f f V J u tK 7 f v t v Thought Microbes In a Drop of Ink When applied to the newspaper page they make people think twice First people think theres a man who keeps up witli the procession Second they think good goods on hand he must keep Again if the home paper has enough drops of advertising ink on its surface to make a proper showing the outsider thinks this must he a pretty lively town Thus a drop of NEWSPAPER AD VERTISING INK Is a good thing for the town GRANT Jacob Wesch and sons sold and de delivered a bunch of cattle to Ilelph Everist Friday John A Hoffman is working for Jacob Wesch and sons at present Mr and Mrs Jacob Wesch were called to the home of P H Blunck Sunday P II having met with an accident Fri day Harve Rowland started to thresh Tuesday John II Wesch who had sent in his order for a new tbreshingmachine has cancelled same being ordered by the doctor not to be around the dust of the machine his eyes being in a bad shape W II Tiemier of Sioux Falls S D will work for John H Wesch and brother Ernest Peters is making a special trip over to Kansas about once a week George Schreiber is staying at Aug ust Wesch s now BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES disease with Pure Blood DAHBURY Dave Boyer who has boon visiting at Beverly Nob returned homo last Fri day Dr Strain of Oborlin was in town on business Friday J L Novvmnn W H Harris W H Kolloy J J JTarnall Ed Eno and Ohas Hendricks wont to Cambridge Satur day to fish on the Medicine creek These parts vero visited by a fine rain Saturday night The bands new instruments arrived Monday There are 26 pieces Now is when the people will bo tired of hearing the boys music Harvest is over and you now can hear the roar of the threshing machines Mr Speaso of Lincoln has boon hired to teach school the coming term There was a surprise party given at the II V Lord heme last Tuesday night About a hundred and fifty participated and all departed at a late hour wishing Mr Lord many more such birthdays It E Pogue of Bertrand Neb was transacting business in town Saturday Mrs Ida Cass and daughter Velma who have been visiting relatives here the past two or three weeks returned to their home at Humboldt Neb Sat urday Jerome Remington who was in swimming at BeverlyNebandgot hurt two weeks ago Sunday died at Omaha Saturday at 8 oclock and remains shipped hore Monday and the funeral held at two oclock in the Congregation al church Intorment was made in the Hamburg cemetery Mrs M Harbaugh of McCook is visit ing her folks Mr and Mrs J A Mc Guire Preston Rollins and Bob McWilliams of Indiauoia were over Sunday social visitors Cliff Sipe of Bartley came over last week to run the Duff grain olevator Several mot aud opened up the new road and built the bridge Monday This will make a nice road for the farmors to haul their wheat to town and their coal outof town If you are all run down Foleys Kid ney Remedy will help you It strength ens the kidneys so they will eliminate the impurities from the blood that de presses the nerves and causes exhaus tion backache rheumatism and urinary irregularities which sap the vitality Do not delay Take Foleys Kidney Remedy at once A McMillen Have you a farm to sell or exchange It costs only a cent a word per day to run an advertisement in the Omaha Bee It will reach over 40000 sub scribers and is almost sure to find a buyer Write today t rx BARTLEY Will Flint came in from Omaha Sat urday and left Monday fur Denver on business Herb Burton had the misfortune to broak his leg again last week It was broken in the same place several years ago Mrs Anna Dragoo of Lincoln is here visiting her mother and other relatives Street Commissioner Ebeka is doing some good work on the streets Mrs F A Hodgkin went to Platts mouth Saturday called there by the illness of her brother in law Jacob Sten ner who for many years was a resident just south of Bartley Mrs Hodgkin arrived at his bedside at 5 p m Satur day and JVlr Stenner died at 7 p in Mr S1 was one of the pioneers of thiH ouLty his father was killed by the Indians during the last raid they made down the Republican Valley He was a brother