County Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nebrnskn AiiRust 13 1909 The county bonrd of equalization nnd assess ments tout pursuant to adjournment present S Frciner C U Gray nnd F S Lofton county commissioners und Clins Sknlln county clerk The minutes of the meetings held July 27th 2Stlr nnd AuRUst 2nd were rend nnd on motion unproved Tho following motion was mndo by Lofton seconded by Gray and was unnnimously adoptcd Whereas nil real estate in this county in the north and west tiers of sections in every town ship of this county lias sinco the organization of the county up to this time bcon assessed as full quarters eighties and fortiesregardless of the acreage given in the patents for said lands which in many cases considerably over run or fall short nnd whereas all the real estate in the county over which the railroad right-of-way extends has also been assessed for nil of these years as full quarters eighties or forties regardless of the acreage tnken off said lands by the railroad right-of-way and whereas sinco the present valuation of real estate is placed on these lands n hardship is worked on a great number of parties whose lands along the town ship or range lines fall short or over whose lands the railroad right-of-way extends and whereas the county clerk has already com menced adjusting and correcting this by getting the correct acreage of these lauds be it hereby resolved that the work commenced by the county clerk is approved and he is hereby au thorized nnd instructed by the county board of equalization to adjust and correct the assess ment list by getting the correct acreage and deduct the railroad right-of-way acreage from said tracts and also to reduce the valuation of the tracts nllected by prorating the present valuation on said tracts with the acreage The board having completed the equalization of assessments nnd the state board of equaliza tion and assessments having made its report to the county finds that tlfe total assessed value of the real and personal and railroad property of Red Willow county as returned by the as1 sessors and equalized by the county and state boards of equalization for tho year of 1S09 is 330530200 A motion was made by Gray seconded bj Lofton that tho levy of taxes for tho year 1909 bo mndo ns follows County general fund 8G 10 mills County bridge fund 3 9 10 mills County road fund 2 mills Bartley village bond 2 mills McCook city bond 2 mills- McCook city sewer bond 2 mills Willow Grove precinctbond 3 mills McCook city levy 21 mills Indianoln city levy 11 mills Burtley village levy 15 mills Danbury village levy 4 mills Lebanon village levy 5 mills Special road district levies Road District No 1 1 mill Road District No 2 3 mills Road District No 3 3 mills Road District No4 2 mills Road District No 5 n mills Road District No 7 4 mills Road District No 9 2 mills Road District No 12 5 mills Road District No 13 lmill Road District No 19 2 mills School district levies District General School Free high No fund bond school levy 1 8 mills 2 21 mills 3 IQmills 4t 25 mills 5 Cmills C 22 mills 4mills 7 15 mills S Gmills 2mills 9 Smills 10 5mills 11 Gmills lmill 12 15 mills lmill 13 7mills 14 7mills lmill 15 25mills 16 16 mills 4 mills 17 25 mills 5 mills 18 Smills 3mills 19 20mills 20 12mills 21 2mills 22 14mills 23 6mills lmill 24 13mills 2mills 25 25 mills 26 lOmills 4 mills 27 15mills 28 25 mills 5 mills 2mills 29 13 mills 5 mills 30 9mills 2mills 31 Gmills 32 20mills 33 25 mills 7 mills 34 23 mills lmill 35 15 mills 36 10 mills 2 mills 37 Gmills Smills 33 25mills 39 22mills 41 25 mills 42 13mills 43 20mills 44 23mills 3mills 45 17 mills 5 mills 46 12mills 47 22mills 2mills 48 25 mills 3mills 49 14 mills 2 mills 4 mills 50 25mills 51 25mills 52 25 mills 2mills 53 54 25mills 55 20mills 2mills 56 13mills 57 25mills 53 18mills 2mills 60 lOmills 61 20 mills 3mills 62 25 mills 2mills 63 22mills 64 14mills 2mills 65 lOmills 2mills 66 lOmills 2mills 67 25mills 6S 25mills 2mills 69 Omills 0 25mills Gmills 71 25 mills 5mills 72 lOmills 73 