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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1909)
f I J m v - TWENTY EIGHTH YEAK WHY Jw Buy Any Old Coffee When You Can Buy Blankes Worlds Fair Coffee Highest y Worlds 3 Awards O Fairs St Louis 1904 Portland 1905 and Liege Belgium 1905 25c and 35c per pound each the best to be had for the price F S VAHUE General Merchandise 223 Main Avenue Phone 47 Advertise mont Yoters and Tax payers of Red Willow County You are needed at the Primary next Tuesday that your vote may be register ed for clean and good men for office WHY Because the would be McCook Bosses are using every effort fair or foul to de feat as good upright and capable a man as ever held office We mean County Judge Joseph C Moore The gnng cant use Judge Moore therefore they dont want him These are the same men who gave Gossard his eecond term in which he embezzled over 6000 of the tax payers money the same men who for the office of Mayor of McCook defeated at two elections two clean lifelong Repub licans because they were opposed to lawlessness and houses of prostitution the same men who tried to vote in the City Election of 1908 foreigners who were not naturalized and they knew they were not qualifiedand were caught in the act by the undersigned the Bame men who turned back to the saloons nearly a dray load of beer without order from the court that had been seized in houses of ill fame in September 1908 and brought into court the same men who two years ago in McCook gave a Republican Sheriff 355 majority and at the same election gave a Democrat can didate for County Clerk 193 majority and are organizing to do the same thing this fall the same men who are still en couraging a business that has cost the tax payers of the county in the past two years some 3000 in court costs These men are now seeking to defeat at the primaries on August 17th your own honored and trusted J C Moore who two and four years ago carried every precinct in the county Will they do it It is up to you For the sake of honesty uprightness and clean politics get out to the primary and vote for J C Moore M B Carman McCook Neb Extract ot Witch Hazel One of the moBt useful remedies that can be kept in any home is a reliable ex tract of witch hazel It is one of the most perfect remedies for scalds and burns for wounds and sprains for lameness chafing etc It soothes and heals whenever applied Complete directions on every bottle L W McConnell Druggist Campbell Brothers Circus Campbell Bros showed to a good audience here Wednesday of this week The boys put up a fine show devoid of objectional features and hangers on en tertaining you all the timeare especially strong in acrobats While not in the premier class they are comers and give you the value of your money Fractured Bone In Wrist Frank Real had the misfortune to fracture a bone in his right wrist Tues day at Traer Kansas He was crank ing up the stationary engine at his ele vator there and the back - pressure caught his hand with the result above indicated Shirt Waist Reductions 125 kinds cut to S9c 150 ones to 99c 175 ones to 129 2 50 ones to 169 Net waists cut to 125 3 25 ones to 199 400 ones to 269 You will want your share The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale Gasoline Accidents will not happen if you send your stove to Graves for repairs 301 west 1st st 18c Misses Lace Hose For 9c in the Thompson D G sale Cos clearing ilicCo0h REXALL CREAM OF ALMONDS Not only promptly and effectually cures tan sunburn blotches and all other complexion blemishes but ueed before and after going out of doors it is a certain safeguard to the softness and beauty of any Bkin Prevents peeling and roughness allays all irritation and produces a pleasant sense of freshness and coolness L W McConnell Druggist MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE L D Vanderhoof was down from Haigler last Saturday Mrs A L Knowland has been visit ing in Denver this week Mrs George Scott of Brush Colo was a city visitor Friday last A L Overman returned Monday night to tbo ranch near Superior Mrs C D Ritchie returned early in the week from her visit in Iowa Mrs May Douglass returned home from her vacation last Thursday night Congressman Norris arrived home this morning on No 13 from Washing ton Mrs Sarah Haley and daughter Ber nadine were Lincoln visitors close of last week Miss Ruth Campbell arrived home last Friday night from her Aurora visit Dr J D Hare and Max arrived home Sunday from their trip to Seattle and California Mrs J A Gunn departed Tuesday morning for her home in Benson a su burb of Omaha A L Overman was up from the farm near Superior closing days of last week meeting oldtime friends Mrs E F Huber and the children arrived home end of week from their outing vacation in Colorado Clarence Rozell arrived home Fri day night last from his trip to the Seat tle exposition and the Pacific coast Mrs H D Stewart returned home early in the week from her sojourn in Boulder Colorado with her brother Oscar - Mrs S A Warner returned to Ad tigo Wis last week on account of her health Mrs William Raine accompany ing her Miss Viva Phelan arrived home close of last week from Alliance in time to participate vigorously in the end of the hay fever season Mrs L M Copeland came up from Minden Sunday night with her daugh ter Mrs J G Schobel whcm she will visit a few weeks M L Ruby