The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 26, 1909, Image 1

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Just Received
a large lme of
Cones Boss
Overalls and Jackets
General Merchandise
223 Main Aven
Phone 47
IfcKfKlous Boosting of This Proposition
Right Now Will Result FaYorably
The Tribune IearnH in a conversa
tion this week with Mr L W Stayner
that he is employed in an earnest effort
te establish a business college in our
city this fall on a scale never before
attempted in the history of our city
As is well known by many readers of
T5ie Tribune Mr Stayner has in a
-small way conducted a business college
in MoCook ever since 1893 teaching
classes in shorthand typewriting etc
ia the public school buildings during
evening hours While these efforts
Smve oeen modest and without much
effort at parade the net results to the
community have been greater than one
sreuld imagine Since Mr Stayner
commenced in this way to teach short
Icnd in McCook he has graduated over
IOQs pupils and has secured for nearly
all of them positions more than twenty
oE these graduates are now employed in
business establishments in our city and
informs us that he could have placed
more in such positions had he had the
graduates This shortage has conse
uently been made up by importations
jfxora without the city -
It has been Mr Stayners desire and
qtim for years to conduct a business
college in McCook on a broader and
snore comprehensive scale some time
and he feels that now conditions the
-development of the city and of the sur
rounding country and adjacent terri
tory warrants the effort to bring about
this desired end and that with the
proper boosting on the part of the peo
ple of McCook such a school can be
started and supported here
A little preliminary work has secured
him fifteen contracts signed up for
pupils and if fifteen more can be se
cured in the city he expects to rent the
coonis now occupied by the McCook
commercial club together with the
Grooms directly in front of them in the
handsome postoffice building Surely
this would give him an ideal location
ffor a business college
Mr Stayner has had 25 years exper
ience as an instructor and in the actual
axperience of all kinds in shorthand
work for the paBt two years he has fill
ed the responsible and difficult position
of reporter for the 11th judicial district
It is admitted and appreciated that
the difficult and critical time for any
business venture is the starting the
beginning The Tribune feels that if
the citizens of McCook will put their
shoulders to the wheel just now and
push this enterprise with business like
and earnest vigor Mr Stayner will be
able to realize his dream of years and
McCook will number among her busi
ness advantages a school for the teach
ing of business and shorthand which
will fill not only a genuine need in this
city but will attract pupils from all
over this section of the state If he se
cures this moral and financial assist
ance now Mr Stayner promises in due
time to build up for McCook and South
western Nebraska an institution which
will be a credit and a great benefit
This is an eminently practical matter
and should appeal to our business in
stinct and common sense
Two more apprentice girls in our niil
Sinery work room Apply at once
H C Clapp
A F A M Meeting
Special meeting of McCook Lodge
No 135 A F A M Saturday August
2S -at 800 p m Work in E A degree
By Order of the W M
C L Fahnestock Secy
Old Settlers Annual Picnic
The old settlors of Rod Willow county
will hold their annual picnic at Brook
Bide farm the farm of Mrs Phoebe
Taylor near Red Willow on Thursday
September 9th 1909
Hollowing is the progrum for the day
1100 a m Registering
1200 m Picnic Dinner
200 p m Music
Election of officers for ensuing year
Transaction of such business as may
properly come beforo the society
Short address Hev Carman of McCook
Old settlers round table and reading
of letters from absent members
A residence of 20 years in Red Willow
county makes one eligible to member
ship in the society
W S Fitch President McCook
Mrs RHThomas Secretary Indianola
Lost But Found
H Wootton went last Saturday to
McCook to see his parents Mr Woot
ton had neither seen them nor heard of
their whereabouts for nearly thirty five
years Earjy in childhood they becoma
separated neither knowing where the
other lived or that they were alive
Last Saturday upon hearing that there
was a family residing at that place by
the same name resolved to go over with
the faint hope that they might be his
long sought parents which to bis de
light proved to be He returned the
first of the week greatly relieved in
mind to know where they lived and that
they were alive Curtis Enterprise
Program Sundays Concert
Following is the program for the con
cert next Sunday afternoon at four
oclock in the city park
March Religioso No Ill Chambers
Sacred Fantasia Providence Tobani
Characteristic Dawn of Love Bendix
Hungarian Fantasia Tobani
Waltz Wedding of the Winds Hall
