The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 02, 1909, Image 7

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You Stand by
Your Home Town
When you buy from a town mer
When you patronize a town tailor
When you employ a town dentist
When you encourage a town enter
When you speak the towns praises
When you subscribe for the towns
Some citizens fail in some of these
duties A few fail in all of them
Edwin Towle recently bought a bunch
of northern horses in McOook
Tom Smith pulled his steam thresher
into the Devils Gap neighborhood
Dupe Guinn threshed 1600 bushels
of grain for Jacob Wesch and sons
JB v Benjamin has been helping Mr
Weach haul wheat
Julius Katha has leased John Weschs
farm and will move onto the land this
Mrs A M Benjamin visited relatives
in Eastern Nebraska last week
August Wesch Sr had a runaway
recently with those foxy mules attach
ed to the disc plow
Clyde Hartman is back from school
at Grand Island
Hot and dry and dusty Corn pretty
well burned up and grass needing rain
It you want a good pickle in sweet sour
or mixed we have them a quart jar full
for 25 cents HUBER
Mr S B ttowo has gone to the
country this week to visit with his
son Baxter Rowe and other relatives
A car of merchandise billed from
Chicago to Denver burned in the west
end of the yard at Burtley about 3 a
m Tuesday
Mrs Dr Promer of Haigler Neb
who has boon visiting her parents Mr
and Mrs R C Fidlor returned home
Mrs Nancy Rowe wife of S B Rowe
died suddenly about noon August 2i
The funeral was preached in the M E
church by Rev Miller of the Evangeli
cal church of Cambridge The remains
were laid to rest in the Bartley ceme
tery Mrs Rowe had been a esident
of Bartley for a long titno and her many
friends deeply sympathize with her hus
band and other relatives She was G3
years old
Will Shoemaker wife and daughter
from near Tacoraa Washington visited
with Mr and Mrs J M Brown Thurs
day of last week
In the ball games with Holdrege and
Bartley last Friday and Saturday Hol
drege won both games
The xmerican gave a very good two
nights play in our opera bouse Friday
and Saturday nights
Elmer Oxley returned from Iowa
last week where he leased a farm for
six years
Mrs Mary Cammack and baby girl
are here from Trenton this week
They will return home Saturday morn
E E Smith and family moved into
Bartley Monday of this week and now
reside in the nice home which they pur
chased a few months ago
Dr Arbogast was taken very sick
Monday night and called Dr Mac
kechnie from Indianola who remained
until Tuesday morning
Prof Cockle came in Tuesday morn
ing from Bridgeport and is now arrang
ing for the next years school which
begins Sept 6 The profesfor was very
successful last year in superintending
our school and we predict even more
efficient service this year as he now has
the confidence of all the pupils and pat
rons of the school and he has several
able assistant teachers under his oharge
Foster Stilgebouer made a business
trip to Danbury and Marion this week
Dr Brown will go this week to Colo
rado to get relief from hay fever
W B Downs and daughter Mrs Ora
Stevens left for Yuma Colorado Thurs
day morning on a business trip
M D Hobbs will go to Colorado
this week to find relief from hay fever
and asthma
The magnificent sum of 300 in
premium offered for best specimens of
6 varieties of fruit is likely to stimulate
fruit growing in Red Willow county
Mr Dewey of Bartley made a trip to
Yuma Colo this week and while there
traded residence property in Haigler
Neb for land near Yuma
R F D NO 1
John Crocker left this week for his
old home in Austria on a visit
Charles Neumann of College1 View
near Lincoln who has been visiting the
old place and friends and neighbors on
Ash creek for a short while departed
Wednesday for Hygiene Colorado
where he will teach a German school
this fall and winter Hygiene is the
next station to Lyons
C L Rubottom and wife are visiting
at Spring Creek this week
J B Johnson returned to his homo
at Geneva latter part of last week
F G Lytle had a phone put in his
new house last week
T M Campbell and family got into a
mix up with a team Sunday evening
while going through a gate T M
took hold of the bridle to load them
through when the mule becamo un
