The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 05, 1909, Image 1

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V5 -
Buy Any Old Coffee When You
Worlds Fair Coffee
Highest o Worlds
3 Awards J Fairs
St Louis 1904 Portland 1905 and
Liege Belgium 1905
25c and 35c per pound
each the best to be had for
the price
General Merchandise
223 Main Avenue
Phone 47
What The Campbell Brothers Have Ac
complished In the Past Twelve
Years Is Miraculous
As the Campbell Brothers Great Con
solidated shows are to be in our city on
Wednesday August 11 a few words
in regard to the start and enlargement
of this show might be of interest to
our many -readers Some twelve years
ago they launched a small show with
the motto attached Honorably Con
ducted Truthfully Advertised This
motto has made the show what it is to
day Their shows have always been
conducted on a high moral plan they
never having allowed any gambling
short changing or petty thieving in or
around their shows Being imbued with
the spirit of progression after 5 years of
hard work and strict economy they be
came the proud possessors of their first
elephant and camel The opening of
the show the nest spring was to them
the proudest day of their lives From
that time on every dollar made has been
invested to the bettering of the show
from one they have increased their ele
phants to a large herd also their camels
To those of our readers who have
never had the pleasure of visiting a
circus in its winter quarters a descrip
tion might be interesting Campbell
Brothers winter quarters are situated on
a beautiful farm one and one half miles
from Fairbury Neb on the Little Blue
river The first building to attract your
attention as you approach the farm is
the mammoth horse barn wherein dur
ing the winter months are stabledtheir
250 head of horsas which are used with
the show Nest to the barn stands a
large building made of concrete blocks
known as the cat building which is the
winter home of their lions tigers leop
ards cougars hyenas monkeys birds
and so on Next to this comes a large
frame building known as the elephant
house the home of their herd of per
forming elephants Then comes the
camel barn the Shetland pony barn and
the ring barn This latter building
would be of special interest to any one
as it is where cake walking horses the
dancing elephants and Shetland ponies
are taught their tricks and where the
ladies and gentlemen riders who appear
before you in their costly wardrobe and
pleasing acts practice during the winter
There are many different departments
with a circus each one having its mana
ger and assistants The system is con
ducted on a plan or system equal to that
of our Uncle Sam else all would be
confusion Think of your family in
creasing to 300 people to feed three times
a day of moving your effects which it
takes 25 cars to hold a mile set qp your
house entertain 5000 people tear it
down again move back to the train and
railroad 100 miles to the nest town and
do it every 21 hours and you may have
some idea of what it is to handle a circus
remalejfflMp Wanted
A hired girl oryftbman to help my
mother keep house for me I will pay
good wages to the right party Write
the undersigned at Superior Nebraska
R F D No 2
A L Overman
Gasoline Accidents
will not happen if you send your stove to
Graves for repairs 301 west 1st st
A F A M Meeting
Special meeting of McCook Lodge
No 135 A P A M Tuesday August
10 at 800 p m Work in F C degree
By Order of the W M
C L Fahnestock Secy
Hastings Comment on Our Band
The band concert in the auditorium
Saturday evening drew forth the larg
est crowd that had up to that time been
present at any program It was estima
ted that over 5000 persons listened at
tentively te the unusual program given
by the Weber male quartet and the Neb
raska brigade band The band grac
iously offered to givo an informal open
air concert at 530 yesterday Sunday
afternoon before their departure later
in the evening for McCook This ex
cellent band has given the Hastings
chautauqua people two days of enter
tainment which will not soon bo forgot
ten The sacred concert on the Sab
bath day was especially in keeping with
the order of the day their selections be
ing perfectly adapted to a Sabbath per
formance Hastings Daily Republican
Persons who remained from the chau
tauqua Saturday night missed a rare
treat in the concert by the McCook
band and the Weber quartet It was
originally intended to have the Weber
quartet and their reader give the entire
evening entertainment but when Secre
tary Turner learned the reader was not
coming he arranged to have the McCook
band share in the program Each org
anization seemed bent on securing the
greatest applause and the rendition of
the program assumed something of the
character of a contest The audience
was in a responsive mood and every
number was enthusiastically encored
The selections were of a popular order
and altogether the entertainment was
one of the best ever given on the local
chautauqua platform
For so small a town as McCook to
have a band like tho one brought here
by Mr Sutton is nothing short of amaz
ing and to the leader is due a large part
of the credit for the excellent work of
his musicians Mr Sutton is a band
man of long experience Before going
