wheat 80
Oats 40
Rye 60
Barley 40
Hogs 7 25
Butter good blk20 22 to 2i
Eergs it
Received on account Paid out
Cash Credit slips etc for sale at
the Tribune office Per 1000 50c
Select Your Heat
stove now while stock is complete We
are showing the finest line of baseburn
ers and heaters Call and se them
McCook Hakdware Co
Testifies After Four Years
Carlisle Center N Y G B Burhans
writes About four years ngo I wrote
you that I had been entirely cured of
kidney trouble by taking two bottles of
Foleys Kidney Remedy and after four
years I am again pleased to state that I
never had any return of those symp
toms and I am evidently cured to stay
cured Foleys Kidney Remedy will
j do the same for you A McMillen
cPyght 1909 by CEZimmerman Co Vo is
TRONQ shoes that will last look well and
will not show marks of hard usagethat
you know shoes are bound to get on strong
boysfor they will romp and play thesearethe
shoes on which we specialize They will enjoy
their recreation more if their shoes fit them properly and
our shoes are so strong that no harm can be done Thats
one reason our store should get your trade for your boys
The Model Shoe Store
McCook Nebraska
Fisher Perkins 201 Main Avenue
tf 11
i vaj
i 1 j