The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 09, 1909, Image 1

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Just Received
a large line of
Cones1 Boss
Overalls and Jackets
General Merchandise
223 Main Avenue
Phone 47
Systematic Improvement
The county commissioners have com
menced a systematic improvement of
the court house They are now having
steel ceilings placed on the court room
the rooms of the county clerk and coun
ty commissioners and the southeast
basement for the county sheriff who
upon its completion will move down
stairs from the present room adjoining
the clerk of the court Other improve
ments of a similar and other sort will be
made as need arises
Pays the Best Price
It is a satisfaction to know that when
you bring your cattle and hogs to Mc
Ck you can every day get the highest
price the market offers The fact that
D C Marsh is in the business of buy
ing cattle and hogs assures this import
ant matter Yon can find him at the
2elms feed store phone 186 or at his
residence on north 1st street phone red
143 Try him
Sleeping- Garments
Attention mothers We offer elastic
ribbed fleeced sleeping garments with
Xeet in the various sizes for 35c each
little folks will kick off the covers
they need protection
Prevent the first colds The Thomp
son D G Co Utmost value
New Commercial Manager
Charles W Kelley is the new com
mercial manager for the Nebraska Tele
phone Co in McCook His office will
fee in the postoffice building first floor
north side He succeeds C I Hall
has for years been their local man
Hew Dress Gooas
We trust you will make sure to see
of the new
ouc very complete showing
dress goods Individual suit patterns a
specialty The Thompson D G Cc
Utmost value
Learn To Trim Hats
xnaToomy up-to-date work roomunder
2 expert trimmer of years of experi
ce We have room for two more ap
prentice girls Apply at once
H C Clapp
Residence lor Sale
Wishing to move to Colorado I de
sire to sell my residence 906 1st street
east at once 9 3 H L Kennedy
Dont Miss It
Clapps millinery opening is on Fri
day and Saturday September 17 and
IS Be sure to attend
School Annuals for Sale
The Tribune has a few school
annuals for sale at the regular price
Scents each
Graves is an expert on sharpening
shears Shears called for and delivered
301 west 1st st
Apprentice Girls Wanted
Several apprentice girls wanted
Miss Anderson
Haoms For Rent in P 0 Block
J E Kelley phone G
of selling goods for less than cost
notwithstanding the goods are new and
ood But they must be sold quick so
come and get your share in this sacri
fice sale Remember the place first
6ooreast of C L DeGroff Co
A Brunke
A F A M Meeting
Special meeting of McCook Lodge
No 135 A F fc A M Saturday Septem
ber 11 at 8 p m Work in M M degree
By Order of the W M
C L Faiinestock Secy
LBAl3tfc t
- - rf
Wffjlllljlllllllllllfllllll TZ -
ing the road decidedly
For Profit
The most profitable advertising prop
osition in Red Willow county is The
McCook Tribune It has the largest
list by far of profitable readers Books
open to any advertisers inspection
Sworn circulation 1300
New Blankets 39c to 9 00
Our new line of bed blankets is now
in and they start at 39c and go on up to
900 a pair If you want value in good
bedding come to us The Thompson
D G Co Utmost value
Jet Buttons and Trimmings
We have the new things in these fa
vorites of the season Our line of trim
mings is very large and complete The
Thompson D G Co Utmost value
its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy the famous Loomis high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
House for Sale
Four room dwelling in West McCook j
700 cash or half in stock Address
Charles H Harris Catherine Nebras
ka 9 3
Two more apprentice girls in our mil
linery work room Apply at once
H C Clapp
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Third Annual Ail Around Success
The third annual function of McCook
lodge No 42 Knights of Pythias is now
a matter recorded history in tho social
annals of McCook That success at
tended aud crowned its details and par
ticulars requires no iteration They were
accomplished facts on inception
Tho parade this year was classy if
not classic with dot leetle Deutcher
band in the van and the enrapturing
snake charmer in highest favor with the
young mon she wa9 quite irrisitihle
Then there was the latest hit the
north polb float the caliope and several
other mirth provoking features tho ad
vent and approach of which were each
ahd all properly and vociferously an
nounced by the inimitable advance agent
frm the Centennial state Agent G S
Soott of Brush who in tender and sooth
ing tones admonished the assembled
multitudes to look out for their
horses as the Pythirn cortege swept
majestically by
The historic slaughter of the inno
cents was again enacted with en ensan
guined particulars at the Burlington
baseball grounds when the boys fell
preys to thedaddies by the near-shutout
score of 10 to 1 Over this we draw
the curtain of brotherly love and pass
