The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 05, 1909, Image 5
J y S i The Time is Past For handling cars that are not likely to give the purchaser satisfaction We have tried the entire field over for a car that is hound to satisfy We found that kind in the Velie Automobile and we keep on selling them Reasonable in Price Economical to Run Good to Get There and Good to Come Back A demonstration will cost you nothing Call or drop us a card Phone 3 1 McCook Hardware Co Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LtNE EAST DEPAET No f CentralTime 1045 P M 16 500 am 2 5H0 A M 12 arr 6 15 pm 715 am 14 942 PM 10 600 P M MAIN LINE WEST DEPART No 1 Mountain Timo 115 p m 3 1142 p M 5nrr850pm 930 A M 13 905 A M 11 1230 am 9arr910am 820 am IMPERIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 420 p M No 175 departs 710 am Sleeping dininu and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or writo D F Hostotter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Conductor Wyman has Herman Heg enbergers car while be is doing extra passenger work Conductor Enrigbt of the St Francis branch is laying off and Conductor JHerman Hegenberger has the run T J Frier general storekeeper for the Burlington became purchasing agent for the Wabash August 1st Agent George Scottr was down from Brush to help the band boys with their Bastings engagement Saturday and Sunday Mesdames W A Cassell and J M Matteson attended the session of the Hastings chautauqua Saturday and Sunday Frank Downs arrived from Pennsyl vania recently and has gone into the engine service as fireman He is a cousin of Mrs C L Fahnestock Aaron Conover of Salt Lake City Utah formerly of Red Cloud and for many years station agent for the B M is in the city He is looking fine and prospering Red Cloud Com -Adv Engineer Barney Lewis is laying off for a spell He the wife and two chil dren departed Tuesday night for Salt Lake City Utah where they will take in the great national encampment G AR Just Received New Shipment of Becker Mayer Viking System The unequaled clothing for boys at a usable price Come in and see them Rozel Barger The Leading Clothiers FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC HELP WANTED MALE The U S Navy offers exceptional opportunities to young men 17 to 25 years old men with trade up to 35 years old Good opportunity for education and promotion Must be American citi zens Minors mubt have pnrpnts certi ficate of age Pay from 1760 to ovtr 577 00 per month with practically no expense Visit or add rs U S Navy Recruiting Station Potnffice Building Hastings Nebraska 7 29 8t Lost Pair of rimless eyeglasses and small day book containing bills of lad ing and receipts Leave at postoffice Reward J W Amspoken For Rhnt Good houpe 902 3rd at E Phone cedar 9S3 M rs W H ickling House for rent New 5 room cottage with bath Inquire of O N Rector phone red 349 For Sale lwo good driving horses Good single or double One extra good under saddle P E Potter 1004 Main For Sale At a sacrifice complete and elegant Mission fixtures for confec tionery store Also every necessary utensil used in manufacturing ice cream and candies of all kinds Good location Handsomest fixtures in S W Neb W M Morrisej aeent McCook Neb For Rent Four nice rooms Call at 1002 2nd street east Lost Strayed or Stolen A blue Belden setter bird dog Suitable re ward for his recovery and return to C A Rodgers Ray Jordan is calling nights for the enginemen Conductor George Martin is off sick and Bentley has his car Dispatcher V C Euans is home from his short vacation in the east A fine nine pound boy was born to Mr and Mrs II L Loshbaugh on the 29fch Typewriter ribbons for sale at The Tribune office vwJ35KcW5355wSS i -- v- tmm 1 w u CKEXI oacAo ssssas Pit - jjjSr t k x x v m r vAvvn I r MAYER CO Campers Unique Bag Common twenty five cent grain sacks make good duflle bags for campers They houd uot be tied at the mouth when ready for shipment but sewed shut Tills method Is a damper to cu riosity and pilfering These sacks serve many uses lu camps They take the place of and are better than bas kets for carrying provisions etc Stuff ed with browse they make a good pillow long enough for two They make good sleeping bags also for aft er wrapping up lu a blanket pull a bug over your feet and you can roll from side to side without losing cov ers One of these bags can be made Into an easy chair very nicely as fol lows Sharpen two poles at one end aud tie them together loosely at the other end Plant the sharp ends In the ground three feet apart and lean the roped ends against a tree Lash each corner of the bag to the poles with cords at a comfortable elevation Tie pebbles in each corner to keep the cords from slipping If you dont make a chair sit on a folded bag dont sit on the ground Recreation