returned Monday night from Lincoln where he has been re ceiving treatment and has undergone two operations for rheumatism Judge Jacob Fawcett of Omaha was a city visitor Sunday He is one of the eight Republican candidates for the su preme judgeship at the coming primary election Mrs Earl Murray of Wilsonville has been spendirg the week with McCook friends She leaves tomorrow morning for Imperial on a visit and will spend some time here again on her way home Mrs D E Bard entertained her friend Mrs Day of Portland Oregon last week Mrs Day has a Kincaid farm up in Chase county and other property in Nebraska which she has been looking after Mrs William Jeffries has been en tertaining her sister Mrs Bert Green and her daughter from ONeill Neb and nephew Clyde Gardner of Hamlet Neb They departed for their respec tive homes this morninj Mr and Mrs A C Ebert and fami ly and her mother arrived home on train 10 last Friday evening from their ab sence of a month at Seattle the North west and California They all had a fine time but were more than pleased to be back home Dr and Mrs W E McDivitt ar rived home last Saturday from their trip to the exposition the Northwest and the Pacific coast covering several weeks They also visited her brother Roy in the San Luis valley Colorado homeward bound Mrs S E Griggs was taken to Oma ha Tuesday morning on No 2 Mrs D W Colson and Conductor A G King accompanying her She will seek medi cal aid in a hospital for her health which has been failing for some time and has now reached an alarming state Mr and Mrs B L Webber arrived home last Friday from their vacation m vxuoraao urivmg bacK togetner as far as Haigler he entered upon Senior Annuals Ready All who havo subscribed for their senior annuals at 25c each may call at Woodworthf Friday August 20 It is desired that you tell your neighbors and friends who have subscribed to call at once and get their annuals Every one who subscribed for the annual at 25c will get one at that price This is not a money making proposition for any one as you will see when you get your books but a booster for McCook It will be necessary for the annuals to be turned into cash at once This price of 25c iB only available for those who subscribed last spring The regular price for those who did not subscribed will be 50 cents Remember the date and get your books at once your order to some traveling shark that is dont do it before you have seen our samples of such work at gotten our figures September First The McCook Commercial club will be able to assume possession of its hand some new quarters in the temple theatre building September first The finish ing touches are now being administered Some additional furnishings are ex pected soon The Exact Situation Fore seeing that another week of half price selling will easily clean up the very last jacket suit in our store we extend the time to that extent Any 500 suit for 250 Any 750 suit for 3 75 The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale 25 Percent Discount 25 On Straw Hats Two Piece Suits Alpaca Coats Summer Pants at Rozell Bargers The Leading Clothiers Land Bargain One of the best in Red Willow county 360 acre farm 16 miles from McCook Only 12 an acre if sold during August T A Haley Indianola Neb The Unexcellable Curlees A large new shipment of them just re ceived at the leading clothiers Rozell Bargers 250 and 500 Graves Ladies is an expert on sharpening shears Shears called for and delivered 301 west 1st st I desire to call the attention of my friends to my candidacy for the office of county judge Please do not neglect to go to the polls on election day and cast your ballot for me Norman J Campbell Pastime TheatreSatur his day Matinee and Saturday work at that place and she returned to Night AllgUSt 14th Extra the city by train They traveled by unnnHmmQ aA Ions programme Admis k i ui 1 uoo u uuiui men uut l Rev Hawkes Severely Cut Wednesday while burning rubbish at the parsonage Rev Hawkes received a severe cut in the face which will de tain him here until over next Sunday A corked bottle was among the rubbish which when heated exploded a frag ment of the glass striking him in the face with the result indicated It re quired some ten stitches to repair the injury Tne accident will be regretted by all Snipped Body to Kansas Mrs K Greninger of our city passed away Wednesday morning about seven oclock Departed was born in Pennsylvania February 22 1853 Her husband had preceded her to the spirit land Brief services were held at the home this afternoon at four oclock and the remains will be shipped on 14 tonight to Hiawatha Kansas for burial Scenery Has Arrived The handsome drop curtain and the different sets of scenery for the new opera house have arrived and the work of hanging the same was completed Tuesday evening to satisfaction of the board and all who witnessed the trial exhibition of the same that evening The scenery is modern and first class and would be a credit to any city theatre Cut Prices On Dress Skirts All our dress skirts are included in our clearing sale 125 washable ones cut to 89c 1 50 ones to 119 2 00 cloth skirts cut to 129 3 00 ones cut to 199 5 00 ones cut to 3 99 750 ones cut to S5 99 1000 ones to 749 12 50 ones to 899 Alterations free The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale If Your Tastes Are too fine for letter press printing if they demand engraving