to McCook he was for several years with
the Sells brothers circus band He is
now engaged in the jewelry and musical
instrument business but as a diversion
ho devotes a large part of his time to
the band work Hastings Daily Trib
Expects to Commence Soon
The Tribune is pleased to announce
that the H G Phelps Commission Co
expects soon to be able to commence
work on their storage house at this
place Work on the blue prints is pro
The probabilities are that they will
receive from the Burlington building
space between the Barnett Lumber Co
coal yard and the Real Easterday
elevator on east 1st street While not
as desirable forthe purpose as the space
between the beer storage houses and
the section house on west 1st street
this will fill the needs of the commis
sion company and when formal per
mission is granted they will commence
at once the erection of the building
which will be 36 x 81 feet in dimensions
and modern fire proof to a large ex
tent etc
Civil Service Examinations
Competitive examinations under the
rules of the U S Civil Service Com
mission will soon be held throughout
the United States
In Nebraska such examinations will
be held in Grand Island in the fall
They will cover some fifty different posi
tions Date will be made known at the
local postoffice at a later date
Licenses to marry issued by the coun
ty judge since our last report
Roxie Gentry 22 and Leona E White
19 both of Indianola
Fred L Hoagland 24 and Agnes M
Vontz 16 both of Indiangla
Union Services
Union services will be held Sunday
evening in the Methodist church at
815 sharp Rev George B Hawkes
will preach This will be Bro Hawkes
last sermon in MeCook Let all come
out and here him Special music
Legal Blanks Here
This office carries all kinds of legal
blank forms and makes special blanks
to order promptly and accurately
John Cashen Auctioneer
Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Graves is an expert on sharpening
shears Shears called for and delivered
301 west 1st st
Hammocks Cheap
To close out stock McMillen Drug
gist is making very low prices on ham
Shorthand Pupils Wanted
at the McCook Business College
Stacker Williams
McMillens Cream Lotion will remove
tan and sunburn
Puss In Bots
This pretty fairy ei yaganza was
put on the boards heref st Thursday
evening by local talent under direction
of the owner and manager Mr M J
Lee of Richmond Va and for the bene
fit of St Albans Episcopal church of
our city
It was elaborately staged and hand
fomely costumed and the result was a
very satisfactory very pretty particu
larly creditable when the smallness of
the stage is considered and the number
in the personnel
There were a number of curtain
risers before the principal production
of the evening
Miss Leah Fennell sang O Promise
Me effectively
The Lilliputian Wedding was win
some with its sixteen tots and their
fetching gowns
The Sculptors Dream was especial
ly appreciated
Between acts Mrs Jessie Davis sang
I Love Thee Ardeti with finish
and power
There were a number of piano selec
tions Mrs W B Mills and Miss Emma
Burrows offering a duet March of the
Pilgrime Nevin Miss Deborah Heon
man Salut a Pestb Howalski Mrs
Mills Grand March de Concert
The drills were particularly meritor
ious also embracing the hoop drill and
the scarf drill the clover drill and last
but not least the rag doll drill They
all drew applause from the appreciative
audience and deservedly
In toto it was worth while The
only regrettable circumstance was the
rather limited attendance atributable
no doubt to the very threatening weath
It is gratifying to learn that the ladies
in charge of the production realized
quite well financially
His Last Sermon
Rev G B Hawkes of the Congrega
tional church will preach his last sei
mors in our city next Sunday In the
morning at his own church and in the
evening at the Methodist church where
union services of the Methodist Baptist
and Congregational churches will be
held He will leave some time next
week for Sutton where he will begin
his pastorate on Sunday August 15th
We wish him success in his new cnurch
home Rev Hawkes has served this
church as pastor with success for the
past four years and his friends will wish
him continued success in his new church
25Percent Discount 25
On Straw Hats
Two Piece Suits
Alpaca Coats
Summer Pants at
The Leading Clothiers
Is Very III
Friends and acquaintances of Rev A
Simpson of Cambridge will be sorry to
learn of theserious illness of the rever
end gentleman who has been pastor of
the Congregational church for several
years and is much beloved
What About This
We offer for six days closing with
Wednesday August 11 one lot of
Ladies and Misses Washable Jumper
Suits of our regular 8250 value for 125
a suit The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Clearing Sale
its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy the famous Loomis high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
To My Patrons
While I am ill I have arranged to
have my work go on as usual
Mrs S E Griggs
500 Jacket Suits tor 250
in The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Clearing Sale
For Rent
Two desirable office rooms en suite in
Electric Theatre building
McCook Hardware C
25c Sun Bonnets 15c