Sextette from Lucia Donizetti
Patrol Crack Regiment Tobani
March Star Spangled Banner Allen
H P Sutton Director
To the Citizens of McCook
McCook August 25th 1909
In cass of fire all garden and lawn
hose watering should cease as soon as
fire alarm goes in to give us all pressure
there is to fight fire There is an ordi
nance to this effect but think this
should again be taken up as we have
some citizens who possibly are not aware
of this fact There is a penalty attach
ed to this if not followed out
Yours truly
C E Emerson Fire Chief
Beauty Protection
and beauty promotion may be accom
plished by one and the same method
every night on retiring and the skin
will not only be nourished whitened
and beautified but protection against
injury from sun and wind will be afford
ed This is a delightful refreshing
cooline cream that youll enjoy using
Price 35 cents
L W McConnell Druggist
2300 Miles
without one cents worth of repairs is
the latest word received from Mr J E
Kelley and family who are touring in
Denver and the mountains with their
new Velie automobile This should int
erest the careful buyer We can make
prompt delivery of these cars with the
years guarantee Let us demonstrate
this car to you
McCook Hardware Co
Jay Mecham Commits Suicide
Jay 22-year-old son of Mr and Mrs
A J Mecham of near Hartley committ
ed suicide last Thursday afternoon by
shooting himself with a revolver
Despondency and heat are credited with
the deed Four years since another
son killed himself in a similar manner
near Freedom over in Frontier county
There is Satisfaction
in the possession of a real likeness of a
friend or member of the family This
is heightened when there is present
also the touch of taste and art At the
new photograph studio first door north
of the Commercial hotel
One Minute and Motor
washers are the two best on the market
They save the clothes and womens
work Not one dissatisfied customer out
of 300 sold
McCook Hardware Co
J H Woddell Auctioneer
I will be in McCook the last ten days
of each month to cry sales Make your
dates at the Citizens National Bank
Apprentice Girls Wanted
Our Chicago trimmer comes next
week We need more help Apply at
once C Clapp
Cash Register Stationery
Received on account Paid out
Cash Credit slips etc for sale at
the Tribune office Per 1000 50c
The Big Barritt Livery Barn on West B Street and His
Residence Destroyed by Fire
A Stiff Fight Put Up by the City Fire Department Who Were
Effectively Assisted by the Burlington Fire Fighters and
the Ever Ready Citizens and Won Out
Between five nnd six oclock Monday
afternoon McCook experienced a fire
which in the strong wind then blowing
from the south threatened even larger
loss than finally resulted in the neigh
borhood of S8000 to 810000
The fire in some unknown manner
originated in the rear portion of W W
Barrittc big livery barn on west B
street and in an almost incredable
space of time that building and contents
were destroyed the horses being saved
with the exception of one valuable stal
lion owned by Milton Clark just re
turned from Steamboat Springs Colo
It was so burned before it could be re
leased that its recovery and usefulness
is in question On the barn Mr Barritt
places his loss at 5000 The building
was insured for 81500 and the stock
and contents at 1500 The fire at once
communicated from the barn and ad
joining sheds to his new residence on
3rd street west the dwelling was also
practically destroyed entailing addi
tional loss of 82000 on Mr Barritt
There is 1200 insurance on the house
and contents much of the contents of
the house being removed however
though not in the most presentable
The blacksmith shop and machine
shop of C A Deloy immediately ad
joining the barn on the east also suffer
ed damage escaping destruction by
favor of the wind however The dam
age to the building was largely confined
to the roof and will be covered by 100
fully insured The machinery and ma
terial inside were but slightly damaged
Until the Actual Arrival
of the new fall goods a few days only
we will continue the clearing prices on I
all the lines of summer goods remaining-
That gives you a chance yet on a few
Ladies and Misses washable linen
suits at half price the 8500 ones for
8250 the 750 ones for 8375 also wash-
able dress skirts the 125 ones89c Also
shirt waists the 8150 kind for 99c etc
Also 25e sun bonnets for 15c 12J4c
lawns and other wash goods for Gj c
These prices will not be open to you
after new goods are opened A word to
the wise The Thompson D G Co
Utmost Value
Excavation Completed
The excavation for the Phelps Com
mission Cos storage building on east
A street is finished and bricks are being
delivered on the ground As soon as
the steel arrives the structure will go
ahead rapidly
its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy thb famous Loomis high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
block escaped is a credit to the hard
and persistent work of the firemen and
the many citizens who worked like
beavers to save the day