lOmills 74 75 25 mills 76 25mills 77 13 mills Omills SO 19mills 81 25mills S2 15 mills 6mills 83 25mills 3mills 84 16mills 85 16mills 86 25mills Motion to make this levy carried unanimous ly On motion the board of equalization and as sessments adjourned sine die S Pkemeb Chairman Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk McCook Nebraska August 14 1909 - The board of county commissioners met pur suant to adjournment present S Premer C B Gray and F S Lofton county commissioner and Chns Skalla county clerk Tho following request was presented to the board by the county attorney nnd this is an exact copy of tho paper filed by him To the board of county commissioners Red Willow county Neb Under a late statuto of this state there will bo a grand jury culled to sit nt the November 1909 term of the district court of said county unless it is shown to the Hon R C Orr dis trict judge that there is no need of a grand jury in this county As prosecutor of criminal complaints in this county by virtue of my oillce ns county attorney for said county I know of no complaint that needs investigating by n grand jury There is no criminal complaints in my oflice and there is no alleged offender in the county jail there is two cases however of alleged violation of the Liquor Law but the alleged offenders have been held to appear at the next term of tho district court I would therefore advise you to pass a resolu tion of tho board requesting thnt graud jury bo not called the resolution may be in words and figures ns follows to wit To tho Honorable R C Orr judge of the dis trict court within and for Red Willow county Nebraska Whereas it is shown by tho report of the county attorney which is filed in this oflice that there is no cases for investigation of a grand jury at tho November 1909 term of the district court nnd to save the county tho ex pense of such a jury we recommend that you order that a grand jury be not called for the November 1909 term of the district court P S If you pass such a resolution have the clerk certify it up to the judge Respectfully Sidney Dodge County Attorney On motion the board unanimously made the following order To the Honorable R C Orr judge of the dis trict court of Red Willow county Nebraska We tho undersigned the duly elected quali fied and acting county commissioners and the county attorney of the aforesaid county and state hereby request that you make an order in writing that n grand jury bo not called at tho next regular term of the district court in and for the County of Red Willow Nebraska Respectfully S Preiner C B Gray F S Lofton County Commissioners of Red Willow county Sidney Dodge County Attorney On motion John Ernst waappointed as over seer of highways for District No 11 Tyrone precinct to fill vacancy Tho official bond of John Ernst as overseer of highways for District No 11 was examined and oil motion approved Tho semi annual report of Claudia BHatcher county superintendent as to the institute fuud was examined and on motion approved and ordered placed on file On motion the county treasurer was in structed to transfer to School District No 36 Frontier county the following amounts on ne ii of Sec 1907 Tax 420 from School Dis trist No 22 Red Willow county 1906 Tax 362 from School District No 36 Red Willow county tho above amounts to be transferred for the reason that this land was transferred to said District No 6 during the month of June 1906 Tho following claiinslwere audited and al lowed and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the general fund levy of 1908 as follows L E Naden registrar fees 4th quarter 1908 S 3 25 WHSmithsame 0 50 W A Middleton same 11 50 H J Arbogast registrar fees 1st quarter 1909 4 50 L E Naden same 2 00 W H Smith saine 5 00 SE Ralsten same 75 W A Middleton same 7 75 H J Ardogast registrar fees 2nd quarter 1909 L E Naden same 1 25 WHSmithsame 4 75 SE Ralsten same 75 t W A Middleton same 11 00 Fred Carson carpenter work in clerk of courtofiice 13 CO H H Berry salary as member of soldiers relief commission WH Smith