The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 05, 1909, Image 7
A t Yes After All Its Vp to Vs PROGRESS which spells PROS PERITY is hut another way of spell ing PUBLICITY In ADVERTISING In making things known from man to man from wo man to woman lies the secret of SUC CESS for which Individuals and com munities seek The day of waiting for BUSINESS to step in at the door and SUCCESS to blow in at the window is past We must go out and corral BUSI NESS and coax SUCCESS And the one way to do It is spelt so RED WILLOW Mr Uerling is threshing at Charles Millers and Longnockers t Walter Helm is quite sick Amy and Marie Meyers and Blossom Longnecker all rode old Bell to Arch Hatchers and spent Sunday Mrs Ruggles and Ida called to see Mrs Longnecker Mrs Ben King and Mrs Meyers happened in at the same time so it was quite a treat to Mrs Longnecker to have her friends in as she is a shut in Dora Sawyer is helping Mrs Long necker during threshing Clarence Moean got permission from home at the last minute to stay longer so he ate his lunch at the house Mrs Owens Longnecker is on the sick list George Morris stopped in at John Longneckers out of a storm The storm blew over but he had a nice visit with Mrs Longnecker Mr Helm has got in the fashion He puts on an apron and helps churn NORTH VALLEY Miss Ida Richards helped Mrs E Edwards cook for the threshers last Friday Cbnrlos Bell visited Sunday with his cousins Joe and Jim Bowen Mr and Mrs Lockenour were on the sick list Saturday Mr and Mrs Philip Dietz of Orleans Neb arrived Friday for an extended visit with his brother John and wife George Oxley is umpiring the ball games nt Cambridge this week during cbautauqua There were two threshing machines at work in this vicinity the lattor part of Inst week which mado help hard to get for a few days The Cambridge Chautauqua opened up Saturday afternoon with a good at tendance considering how busy the farmers nre at present threshing their grain and cutting hay Lewis Oimstead wife and baby werb at Ed Edwards this last week Lewis was hauling water for the Edwards brothers threshing machine Miss Marie Oimstead visited Thurs day afternoon with Miss Beryl Bentley Elmer Bobbins and wife visited Sun day with Wm Nicholson Roy Campbell was on the sick list the latter part of this last week Miss Ida Oimstead helped Mrs E Oxley cook for the threshers Monday Glen Lockenour was on the sick list a few days the first of the week Jay Oimstead visited home folks Sunday Beryl Bentley and Marie Oimstead have the whooping cough at present Jimmie Casey is working for Ed Ed wards this week Everett Barber of Stamford Nob spent Monday night and Tuesday with Ernest Bell Joe Hiatt and family of Cambridge visitedSunday with Joe Saylor Ed Eigelhcff and family visited Sun day at Jake Kutzs Joe Saylor and Mr Shaub were Bart ley visitors one day last week Mr McCarthy and son Henry also Mr Miller all of Cambridge were out to Maurice Nicholsons Tuesday Mrs Ed Edwards was called to Lib erty Neb Tuesday on account of the serious illness of her father This vicinity was visited by a rain and wind storm Monday evening It rained hard for a while and quite a bit of water fell Some damage was done by the wind north of here L A Mick of Trenton Neb visited a few days the first of this week with his daughter Mrs Mark Ritble He was on his way to the eastern part of this state to hunt up a location for an other year Mrs Mayme Edwards visited home folks the first of this week DANBURY Minn and Leila Burwell of Franklin Nebr arrived for a few days visit with friends J II Wicks of Marion was a business visitor Wednesday Lucky Bills show will exhibit here Thursday August 5th The reports from other places give them a fine repu tation their show as being clean and moral Norman J Campbell of McCook was a social visitor last Thursday He is a candidate on the republican ticket for county judge F E LalFerty and Miss Maude Brott wore united in marriage by Rev Miller last Sunday Congratulations Mr and Mrs William Musgrove are the proud parents of a baby boy born Friday July 23rd Kelley Bros will have an exhibition all week demonstrating their Majestic rane stoves Mr Kenfield of Lebanon visited be tween trains with Rev Miller Saturday Nellie Lord will teach the Alex Brown school the coming year Danbury vs Bartley will play basket ball Tuesday evening August 3rd This