and steel die em bossing come and get our figures on such work Dont send away or give Ision 5c and ioc In Miss Budlongs Honor One of the pleasantest picnics of the season occurred last Tuesday evening in honor of Miss Carrie Budlong Invited to the home of Mr and Mrs Willetts for tea in the cool of the even ing she was surprised later on by the arrival basket laden of the P E Os A U K B I Ls visiting friends and children of the families Beiug in the nature of a farewell to Miss Budlong who is soon to leave Mc Cook there was an under current of regret to the event The chapter has foreseen her removal for some time but that does not in the least lessen their regret at losing such a willing faithful and efficient sister one on whom they have learned to depend in any emer gency and who has never been other ihan cheerful helpful and obliging The P E Os would fain create a new order the decoration of which should be T N F W TriedNut Found Wanting The best wishes of the chapter go with her to her new home and may P E O ever brighter there for her presence among them The P E O Sisterhood A U K B I L Advertisement For County Clerk I wish to call the attention of the Republican voters of Red Willow county to the fact that I am a candidate for nomination as county clerk subject to the decision of the voters at the primary election next Tuesday August 17th For several years I have been employed in C L DeGroff Cos general mer chandise store and need no introduc tion to a large number of the voters of the western half of Red Willow county who are ready to attest to my qualifica tions as a business man to fill the office of county clerk efficiently Bquarely and courteously 1 seek your support and if nominated wilt be elected and if elected will give the office my undivided time and atten tion and my best effort will be to serve the people of Red Willow county all alike and with the very highest possible efficiency Remember me at the primary next Tuesday C W McMillen Our Regular Staple Prices Simpson and American prints 5u Best apron check ginghams 6J4c Am A 2 bu grain bags 22c Best table oil cloth 15c Mens blue bib overalls 5 pockets 39c Mens blue jackets 39c Mens blue jacket and overalls heavy 69c Boys double front overalls 39c Childrens romper suits 39c 6 big bandana handkerchiefs for 25c 26 inch black parasols 50c Lace curtains per pair 50c to 6 50 Mens Stetson hats 3 69 Heatherbloom petticoats 2 25 36 inch black taffetta silk 69c 18 inch black satin 29c 16 styles mens hats at 1 50 Mens suits 5 to 15 00 Boys Knickerbocker suits 1 75 Good stout muslin 5c Your money goes farthest here The Thompson Dry Goods Co Utmost value MAKE A START IN THE ART If you cannot afford one of the more expensive cameras start with a cheaper one the cheapest is a good one far bet ter than the best a decade ago We are ready to help beginners at any time and can readily smooth out the trifling diffi culties that may be met Cameras from 100 to 2500 and everything else that amateurs need L W McConnell Druggist Notice Ordinance 97 relating to and regu lating the keeping and harboring of dogs by imposing a license tax on the keepers and owners will be strictly en forced Persons interested will do well to see to the securing of license tags for their dogs immediately as the city marshal has been ordered to dispose of all unlicensed dogs at once By order of Mavor and Citv Council Reductions That Reduce The following prices apply on ladies and misses washable jumper suits in our clearing sale 125 suits for 79c 150 suits for 89c 250 suits for 1 25 350 suits for 239 The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale Plain Sewing- Wanted Plain sewing and childrens sewing Prices reasonable At my home first house east of Conductor James Burns home east side Mrs Ed Jeferies Money To Loan On Farms See Rozell Barger at clothing store FOR SALE Thorough bred Jersey cow black 120 ribtttte Mccook red willow county Nebraska Thursday evening august 12 1909 Phone Patrons of City Schools The board of education has fixed the opening of school on September 7 It is much to be desired that all pupils are on hand and enrolled at the very first of the school year The same division of the city will be in effect next ear as in the past Main street will be taken as the divid ing lino between the east and central schools for attendance Examinations for those who wore un able to take the regular examinations last spring will be held at the high school room nine Friday third Any new pupils desiring entrance examina tions from other schools will take them at this time The examinations will be gin at8 oclock and last all day There are some parents who wish special help for their children in getting ready for these examinations Mrs May Douglass has been authorized to do that work for any who wish Mrs Douglass can be seen any time at the Monte Cristo The rules of the board of education require that all pupils be vaccinated be fore being admitted to school It would be well for parents to have this attended to before school opens in September Citizens of McCook and Red Willow county will be pleased to know that there will be an educational exhibit from Red Willow county at the state fair this year Besides the regular county exhibit McCook and Indianola city schools will have special exhibits When you are at the fait look up our exhibits Chas W Taylor Superintendent