on to happier items
The brethren assembled in their cas
tle hall at 730 for business At its
conclusion the wives and guests of the
brethren who had meanwhile assembled
in waiting in the handsome new com
mercial club rooms in the new templo
theatre building were admitted to the
banquet room and served to a dainty
banquet by the brethren The feature
of the evening was capitalized by a toast
at some length by Hoc G W Norris of
our city and by a brief response by C
W Barnes The toastmaster G S
Scott was found as usual with the mer
chandise on his person
A smoker ensued in the banquet
room with the gentleman occupying all
the advantageous positions on the stage
the ladies meanwhile retiring to the
caBtle hall and indulging a while in the
dearest prerogative of the conquering
sex the spiehl fest
A late hour concluded the notable and
felicitous affair
Top of the Market
Every stockman and farmer naturally
seeks to secure for his stock the highest
and best price the market affords Mc
Cook is well situated in this respect in
having a dealer who deals squarely with
those who bring hogs and cattle here
for sale D C Marsh is thoroughly
acquainted with the stock proposition
in southwestern Nebraska He knows
the worth of stock and pays the right
full price all the time
Next Sunday
at the Methodist church Rev Dr C C
Wilson district superintendent will
preach at 11 a m and conduct com
munion In the evening tbe pastor will
proach his last sermon before conference
with short report of years work Sat
urday night Sept 11 at 8 oclock
fourth quarterly business session Dr
Wilson presiding
The First State Bank ot Cedar Bluffs
The advertisement of this bank ap
pears in another page of this paper
This banking establishment is headed
by well known people of that town and
vicinity and deposits are guaranteed un
der the law of the state of Kansas
Loved and Lost
Why do men admire widows in
quires a Dallas Texas girl It is not
probable that the men know exactly
but the widows could tell if thev would
Wear Like a Pigs Nose
Fincks overalls And then some
Rozell Sons the leading clothiers are
the McCook agents They are it in
For Sale
A four horse Olds gas engine Good
as new Can be seen in our yard Will
sell at a bargain
Stansberry Lumber Co
3c Each 4 For a Dime
referring to those cakes of castile pum
ice and tar soap at The Thompson D G
Co One price plain figures cash only
Shampoo Parlor for Ladles
I have opened a Shampoo Parlor for
Ladies at No 205 Main avenueupstairs
Phone red 275 Mrs Thomas
Everybody is Invited
to attend the fall opening at Clapps
dry goods store See the announce
ment elsewhere in this paper
All bills duetheNebras
ka Telephone Co are pay
able at my office in the
postoffice building
9 2ts C W KELLEY
Commercial Manager
ii nit In nil nn ii
Macey Retains the Child
The Cedar Bluffs region va9 well rep-
resented in the city Tuesday in the
case of the Connors boy before County
Judge Moore numerous witnesses being
present on both sides of the case The
trial was not closed until after midnight
After murdering his wife Frank Con
ners plnced his two children in the
keeping of his brother-in-law E L
Mucey before going to the penitentiary
for life Macey seems to have been
made custodian of the property as well
Mrs Lucy M Rebinan of Cedar
Bluffs Kansas motherof the murdered
woman in the case referred to sought
to adopt the child
County Judge Moore decided the ctse
in favor of Macey
Program For Womans Suffrage Debate
SoDg America Audience
Prayer Rev E Burton
Reading Miss Gertrude Morrisiy
Vocal Solo Miss Florence Rosebush
Reading Miss Leona Phelps
Affirmative Mrs Matie Welles
Negative Marion Somerville
Vocl Solo Miss Ruth Wiehe
Judges F M Kimmell C D Ritchie
C W Taylor
Admission 15 cents
A cordial invitation is extended to all
to hear this splendid program
Debate will be held in the Baptist
church Thursday evening September
16th at 8 odock
Fall Corns
Corns can be more readily cured now
than in mid winter Heavy shoes ag
gravate and enlarge corns and the corn
is more dry and hard than at this sea
son We have for several years made a
corn remedy that cures
We have said little about it but it has
been curing corns and increasing the
demand for itself right along We be
lieve it deserves mention and a wider
chance of usefulness If you have a
corn or corns use this remedy now and
be rid of them
L W McConnell Druggist
New Dress Skirts
Our new line includes the panamas
the chevron stripe worsteds the mirror
surface Soliels and other novelties
The sizes run as large as 40 inch waists
for grown ups The prices range
from 200 up to 1250 Alterations
free The Thompson D G Co Ut
most value
McCook Neb Sept 9 1909
To save advertising fees all delin
quent 1908 Real Estate Taxes should
be paid by not later than October
1st 1909 C NADEN
County Treasurer
Ladles Suits 1350 to 2500
If you want correct and attractive
styles with superior workmanship and
materials- at bona fide cash prices see
our new line of ladies suits at 1350