of Mrs Toogood of In diauoia E E Smith Bhipped three cars of now wheat to Kansas City last week receiving a top price for the same He paid one dollar per bushel for the wheat the highest price paid at any station in Red Willow or Furnas county A very nice little show was here Fri day night and amused the people with the trick pony and trapeze performance They were a nice quite lot of people Leo Axtell is visiting his sister Mrs Ruby The Missos Emma and Lottio Sheets of Beaver City are here visiting friends Mrs J C Shoemaker of Puyallup Washington and Mrs Elmer Thompson of Indianola visited friends in Bartley Monday New wheat is yielding from 15 to 30 bushels to the acre Elder Cox of the Christian church of Indianola preached here morning and evening and in the afternoon Officiat ed at the ordination of G K Miller to tho ministry T A Endsley and N J Campbell of McCook wore in Bartley last week in the interest of Mr Campbells candidacy for county judge He made many friends here and will receive a good vote Mrs Wilson and daughter of Cripple Creek visited a few days with Mr and Mrs G WJones who where neighbors to them in Burlington Neb Mrs Wil sons husband was deputy sheriff dur ing the Cripple Creek strike and was killed there No matter how long you have suffer ed Foleys Kidney Remedy will help you Mrs S L Bowen of Wayne W Va writes I was a sufferer from kidney disease so that at times I could not get out of bed and when 1 did I could not stand straight I took Foleys Kidney Remedy One dollar bottle and part of the second cured me entirely It will cure you A McMillen JtlWMWy NORTH VALLEY Willie Warnke visited Sunday with his parents south of Cambridge Mrs W W Bell and son Ernest visit ed the Pea Ridge Sunday school Sun day afternoon Jesse Read Davo H inkle and Wm Bell are through stacking their grain W J OBrien Elmer Robbins George Bentley Walter Latham Ed Eigelhoff and Mr Loc Konour are still stacking but will probably finish this week A rain of an inch or more fell hore Saturday afternoon and night It is worth a good many dollars to this part of the country as the corn millet and cane were beginning to need rain badly Mrs Chas Ginther and son Harry were Cambridge visitors Saturday Chas Bentley has his motor cycle in running order again and was put home on it Friday afternoon He was storm- stayed by tho rain Saturday and had to be taken back to Cambridge after tho rain was over Threshing commenced in this neigbor hood last Thursday Wheat is making from ten to fifteen bushels per acre so far and is selling at 90 to 93 cents per bushel Frank Jennings had a force of men out working tho roads in this vicinity the first of tho week Mr Loc Konour had a stack of oats fall over during tho storm Saturday afternoon A Kuhlman had a horse bitten by a snake Monday Mrs Eliza Bowen and son Joe took dinner with Mr and Mrs Chas Gin ther Monday Charles Ginther lost a valuable young horse from lock jaw Monday afternoon caused by running a sliver of wood in its shoulder several days ago The Iliatt girls of Cambridge who have been visiting Miss Bessie Saylor for some time past have returned home Mr and Mrs W W Bell visited Thursday with Mrs A Utter and pick ed some choke cherries before returning home Geue Collicott and wife visited in In dianola Sunday Joe Saylor aud daughter Bessie spent Sunday with Maurice Nicholson and wife Grace Kuhlman has been staying with her sister Mrs John Dietz tho past week Mr and Mrs George Oxler and chil dren arid Miss Ida Richards visited at Ed Edwards Sunday Mary Hardy visited Mrs Anna Rob bins a few days Lewis Olmstead and wife of Lincoln Neb spent Sunday with her parents Ed Edwards and wife Mrs Catlett of Bartley visited her daughter Mrs Georgia Walkington last Thursday Mr and Mrs Joseph Walkington have returned from thoir extended western tripjnnd wero cut to Sam Walk ingtong Monday RED WILLOW Farmers aro through threshing and now it is putting up alfalfa then thresh ing It is almost impossible for housewives to get help through the busy time Mrs Kreider ia visiting hor mother Mrs Hatcher Miss Claudia Hatcher is taking her vacation with