The First English Bible The first complete Bible printed in English was Issued In 1535 without any publishers name on IL It was the work of Miles Coverdale who incorporated with revisions Tyndales books of the New Testament of the Pentateuch and of Jonah and for the rest translated from German and Lathi versions It was thus only partly original and in that part just a translation of a translation No per fect copy of this Bible is known to ex ist Coverdales Bible is called both the treacle Bible and the bug Bible from two curious renderings The passage in Jeremiah which we now read Is fhere no balm In Gilead is rendered Is there no more treacle In Galahad And in the Psalms Thou shalt not be afraid of the terrors by night reads Thou shalt not nede to be afrayed for any bugges by fttabt fti tte tttai Wsabn Put theiu in feus O Lord l indbsod by Coverdale as Set a schoolmaster over them Undue Haste No doubt Dennis apreciated to the full the excellent qualities of Celia his wife but he occasionally indulged in a sigh for the liberty of his years of single blessedness YIs tis a good wife she makes me he said to a re turned traveler during whose absence the wedding had occurred And we was c oorting siventeen years Aileen an all o the rest said twas time I married or Terry Leahy would be get ting the prize away from me Well man youve no regrets 1 hopeV said the friend who had just enjoyed a delicious supper at the hands of Celia Shes a fine woman Didnt I tell you that said Dennis impatiently The only thought 1 iver have is wance in awhile whin it comes over me that I might ve waited an other year an still have got her for Terry was not near so liiirli in her es timation after all as thim women made out t me A man in love is always hurrying hurrying ye mind Youths Compan ion Prevaricating Figures Those to whom the mathematical mind has uot been given will appre ciate the fun an Irishwoman Mrs La Touche of Harristown has with num bers in The Letters of a Noble woman I do hate sums Mrs La Touche confesses to a friend There is no greater mistake than to call arithmetic an exact science There are permuta tions and aberrations discernible to minds entirely noble like mine subtle variations which ordinary accountants fail to discern hidden laws of num bers which it requires a mind like mine to perceive For instance if you add a sum from the bottom up and then again from the top down the result is al ways different Enough to Scare Any One While out walking with her papa and mamma one day Florence aged four ran some little distance ahead As she got near a mule hitched to a farmers wagon the animal began to bray She wheeled instantly and run ning to her mother as fast as she could go said in round eyed astonish ment Oh mamma sumfln said sum fin Delineator A Mean Revenge You seem to be considerably elated over something Yes 1 have a friend who is almost stone deaf I took him out home with me last night and my wife had to sit there all the evening and merely nod and smile while he talked Chicago Record Herald She Knew Him George dramatically You have de cided that I must give her up Fare weli then mother There Is nothing left for me but to go out and destroy myself Mother Goodby Not a min ute later than G for dinner George A Foible Father said little Rollo what is a foible A foible my son is something somebody else is interested in and youre not Washington Star His Means of Support Magistrate Have you any visible means of support Prisoner Yus yer wushup To his wife a laundress Hemmar stand up sos the court can see yer Throne and Country Dont try to drown your tumbles In the flowing bowl Troubles are ex pert swimmers New York Life DRUG DREAMS Queer Visions Conjured Up In th Brains of Daring Experimenters An experimenter with the Mexican drug mescal is rewarded by uiuuy and varied visions Before him Hit myriads of dainty butterfly forms glis tening Iridescent Ilbrous wings of Insects revolving vessels on whose highly polished coucuve surface of mother-of-pearl many strange and vivid hues play There are elaborate sweet meats lu endless and appetizing va riety and living arabesques of gorgeous hues and superhuman design lie may take up a pen for the pur pose of making notes but will llnd himself unable to use It A pencil however proves easy of manipulation As he writes his paper Is covered with a soft golden light and his hands seen Indirectly appear bronzed scaled fantastically pigmented and Hushed with red Tiring of the visions he may light the gas which immediately tills the room with a glorious radiance while wonderfully colored shadows of red green and violet tilt here and there Generally it Is said no feeling of de pression or physical discomfort fol lows the dream A medical experimenter in Kentucky soon after taking a large dose of hash eesh