same Middleton Ruby plumbing work in court house M Mathes planting trees 3 11 7 00 9 50 1 50 F D Burgess work and material at court house 16 50 C F Dann paperhanging superintend ents room 6 60 C ADeLoy blacksmithing 12 25 E F Osborn hauling coal for court house 13 SO Fritz Hickman hauling booth to Ty rone precinct 3 50 C T Caswell work on light fixtures 1 73 Geo Cramer putting up booths in Indianola and Red Willow 3 50 John Clouse blacksmithing and repair ing 17 20 Chas W Kelley surveying road in Tyrone Ivan B Clark carrying chain for surveyor 11 CO 4 10 Pado Furniture fc Carpet Co chairs for courtroom 40 CO J E Ludwick table for county assessor 40 00 A McMillen supplies to county 1 SO H P Waite fc Co nails and supplies for county 2192 A Lord supplies to overseers 12 65 Andy Lord same 21 56 HE Waughsame 7 30 Kelly Brossame 5 CO Ball Bros same 7 77 Ball Bros same 1 24 J E Ludwick furniture in clerk of court room 24 65 C R Woodworth Co supplies to county 11 65 Burroughs Adding Machine Co two rib bons for adding machines 2 CO G W Predmore braces and blacksmith ing 4 CO Wm Peterson trees for court house lawn 8 CO L W McConnell supplies to county 25 55 L W McConnell same 47 67 Fred Jakob assessing Alliance precinct 57 CO W J Stilgebouer assessing Beaver pre cinct 66 00 Henry Vontz assessing Bondville pre cinct 37 50 I E Neel assessing Box Elder precinct 42 CO A D Green assessing Coleman precinct 24 CO T F Cockley assessing Danbury precinct 36 00 O N Rector assessing Driftwood pre cinct 24 00 C T Loper assessing Gerver precinct 39 CO C A Rodgers st amps and postnls 2 25 C A Rodgers stamps 1 CO C A Rodgers stamps 1 50 C A Rodgers stamps 1 00 C A Rodgers stamps 1 CO and on the general fund levy of 1909 as follows C K Critchfield assessing Fritsch pre cinct 54 CO August Wesch assessing Grnnt precinct 28 50 Fred Bamesberger assessing Missouri Ridge precinct 36 22 WN Lyman assessing East Valley pre cinct 7S 00 P H Kilzer assessing Lebanon precinct 69 00 Henry Crabtreo Sr assessing Indianola precinct 1 78 CO P D Brooks assessing North Valley pre cinct 42 15 W J Fleischman assessing Perry pre cinct 42 CO M Colling assessing Red Willow pre cinct 52 50 L A Sheldon assessing Tyrone precinct 42 0 A D Johnston assessing Valley Grange precinct 42 00 W II Whittakcr assessing McCook city 126 CO W T Clark - assessing Willow Grove pre cinct 91 50 N J Campbell ussisting county nssessor 108 CO Red Willow County Agriculturnl Assii county fair appropriation 399 90 G J Hreitliug damages of locating road 35 00 E C McKay damages by wngon falling offbridgo 9 CO Bollard Lumber Co 33 tons of coal for courthouse 189 75 Barnett Lumber Co coal for Geo Jack son 4 23 Claudia B Hatcher institute fund appro priation 100 00 Stephen Holies state fair appropriation PO CO Vance McManigul damages for new road 75 00 W II Campbell workin jail 5 70 Howard Bcnner making complaint and arrest under game law 7 50 J L White defending John II Dwyer 123 00 JS Lellew acting county attorney 15 00 Geo Fowler janitor work November 1908 30 00 Geo Fowler janitor work December 1908 ooo Geo Fowler janitor work 1st half of 1909 180 00 Geo Fowler janitor work July 1909 30 00 EF Osborn salary for November 1908 deputy sheriff 25 CO E F Ooborn salary for December 190S deputy sheriff 25 CO E F Osborn salary for January 1909 deputy sheriff 23 CO E F Osborn salary for February 1909 deputy sheriff 25 00 EF Osborn salary for March 1909 dep uty sheriff 25 00 E F Osborn salary for April 1909 dep uty sheriff E F Osborn snlary for May 1909 deputy sheriff 23 CO to T A Endsley oflice expenses 2 75 T A Endaley salary as county assessor for 1909 seroO P E Reeder salary as county attorney 4th quarter 1908 200 00 Sidney Dodge salary as county attorney 1st quarter 1909 200 CO Sidney Dodge salary as county attorney 2ud quarter 1909 200 00 H I Peterson salary as sheriff Novem ber 190S 1C0 00 H I Peterson salary as sheriff Decem ber lfiOS 100 00 H I Peterson salary as sheriff January VM 100 00 H I Peterson salary as sheriffFebruary 1909 ico 00 H I Peterson salary as