in The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Clearing Sale
200 Shirt Waist Suits 129
in The Thompson D G Cos Clearing
Buster Brown put in a big day at the
Model Shoe Store Monday
McMillen druggist is serving the
famous Franklin ice cream at his foun
tain Can furnish cream in quantity
oa take orders for brick ice cream
Quality like blood tells Quality ex
plains the well earned popularity of the
Famous Loomis High Patent Fours
Sold by McCook Four and Feed Store
Mccook red willow county Nebraska Thursday evening august 5 1909
Not Standing1 Room
Enrekas second chautauqua which
began last Thursday afternoon with
Alexanders Jubilee singers and will
close to night with a concert by tho
Helen May Butlor Band has been a sig
nal success Immense crowds have at
tended the sessions every afternoon and
evening and there has been little criti
cism of the offerings and much praise
and commendation for the Redpath
System for its talented lecturers mu
sicians and entertainers
The Redpath people brought to Eu
reka this year the largest canvas with
a comfortable seatiug capacity of 1600
but this big tent has been taxed to the
utmost to accommodate the public and
at many sessions people have stood out
side the canvas or sat upon the grass
because there was not room within
Eureka Herald July 8 1909
A Bargain
I have received on approval one set of
American Encyclopedic Dictionary in
five volumes and half morocco binding
Price S20 50 This didnt fulfill my re
quirements It might be what you want
To save return expense the company has
authorized me to make a 10 day price of
815 cash Will deliver at McCook free
Call or address
A M Benjamin R F D No 3
McCook Nebraska
Rev Hawkes and Wife Surprised
The parishioners and friends of Rev
and Mrs G B Hawkes surprised them
Wedesday evening after the regular
prayer meeting service Light refresh
menta were served by the church mem
bers and friends and a social hour suit
ed to the farewell occasion ensued
About three score were presentshowing
an active and earnest interest in the
occasion and respect and good wishes
for the retiring pastor and wife
Ordinance 97 relating to and regu
lating the keeping and harboring of
dogs by imposing a license tax on tho
keepers and owners will be strictly en
forced Persons interested will do well
tG see -to the securing of license tags for
their dogs immediately as the city
marshal has been ordered to dispose of
all unlicensed dogs at once
By order of Mayor and City Council
Is Always a Treat
Dr Peter MacQueen is a traveler who
has had many novel experiences and
his talk is always a treat to his hearers
His description of the wild life in Africa
appeals to all people alike MacQueen
tells us of a wonderful country in a
wonderful way Newton Evening Kan
san Republican July 13
Improvements Are Progressing-
The work of putting on the steel ceil
ing for the Drebert Clothing Co is now
progressing and other considerable im
provements in the interior of that store
will follow in order It will be one of
the best appointed clothing stores in
Nebraska when completed
A Magic Healer
McConnells Horse Liniment is in
valuable on the farm It is a perfect
remedy for barb wire cuts strains
bruises or injuries of any kind It
keeps out germs and insects prevents
the formation of pus and heals without
inflammation Price 25 cents
Mr Stayner Resigns
L W Stayner resigned the position
of court reporter effective August 1st
and Judge Orr has appointed C A
Rodgers his successor effective August
1st For the present at least Mr
Rodgers will also continue as clerk of
the district court
Captivated Hastings People
The McCook band played at the
Hastings Chautauqua Saturday-Sunday
and as usual captivated their hear
ers The boys acknowledge no superiors
in Nebraska
For Exactly Half Price
For six days closing with Wednesday
August 11th we will sell our 8500
Washable Jacket Suits for 8250 and
the 3750 ones for 375 The Thompson
Dry Goods Co Clearing Sale
5c Lawns for 3c
5 or 6 styles yet obtainable in the 5c
lawns at 3c The Thompson Dry Goods
Co Clearing Sale
125 Jumper Suits for 79c
in The Thompson Dry Goods Co Clear
ing Sale
Honey To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Barger at clothing store
at Graves second hand store August
7th Everything for cash
Thorough bred Jersey cow Phone
black 120
Our Regular Staple Prices
Simpsonand American prints
Best apron check ginghams
Am A 2 bu grain bags
Boat table oil cloth
Mens blue bib overalls 5 pockets
Mens blu3 jackets
Mens blue jacket and overalls
Boys double front overalls
Childrens romper suits
6 big bandana handkerchiefs for
26 inch black parasols
Lace curtains per pair 50c to
Mens Stetson hatfl
Heatherbloom petticoats
36 inch black taffeta silk
18 inch black satin
15 styles mens hats at
Mens suits 5 00 to
Boys Knickerbocker suits
Good stout muslin
Your money goes farthest here
Thompson Dry Goods Co utmost v
6 50
3 09
2 25
1 50
15 00
1 75
Boys Did Themselves Proud
The members of company M arrived
home last Thursday evening from
their annual encampment at Ashland
this state They received quite an
ovation at the train the band being
among those present to greet them on
their return
The youngest company in the encamp
ment the boys of company M rendered
a good account of themselves in all de