1500 1800 2000 and 2500 The
Thompson D G Co Utmost value
There is Satisfaction
in the possession of a real likeness of a
friend or member of the family This
is heightened when there is present
also the touch of taste and art At the
new photograph studio first door north
of the Commercial hotel
Glove Specials
We give special attention to the selec
tion of our mens work gloves 100
150 or 175 buys the best glove on
earth for the money
Rozell Son
Mens and Boys Clothing
Boys suits 175 to 750 Mens
suits 500 to 1500 The Thompson
D G Co One price plain figures
cash only
Get Your Ideas
to help your fall sewing from our large
stock of dress goods and silks
H C Clapp
Dry Goods and Millinery
Stetson Hats 369
Can you get them in other stores for
369 If not come where you can
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
Apprentice Girls Wanted
Our Chicago trimmer comes nest
week We need more help Apply at
once C Clapp
Clapps Millinery Opening
is announced for Friday and Saturday
September 17 and IS Be sure to at
For Sale
Fairlanks wagon scale Second hand
A bargain
Stansberry Lumber Co
Feed of all kinds baled hay etc at
McCook Flour and Feed Store
Missouria Emmons was born in Vir
ginia on July 14th 1831 Was married
to Rev James Bolton at Tipton Iowa
August 21th 1856 To this union five
children were born two having precoded
her to the home of the soul Fifteen
years ago her husband died very sudden
ly since then she has lived withaber
children Departed came here last
April to visit her daughter Mrs S Y
Bennett and considering her age en
joyed good health until stricken with
partial paralysis which terminated in
death August 30th 1909 aged 78 years
1 month 16 days Deceased was a life
long member of the Methodist church
We are thankful for the kindness and
assistance rendered by friends during
our late bereavement in the sickness and
death of our beloved mother
Mrs M L Bennett
Mr T M Boltc n
Some Conference Figures
The Methodist annual conference con
venes in Kearney next Thursday Sept
16 with Bishop H W Warren presid
ing Rev M B Carman appears on
the program twice In summing up the
report the pastor tells us that the net
increase in members this year is74 In
crease over last year in matter of sal
aries improvements debt paying and
benevolence is 153 Conversions this
year 162 Money raised over and above
pastors and district superintendents
salary janitor libt fuel and music is
1412 00 Included in this is 267 for
local temperance work Present mem
bership of the church including 51 pro
bationers is 492
After the Truants
The school authorities working in
conjunction with the city authorities
are making an earnest effort to bring
to school the truants of the city those
children who are not attending school
at all for one reason or another This
work is being done of course under the
Nebraska compulsory attendance school
law which compels children to attend
school between the ages of seven and
sixteen years Every good oitizen is
interested in this work and should as
sist as far as possible the officers
Injured An hye
George the young son of Mr and
Mrs J R Roberts of McCook who
with his mother was visiting her par
ents E Racine and family southeast
of town had tho misfortune to put
out his right eye Sunday morning
while trying to chop kindling He was
taken to Omaha Sunday evening to
consult a specialist and we trust the
wound was not as bad as at first thought
and that the sight of the eje can be
saved Trenton Register
A Woman Uses Her
range three times a day 365 days in the
year and you buy the coal to feed it
if you buy a
majestic range
you get one that takes less coal and is
worth twice as much as a cheap stove
although it does not cost twice as much
For sale always at
McCook Hardware Cos
Extensive Road work
The road leading to Long view cemetery
from the northwest limits of the city is
being extensively graded and improved
Tiling drainage has been provided at
the canyon and both approaches have
been considerably graded down improv
Has Rented Desirable Quarters
Mr L W Stayner informs us that he
has leased tho quarters just vacated by
tho McCook commercial club in tho
postoffice building and in addition tho
rooms immediately in front of them
making the entire second floor on tbo
north side of the building which will
give him large and complete and de
sirable quarters for his business col
lege which he will open therein Sep
tember 15th The rooms will be suit
ably equipped and Mr Stayner expects
to open his business college in good
shape and conduct a school which in
time will be a credit to the city a most
helpful institution to business in this
city and section of Nebraska providing
opportunity and business equipment
for many an ambitious young man
and woman
Good Work Accomplished
Commissioner Gray has been band-
ling quite a gang of men on the road
leading south from the middle river
bridge Tbe hill on the north side of
the river has been graded down and the
clay removed to the road bed on the
