The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 22, 1909, Image 7

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What Changed the
Old Tows Name
He wouldnt advertise
So along came Mr Strong
And took him by surprise
Mr S as you may guess
Was strictly up to date
Knew the game and played the same
At early hours and late
Strong is still in WAKEFTJLVILLE
The merchant of the town
He advertises and still surprises
Such chaps as Mr Brown
If people with symptoms of kidney or
bladder trouble could realize their dan
ger they would without loss of time
commence taking Foleys Kidney Rem
edy This great remedy stops pain and
the irregularities strengthens and
builds up these organs and there is no
danger of Brights disease or other seri
ous disorder Do not disregard the
oirly symptoms A McMillen druggist
Monarch Silver Bell
White Satin spell success in
bread and cake baking Buy the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
CURES disease with Pure Blood
Mrs Millie Billings was a Traer Kap
business visitor lust Wednesday
Kennedy Bros exhibited their wagon
show here last Wednesday There was
a large crowd out to see the show Tbi y
have the beat little show traveling
J G Evers of Valpariso was in town
on business last week
Several from here attended the races
at McCook I a tit week
Mrs Ida Cass and daughter were
Marion visitors last Wednesday
W T lientjn was a Kansas City vis
ltor returning home last Wednesday
Edna and Beth who have been taking
treatment at that place accompanied
him home
Dave Boyer departed last Thursday
for an indefinite visit at Bbverly with
J L Sims was a McCook business
visitor last Friday
Danbury has organized a first clas
band and they have sent for their instru
ments consisting of twenty -four pieces
of which more will soon be coming in
Clarence Young and Al Gotchall were
lndianola visitors Monday
The wbb an old gentleman from Lin
coin came here to unload a separator
Sunday and while unloading the team
hitched to a wagon standing i ear ran
off and hit him in the bend the wagon
running over his ankle and side He
was bruised quite badly
Quite a number of people in this vi
cinity are through harvesting But the
corn needs a little rain
Rollo DeM iy has been catching quite
a number of fish these days Ho caught
twenty three last evening
Word was received here from Beverly
that Jerome Remington is getting bet
Ralph Boyer went up to McCook
Tuesday night on a trip
The basket ball girls are practicing
every night and they will soon be ready
for another game
Wayne Hethcote substitute for route
No 2 is going the trip the last six days
Ed Young has been helping Rhea
Oman harvest the past week
The Duff grain elevator opened up
Monday They will soon be ready for
Just wait until the band instruments
get here The people will be willing to
give them a sack of flour a piece to keep
their mouths shut
Mrs Pete Ohehey and daughter Mary
visited with Mr George Hardy last
Thursday afternoon
Another fine rain fell here last Thurs
day night
Mrs George Bentley was on the sick
list Friday pf last week
Ernest Bell helped A W Crowley
put up alfalfa Saturday
WmWarnke has sold his farm known
as the Casey place aho his crop imple
ments and live stock to John Ogorzolka
of Cambridge for 2000 00 who took
posSS ion at once Mr Warnkp moved
Monday to the J A Scott farm souh of
Dave Kinkle returned from Holdrege
last Thursday night on No15
Mr and Mrs James Madison visited
in Hartley Sunday with J V Carna
ban and wife
Mrs Hardy and Mrs Eteelhotr visited
Mrs Warnke Sunday afternoon
There has been a good deal of sickness
reported in this vicinity the pa9t week
Mr and Mrs Bell visited their daugh
ter Mrs Charles Ginther last Thurs
Jack Cianser of Cambridge helped
Walt Latham harvest his wheat aid
cultivate his corn last week
Mrs Gardner is visiting with Mrs
Madipon this week
A good many of the farmers in this
neighborhood will stack their grain be
fore threshing it Several commenced
stacking Monday
Mm Anna Robbins visited homefolks
Miss Leona Crowley and brother
Linus were on the sick list Saturday
Ed Edwards expects to get his thresh
ing machine started by the middle of
the week
Henry Kuhlman and family spent
Sunday with Richard Burton and wife
George Bentley and wife visited Sun
day afternoon at Al Brooks
Charlie and Ernest Bell are helping
Jess Read stack wheat this week
Mrs Pierce Oxley who has been sick
for over a week with symptoms of ty
phoid fever is improving at this writ
Have you a farm to sell or exchange
It costs only a cent a word per day to
run an advertisement in the Omaha
Bee It will reach over 40000 sub
scribers and is almost sure to find a
buyer Write today
A good rain would be beneficial to
corn just now
A numher of harvesting machines
were running Sunday Nothing is
gained by Sabbath work but consider
