The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 19, 1909, Image 5

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This Is a Small Grain
and the price should encourage
farmers in sowing a large acreage
We anticipated this and are pre
pared to fill your orders for
Sucker State and
Columbia Drills
John Deere
Gang Sulky
and Disc Plows
John Deere
Rock Island
Columbia and
Ohio Dies
Moline and
Birdsell Wagons
Velie Harness
and Saddles
Special low prices on all of Q these-
goods will save you money
pbonesi McCook Hardware Co
Time Card
McCook Neb
No 6 ContralTime 1045 P M
16 0U am
j 5i0 a m
12 arn6Vl5pni 1 A M
ii 942 P M
10 600 PM
-No 1 Mountain Timo 115 p m
3 1142 P M
BarrlsaOp m
13 905 A M
15 1230 A M
9arr 910 am - - a m
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 420 p m
No 175 departs 710 am
Sleeping dininR and reclininpr phair cars
aeata free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggatie checked to any point in the Umtod
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Bud Bailey departed Monday night
on No 3 for Sheridan Wyo on a visit
Extra Agent Harry Lebaron and Miss
Edna Thompson of Indianola were mar
ried in Alma Monday of last week
Engineer and Mrs L S Viersen and
family spent last Sunday on the famous
Moffat line going to the terminus
Steamboat Springs
Mrs O Taylor of Havelock is the
guest of her brother Sam Pickard and
family of our city this week Mrs
Taylor was formerly Miss Mae Pickard
of Valley
Engineer Viersen and family arrived
home Tuesday morning from spending
a few days at Steamboat Springs on the
Moffat line L S thinks that section
and line of railroad cannot be excelled
in America
It will be a source of pleasure to his
friends here to learn that J D Young
has been appointed to a general fore
manship at Atchison Kansas and that
he and family will soon move there from
Alamosa Colorado
Thirty five hundred new cars have
been ordered by the Burlington the
biggest order of the kind the railroad
company has ever given The order
has been divided between Pullman
and St Charles Mo shops
Just Received
New Shipment
Becker Alayer
The unequaled - -
clothing for boys
at a usable price -4
Come in and
see them
The Leading Clothiers
Earl Playfoot of Corpus Christi
Texas is a new machinist in the back
Supt of Buildings and Bridges W S
Perry was at headquarters yesterday
going west on No 55
Mabin Salegiver of Moline Illinois
is a new machinist in the backshop
His family will soon join him here
Will Wiehe made the Mcffdt line visit
last Sunday going through to the
western terminus Steamboat Springs
Engine 13C9 will go out of the back
shop today Aftec a breaking in in the
local yards will be sent on to Deuver for
Engineer and Mrs J W Hasty and
children arrived home Sunday night
from their visit to Arapahoe relatives of
several days
Mrs Martin Scott came down from
Brush Colorado Wednesday evening
on No 10 on a visit to her mother Mrs
Rose Mokko
George Johnson who had been em
ployed in the machine shops at McCook
for some time returned home this week
Wray Gazette
Gus Walsh private secretary to Supt
Koller is away on a vacation of a week
or so and L W Stayner is on the pri
vate car meanwhile
Engineer and Mrs W H Dungan
and children arrived home last Satur
day morning from their outing of sev
eral weeks in Colorado
Joe Mokko chief clerk to Master Me
chanic Culbertson will depart Sunday
for Glenwood Springs and Salt Lake
City to be absent a few weeks on a va
Conductor A G King returned to
Omaha Sunday morning on No 2 to
be in the city at the operation which
was performed upon Mrs S E Grigg
Monday morning
Wm Baehr and bride ai rived at
the home of Mrs Baehr in this city
Tuesday evening of last week and are
enjoying a brief honeymoon at home
They will return to their home at Mc
Cook soon where they will begin house
keeping St Paul Republican
vv r ------ t w -- j aav tvt
f - s
SjSS w 4r feckex mates tea r
The Wonderful Feats He Performed
For Joseph Jefferson
There Is n story that Is told of Jo
seph Jefferson and the boys tuut und
to do with the training of doirs It
appears that there was a gentleman In
New Iberia who owned a very intelli
gent animal mid he was most anxious
for Mr Jefferson to see an example of
his prowess Accordingly he brought
him to the Island one day and put him
through his various tricks which were
remarkably clever
When the performance was over Mr
Jefferson expressed his appreciation
and wonder at what the dog had done
hut added that he bad an animal that
was even more remarkable As the
gentleman seemed to be in some doubt
as to the truth of this statement the
dog a dejected stupid looking beast
was produced and Mr Jefferson or
dered him to go into his room and
bring him a shoe
Obediently the dog trotted Into the
house to presently reappear with the
shoe In his mouth Taking it from
hiin Mr Jefferson patjed him upon
the head and told him to return to his
