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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1909)
m m I TI HI If End-of-Season Clearance Our new fall goods will begin heading this way about Au gust 1st There remains on hand of the hot weather items large enough supply to make a lively and interesting Clear ance Sale which we begin Friday morning July 23rd 09 The following sensational prices foretell the doom of every garment and item offered Read Sun Bonnets All 20c ones cut to 10c All 25c ones cut to 15c All 35c ones cut to 25c About 10 dozen to pick from Fancy Parasols 85c ones cut to 59c 135 ones cut to 89c 2 25 ones cut to 1 49 Everyone of them new this season very tasty and stylish goods Washable Dress Skirts 125 ones cut to 89c 150 ones cut to -119 175 ones cut to 129 White and colored Mens Silk Coats and Vests Cut from 700 to 4 50 Brown and white blue and while stripes Just OneHaf Ffo tho money you blow in foolishly if invested in a bank account would soon put you on easy street You owo yourself the protection a Savings Ac count will afford you If you are spending all you earn it is unfair to yourself and those who may be dependent on you You have noticed the manner in which small amounts expended count up in a month a part of such expenditures saved will allow you to have an account at this bank Start with a dollar have money in the bank First National Bank of Mccook mu By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance The Holdrege Citizen announces that it will appear August 2nd in daily form JUNIOR NORMAL NOTES Last Friday morning Mrs Frances Leiter lectured in assembly on the sub ject Physical Education from the Standpoint of the Teacher and the Schoolroom In the evening Mrs Leiter gave the closing number of the junior normal lecture course in the aud itorium Her subject was Machinery Not Made With Hands This morning Mrs Matie Welles ad dressed the assembly on the subject Patriotism in the Public Schools The lastmusical program of the ses sion will be given at assembly Friday morning Quite a number of pupils withdrew end of last week after taking the exam inations Miss Bednar does institute work in Hajes county after the closing of the normal for one week COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Licenses to marry issued by the coun ty judge since our last report James Frederick Premer 28 of Haig ler and Lelah Fidler 24 of Bartley Mrs J Jackson nurse Phone red 251 Rev ES Bickford of Indianola will preach both morning and evening in the Congregational church of our city AH invited McMjllen druggist is serving the famous Franklin ice cream at his foun tain Can furnish cream in quantity oa take orders for brick ice cream If you need help of any kind tell as many people as possible There are more than 40000 people who subscribe for the Omaha Bee You can tell them all for one cent a word per day Write today Mens Wash Vests The 100 ones cut to 59c The 150 ones cut to 99c 5 sizes 33 to 37 - Ladies Dress Skirts This means our full line of mohair panama voile sicillian and batiste skirts as well as some heavier cloth skirts Prices cut as follows All 200 skirts cut to 1 29 All 250 skirts cut to 149 All 300 skirts cut to 1 99 All 400 skirts cut to 299 All 500 skirts cut to 399 AUG 00 skirts cut to 499 All 7 50 skirts cut to 5 99 All 1000 skirts cut to 749 All 12 50 skirts cut to 899 Alterations free just the same as usual You cannot afford to neglect this opportunity to make a saving TWIN EARTHQUAKES Two Distinct Series of Shocks Aro Felt Almost Simultaneously Among the most Interesting earth tremors from a scientific polut of view are those known as twin earth quakes where two distinct series of shocks are felt separated by an inter val of two or three seconds In each series the vibrations increase to a maximum and die awav the whole duration including the quiet interval being eight to twelve seconds In some parts of the earthquake zone the most powerful shocks are nearly always ot this kind When they occur how ever there is always a strip of coun try where only one shock is felL Apparently there are two distinct points of origin for these shocks and the strip where a single shock is felt is that where the two sets of vibrations arrive simultaneously The fact that this band is straight shows that the twin shocks occur together and that tuererore one is not a consequence oi the other Probably there is an S shaped bend in some interior layer of rock and the twin foci are at the points of greatest displacement namely the bends of the S The movement that causes such a twin earthquake there fore results in accentuating the form of the fold in rhe earths crust New York Herald The Fightiriq Maoris Some 300 Maoris were shut up In in trenchinems it a phu e ilet OhiKjiw Without Hind except a tew riw jmta toes without water miimlfri u ir tiilery and under a h i fit rinv tinners and hand grenades eiuiiv a saulted no less than fixe time- ij held out tor three clivs iu iti ici surrounded Oncra sitm inti nil manely sent n tin a of ttm e imiiin them to surrtiiriei Ixuninlilx