able is lost in various ways
Jacob Rowland is helping George Sig
wing during harvest
It is with regret we learn of the ex
pected resignation of our mail carrier
P E Potter He was a genial accom
modating and trusty employee of Uncle
Sam and it will be no small task to re
place him
Pete Rowland has left the employ of
F M Austin
Myrtle Sigwing has been staying with
her grandmother for some time
Harvesting is about completed and
grain is quite promising considering
the previous two years
Cliff Sipe weut to Danbury Tuesday
to take charge of the Duff elevator
Miss Bess Crews of Culbertson visited
a few days here with the Misses Grace
and Lena Flint returning home Tues
Lute Flint was up from Arapahoe be
tween trains Sunday
Harvey A they of Wauneta was a few
days business visitor last week
C M Brown and Robt Mousel of
Cambridge were recent visitors in Bart
Lena and Grace Flint left Tuesday
afternoon for Lincoln where the will
make their borne for a few months and
maybe permanently
New wheat is on the market at SI 00
per bushel It is of good quality
weighing sixty pounds and over to the
bushel Will White threshed out a
field Monday and Tuesday that made
30 bushels to the acre Barley is aho
yielding well and we never had better
oats Corn prospect is good for a
bumper crop a few rains in season is
all that is needed
Mr Meachemsnew house is going up
and just on the section north Mr Caton
is having a fine residence and outbuild
ings put up
Tne contest at the M E church
Tuesday evening was a pleasant affair
A fair sized audience was present and
all nicely entertained
We need a few more men to do the
harvesting and threshing and other
work now in progress
y H 19 L rt V 0
a w nai rnarcps rnpm rnp npsr snna rrarK pr ever nairn k a
t W - w w w vww hS W T WX bMllWV A t
What makes them the best soda crackers baked
What makes them the only choice of millions
What makes them famous as the National Biscuit
National - Biscuit - Goodness
isjt -
Everything is booming bore Evon
candidates for office are booming thoni
selvos and it is truly surprising how
many are anxious to servo the dear peo
The commissioner deal looks like a
race with an attempt to pocket Premer
with Goben and Shoughroe Thoy arn
all good men and any one of them would
serve the people well When it gets to
be Judge Grissel and Sheriff Higgitm
Bartley will lose two families who must
if elected move to tio county capital
Dr Fred Premer of Haiglor and Miss
Lelia Fidler were married Wednesday
at the home of the brides parents Mr
and Mrs R C Fidler Rev Hageman
officiating These worthy young people
have ljved and wooed from childhood
patiently awaiting the time when they
could go to their own home to live in
comfort and happiness We wish them
the fullest realization of their expecta
Charley Skalla was in Bartley between
trains Monday afternoon
Mr and Mrs Soxson were business
visitors at McCook on Friday
Noah Sawyer went to Center Point
Saturday night on business
Mrs Moran went to Indtanola Satur
day with Louis Longnecker and wife
Farmers are very busy in the harvest
Gelds and horses are pretty well worn
Thos Kinghorn died laBt week and
was buried at Indianola A large dele
gation of Masons attended
Mr and Mrs Clark Mrs Guttridge
and little son and Ruth and Mr Cal
vins brother took dinner at Owens
Longneckers Sunday And the spring
chicken and ice cream O my
Mr and Mrs Smith and Miss Lida
and Mr and Mrs Sexson called at
Owens Longneckers Sunday afternoon
Mr and Mrs Callen of McCook spent
Sunday with Mr and Mrs J K Gor
Rev C L Rubottom was sick and
unable to fill his appointments Sunday
D B Doyle Jr had the misfortune
to fall and hurt his back so he had to
go to the doctor Monday
A W Campbell took his granddaugh
ters Loretta and Bernice Richey to visit
J L Campbell and family at Odborn
The young people are arranging for
an ice cream social at the church Sat
urday evening July 31 Everybody in
vited to come
A Correction
We desire to correct the statement
made in last weeks paper concerning
the 4th of July celebration at Marion
There was a good crowd present ex
tra good considering that towns on
either side of us celebrated some com
ing from a distance of twenty miles
Splendid order was maintained through
out the day A good stand was on the
ground Ice water was furnished free
to all hay was furnished for all horses
free and temporary tables erected for
the convenience of the crowd
The ball game in the afternoon was
free The program was well rendered
The Womans Christian Temperance
Union furnished the music The
Declaration of Independence was read
and several other patriot selections
given after which every one joined in
singing America Clyde Wright gave
the oration of the day It was free
from politics and has been highly spoken
of by our most intelligent citizens At
four p m Mr Wright gave a lecture