managaeblo and threw him down and
two wheels of the hack passed over him
The team then came loose from the
hack and dragged Mrs Campbell who
was holding the lines out of the hack
and taking two of the children with her
Fortunately no one was seriously injur
ed just a few bruises and stiff joints
which will soon be forgotten
Jacob Randel returned home Satur
day from the State Convention of the
Christian church held in Bethany
Mr and Mrs JohnJ Longnecker and
Mr and Mrs Louis Longnecker at
tended the Colling Howard wedding in
Indianola on Wednesday evening
Mr and Mrs McDonald of Danbury
were visitors in the Smith home on
Owens Longnecker and wife Mrs
Smith and Louis Longnecker and wife
attended the cbautauqua in McCook on
Thursday and heard Opie Read lecture
Mr and Mrs Owens Longnecker Mr
and Mrs F O Smith Mr and Mrs
Critchfield Mr and Mrs Jacob Randel
Mr and Mrs Louis Longnecker and Mr
and Mrs Charles Masters attended the
Dow silver wedding on Saturday even
ing Many and beautiful presents were
given and delightful refreshments con
tributed to a most pleasant occasion
Wonder why John McNeal is dressed
up and calling in the middle of the week
these busy times As there is only one
youne lady here we can guess where he
Mr Elmers swimming pool is very
attractive to the folks and the recreation
is helpful to the hardworking farmers
Picture framing The Ideal Store
John and Ambrose Ruby and Otto
Puelz departed for the sand hills via
Indianola Sunday
J C Ashton departed for Indianola
last Monday for a visit with relatives
a few days
C W Rogers and E E Holdridge
each took a load of household goods for
A B Gibbs to Lebanon last Wednes
Mrs C W Rogers and Madeleine
McDonold were Marion social visitors
last Wednesday
Rea Oman has been laid up the past
week with a large boil on his index
The band boys are just doing fine
they can play three 01 four pieces
A brother of George Brauso from
Knoxvillo Iowa who has been visiting
him for a few days returned home last
George Sims and wife of Knoxville
Iowa arrived last Wednesday for a
visit with his brother J L and family
Myrtle Boyer was on the sick list the
latter part of the week
H L Ruby and family have moved
into the house lately vacated by A B
Gibbs and family
Several of the boys went over to In
dianola to swim Sunday
E M Woods and wife departed one
day last week for a few days visit in
Ed Ruby and family of Marion moved
to Danbury Monday They live in the
building lately vacated by H L Ruby
Danbury base ball team goes to St
Francis Thursday to play there during
the reunion
Ray Young isworking in the barber
shop at Lebanon this week
Howard Ruby who is traveling in
the interest of the International Har
vester Co spent Sunday at home
S G Bastian and bod Homer depart
ed for Kansas City Saturday evening
to buy their fall line of goods
Sam and Burnett Dolph shipped
three cars of cattle to Kansas City Sat
urday night Burnett accompanied the
Herman Miller left for Kansas City
Saturday night to have his hand at
tended to
Oak Rankin is improving from his
recent attack of fever and asthma and
expects to be able to resume school in
the city September 7th
Captain I H Wasson is entertaining
his brother A P Wasson of Kansas
City who is accompanied by his wife
and young son The brothers have not
seen each other in twenty years
Typewriter ribbons papers etc for
sale at The Tribune office
Hunger makes me think of yotFp
Thought of you makes me hungry
Between the thought and sight of you t
Indeed Fm always hungry
But with appetite awaiting
a nickle in hand andmyou
in store who could wish
for anything more
Sam Bush of Danbury was in town
R E Bacon has quit the elevator of
Powell Nilssoa and is -working with
the Gathorcole threshing machine
J U Wicks and J W Pepper took
the initiatory degree and Win Deok the
third degreo in the Odd Fellows lodgo
at Danbury one night last week
Ray Rodabaugh quit the ranch Mon
day and moved on a farm near Cedar
Mr Bryson from Gorver precinct was
in town Monday and took out a now
corn binder
E A Ruby and family moved to Dan
bury Monday
W F DeMay was a social visitor at
McCook Sunday
Mr Shields and family from Valley
Grange precinct near McCook was in
town Sunday
While Fred Furman and Jack Smith
were moving their thresher from one
