The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 26, 1909, Image 5

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i I
Special Prices on Drills
That we are going ve ou should help you to own
your own drill and sow your wheat at the right time Under
stand that everything we sell is fully guaranteed by the man
ufacturers and we stand right back of the goods
We are also offering SPECIAL LOW PRICES on
discs and plows and you should get the benefit
Then Dont Forget the Cow
Big Profits No Risks
25 to 150 per cent profit Some are making 300 per
cent Pretty good investment isnt it The Money Bags
of Wall Street grab chances at 6 per cent why dont you
take advantage of a better one
Phone 31
McCook Neb
Buy a Sharpies Dairy
Tubular Cream Separator
Invest in a Sharpless Dairy
Tubular Cream Separator It gets
a quarter more to twice as much
cream as pans or cans Ever year
it pays 2 5j to 1 50 per cent clear pro
fit on its cost Only Tubulars have
waist low can simple bowl sus
pended from irictioniess ball bearing wholly enclosed self
oiling gears A Tubular did 24 years work without repairs
Let us show you one like it
IcCook Hardware Co
Time Card iff
No 6 ContralTime t045 p M
16 - - 500 A M
2 530 a m
12nrr615 pm 715 am
14 942 p M
10 600 p M
No 1 MBuntninTime 115 p M
-3 -
5nrr850pm 930 A M
13 905 AM
IS 1230 A M
9arr910am 820 A M
No 176 arrives Monataia Titae 420 P M
Nol75doparts 710 a m
Sleeping diniiiR and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information timetables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostatter Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Engine 29S5 is receiving drop pit re
pairs this week
The companys electric light plant is
awaiting further orders
Ira E Converse received a conductors
equipment last Thursday
Roswell Cutler visited friends at Mc
Cook headquarters over Sunday
Repairs were placed on the stream
dome and dry pipes of the 1015 this
Engineer and Mrs J C Marshall
left Wednesday for Denver and the
mountains to be absent a week or two
on vacation
C S McElherron formerly of this
city was conductor of the freight train
which recently collided near Colorado
Springs with a passenger train in which
accident several people lost their lives
He was injured and taken to the hospit
al in Colorado Springs The entire
freight train has been indicted and
arrested for manslaughter in connection
with the terrible accident which is said
to be chargeable to an oversight on the
part of the freight crew in their orders
to meet the passenger train
Burlington Carried 20000000 People
In One Year Without Killing
One of Them
Chicago 111 Aug 20 The most
remarkable record over recorded has
just been achieved by the Burlington
railroad for the year ending June 30
1909 in that during the twelve months
not one person was fatally injured on
any of the Burlington lines During
that time the road carried approxi
mately 20C00000 persona
AH the more remarkable is the fact
that the Burlingtons record show that
the fast train from Denver to Chicago
showed a perfect score by being on
time at its terminals on every trip
Even had one person been killed
however the chances against fatal in
jury would have been one billion to
one for during the year the Burling
ton carried 1016451000 passengers
tho distance of one mile Burlington
trains during that year traveled a dist
ance of 15000000 miles
The Burlingtons record is similar
to one shown by the Pennsylvania sys
tem for 1908
Small Damage By Fire
Last Thursday evening the depot
came near burning up caused by a lamp
exploding on the operators table Mrs
L C Mahoney discovered the fire as
she went to the depot to take No 15
for Denver An extra operator was
assisting aud he was asleep outside the
depot The damage was slight being
but a slight loss of way bills Culbert
son Banner
Engine 1018 is receiving some new
flues this week
The boiler of the Akron round house
is here being cleaned and fitted to new
The Burlington is putting a brick
foundation under the Beaver City depot
and replacing its plank platform with
vitrified bricks
A Very
of Earl- Fall
Street Hats
and Nobby
Tailored Models
is now on display
A rmvsffr
Miss Andersons
217 Main
Little Things as Aids In Solving
Problems In Crime
In All My Experience Says Police
Sergeant Cuff One of Wilkie Ccl
lins Creations I Have Never Yet
Met Such a Thing as a Triflo
If you ask some London publishers
they will tell you that 110 book sells so
wei as a detective story and that peo
ple still find a fascination in the
achievements of Cellar Allan Poes
Pupin Gaboriaus Lecocii and Tabaiet
and the redoubtable Sergeant Cult of
Wilkie Collins
These men were the forerunners of
Sherlock Holmes and their feats of
criminal tracking were as lemarkable
as tho achieved by the famous char
acter created by Sir Arthur Cousin
Doyle Perhaps the least known is
Cuff who figures in The Moonstone
Cuff looked for clews in tritles In
vestigating a smear on a newly paint
ed door lie was told by the superin
tendent who had the case in hand that
it was made by the petticoats of the