room and bring him the slipper for His
left foot
And mind you bring the left one
he cautioned as the animal trotted
When he returned In a moment with
the left slipper the gentleman could
hardly express his astonishment but
Mr Jefferson waved the matter Indif
ferently aside
It Is nothing said he However
we will now try something a little
more difficult Then turning to the
dog he spoke to him very slowly and
carefully Now go into the library
said he look upon the bottom shelf on
the right hand side of the room and
you will see a set of Dickens Bring
me the second volume Itemeinber
now the second volume not the first
or the third but the second
When the dog returned In a few
moments with the second volume in
his mouth the gentleman retired in the
utmost - confusion declaring that in
comparison with such a prodigy his
own much vaunted animal was little
better than an imbecile
And I may add that Mr Jefferson
enjoyed the joke fully as much as did
the boys who according to a prear
ranged plan had placed each succes
sive article in the prodigys mouth As
to the prodigy his one accomplishment
consisted of trotting into the house
and trotting out of it again Nevil G
Henshaw in Bohemian
Table Mountain
At Capetown in South Africa where
the traveler usually has the first
glimpse of the continent is Table
mountain a magnificent natural curi
osity which rises behind the city to
the height of almost 4000 feet and
has a level top about three square
miles in area Its resemblance to a
huge table is so marked that the
dense clouds which collect at times
around the summit are referred to as
the tablecloth A pretty little flower
which is found nowhere else on earth
grows on top while on the northern
side of its base is a similarly rare
tree popularly called the silver leaf
The Slow One
Would you he said after they had
been sitting in the dark for a long
time be angry with me if I were to
kiss you
She was silent for a moment Then
in tones the meaning of which was not
to be mistaken she replied
Why do you suppose I turned down
the light an hour and a half ago
And yet he wondered poor fool how
other young men who had started far
in the rear were able to pass him in
the race of life
A Chronic Grumbler
Charles Lamb tells of a chronic
grumbler who always complained at
whist because he had so few trumps
By some artifice his companions man
aged to fix the cards so that when he
dealt he got the whole thirteen noplug
to extort some expression of satisfac
tion but he only looked more wretch
ed than ever as he examined his hand
Well Tom said Lamb havenC
you trumps enough this time
Yes grunted Tom but Ive no
other cards
Not Desired
Having at enormous pains got her
length breadth and thickness about
right the woman heaved a sigh of re
lief No fourth dimension in mine
if you please she exclaimed with
unmistakable feeling
Some aver that the feminine mind
is not attracted by metaphysics any
way Puck
Will that young man ever go
home demanded the irritated head
Df the house
I guess so father replied the ma
rerfamilias He always has gone
Washington Herald
A Good Guess
Does your father know you smoke
little boy asked the inquisitive
I guess not replied the bad boy
He doesnt lock up his cigars De
troit Free Press
A Useless Rule
He teaching her bridge When In
Houbt its a good rule to play trumps
She But thats just it when Im in
Joubt I dont know what the trump is
-Philadelphia Record
Even when a woman thinks she Is
tvortk her weight in gold she would
hate to get too stout Philadelphia
A Habit Which Strengthens the Co
hesive Unity of the Nation
Less than half the members of the
United Stales senate and house ot rep
reseniatives are native born In the
states which they represent Nothing
could Inore clearly show the alert ae
tlvltles of te American people and
that constant Intermingling of the In
habitants of the several states which
adds so much to the cohesive unity ot
the nation The boy wlm goes to a
distant state often accomplishes mure
than the one who goes straight on in
the footprints of his father in ihe
home village Kven Daniel Webster
was not born in the old Bay State
whose Influence and dignity he so well
sustained and whose people mourned
him so sincerely when his great life
This wandering from state to state
has resulted in the organizing in New
York city of inaiiy state societies
which aim to gather together the na
fives of their respective states an
nually to revive the pleasant memories
of the old home days with their thou
sand clinging ties
What would happen If the Ameri
can people should cease to wander
about the country is a iiiestion often
asked It Is said that an eastern man
never amounts to anything until he
goes west and that a western man
has to come east fn order to attain his
full stature mentally The northern
man Is advised to go south to learn
gentle courtesy and chivalric bearing
the southerner to go north to add
more iron to his blood There can be