There were a number of minor losses
outbuildings etc but nothing of note
Residences and yards several blocks
north of the fire zone were fired by fly
ing embers but the owners were on the
lookout and were wetting down their
roofs by using the lawn hose these in
cipient fires were easily extinguished
Electric light and telephone wires
suffered somewhat
The Burlingtons fire laddies and ap
paratus responded to the call and assist
ed nobly and effectively in confining the
fire to the limits
The city volunteer firemen worked
under some disadvantages hose difficul
ties and rather low pressure of water
due in part to long lines of hose and the
fact that many private users on that
street reduced the pressure but we are
to be congratulated upon the result
which was indeed fortunate under the
circumstances especially in view of the
stiff wind blowing toward the residence
part of the city
The pure food laws have largely stop
ped the sale of adulterated spices but
such laws can never stop the sale of
poor goods An apple is a pure apple
even if it is a gnarly tough shrunken
and tasteless one This is the same
with spices the most inferior specimens
will pass inspection so long as not adul
What you want is carefully selected
full flavored spices the best there is
We have them of superior quality
L W McConnell Druggist
In Honor of Miss Roller
Miss Virginia Moseley gave a 930
breakfast Friday in honor of Miss Ade
line Koller of McCook and Miss Helen
Taylor of Sparta Wis The house and
tables were beautifully decorated with
pink and white flowers Covers were
laid for eighteen Lincoln Journal
Glove Specials
We give special attention to the selec
tion of our mens work gloves 8100
150 or 175 buys the best glove on
earth for the money
Rozell Son
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
Larger Attendance than Last Year and the Interest Deepen
in0 in this Educating Entertaining System
Lectures Entertainments Music Moving Pictures All of Them Worth
While and Some ol Them Head Liners Give Our People an Uplift
and Inspiration During the WeekWhat of the Night
As we go to press this afternooD the
Chautauqua for 1909 isapproaching the
end An increased attendance has
marked the sessions and the attractions
have given quite general satisfaction
In the line of music we have had the
Alexander Jubilee Co the Kirksmith
Concert Co the Hesperian Male Quar
tette each company appearing several
times in popular and well received pro
The lecturers and lecture entertainers
have included such talent as Dr George
R Stuart Rev Father Daly Lou J
Beauchamp Shungapavi Co Hon
J Adam Bede Hon George W Thom
son Ernest Harold Baynes Hon Carl
D Thompson Marion Ballou Fisk
William Rainey Bennett an array and
variety and scope of lectures lecture
entertainments illustrated lectuies etc
calculated to suit the most exacting
And for the most part they meet every
reasonable expectation instruction en
tertainment inspiration and uplift
coming from each appearance
For this afternoon and pvening and
for the closing day tomorrow we have
the Helen May Butler Band and Dr
Peter McQueen Both ao head liners
and should crowd the tent
To night the matter of a Chautauqua
for next year will be presented and we
hope decided favorably for 1910
G A Folden annnounces that the la
boring men of the city stand pledged to
take 50 season tickets for a chautauqua
next year
One of the H C Rider buildings on
west 3rd street occupied by E F
Brunswick was damaged and the out
buildings to the place were destroyed
but 200 will cover the entire loss
upon which there is an adequate insur
ance The household goods were in
the main removed from this building
hence Mr Brunswicks loss is small
That the remaining three or
four dwelling houses on that side of the
We Quote the Followlug Prices
7000 yds best calicoes Simpsons
Americans Garners oto 5c
600 yards good yard wide muslin 5c
400 yds Stevens linen crashes 10c
to I3ic
1500 yds best apron checked ging
ham Gc
Lonsdale Cambric muslin 12J c
Other fine Cambric mucins 8c
to 10c
BeBt table oil cloth 15o
Peerless carpet warp per lb 21c
American A 2 bu bags 22c
Mens bibb overalls and jackets
good 39c
Mens best blue bibb overalls and
jackets G9c
Boys double front and seat over
alls 39c
Fine black yd wide taffeta silk G9c
FullMongth sleeve aprons 65c
6 big red handkerchiefs for 25c
Mens suits 500 to 1500
Boys suits 8175 to 750
New fall goods now on the way in
large quantities Your money goes
farthest here The Thompson D G
Co Utmost Value
We are authorized agents for all
books used in the city or country
schools We also handle the most ex
tensive stock in the country of all items
of school supplies
Everything is ready for the begin
ning of the school and we are prepared
to handle the trade of pupils rapidly
and accurately Special values in tab
lets and other supplies and an unlimit
ed assortment
L W McConnell Druggist
Increasing His Room
iJneburg Co have moved into the
west room of the Walsh building re