began to feel very excited a feel ing of Inner Joyousuess possessed him all fatigue seemed banished forever and his mind ran riot one bizarre idea after another rapidly passing through his mind Later his brain appeared to split in two parts one of which urged him to the performance of comic restures while the other as insistent ly hinted at impending death and sug gested restralut aud instant medical advice While waiting for a doctor he experi enced alternate spells of lucidity and periods when all connections between himself and the outside world seemed Jo be severed when a chaos of disjoint ed ideas aud wild reveries obsessed him The duration of these latter periods was never longer than two minutes but each seemed an eternity It appeared a hopeless task to follow the minute hand of his watch during its infinite round long before the sixty seconds had elapsed he gave up the stupendous task in deep despair The 1 t l i llll Ul llltT UULLU1 IICUI UlILtU - with the return of the feeling of ini it pending death tense MAKING GOLD LEAF The Metal Is Beaten For Hours by Men Then Finished by Girls In one of the downtown business streets may be seen sticking from one of the upper windows a massive arm and hand the hand grasping a huge hammer aud the whole sign gilded It is the sign of the gold beaters estab lishment where thousands of the gold sheets are turned out after having E now most horribly In fe I- He imagined himself surrounded bVj llllUlllH llll UUUU Ul IHJJ t IBtllll monsters He felt himself expanding dilating dissolving into space as he ascended steep precipices covered with Crobdignagian creatures some what like lizards overhanging been packed by girls Gold leaf is packed more by the aid of the breath than by the hands The operation of transferring a sheet of I almost transparent gold leaf from one place to another is so delicate that it is possible to do it only by a light puff of the breath It takes most girls six weeks to acquire this knack and some girls are never able to acquire it The gold reaches the beaters Grst in wide bars or nussets and has to be weighed melted and made Into inch wide ribbons before anything else is done The ribbon is then cut into inch squares and beaten with a hammer wielded by a man When each leaf has been beaten thin it is transferred to a mold where it is beaten four hours more The beating is done with a wooden hammer weighing from seven to eighteen pounds on a sheep skin cushion which rests on a granite block The gold used for beating is usually 22 or 23 carats fine A little alloy of copper or silver is added to make it spread It would be impos sible the beaters say to handle per fectly pure gold After the gold has been beaten it is handed over to the girls who lift the unshaped leaf from the mold with a pair of wooden pinchers flatten it out on a sheepskin cushion by gently blow ing on it cut It to a perfect square replace it between the leaves of the book and flatten it out with the breath There are twenty five leaves in a book and a skilled girl can pack sev enty books in a day for which she gets from 2 to 3 cents a book New York Times Logical Result On the notice board of a church near Manchester the other day the fol lowing announcements appeared to gether A potato pie supper will be held on Saturday evening Subject for Sunday evening A Night of Ag ony Manchester Guardian In Later Years We remarked the young married woman try to see how few quarrels we can have in a year We said the old married woman try to see how few cooks Louis ville Courier Journal She Does Suffragette We believe that a wo man should get a mans wages Mar ried Man Well judging from my own experience she does Boston Tran wtint 7 i K wwnnifH iy ttwityvinnwv yryu m rvvvv ryyiny y wwr wyyiTyfli whelmed by a horrible rending un Jt llffntn lil Ijcti in Irtno i IIl uiiviuuiv vu4iii luii uib At o xnu nr une SpecialSale of Gingham 10 cent worth 12Jc and 15c Special Mens Shirts Choice cents ImJTKE J5Rl Jylk See our Line of Hair Rolls Switches and Puffs twjti jLaauuiajiv i duj aitMittuititii i ihwit ri Immaculate Conception Academy Hastings Nebraska S t - C L DeGroff Co 1 is wymWMK torn Boarding and Day School for Young Ladies and Children Conducted by Sisters of St Dominic Healthful location extensive and beautiful grounds New buildings with modern improvements Conservatory cf Music and Art Studio Thorough Academic Normal Commercial and Preparatory Departments For year book containing full information address MOTHER SUPERIOR Immaculate Conception Academy Hastings Neb THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies True Davis W LLozier W F Everist WM Vastine t D E Eikenfcerry The United States Investment Co I Dealing in AllKindsof REAL ESTATE Colorado Irrigated Landsa Specialty Main Office at Monte Vista Colo