no doubt that this constant evolution
has encouraged the birth of new ideas
just as the whirling of the kinetoscope
developed a toy into our present won
derful moving pictures which gives us
glimpses of life in motion all over tin
world Joe Mitchell Chappie in Na
tional Magazine
Speed Manifested More In the Motions
Than In the Results
Barbers remarked the man with
the short hair are bom unable to
hurry Just you go iuto a shop as I
did the other day wanting a hair cut
and ask the barber how long it will
take He told me Oh about twenty
minutes and I said to go ahead
That barber honestly believed he
was hurrying but he couldnt leave
out those little snip snips about the
back of the neck they are all so fond
of doing and he had to cut the hair as
if he were chiseling priceless marble
When it got to be about half an hour
I said to him Youre a pretty bad
judge of time arent you He came
back with something about not want
ing to turn out a poor job
Ive known it to happen often in
the case of shaving When you tell a
barber to hurry he dashes around on
the tiled floor at imminent risk of fall
ing and he splashes the lather Into
yxmr eyes and your mouth but the fact
remains that he takes as much time
as usual to rub the lather into your
face and as much time to shave you
I begin to believe there is some
sort of rule regarding time that all
barbers observe because I have timed
them Once I asked a barber to hurry
shaving me and he had all the motions
but took up just as much time as
when he went along at his usual gait
I imagine they believe the customer
will be satisfied with the appearance
of speed and thats the reason they
ruu around so and breathe heavily as
if winded when changing from one
side of the chair to the other New
York Sun
Children of Criminals
It is a curious fact one all at vari
ance with the doctrines of heredity
but borne out by police records that
the children of crooks of all classes
rarely turn out to be crooks them
selves Deeper study of the subject
might reveal that they are possessed
of the criminal instincts but that the
tragically close example of the punish
ment and wretchedness that attend a
criminal career has been a terrifying
deterrent The fact at any rate re
mains The rogues galleries of Scot
land Yard New York and Chicago
may be studied in vain for the photo
graphs of a father and a son Argo
He Did His Part Thoroughly
In order to avoid an argument with
a woman suffragist on the subject of
her hobby a happy bachelor gallantly
acquiesced in the truth of her asser
But sir sternly remarked the
spinster your admission is anything
but creditable to you What for in
stance have you ever done for the
emancipation of woman
Madam responded the gentleman
with a polite smile and a bow I have
at least remained a bachelor
Seemed All Right
Mamma why dont you want me to
play with that Evudger boy
Because dear I know the family
He hasnt good blood in him
Why mamma hes been vaccinated
twice and it wouldnt take either
time Ladies Home Journal
Making and Earning Money
What is the difference between
making money and earning money
asked the youth
Sometimes the difference is a trip
to the penitentiary for counterfeiting
answered the home grown philoso
pher Chicago News
Enlightening Rollo
Father said little Rollo what Is
an egotist
An egotist my son is a burnt match
thiit thinks it was the whole
rks Washington Star
VION LACES and many interesting features
in their manufacture are on exhibition in one
of our show windows This display is educa
tional and every person should see it
From 3400 to 4500 bobbins are required to
thread one lace machine besides the beam and
warp making a total when the machine is
threaded of 13000 threads in actual work
When a machine is fully threaded there are
6700 miles of cotton on it enough to reach from
here to England and nearly back again
See the illustrations of the various machines
in operation where they take in the thread ancf
turn out the dainty attractive laces also skeins
of yarns yarn spools pieces of lace just as they
come from the machines Especially interesting
is the process of clipping scalloping and sepa
rating The exhibit is so unique and the values
so unusual that a visit will be of materi
interest to you
C L DeGroff Co
Immaculate Conception Academy
Hastings Nebraska
Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies and
Children Conducted by Sisters of St Dominic
Healthful location extensive and beautiful grounds Nesy
buildings with modern improvements Conservatory of Muses
and Art Studio Thorough Academic Normal Commercial anS
Preparatory Departments
For year book containing full information address
Immaculate Conception Academy Hastings Neb
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
True Davis W LJLozier D E Eikenberry
W F Everist W M VastineV
The United States Investment Co I
Dealing in All Kinds of
Colorado Irrigated
Lands a Specialty
Main Office at
Monte Vista Colo