women servants The superintendent
said petticoats were trifles
In all my experience along the
dirtiest ways of this dirty little world
replied Cuff I have never met such
i thin as a trifle yet We must sec
the petticoat that made the smear and
we must know for certain that the
paint was wet
Lpcoccj the beau ideal of the French
detective was wont to explain his de
ductions to assistants just as Sherlock
Holmes did to his friend Watson In
the story of File No 1 U a safe has
been robbed There is i scratch on
the door of the safe which seems to
have been made by the key slipping
from the lock But Lecocq explaiued
that the paint was hard aud that the
scratch could not have been made by
the trembling hand of the thief letting
the key slip
lie therefore had an iron box made
painted with green varnish like the
safe As Lecocq inserted the key he
asked the assistant to endeavor to pre
vent him using the key just as he was
about to insert it in the lock The as
sistant did so and the key held by
Lecocq pulled aside from the lock
slipped along the door and traced upon
it a diagonal scratch from top to bot
tom the exact reproduction of the one
shown in a photograph of the safe
Thus it was proved that two persons
were present at the robbery one
wished to take the money and the
other to prevent its being taken
In the play Sherlock Holmes the
detective with the aid of an accom
plice raises an alarm of lire at the
house of the Larrabees during the ex
citement of which he is able to inves
tigate the mystery of the purloined
A somewhat similar incident occurs
in Edgar Allan Poes The Purloined
Letter when Dupin bavin obtained
entrance to the house of a minister
of the state who had purloined a let
ter of great importance from a lady
wished to take it from its hiding place
a card rack over the mantelpiece
and substitute a facsimile While
Dupin was talking to the minister
there- was a sudden report of a pistol
beneath the window followed by fear
ful screams and loud shouting The
minister rushed to the window and
while his attention was thus distracted
Dupin took the real letter and substi
tuted the false one which he had pre
pared Needless to say the diversion
had been created by Dupins assist
Although The Adventures of Sher
lock Holmes somewhat overshadow
the stories of other detectives which
appeared in the Strand Magazine one
should not forget to mention Martin
Hewitt investigator and Dick Don
Both these detectives worked alone
and were past masters in the art of
solving robbery mysteries murders
and the crimes of secret societies
And the value of noting trifles par
ticularly In detective work is striking
ly illustrated in The Case of Mr Fog
gatt The latter had been murdered
in his chamber which was situated at
the top of the building in which Hew
itt had an office Hewitt was the first
one on the scene The door was lock
ed and when he got inside the room
he found Foggatt lying across the ta
ble shot dead There was a sheer
drop of fifty feet outside the windows
How had the murderer got in and
how had he escaped
On the sideboard were the freshly
bitten remains of an apple Hewitt
noticed that it had been bitten by a
person who bad lost two teeth one
at the top and one below He also
saw that the dead man had an excel
lent set of false teeth with none
missing He observed too that an ac
tive young man could by standing on
the window sill draw himself on the
roof and thus escape Thus Hewitt
comes to look for a tall athletic look
ing young man with two teeth miss
ing He finds him obtains by a ruse
another apple which he has bitten
compares the two and ultimately ob
tains the startling story of the mur
der from he murderer himself after
the coroners jury had returned a ver
dict of accidental death London
Tit Bits
It is the little pleasures which make
life sweet as the little displeasures
may do more than afflictions can to
make it bitter
Confide a secret to a dumb man and
It wilt make him speak Livonian
A Tragic Case of Treasure Hunting In
A certain Kgypilau native discov
ered the entrance ot a tomb In the
floor ot Ins stable and at once pro
ceeded to worm His way down tlie
tunnel This was the end ot tlie man
His wire hiding that he had not re
turned two hours or so later went
down the newly lound tunnel after
him That was the cud of tier also
In turn three other members ot the
tamily went down into the darkness
and that was the end of ilieui
A native official was ihen railed and
lighting hi wa with a en tulle pene
trated down the winding passage
The air hi foul that tie wa soon
obliged to retreat bill he slated that
he was jui able to see in the dislaiue
ahead the tiodies of the unforiunate
peasants all ot whom had been oer
come by what he quaintly described
as the evil lighting aim nan ciimaie
Various attempts at the rescue of the
bodies having tailed we gave orders
that this tomb should be regarded n
their sepuli lier and that its mouth
should be sealed up
According to the natives there was
evidently a vast hoard ot wealth
stored at the bottom of this tomb and