partments and were complimented
The Tribune believes the people of
McCook have much to be proud of in
their national guard organization
We congratulate the boys and Cap
tain Scott on the good words we have
heard from their first annual encamp
There should be a bottle of hydrogen
peroxide in every home Peroxide
as it is called for short is coming into
universal use as a germacide antiseptic
and purifier It destroys all impurities
is invaluable as an application to
wounds is the most efficient mouth
wash as it destroys all bacteria and
purifies the breath saves the teeth
cures sore throat and is a family medi
cine chest in itstlf In 25 and 75
cent bottles
L W McConnell Druggist
Pays the Best Price
It is a satisfaction to know that when
you bring your cattle and hogs to Mc
Cook you can every day get the highest
price the market offers The fact that
D C Marsh is in the business of buy
ing cattle and hogs assures this import
ant matter Yon can find him at the
Nelms feed store phone 186 or at his
residence on north 1st street phone red
143 Try him
Fine Local Shower
A fine local shower visited this city
and immediate neighborhood Monday
afternoon There was just a suggestion
of fine hail and considerable wind but
no damage worth mentioning beyond
some broken limbs on trees over the
city Some fruit was blown off the
trees also
Another slight shower of limited area
Tuesday evening
If Your Tastes Are
too fine for letter press printing if they
demand engraving and steel die em
bossing come and get our figures on
such work Dont send away or give
your order to some traveling shark
that is dont do it before you have Been
our samples of such work art gotten
our figures
Mrs Fred Krause of Kansas City
Mo is visiting her sister Mrs Polk
Mrs Will Archibald and son Fred
are home from their visit in Chicago
W F Everist was down from Colo
rado early in the week on real estate
Miss Florence Rosebush had the
misfortune to fracture her nose this
Mrs Henry Witt and daughter
Sallie were guests of Mrs William
Jeffries close of last week
Frank Burbridge has returned to
the city and is now employed in the
Okerson Hegenberger barber shop
Mr and Mrs Cliff C Brown are
making life just as comfortable as pos
sible for that fine lad who arrived at
their home Wednesday afternoon
Miss Mary Sullivan and MiBs Alice
Marquissee were guests of Mrs William
Jeffries Wednesday Friday of last week
on their way home from attending the
Kearney State Normal school Miss
Marquissee has taught school for the
past six years and will return to Kearney
in the fall to take the examination for
a life certificate
At this season of tho year when
you farmers are realizing on your
seasons crop wo wish to remind
you that it is our purpose to
handle any business ontrustod to
us in such a fair and liberal
manner to make tho customers
relation with this bank satisfac
tory and profitable
Aside from the oxcollont facili
ties afforded this bank has tho
advantage of a largo Capital and
a constantly increasing Surplus
Better consider opening an ac
count with
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
To Voters of Red Willow County
Not being able to see all personal ly I
take this means of reminding you that
the Primary Election is near at hand
being set for the afternoon and evening
of August 17th and that I am a Repub
lican candidate for re election to the
office of county judge If elected I
shall continue to give my entire time to
this office and invite investigation as to
my work in office so far
A word to new settlers Have lived
here 30 years mostly in the extreme
eastern end of the county where the
people have petitioned for my re-nomination
claiming that their locality is
entitled to be represented in the County
Court House
I believe experience is valuable in auy
calling and that mature and conscien
tious judgment on the part of county
judge is required in the care of minors
and orphans the appointment of guard
ians and in the adoption of children
and in other responsible duties pertain
ing to this office
Whoever you may desire to vote for
let me urge you to como out and vote
at the Primary Election Aug 17th
Yours very truly
J C Moore
For Quick Sale
Being about to leave McCook will
sell remaining Wallace Nutting water
color pictures 25 per cent off Good se
lection left Also Ridpath Library of
Universal Literature 25 beautiful vol
umes at one fifth the original price
Rev and Mrs G B Hawkes
Came to the Meserve ranch in
Valley Grange precinct about July Is t
3 yearling steers and 4 yearling heif e r3
Owner can have same by paying ex
penses and for this notice
J W Peabody
Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc
Cook Nebraska 25 tf
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
225 Fancy Parasols for 149
in The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
Clearing Sale
Rooms For Rent in P 0 Block
J E Kelley phone 6
Studio Is
Now Open
After some unexpected delays
I am pleased to announce that
1 am now ready to receive work
of all kinds in the line of photog
raphy at my studio first door
north of the Commercial hotel
I shall make a specialty of
portrait photography which I
am prepared to handle in all the
latest styles
Your patronage solicited
E Schell Kimmell
First Door North
of Commercial Hotel