To rhis they made the evei tammis n piv Enough -We tight rlutu on forever Then the general ottered to let the wo men come cut nud the answei whs The women will riant a we- ai length on the afternoon of the third day the garrison in a body rharged at quick march right through the English lines fairly jumping over the heads of the men of the Fortieth regiment as they lay behind a bank Half of them fell the remainder got clear away The earthworks and the victory re mained with us but the glory was theirs The Long White Cloud by W P Reeves Forgot Himself Absentminded persons are not infre quently met among the medical pro fession who of all men should al ways have their wits about them It is related that a well known doctor was once present in a public place when an accident occurred and see ing a wounded man went about call ing A doctor A doctorl Somebody go and fetch a doctor A friend who was by his side ven tured to inquire Well what about yourself Oh dear answered the doctor suddeuly recalling the fact that he be longed to the medical profession 1 didnt think of that To Ferment You know Elsie that ferment means to work said the teacher Now you may write a sentence on the blackboard containing the word ferment After a moments thought Elsie wrote as follows In summer 1 love to ferment among the flowers in our garden Chicago News The Real Object Indulgent Papa Why my dear you had a party last month How often do you wish to entertain your friends She This one is not to entertain my friends papa but to snub my enemies -Life He Struggles In Vain The cynical bachelor rises to remark that when a girl makes up her mind to marry a struggling young man all his struggles are useless Philadelphia Record Man must always In some sense cling 10 me belief that the unknowable Is Knowaoie Goethe itiUii fawn - Jnri as sea ished suitings voiles pongees rough siik suitings in fact the whole range of our superb summer lino of washable dress materials Childrens Straw Hats The 35c ones cut to 19c The 50c ones cut to 35c The 65c ones cut to 39c The 75c ones cut to 49c The 175 ones cut to 89c No fooling about that Washable Jacket Suits 500 ones cut to 333 750 ones cut to 499 These suits are well made of good substantial linen finished suitings aro trimmed with buttons and with lace and cut away under lace very stylish durable and washable WINTER WOOD It lakes the Best and Most Lasting Kind of Timber It has long been known that winter was the best time of the year for cut ting down trees for their timber but until the American bureau of forestry published the results of some experi ments no ono was sure why The bu reau of forestry selected four pine trees or the same age and of equal Vigor growing in the same soil and felled them the first at the end of December the second at the end of January the third at the end of Feb ruary and the fourth at the end ol March They were hewn into logs of the same size and dried at the same place Then the logs were tested The December log resisted a flexile strain twice as strong as that which the March log resisted It furnished piles which were still perfect and un decayed sixteen years later while the piles made from the March log had rotted within three or four years Wood that is felled in December is less porous than that cut at other times It has been proved that oak felled in the spring allowed water to percolate through it in from two to three hours while similar wood cut in December was seemingly impermeable There is a very simple method of as three hours while similar wood cut in winter or in spring The former con tains floury particles which turn blue when tincture of iodine is poured upon them The latter preserves its natural tint or merely becomes a little darker at the contact of iodine New York World COPIED NAPOLEON South American Dictators Who a gray dressing gown and a cocked hat which he fondly believed to be th3 habitual garb of the French des pot Castros most distinguished predeces sor was also a Napoleon devotee but Bolivar had seen his idol and could thus imitate him more faithfully He managed to acquire the emperors brusque speech and other manuerisms pulled peoples ears when In a good latner Just a moment said he aEisgss humor and dictated dispatches to sev eral secretaries at once He founded an order closely modeled on the Le gion of Honor surrounded himself with a guard of negroes from Haiti after the style of Napoleons mame lukes and endeavored to codify the laws of his country When he return ed to America after witnessing Napo leons coronation Bolivar entered Ca racas standing In a Roman chariot drawn by twelve maidens belonging to the first families of the town London Chronicle A Barber and Poet Jasmin the Gascon poet who was also a barber was once visiting the mayor of a French town and had promised to give an Informal recita tion to the townspeople The hour ar rived but his host did not appear Several important personages assem bled to accompany them to the hall but the mayor remained invisible bus ied wita his toilet Flnallv fearing the Impatience of