sheriff March 1S09 kjooo H I Peterson salary as sheriff April 1900 H I Peterson salary as sheriffMay1909 H I Peterson salary as sheriff June 1909 C A Rodgers salary as clerk of court 4th quarter 1908 C A Rodgers salary as clerk of court 1st 100 00 1011 00 100 00 100 00 quarter 1909 00 60 C A Rodgers salary as clerk of court2nd quarter 1909 i09 00 S Premer commissioner services Nov and Dec 1908 27 25 S Premer commissioner services Jan audFeb 1909 05 25 S Pren er commissioner services March nnd April 1909 7115 S Premer commissioner services May and June 1909 76 23 S Preiner commissioner services July and August 1909 49 GO C B Gray commissioner sorrim Nnv nndDec 1908 52 80 C B Gray commissioner services Jan to Aug5thlS09 I87 jo F S Lofton commissioner services Nov andDec190S 44 10 FSXofton commissioner services 1st 5 mouths 1909 429 70 F S Lofton commissioner services June July and August 1909 105 80 Claudia B Hatcher salary as superin tendent 4th quarter 1C08 290 00 Claudia B Hatcher salary as superin tendent 1st quarter 1909 290 00 Claudia B Hatcher salary as superin tendent zna quarter 1909 290 00 Chas Skalla salary as clerk of board 1st quarter 1909 Chas Skalla salary as clerk of board 2nd quarter1909 Claudia B Hatcher oflico expenses last quarter 1908 Claudia B Hatcher oilice expenses 1st quarter 1909 Claudia B Hatcher oilice expenses 2nd quarter 1909 Chas Skalla offices expenses last quar CO 75 00 14 43 32 64 32 36 ter 1908 26 23 Chas Skalla office expenses 1st quarter 1909 Chas Skalla oflice expenses 2nd quarter 1909 J C Moore oflice expenses last quarter 1908 J C Moore office expenses 1st quarter 1909 J C Moore oflice expenses 2nd quarter 1909 34 70 31 10 26 2 60 8 20 P E Reeder stamps 2 CO C Naden pauper transportation and freight paid 14 90 HIPeterson postage 5 22 C A Rodgers attendance district court Novemberterm 40 CO C A Rodgers drawing jury and issuing venire February term 15 00 C A Rodgers attendnnce district court Februnry 2 00 C A Rodgers attending district court March 2 CO C A Rodgers attending district court fees and stamps 10 CO CTA Rodgers attending district court May term 20 00 C A Rodgers stamps 1 CO C A Rodgers stamps 1 00 C A Rodgers appointing judges and clerks of election 41 25 E F Osborn boarding prisoners March 4 50 E F Osborn attending district court 2 CO and on tho road funds of the respective com missioner districts as follows Lee Arnett 1 24 by 60 culvert Commis sioner District No 1 120 GO Lee Arnett 1 200 feet by 16 inch culvert Commissioner District No 2 200 00 and on the county bridge fund levy of 1909 as follows Barnett Lumber Co lumber 14 65 Barnett Lumber Co lumber 164 49 Barnett Lumber Co lumber 43 55 Bullard Lumber Co lumber 112 70 Bullard Lumber Co lumber 13S 90 Bullard Lumber Co lumber 41 10 Bullard Lumber Co lumber 44 35 Bullard Lumber Co lumber 48 25 Bullard Lumber Co lumber 2 40 E G Caine Co lumber 90 55 E G Caine Co lumber 18 30 E G Caine Co lumber 13 45 E G Caine Co lumber 519 20 W A DeMay Lumber Co lumber 132 50 S A Austin lumber 113 85 Ed Hethcote building cement bridge 96 00 Perry Bee Co lumber 606 44 Perry Bee Co lumber 439 55 Stansberry Lumber Co lnmber 5 10 Stnnsberry Lumber Co lumber 85 Standard Bridge Co balance on 1903 bridges K01 lb Standard Bridge Co five bridges built in 1909 nnd pilings for nuother 4800 00 Tho following claims were on motion rejected Ed Ball assisting sheriff 2 Treumoro Cone copies of new laws 5 00 On motion tho board adjourned to meet August 10 1909 Attest S Pkemeb Chairman Chah Skalla County Clerk McCook Nebraska August 16 1909 The board of county commissioners met pur suant to adjournment present S Premer CH Gray and F S Lofton county commissioners und Chns Sknlln county clerk The following claims were audited and al lowed and tho clerk was instructed to draw warrants on tho county general fund levy of 1909 as follows McCook Electric Co light for November 1908 13 25 McCook Electric Co light for December inns 21 70 McCook Electric Co light for January 1909 1140 McCook Electric Co light for February 1909 