cently vacated by the Mission Inn and
H C Clapp has taken out the partition
separating his millinery department
from the room thus vacated by Line
burg Co and has incorporated the
space into bis millinery department
thus giving much needed room for that
expanding department of his business
Besides acquiring an entrance on C
street west as well as on Main avenue
Baby Thomas Buriea Here -
Marguerite E the three months old
daughter of Fireman and Mrs John H
Thomas of Lincoln died in that city
yesterday The little remains arrived
here this morning and were buried in
Longview cemetery this afternoon at
130 short services being conducted at
the grave by Rev Carman Sorrowing
parents have sympathy of many Mc
Cook friends
Typhoid Epidemic at Otis Colo
An epidemic of typhoid fever pre
vails at Otis Colo Agent T W Mor
ton of that place died at the home of
his parents in Stratton Tuesday Sec
tion Foreman A Gross died this morn
ing In addition there are 10 or 12
other cases The town has no water
works the supply being secured from
A Bargain
For immediate sale for cash one 1903
Model Reo touring car equipped with
top gas lights and extra tire3 complete
This car is in fine shape but must
sell a am going away
Elliss Garage
Norton Kansas
2723 Miles With Velie
and not a cent for repairs is the record
made with a car owned by J E Kelley
and driven by his son Charles They
have just arrived from their trip to
Denver and the mountains as we go to
press this afternoon
Plain Sewing Wanted
Plain sewing and childrens sewing
Prices reasonable At my home first
house east of Conductor James Burns
home east side Also want washing
and ironing Mrs Ed Jefeiues
Womans Suffrage Debate
About the middle of September an
other womans suffrage debate will be
held in McCook Mrs Matie Welles
affirmative Marvin Somerville nega
Ice Cream Social
Ice cream social at Zion Hill church
Thursday September 2nd for the bene
fit of the minister Everybody come
and have a good time
For Sale
My residence Hot water heat Mod-
Call and look it over
F S Wilcox
Gasoline Accidents
will not happen if you send your stove to
Graves for repairs 301 west 1st st
Two More Girls Wanted
to learn the millinery trade at H C
Clapps Apply at once
Did it ovor occur to you why
all good business men keup a
checking account with a bank
Woll toll you It enables thorn
to keep their funds in a more
secure place than the office safo
It gives thorn a better standing
in tho business world It enables
them to pay thoir bills by check
tho returned check boing an in
disputable receipt
And so it is with tho farmer
no needs a safer placo for his
money than some hiding placo in
tho house where it may bo
burned lost or stolen A bank
account gives him a hotter busi
ness standing in tho community
and a prestigo he may never have
enjoyed beforo
If your namo is not on our
books start a bank account with
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McIConna
Mrs Sarah E Griggs Answers the
Summons In an Omaha Hospital
Mrs Sarah E Griggs of our city
passed away last Saturday afternoon
in Immanuel hospital Omaha where
she was taken on Tuesday of the pre
ceding week for an operation and treat
An operation was performed on Tues-
dny morning of last week and gall
stones in numbers were removed But
the operation also disclosed the presence
of cancerous conditions which resulted
in her death on last Saturday
The body was shipped to McCook on
train 9 Sunday morning and was taken
to her apartments in the Menard build
ing on Main avenue awaiting inter
Tuesday morning at ten oclock sim
ple and brief services were held at the
home in cbargaof RvEdker Burton of
he Baptist church Rev and Mft
Burton sang a duet and Mrs Mabel
Clark a solo Many friends of the do
parted especially among the older resi
dents of the city were present at the
services and paid a last tribute of flow
ers and sympathy and love Interment
followed in Longview cemetery beside
the body of her husband who had pre
ceded her to the spirit land some eight
een years
Deceased has been a resident of Mc
Cook for the past quarter century and
has had a warm place in many hearts
all these years She leaves an only son
Bert who has in a special and peculiar
sense and quantity the sympathy of
every one
Mrs Sarah Bowen GniGGSjwas born
at Fond du Lac Wisconsin April 19th
1851 Died in Omaha Nebraska
August 21st 1909 Her husband pre
ceded her in death 18 years Departed
has been a great sufferer since last fall
and bedfast since June 1st She leaves
an only son Bert
Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc
Cook Nebraska 25 tf
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
Rooms For Rent in P 0 Block
J E Kelley phone 6
At the
New Studio
you can secure not only
a good likeness but
an artistic portrait in
the latest styles and
shapes and fancies of the
photographers art
900 to 500
Special attention to por
trait work and to chil
drens photographs
Every reasonable effort
to please and satisfy
E Schell Kimmell
First Door North
of Commercial Hotel