is promised to be a very interesting game II O Castor of Oberlin Kansas was in town last Thursday billing this town for tho Chautauqua at that place Nellie Lord and Gaitha Noe went to McCook last Tuesday to take the teachers examination A fine rain Monday night Ellis Miles drove in from Mulberry Kas one day last week for a short visit with his brother Rex and other rela tives Marion edited their first paper entitled the Marion Citizen last Thursday It was a neat little sheet and heres suc cess to them Mrs Ella MacFee of Oberlin is visit ing at the W A Stone home R E Pogue of Bertrand was in town a short time Monday Wallace Billings of Lincoln came in the first of the week He is going to work on the dray line for J A Clouse R R Aman and family and M M Young and family took Sunday dinnei at the C W Rodgers home A gentleman was in town Monday posting bills for the Campbell Brothers show to exhibit in Orleans August 10th and McCook Wednesday August 11th BEST FOR CONSTIPATION We want you to try Rexall Orderlies at our risk We know there is nothing that will do you so much good We will refund your money without argument if they fail to satisfactorially relieve constipation They are eaten like candy They do not gripe or purge Ideal for children Two sizes ioc ani 25c L W McConnell The Rexall Store MARION About half an inoh of rain fell in these parta last mid week accompanied by severe lightning EE Blake worked with the Konnody thresher in the Fairview neighborhood last week Bert Powell of Danbury did some paper hanging for J II Wicks one day last mid week Mrs Joe Cheyhey of Wilsonville visited her sisters Mrs Roy Shorey and Mrs R E Bacon a few days last week Mrs Mel Rodabaugh and children arrived home Saturday from an ox tended visit with relatives at Norton and Lognn Kas B Y Darnell and family are visiting relatives at Minden Febr Harry Poolo and family visited rela tives at Hendley Nebr the past two weeks W M Deck and wife kept house for them while they were gone Ernest Schwitzberger moved into the house recently vacated by W M Deck one day la9t week K o Gore is thinking strongly of leaving Marion and going to Atlanta Nebr Frank Fields lost a fine cow by light ning in last weeks storm A J Greer and family are with us again after a few weeks absence in the country harvesting Milton and A J Greer were in Mc Cook business vistors Saturday Earl Pepper left on Tuesdays flyer to visit tho home folks in Missouri We now have a full fledged paper the first copy coming out last Friday with Frank D Greason publisher and Ken neth D Greason editor It is a newsy little sheet and they hope in the near future to enlarge it BARTLEY Frank Roberts of Hendley visited friends in Bartley Saturday The ball game last Friday between Holbrook and Bartley was a fine game Bartley 5 Holbrook 4 The Misses Emma and Lola Sheets of Beaver City have returned home after a visit here of several days with their many friends Ed Davis and Lillie Robinson return ed Monday from a business trip to Iowa Ex Congressman Bede of Minnesota visited his mother Grandma Bede his half brother Will Wight and other rela tives He is out on a lecturing trip and and is said to be a very Interesting speaker and noted for wit and humor Mr and Mrs A J Lohr were McCook visitors this week Mrs C M Babbitt and the little ones went to Cambridge Tuesday to attend the chautauqua the rest of the week The Bartley basketball team went to Danbury Tuesday afternosn They Uneeda Biscuit are made from the finest flour and the best materials obtainable That Makes them an ideal Uneeda Biscuit are baked in surroundings where cleanliness and precision are supreme That Makes them B eeaa Discuii are touched only once by human hands when the pretty girls pack them That Makes them Uneeda Biscuit are sealed in a moisture proof package Food Pure lemn That Keeps them Ftftftoffih M NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY i bad an enjoyable trip and lost the game 10 to 19 in favor of Oaubury The storm here Monday evening did some damage blowing down trees and telephoue poles One half inch of rain fell Hoppees barn was blown from the foundation L M Iliggins has been marshal of Bartley for over two years and perform ed his duties well and satisfactory to the law abiding public If elected sher iff he will no doubt be a true and faith ful servant of the peoplo As the days