7 95 McCook Electric Co light for March and April 1909 5 45 McCook Electric Co light for May 1909 2 80 McCook Electric Co light for June 1909 2 50 McCook Electric Co light for July 1909 3 CO McCook Water Works Co water 4th quarter 1908 6 25 McCook Water Works Co water 1st quarter 1909 2 93 McCook Water Works Co water 2nd quarter 1909 9 55 James I Lee ice for 1903 18 00 Mrs J T Kendlen supper for 13 jurors claimed 650 allowed at 3 23 Commercial Hotel 26 meals for jury 6 50 Peterson Sisters boarding jury 3 25 McCook Laundry Co laundry work for prisoners 2 50 M B Hogan blackboard work and ma terial 14 CO M L Rishel snpplies 50 J A Clouse livery hire Tauber case 8 00 Geo S Scott merchandise 1 20 U G Etherton publishing equalization notice 180 Danbury News same 1 30 McCook Republican printing for county treasurer McCook Republican printing and sta tionery for superintendent McCook Republican bar docket and printing for clerk of court McCook Republican printing commis sioner proceedings and legal notices McCook Republican printing equaliza tion notice and stationery 7 F M Kimmell legal blanks statiouery and printing F M Kimmell same F M Kimmell same F M Kimmell same F M Kimmell printing commissioner proceedings 36 67 Nebraska Telephone Co phone rent and toll October 190S IS 90 Nebraska lelephono Co phone rent aud toll November 1908 18 65 Nebraska Telephone Co phone rent and toll December 1908 23 75 Nebraska Telephohe Co phone rent aud toll January 1909 19 10 Nebraska Telephone Co phone rent and toll February 1909 13 40 Nebraska Telephone Co phone rent and toll March aud April 1909 37 90 Nebraska Telephone Co phone rent and toll May and June 1909 37 10 Nebraska Telephone Co phone rent and toll July 1909 22 33 McCook Hardware Co labor and spikes 3 35 W H Campbell labor in court house 5 25 E F Osborn boarding prisoners Novem ber 1908 30 00 E F Osborn jailor fees expenses and board 32 98 MAY PROVE FATAL 83 97 50 M S3 00 26 25 36 25 42 30 20 60 E F Osborn boarding prisoners in Feb ruary199 9 00 E F Osborn boarding prisoners in April 1909 1 00 E F Osborn boarding prisoners in May 1909 10 50 E F Osborn boarding prisoner in June 1909 EF Osborn salary for June 1909 H P Sutton repairing adding machines Ely Wilcox 100 lbs of Anti Dust C W Graves work on court house claimed at 350 allowed at C A Rodgers fees State vs Wright No 2927 H I Peterson same continued next week 2S00 50 25 00 i0 00 a 30 2 50 11 29S When Will McCook People Learn the Inportance of It Backache is only a simple thing at first But when you know tis from the kidneys That serious kidney troubles follows That diabetes Brights desease may be the fatal end You will gladly profit by the follow ing experience JLDavis living in Arapahoe Neb says About a year ago I was in very poor health having suffered from kid ney trouble for some time My body was racked with dull nagging pains and I felt nervous and restless all the time The secretions from my kidneys were too frequent in action scanty in passage and contained a heavy sediment My feet and ankles also became swollen and I suffered from frequent chills After using several remedies with unsatisfac tory result Doans Kidney Pills were brought to my attention and I procured a box They relieved me at once and I continued to use them until I entirely received a permanent cure Plenty more proof like this from Mc Cook people Call at a drug store and ask what customers report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other Have you a farm to sell or exchange It costs only a cent a word per day to run an advertisement in the Omaha Bee It will reach over 40000 sub scribers and is almost sure to find a buyer Write today Typewriter ribbons papers etc for sale at The Tribune office Helen May Butler HELEN MAY BUTLER One of the greatest band direc tors of the United States Ten years of unqualified success per mit Miss Butler to proclaim that she has the Greatest Ladies Band in the World AT CHAUTAUQUA No matter how long you have suffer ed FoleyH Kidney Remedy will help you Mrs S L Eowen of Wayne