her aunt in Sterling Colo Clarence Moean who has boon visit ing his aunt Mrs Owens Longnecker returned to his home in Decatur Illi nois while his mother will remain dur ing the summer Mrs Neel and her sister Mrs Lane of St Louis called to see Mrs Longnecker on Friday GERVER We find our precinct together with many others was not represented at the county convention Mrs R E Lant returned Tuesday from her Illinois visit She reports things as flourishing AIox Ellis started his thresher fore part of tho week beginning at Lants latter part The various candidates are getting busy and requesting aur support It is your duty to find out all you can about their true worth and standing BOX ELDER Miss Mary Dixon of Alma is visiting her aunt Mrs F G Lytle Charles Stewart of Nevada and sister Miss Millie of Alma are visiting their grandmother Mrs Martha Johnson and other relatives Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold A S Nusbaum Batesville Indiana writes Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so distress ing that it interfered with my business 1 had many of the symptoms of hay fever and a doctors prescription did not reach my case and I took several medicines which seemed only to aggra vate it Fortunately I insisted upon having Foleys Honey and Tar It quickly cured me My wife has since used Foleys Honey and Tar with the same success jjjgff m has actually been changed B JJwy Q an cuvatecl by Uneeda t Jmt I SIS I oner are People vis Jffiv satisfied with crackers i fmf of illP taken from the grocers raV Im 31 lilC box barrel or exposed to ll Ml Natfrtti duSt moisture handling M IM iidllUIl They have learned that yft AJK the only crackers that are iMl W crisp tender always fresh Ml Hj ad really good are those I protected by a moisture vEy Ml ilililPte proof package These H Mf are the kind they et iS immf as Just from the oven IMI A McMillen If you need help of any kind tell aB many people as possible There are more than 40000 people who subscribe for the Omaha Bee You can tell them all for one cent a word per day Write today Typewriter ribbons papers etc for sale at The Tribune office mi Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right Real Estate Filings Tho following real estato filings havo been mado in tho county clerks ofllco since last report Mitchell U Cljdo et ux to Charles W Kelloy wd to 0 in 21 McCook 3000 00 Wm Sullivan ot ux to The Bar not Lumber Co wd to n 12 ft of 10 in 27 McCook 1550 00 Levi D Gaddis et ux to Samuol S and Florence Whitfield wd to no qr20 4 27 -1000 00 John Fahrenl mch ot ux to Dorsey II Shepherd wd to 5 0 in 3 Willow Grove add to McCook 1200 CO Lincoln L ind Co to Julia A Ryan wd 2 in C 1th McCook 250 00 Fresh fruit always in season at Ilubers REFRESHES THE SCALP Almost anyone may -rid themselves of dandruff and scalp irritation and prevent baldness if they will use Rexall 93 Hair Tonic We are so certain of this we guar antee to return every cent paid us for it if it doesnt prove satisfactory Try it it our entire risk Two sizes 50c and Sioo L W MoConnoll Tho Rexall Store McCOOK ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER PrlONE 1114 1420 24 LAWRENCE DENVm COLO iiuqni LLUHJPiai II Middleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook Nebraska EL P SUTTON N JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA Wif t ti wW 1 r p IliWn v uvflVrfflri f Dr J O Bruce OSTFOPATH Telephone 55 McCook Neb Office over ElecricTheatreon Main Ave iCkjkl rtfcUitiLaLVjjMi if iMji jjijijjr DR EARL 0 YAHUE DENTIST Office over McAdams Store Phone 1 90 ftSSIM I ill 31 UI53 DENTIST phokb 112 Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook Dr J A Golfer DENTIST Boom Postoffice Bcilding Phone 378 McCOOK NEBRASKA TKrvvrfvvtivrfirflYVPwJiivitri F R H Gatewood I DENTIST r Office over McMillen s drug store r Phone 163 McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska EAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postoffice building C H Boyle C EEldeed BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance Phone 4 t Booms 1 and 7 second floor Postoffice Building MCLOOK Iieb it