Ad ertisement The Roll Call The undersigned in the Republican County Convention held in McCook July 24th 1909 offered the following resolution Be it resolved That we commend our state senator Hon John C Gam mill and our state representative Hon Frank Moore for their good work in the last legislature especially for voting for County Option and the Daylight Clos ing Bill After several talks against the motion one by S R Smith and talks in favor of the motion one by J C Moore an amendment was offered to strike out reference to County Option and Daylight Closing A vote was taken which carried the amendment The candidates for county judge voted on this question as follows Against the County Option and Daylight Clos ing clause S R Smith and Norman J Campbell For County Option and Daylight Closing J C Moore Nearly all the delegates were from McCook M B Carman McCook Neb Pays the Best Price It is a satisfaction to know that when you bring your cattle and hogs to Mc Cook you can every day get the highest price the market offers The fact that D C Marsh is in the business u buy ing cattle and hogs assures this import ant matter Yon can find him at the Nelms feed store phone 186 or at his residence on north 1st street phone red 143 Try him Advertisement J A Question Mr SR Smith candidate for County Judge on the Republican ticket Did you not write a letter to a prominent Democrat of Bartley asking or suggest ing to him that he vote the Republican ticket at the primary on Aug 17th so he could help you M B Carman McCook Neb Burkett and the Dutch Test Dr W 13 Ely of McCook is stopping a few days in Lincoln for the mental refreshing at the assembly and the re freshing sleep one enjoys in this moder ate altitude It is good to see the doctor and to hear his voice again the only trouble is that you must often use vio lence to prevent him from talking poli tics Bix in Lincoln Journal Sportsmen Attention Mr George L Carter crack shot of Nebraska will exhibit his high class trap shotting on club ground at Mc Cook Friday August 13th All are in vited For further particulars inquire of McCook Hardware Co its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if you dont buy the famous Loomis high patent at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor Shorthand Pupils Wanted at the McCook Business College Stayner Williams John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank 75c Mens Straw Hats For 45c in The Thompson D G Cos clearing sale NUMBER 12 MORE BANK TALK FOR OUR FARMER FRIENDS Did it over occur to you why all good business men keep a checking account with u bank Well toll you It enables them to keep thoir funds in a moro socure placo than the office safe It gives them a hotter standing in tho business world It enables them to pay thoir bills by check the returned check being an in disputable receipt And so it is with tho farmer He needs a safer place for his money than some hiding placo in the house whoro it may bo burned lost or stolen A bank account gives him a better busi ness standing in tho community and a prestige ho may nover havo enjoyed before If your name is not on our books start a bank account with THE MCCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr directors J J Loughran P F McKenna Advertisement To the Voters of Red Willow County I am a candidate for a second term for the office of county clerk and if my work during the year and a half in which I conducted the affairs of the office has met with your approval I solicit your support for a re election The primary will be held Tuesday August 17 1909 at each voting precinct from 12 at noon until 9 in the evening and if you feel that I have done well enough so I should be entrusted with another term I ask your support at this primary This year all parties will have the same ballot having separate columns side by side and a voter makes his choice of parties secretly in the booth but he can not mark in two columns as that would be taking part in two conventions at the same time In case he does vote in two columns the law demands that his whole ballot be rejected In closing I pledge myself if re elected to conduct the office the same as I havo since I took possession of the same giv ing my whole time to the work and serve one and all in the same courteous man ner as I have in the past Yours truly Chas Skalla Chautauqua Tickets For Sale The Tribune has for sale tickets for the McCook chautauqua which will op en in our city Friday August 20th The tickets are now 200 for the season When the chautauqua opens the tickets will be 2 50 each Is Lowering the Floor The floor of the Morris building just vacated by Ludwick is being lowered to grade and the building will be other wise modernized and made attractive for merchandise purposes Legal Blanks Here This office carries all kinds of legal blank forms and makes special blanks to order promptly and accurately FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton Rooms For Rent in P 0 Block J E Kelley phone 6 Studio Is Now Open After some unexpected delays I am pleased to announca that 1 am now ready to receive work of all kinds in the line of photog raphy at my studio first door north of the Commercial hotel I shall make a specialty of portrait photography which I am prepared to handle in all the latest styles Your patronage solicited E Schell Kimmell First Door North of Commercial Hotel