W Va writes I was a sufferer from kidney so that at times I could not get out of hid and when I did 1 could not stand straight I tool Foleys Kidney Remedy One dollar bottle and part of the second cured me entirely It will cure you A McMillen FoIejs Honey and Tar not only stops chronic coughs that weaken the consti tution and develop into consumption but heals and strengthens the lungs It affords comfort and relief in the worst cases of chronic bronchitis asthma hay fever and lung trouble A McMillen druggist Better than good enough photo graphs at the new studio first door north of the Commercial hotel Sitt ings from 9 in the morning to 5 in the afternoon Cash Register Stationery Received on account Paid out Cash Credit slips etc for sale at the Tribune oflice Per 1000 50c It you want a good pickle in sweet sour or mixed we have them a quart jar full for 25 cents HUBER gggPm ir egw CITY CHUHCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Piaer meeting Wednesday evening at eight oclock The public is cordinlly invited to these services Episcoial Preachiug services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday school at 10 a xu All are welcome to these services E R Earle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass i a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday ichool 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kikwin O M I Mkthodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Clas3 at 12 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 M B Carman Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with U3 E Burton Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Regular German preaching services in frame building of East Ward every Sunday morning at 1000 All Germans cordial ly invited Rev Wm Brueggeman 607 5th st East Christian Science 219 Main Ave nueServices Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Reading Room open all the time Science literature on sale Subject for nest Sunday Christ Jesus Evangelical Lutheran Congrega tional Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 400 p m Prayer meetings every Wednesday and Satur day evenings at 730 All Germans oordiaIy invited to these services Rev Gustav Henkelmann 505 3rd street West For indigestion and all stomach trouble take Foleys Orino Laxative as it stimulates the stomach and liver and regulates the bowels and will positively cure habitual constipation A McMillen MiAlond erful distlauis of Hve StocfcApcultiireMacMnerij Splendid Racing Idberatis Bcind and Grand Opera Singers Pains Baiile in the Clouds - with Airship Carnival ONE AUD ONE HALF RATES ROUND TRIP ON ALL RAILROADS loriniormanon Premium List or Lhtry Blanks write HLD 2s I - iHHitntnvjHXk IMMtMMStlflTSInQ Get Free Land While You Can BIG HORN BASIN This rich land is fast settling up with homesteaders taking up the choicest government irrigated tracts The Big Horn Basin will soon be served by the Burlingtons new main line through central Wvomme ducts will have direct access to the best markets in the west Land values are fast increasing Get hold of a farm in the Basin before it is too late 320 ACRE LANDS This is the size farm you can homestead in east and northeast Wyoming Colorado etc Some of the finest lands in the west with IS inches of moisture annually can be taken under the Mondell Act These 320 acre homestead tracts are a new thing in the distribution of covemment lands and deserve your attention I personally conduct excursions the first and third Tuesdays of each month to these lands and am employed by the Burlington to answer all inquiries and to assist you in every possible way to locate along the Burlington line Write me D CLEM DEAVER General Agent Land Seekers Information Bureau Omaha Nebraska I 1 1 3 V Franklin Pres - Jas S Doyle Vice Pres R A Green Cshr - G H Watkixs Asst Cshr The Citizens National Bank of McCook Nebraska Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000 DIRECTORS Franklin Jas S Doyle R A Green G H Watkins Vernice Franklin iiftfctAitWt1V a 4 A - I h r3 l S V