south side thus providing a substantial
road through the sand which has been
making that road difficult for hauling
heavy loads The road is now in the
best condition for traffic it has been in
When you have a prescription or
receipt to be filled we can always com
pound it no matter by whom written
or upon what blank it may be written
Our prescription department is equipped
for service of the highest class and both
our equipment and our methods have
won the approval of the physicians of
this locality
Let us do your prescription work
L W McConnell Druggist
If you are interested in the latest sta
tionery styles dont fail to come in and
see the assortment of correspondence
papers we are showing The line repre
sents all that is latest and best in qual
ity tint or design A pleasing array
of bulk papers and tablets linens bonds
and novelties various shapes and sizes
The papers will please and the prices too
L W McConnell Druggist
A Special Feature
A special feature of the opening oc
casion at Miss Andersons will be a
unique and handsome window display
It will not only be unique but educa
tional and beautiful new in conception
and instructive in purpose It will be
worth your effort to come out and see
this window alone And the opening
of course will simply be irresistible
Moved Into Temple Building-
This week the McCook commercial
club moved into their new quarters in
the temple theatre building where they
have The Tribune believes quarters
which cannot be excelled in the state
by any city of its size They should be
the pride of every member
A Bargain
For immediate sale for cash one 1908
Model Reo touring car equipped with
top gas lights and extra tires complete
This car is in fine shape but must sell
as am going away 26 4ts
Elliss Garage
Norton Kansas
Izzer Bed Comforts
Home made comforts are the only
kind that deserve the name Comfort
We make them 6 feet wide 7 feet long
14 yards cloth filled with quilted batt
ing at S1S5 to 300 The Thompson
D G Co Utmost value
Plain Sewing Wanted
Plain sewing and childrens sewing
Prices reasonable At my home first
house east of Conductor James Burns
home east side Also want washing
and ironing Mrs Ed Jeferies
J H Woddell Auctioneer
I will be in McCook the last ten days
of each month to cry sales Make your
dates at the Citizens National Bank
Newest Fall Styles
in millinery cloaks and suits will be
snown during Ulapps fall opening
Sept 17 and 18
Childrens Hats and Caps
Some very neat and pretty things just
received at the Thompson D G Co
Utmost value
For Sale
My residence Hot water heat Mod
ern Call and look it over
F S Wilcox
Gasoline Accidents
will not happen if you send your stove to
Graves for repairs 301 west 1st st
Two More Girls Wanted
to learn the millinery trade at H C
ilJappa Apply at once
Can You Afford It
No lean not
Why no
Because I do not have tho
money and I do not care to go
into debt for it
How many times wo hear
that very creditable expression
of solf donial
But how many of tho need
fuls of life tho real substantial
things that money will buy
could go into every homo if there
was a system of saving in tho
family Why not start to savo
FOR something
Open a bank account with us
for a dofinite object
That is tho only suro way of
getting it
Start a bank account to day
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
Is Rebuilding- Barn
W W Barntt
has commenced re
building his barn on west B street It
will be of brick 30 x 80 feot with
carriage shed of 18 x 80 dimension His
dwelling house is also well under way
Hb is in the meanwhile using the old
Cochran Coleman machinery sheds as
a livery barn
Filled the Congregational Pulpit
Rev R T Bayne of Farnam Neb
filled the Congregational pulpit of our
city last Sunday morning and evening
quite acceptably He is the son of the
Congregational church pastor at Hold
rege known to some McCook people by
several visits here in past years
Labor Day
MoCooks observance of Labor Day
was confined to cessation from labor in
part in the Burlington shops the clos
ing of the postoffice and banks There
were no formal exercises for the day
For Sale or will Lease
for term of years Sheridans ranch on
Willow Hayes county
R B Sheridan
McCook Neb
Lennox Torrid Zone
steel furnaces are air tight no gas or
smoke Let ua figure your furnace
job now McCook Hardware Co
in Clapps new ready-to-wear depart
ment See his line before you buy
Miss Heckman will receive all pupils
at the home of Miss Burgess 512 1st
street west phone black 301
Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc
Cook Nebraska 25 tf
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Tuesday and Wednesday
September 14th and 15th
Miss Anderson
At the
New Studio
you can secure not only
a good likeness but
an artistic portrait in
the latest styles and
shapes and fancies of the
photographers art
900 to 500
Special attention to por
trait work and to chil
drens photographs
Every reasonable effort
to please and satisfy
E Schell Kimmell
First Door North
of Commercial Hofcl