on Socialism He had a eood audienne
and held them throughout his address
The only thing to be regretted is that
the knockers who have not advanced
in ideas since the days of their grand
fathers couldnt have heard Mr Wright
He was a gentleman in every sense of
the word and a thinker turned loose
It seems illy put that those who oppose
free speech should talk of Independence
Day As to the poor judgment of
the committee there are some men in
our burg and community who are in
telligent and conservative and willing
to let each person think and act acccord
ing to the dictates of bis own conscience
Our celebration was not a grafting
scheme it was a clean orderly patriotic
picnic Any person on the ground was
entitled to shade ice waer hay for his
team and admittance to the ball game
free of charge
Dont be a knocker
By order of the 4th of July committee
Marion Nebraska
Delay in taking Foleys Kidney Rem
edy if you have backache kidney or
bladder trouble fastens tbd disease up
on you and makes a cure more difficult
Commence taking Foleys Kidney Rem
edy today and you will soon be well
why risk a serious malady A Mc
Millen druggist
Legal Blanks Here
This office carries all kinds of legal
blank forms and makes special blanks
to order promptly and accurately
Typewriter ribbons papers etc for
sale at The Tribune office
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
S Conducted
by the McCook W C T U
Dr Aked the noted Englinh proacher
now in New York who has delighted
Epworth Assembly audiences in hiH ad
dress before a larye 111110 meeting in
that city said W EngliHlvrnen have
been taught to regard American women
bh the picked women of tho world It
seems strange to find such woTion dis
franchised left fir behind by leas favoi
ed women of less pufrrsHivn countries
and curiously indiffirent to tho fact
The scepter is passing away from you
women of America and other women
are to do tht worlds work to which you
were orimnnlly called Countries which
you have iHughed at is old fogy are
making their women citiz iiH and you
do not seem to care You havo beon tho
freest the most favored the best edu
cated of womaikind but you cannot
rule by virtue of the paHt It cost the
women of Massachusetts fifty five years
of agitation t securo the law making
mothers iqual gunrdiatib with tho
fathers of their children The women
of Colorado placed thtit law on their
statute books one jear after their en
franchisement Only thirteen states
have made mothers equal guardians
with the fathers of their own children
Five million women in thid country are
working for wages and not one has a
voice in making tho laws which vitally
affect her condition of lifo and employ
The government of many of our
cities is a byword on the face of the
earth Our politico need some new
breath of interest of conscientiousness
and patriotism Why do I expect women
to be less corrupt and less corruptible
than men Because they are less ignor
ant less drunken and less criminal
The drunkenness of American women is
notoriously insignificant compared to
that of American men Only fij per
cent of our criminals are women Wo
are told that the home is womans
sphere and I acknowledge it What
must it mean for a mother who is her
self a citizen trained and intelligent in
the duties of citizenship to train those
young minds
An immense petition for equal suffrage
will be presented to Congress at this
sesHion Dr M Carey Thomas presi
dent of Bryn Mawr college and Miss
Mary Garrett the philanthropist were
the first to sign this petition
Nebraska women have been doing a
good part to lengthen this petition and
so they will work and pray until the
day comes when womens hands shall
be unshackled for the performance of
her whole duty in the protection of tho
home and her obligation to society
Rexall Orderlies are exceedingly pleas
ant to take and areiueal foradmt or child
They act directly on the nerves and muscles
of the bowels They do not purge or cause
any annoyance whatever We will refund
the money paid us for them if they do not
thoroughly relieve chronic or habitual con
stipation Two sizes ioc ane 25c
L W McConnell The Rexall Store
i in 177tH iv vvr 1 it n vtv i i tPWi
Dr J O Bruce
Telephone 55 McCook Neb
Office over Elecric Theatre on Main Ave 4
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
0 Bli ifl
DENTIST phone m
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Dr J A Colfer
Room - Posjtofficz Building
H Gatewood
Office over McMillen 3 drug store
Phone 1G3 McCook Nebraska
KtAlt It Ift ll UkhUt J tt if i t 1 - I11 lifilli
McCook Nebraska
BAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Office in Poatoffice building
C H Boyle C E Eldksd
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distance Ione 44
Booms 1 and 7 eecond floor
w v
PMtoffice MCLO0K Weo