his guests he open ed the door of his chamber to apolo gize and showed his face covered with I am my shaving Oh said Jasmin let me help you He at once doffed his coat gave a finishing touch to the razor and shaved the mayor in a twinkling with what he called his hand of velvet In a few minutes -he was in the hall receiv ing tumultuous annlause for his sntoTi did recitations Mf r MMfigfattT Wash Goods AH 5c lawns cut to 3c All 10c 12Jc lawns out to 6c All 15clGc1718c lawns cuttollc All 20c kinds cut to 14c All 25c kinds cut to 17c All 35c kinds cut to 20c All 45c kinds cut to 29c All 50c kinds cut to 34c All 65c kinds cut to 44c All 75c kinds cut to 49c The above list includes all remaining of our elegant cotton crepes and foulards besides embroidered Swisses linen-fin tated the French Despot The dictatorship of Castro in Vene zuela has been compared with that of President Francia who terrorized Par aguay for over thirty years Francia was a worshiper of Napoleon whom he endeavored to Imitate in every pos sible way He possesses only one por trait of his idol a German caricature which depicted the emperor wearing an exaggerated version of the famous gray overcoat Francia took this pic ture seriously and for many years pa raded the streets of Asuncion clad in Shirt Waists Everything in waists cut in the following unmistakable manner It means clearance 125 white waists cut to 89c 150 whito waists cut to 99c 175 whito waists cut to 129 200 white waists cut to 139 250 whito waists cut to 169 300 whito waists cut to 199 350 whito waists cut to 249 2 25 whito silk waists cut to 149 350 white silk waists out to 2 49 400 white silk waists cut to 269 5 00 whito silk waists cut to 3 39 225 cream not waists cut to 125 3 25 cream net waists cut to 199 400 cream net waists cut to 269 450 cream net waists cut to 299 The above scalo on whito waists will apply to all colored cotton waists and in addition we offer ono special lot of colored waists worth at regular prices from 85c to 175 each at tho ridiculous price of 19c as they aro soilod and mussed and only sizes 32 and 34 in the lot I Mens Straw Hats All 35c kinds cut to 19c All 50c kinds cut to 3oc All 75c kinds cut to 45c The 2 00 kinds cut to 1 19 Triflf lrulnrlnq f Tin ennimnr olnfTi nnrl crash hats J MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE A L Cochran was up from Bartley on business Monday Mrs Ear est Shuktlhfk who lives west of the city is quite ill Miss Ruth Camimikll arrived home Sunday night from her visit in Kansas Mrs Clara Dutt was the guest of Mrs F S Cowgill of Oxford all last week Miss Nkllie Smith arrived home Monday morning from her vacation in Wiaconsin William Tkavkrs returned homelast week from spending severul weeks wait ing in Denver John Brittain was down from Haig ler last week to see the races and to visit oldtime friends Dr and Mrs C L Fahnestock ar rivedh ome Sunday night from their outing in Wisconsin Mrs Dean of Lincoln a relative of Mrs Sarah Scbneffer is in the city for a few days on a visit Matt McCormick of Green Top Mo was the euest of his cousin William Jeffries close of last week J Vv Cole one of Hitchcock coun tys political war horses of the old school was at Leadquaiters Monday C D Custer formerly of our city but now of Lyons Iowa sends regards to his many oldtime friends in McCook Mrs J O Mc Arthur and Edna will leave Saturday for Colorado to be absent in the mountains for a month or two Mr3 F M Kimmell went down to Aurora this state Wednesday morning to visit her parents and sisters a few days Mrs E M Day departed today for Salt Lake City Utah to be absent several months for her health A son lives there Oscar Yarger of Boulder Colo visited his parents close of last week He is now in business for himself there and doing nicely Mrs H P Sutton departed Wed nesday for Ainsworth Brown county her old homo to seek relief from her old enemy hay fe6r Miss Florence Anderson departed Sunday for Chicago to be absent about a month buying and preparing for the fall millinery trade Miss Anna Morris will leave Satur day for Salem Nebraska to spend her vacation at home She will be absent until the first of September Mr and Mrs R O Light took No 9 last Saturday morning for Santa Ana California where they expect to locate Heres happiness and prosrifiritv for them Mrs J A Wilcox entertained a company of ladies last Saturday eve ning at a four course dinner in honor of Mrs George C Paup of Harlan lawa who is visiting McCook friends Mr and Mrs John Jeffries of Pali sade were guests of his brother and wife Mr and Mrs William Jeffries dur ing the races end of week Also Miss Catherine Wilson and Miss Lou nell of Stratton Mrs J D Young and Harriett spent Monday night and part of Wednesday in the city on their way from visiting the old home in Pennsylvania to their new borne in Alamosa Colorado having some matters of business to transact hero L Fleischman and family took their departure Saturday last on train 9 for California The change is made in the hope of improving Mrs Fleischmans health but they may conclude to locate and make