go by and tho primary draws nearor Judge Moore is be coming more and more the favorite of the people who want a true and tried man in the office of county judge Dr Arbogat has purchased a now auto and is now well equippod for busi ness We need a proprietor for our fine hotel County Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nebraska July 27 1000 Tho county board of canalization nnd assess ments met pursuant to adjournment present S Promer C B Gray and F S Lofton count y commissioners T A Endsloy county assessor and Chas Skalla county clerk ThoStato board of uuualization not havi nir made its report so that the county board coul d make tho lovy tho board on motion udjourn ed to meot August IS 1909 S Puemku Chairman Attest Ciias Skalla County Clerk McCook Nebraska July 28 1909 Tho board of county commissioners mot pu r suant to adjournment present S Promor C IJ Gray and F S Lofton county commissioners and Chas Skalla county clerk Not being able to allow any claims and issue warrants ou account of the Stato board not having made its report tho board on motio n adjourned to meet August 2 1909 S Premer Chairman Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk McCook Nebraska August 2 1909 Tho board of county commissioners mot pur suant to adjournment present S Promor C 1 Gray and F S Lofton county commissioners and Chas Skalla county clerk Tho minutes of tho meetings hold July 19 an d 20 were read and on motion approved Tho petition of Rudolf Luukwitz and others asking for the establishment of a public road was read and considered Tho board finds that all tho owners of land along the line of the pro posed road have given their consont thereto i n writing aud that the public good requires it and ou motion samo was granted establishing a public road as follows Commencing at the southwest corner of sec tion 19 township 3 range 30 and running thouco north on county lino between section 19-3-30 in Red Willow county and scctiou 21-3-31 in Hitch -cock county aud terminating at tho northwest cornerof soction 19-3-30 intersecting with tho public road on tho north side of tho 15 M right of way said road to be known as Road No 429 but it is understood that this road shall not bo opened or considered a road until tho county board of Hitchcock county takes con -current action in the matter The quarter annual reports of H I Peter son sheriff for feos collected up to July 1st 1909 were examined and on motion approved and ordered placed on file Tho following claims wero audited and al lowed and the clerk was instructed to draw warrants on tho road funds of the respective commissioner districts as follows CA Premer road work Commissioner District No 2 16 00 Thomas A Clnpp rood work DfntrIctNo3 5 jjq On motion tho boarl ndjournod to moot AuKUSt II 1909 S PnnMBK Chairman Attot Ciiaries Skalla County Clerk Picture framing Tho Ideal Storo Cash Register Stationery Received on account Paid out Cash Credit slips etc for Balo at tho Tribune office Per 1000 00c Hakes Kidnoys and Bladder Right nbrowm FRANK REISTLE ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER PnOHl MM 1420 24 LAWRINCL DENVER COLO MKQ kvtiiiwmrrriQ m 4 j b q 3 r i y rM l kj McCOOK Dr J O Bruce N JMud Miclclleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska H P SUTTON JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS JnnwWinWW NEBRASKA tFTPsK OSTEOPATH Telephone 55 McCook Neb it Office over ElecricTheatreon Main Ave DENTIST SitiAikikdjbA n j aaa jLjAji tjiiiuaMAd Dr Herbert J Pratt REGISTEEED GRADUATE Dentist Oflice 212J4 Main av over McConuells Drug Store McCook Neb Telephones Office 1G0 Uesidence Black 131 DR EARL 0 VAHUE Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 DP 1 in i DENTIST Phone 112 Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook Dr J A Colfer DENTIST Room Postoffick Building Phone 378 McCOOK NEBRASKA Ik 7 V VVVT mV IfVWVVVY riTVf VVVUM R H Gatewood i DENTIST Office over McMillens drug store J Phone 163 McCook Nebraska 3 kjuui J bLOit iiiLiuniin if ii tqf if a JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska CAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in PostofHce building C H Boyle C EEldred BOYLE ELDRED Attokxeys at I aw Long Distance Phone 44 Booms 1 and 7 second floor PoHtoffice Building MCLOOs ato BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease with Pure Blood