setting to another a spark set fire to the
separator and burned rearly all the in
side of the machine at Andy Stilgo
bouers one day last weok
J II Wicks had his great toe on his
left foot slightly mashed by the Odd
Fellows goat one day last week
E Galusba assisted by Wayne
Hethcote of Danbury put in a founda
tion for the school house to be moved
from Shilloh
Mrs Houchiu of Grant Iowa visited
her sister Mrs Nilsson a few days re
The W C T U will give a lawn
social Friday evening September 3
at the home of Mrs Wicks All are
cordially invited to attend
Grandma Gockley visited in Danbury
last Friday and Saturday
Myrtle Boyer of Danbury visited in
town a few days last midweek
Grandpa Gockley helped put up a
belfry in the Fairview school house the
first of the week
Mrs Eifert visited relatives at Beaver
City over Sunday
Mr and Mrs Everett Oxley visited
Sunday with James Madison and wife
Miss Ada Bentley of Beatrice Neb
was greeting old friends in this vicinity
last Saturday and Sunday
Ralph Edwards of Washington D
C is home on a vacation at present
H L Talmadgeof Cambridge visited
several days this last week with his
daughter Mrs George Bentley
Mrs Ed Edwards who has been at
Liberty Neb for the past month re
turned home last Thursday night
Mr Brown who has been working
for Ed McKillip for the past year left
the first of this week for his old home
in Missouri
Mark Ribblo wifo and son Dale wont
to Trenton Neb last Friday morning
on No 9 for a few daya vintt with her
parents Mr and Mrs L M Mick
They will tako in tho county fair at
that place beforo returning homo
Miss Ollio Mick is working for Mrs
Leon Miller
Mrs Davo Ilinklo and nioco and Miss
Maymo OBrion cooked for tho threahors
at Walt Lathams last ThurHclay
Prof S L Johnson and wifo of Cam
bridge visited Saturday night and Sun
day with Mr and Mrs Sam Walking
Lou Campbell shipped a mixed car of
stock cattlo to Omaha last Saturday
Frank OBrion is working for L L
Mr and Mrs Robert Lierloy and Mrs
A Utter visited Sunday with Mrs Eliza
Bowen and family
Mr and Mrs Charles Ginthor wore
at Wm Bells last Saturday
Chas and Ernest Bell gathered
twenty five acres of thoir corn crop
first of this week
Mr and Mrs Pierce Oxloy spent Sun
day at the Easter homo
Ed McKillip is improving rapidly at
Jesso Reads father and mother of
York Neb are visiting him at present
Miss Carolyn Collicott of Swan ton
Neb arrived here Tuesday evening
preparatory to taking up her school in
district No 9 which begins next Mon
Miss Frances Carl of Franklin Neb
is visiting this weok with Miss Maud
Joe Saylor and daughter Bessie visit
ed last Thursday and Friday at Tren
ton Neb with his daughter Mrs Fred
Maurice Nicholson and wifo spent
Sunday with Gene Collicott and wifo
George Oxley and family visited Sun
day with her parents Mr and Mrs Ed
Little Ena Nicholson visited several
days last week with her sistor Mrs
Elmer Robbins
Mi6s Ida Richards left Sunday eve
ning for her homo at Beaver City
Rain was rather late but wo welcome
it just the same About of an inch
up to Wednesday noon
Brysons are elated over that new girl
According to late report3 it is a ques
tion whether Miss Sallio Hawkins will
recover from tho sickness that is keep
ing her in Kentucky in time to open the
school term at the stated time or not
Tho rain put a stop to Mrs Albrechts
threshing for a while
Rev Young is putting up hay over in
Mrs Alvin Benjamin who has been
vieiting her sister at Maxwell is expect
ed home soon
R E Lant is expecting to hunt a
wetter country
The lineman apparently didnt do a
good job of fixin as our phones wont
talk well
Mrs Mollie Houchin of Iowa is visit
ing with her parents Mr and Mrs Sam
uel Ellis
iT rtv r v vip rrr vvv i r fWWH
Dr J O Bruce
Telephone 55 McCook Neb J
Office over ElecricTheatre on Main Ave 3
ikyuuiid qq a tiifttttiii itt a hW
Dr Herbert J Pratt
Office 212J4 Main av over McConnells
Drug Store McCook Neb
Telephones Office 160
Residence Black 131
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
s a as ta tuia
DENTIST phoke 112
Office Rooma 3 and 5 Walsh Blfc McCook
Dr J A Golfer
Room Postoffice Building
jrvn iTfrtnrftMvrHrrn
R H Gatewood
Office over McMillens drug store 3
Phone 163 McCook Nebraska 1
gify a ii y iV 1 I UaUt ujiJuf jj