their future home on the coast They are among the early set tlers in western Red Willow county and have made their home for years in Mc Cook Many friends will join us in wishing them success and contentment in their new home 1 Short Kimonas 3oc lawn ones cut to 23 Mado of nico lawns in small figures on light ground with edge and sleovos bordered with material to match Cool Light Ladies Petticoats 65c mercerized cut to 44c 50c striped madras cut to 39c About 2 dozen Shirt Waist Suits A fow lawn shirt waist suits black ground with whito pin dot reduced from 200 to 1 29 The Til Main Ave Great Reduction u31C on all Millinery We have a large assortment of very pretty hats that we are selling at 50 per cent discount to reduce the stock baturaay and nled for the office of sheriff on tho Democratic ticket Mrs A R Scott departed last Fri day morning for eastern Nebraska on a visit to her old home Geneva and other points Mrs I J Staruuck arrived from Salt Lake City Utah Wednesday morning 00 No 2 and will visit her parents Mr and Mrs William Weygint for some time Dofhg Double Duty It was one of those sleepy one horse back water towns like Squash bum a congressman describing at a Hot Springs dinner a town that he dis liked Squash is the limit A gentleman arrived there the other day and want ed a hair cut He found the barber shop and after shaking the barber vigorously managed to awaken him How long will it take you to cut my hair barber he asked Not long boss said the barber And he rose yawned and stretched himself Then he called upstairs to his wife Hey send the kid down to the newspaper omce to tell the editor I want my scissors just as soon as hes flone editln the paper Theres a gent here waitin for a hair cut Wash ington Star WILD ANIMALS OF AMERICA -tilt - J r - I M What Do You Know of Them Will Tell You AT CHAUTAUQUA 1 1 Long Kimonas 75c lawn kimonas cut to 44o This is tho weathor and tho articlel Jumper Suits Eight styles remaining from our largo and varied line Wo treat them as follows The 1 25 styles cut to 79o Tho 150 stylos cut to 89c Tho 2 00 styles cut to 139 Tho 300 stylos cut to 189 Tho 400 stylos cut to 269 Wo mako any necessary alterations free and can fit anyone from 15 year3 up Tho best hot weathor dress M i We feel it scarcely necessary to remind you that ru jj our method of business offers plump benefits to every consumer in Red Willow county Occupying our own building selling absolutely for cash securing every discount and advant age in our buy ng that cash money can secure using the experience of over 25 years active practice in buying and selling we submit that our regular prices are below competition The above reductions speak for themselves and must appeal to every careful consumer to whose notice they come We invite your participation ompson Dry Goods Co Per G E Thompson McCook Neb Now is the tune to get your mid summer hat Miss Anderson Mrs J A Gunn came in from Ben son end of week and has been visiting Miss Nell and Robert L M IIiggins of Bartley was in town 217 Main Ave McCook Neb ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself as a candi date for renomination to the office of County Clerk subject to the Republican primary election August 17th I invite a thorough investigation in to the manner in which tho office of County Clerk has been conducted during the past two years and pledgo myself to a continuance of this policy of fair and square dealing to all if favored with a re election Chas Skalla ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby annonco myself a candidate for re nomination to the office of County Treasurer subject to the decision of tho Republican voters at the primary elec tion August 17th During my present term of office I have endeavored to treat each and everyone fairly in all matters pertaining to the records and business of this office and have made it a point to keep the work up to date If re elected my present record will continue and any support extended in my behalf I trust you will have no occasion to regret Your vote will be much appreciated C Naden COUNTY JUDGE I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re nomination to the office of County Judge subject to the Republic an primary election to be held August 17th If re elected I shall continue to devote all my time to this office will endeavor to maintain the high standard of effi ciency set by my predecessors and any support given me will be greatly appre ciated J C Moore announcement I wish to announce to the voter3 of Red Willow county that I am a candi date forSheriff subject to tho Demo cratic Primary election to be held at the regular voting places on August 17th 1S09 J L Sims Danbury Neb We are authorized to announce the candidacy of Norman J Campbell of McCook for the Republican nomination for county judge of Red Willow county Nebraska at the primary election on August 17 1909 county clerk I hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of county clerk sub ject to the decision of tho Republican primary election August 17th 1909 C W McMillin i f y V fi tf