the would lie robbers had met their
death at the hands of the demon in
charge of it who had seized each man
by the throat as he came down the
tunnel and had strangled him A K
P Weigall in Putnams
Their Longing For Association With
Honest Men
The thief in iln community is very
much like the boy whoso meanness or
ruffianism lias caused the other little
children 10 baud together to ostracize
him lie may move with a sul
len swusger carry a chip on His shcuil
der and a vicious gleam in bis eye bur
there is always a sob in bis throat
So the thief is longing and aching i
get back in the circle out of which in
has been ruled
If any honest man wants to meet
lively gratitude let him knowingly give
the countenance of his company 10 a
crook It will be a favor never forgot
ten Every lawyer practicing at tlie
criminal bar knows this One ve
well known practitioner of genial per
soualiiy and large tolerance occasion
ally takes a client 10 dinner at a good
restaurant or braves an appearance
with bin at a theater There have been
embarrassing results due to the enm
foals gratitude
After one of these evenings the
lawyer laughingly told me Im kept
for days dodecing and returnim pres
ents sent In the crook watches scarf
pins cull links now and then a valua
ble painting or a Persian rug all be
longing to somebody else Every
bodys Magazine
The Wolf In Disguise
Once upon a time a wolf who was
going after the fanners chickens took
the advice ot a fox and disguispd
himself in sheeps clothing
For said the fox if the dogs see
you they will take you for a harmless
lamb and ln you pass
When 1 he disguised wolf was near
the chicken house he heard the dogs
bark and saw them running toward
him at the top ot their speed
1 am a tool said the wolf For
now the dogs think I am a lamb aud
have no fear of me I will change my
mind get out ot this incumberini
clothing and make a winning tight
But before he could gel the garment
off the dogs were upon him and took
his lite
Moral It is easier to change
mind than your clothing New
The Regimental Barber
A major in an English regiment has
a great contempt tor incapacity or any
kind and is somewhat impatient A
sergeant complained to nun that he
could get no man to undertake the
duty ot barner to the company
Is there no gardener 111 the com
pany V asked the major testily See
if you cm find one and send him to
The man was duly sent but on re
ceiving orders to act as barber ven
tured to expostulate
Great guns cried the major
If you can cut grass you can cut
hair Go and do it
Very Red Tape
A burglar entering a bouse by a
ladder in a small Prussian town fell
and broke hi leg when making off
with his booty An inquiry into the
accident revealed that contrary to the
bylaws of the town the house own
ers ladder was not provided with
strong iron spikes at us base 1 he
bouse owner was therefore ordered to
pay all l he hospital costs and further
to give the burglar a substantial sum
Loudon Standard
Broad Minded
So your husband is in the pageant
Mrs Jones I didnt know he belonged
to the Church of England
No mum he dont But there hes
very broad minded and he dont mind
being an ancient bishop in the cause
of charity Punch
An Opportunity For Him
Mose Foreace ardently Tell me
Miss Angie may 1 contribute to yor
future happiness V Miss Angie Well
Mr Foreace as I accepted Abe Gin
gerbread last ebenin dere is weddin
presents to be thought ob to be shuab
The only conclusive evidence ef a
mans sincerity is that he give him
self for a principle Lowell
A s j
yiON LACES and many interesting features
in their manufacture are on exhibition in one
of our show windows This display h educa
tional and every person should see it
From 3400 to 4500 bobbins are required to
thread one lace machine besides the beam and
warp making a total when the machine is
threaded of 13000 threads in actual work
When a machine is fully threaded there are
6700 miles of cotton on ltr enough to reach from
here to England and nearly back again
See the illustrations of the various machines
in operation where they take in the thread and
turn out the dainty attractive laces also skeins
of yarns yarn spools- -pieces of lace just as they
come from the machines tspecially interesting
is the process of clipping scalloping and sepa
rating The exhibit is so unique and the values
so unusual that a visit will be of material
interest to you
C L DeGroff Co
til I T
Immaculate Conception Academy
Hastings Nebraska
wK HiMi t
Boarding and Day School for Young Ladiesand
Children Conducted by Sisters of St Dominic
Healthful location extensive and beautiful grounds New
buildings with modern improvements Conservatory cf Music
and Art Studio Thorough Academic Normal Commercial and
Preparatory Departments
For year book containing full information address
Immaculate Conception Academy Hastings Neb
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
True Davis
W F Everist
W LJLozier
WM Vaslind
B E Hkenfeerry
The United States Investment Co
Colorado Irrigated
Lands a Specialty
Dealing in All Kinds of
Mam Office at
Monte Visia Colo