The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 15, 1909, Image 1

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Pointers on Coffee
in a Nutshell
The best coffee is a delicious
luxury Poor coffee is i disap
pointment and endangers health
Why not have the best Blankcs
Coffees are always as sweet as a
nut At
General Merchandise
223 Main Avenue
Phone 47
A EdgaR Hawkin id now located in
Mu and Mrs R L Okerson were
Orleans visitors over Inst Sunday
Mrs A R Mehaffey arrived home
last night Alex met her at Holdrege
Alias Maggie Cullkn of Omaha has
been visiting McUook friends this
J S LkHew departed Monday night
for Stuart Iowa on a visit to his
Mr and Mrs Hiram Brown of Se
attle Washington are here on a visit to
Ray S Light arrived Monday night
from his trip to sen and visit the folKs
in Villisca Iowa
BKibUAN Hofkr accompanied Mr and
Mrs Dau Killen to Adams Nlouduy
night to visit a few weeks
Mrs Alfred Harm was over
from Traer Kansas close of last week
guest of her sister for a few days
Mr and Mrs J E Kklley have
been visiting iu Lincoln going down to
the capital city closeof last week
Mr and Mrs C W Hamilton came
out from Rantoul Illinois last week
and have been the guests of his son
Miss Ruby Fitzgerald arrived home
close of last ween from Kansas City
where she has been employed for several
Dr Thomas postmaster at Trenton
was at political headquarters last Fri
day evening between trains getting
the latest dope
George Howell came up from He
bron last Friday and is spending a
couple of weeks here on business and
meeting old friends
Mrs IE Converse and little Evelyn
accompanied his sister Miss Carrie Con
verse home to Hendley to visit the
homefolks Monday
A H Redfern was over from the
Beaver country on business Monday
He reports wneat crops as fair and the
corn prospect aB splendid
E J Brady of the postoflice force
left Tuesday night on No 9 for Denver
and the mountains on his vacation
He will report for work July 19th
Mrs P E Rekder came up frem
Kansas CitySunday morning on 13 and
will be here all week guest of her
parents Elder and Mrs H H Berry
Miss Marie and Miss Philomena
Stevens who has been guests of Mrs
Frank Kendlen for some weeks left for
their home in Hastings Friday evening
Mr and Mrs Ray O Light spent a
few days of last week visiting Arapahoe
relatives and friends previous to their
departure for their new home Cali
Mrs McClain and daughter Miss
May of Fairfield Iowa were guests of
Mrs H P Waite over Sunday They
departed Monday for Denver and the
west on a visit
W A Mitchell came in from Lin
coln last Friday night He has been
with the Hardy Furniture Co for sever
al years but recently resigned that
position and is now on the road for Pax
ton Gallagher of Omaha McCook
will be his headquarters hereafter
Austin Rittenhouse of Chandler
Oklahoma arrived in the city close of
last week and has been spending a tew
days here visiting friends of his early
bovhood days and on some matters of
business Austin and bis brother
George are associated together in the
practice of law in Chandler and making
good their friends here will be pleased
to know
i Death Claimed Him JflE JULY RACE MEETING
i Carl Burgens who has long been a
ufforer with con nmption passed aay
Q Afternoon is Somewhat
Monday morning
Carl youngest son and child of Mrj appointing as to Attendance
land Mrs Frank D Burgess was born
in this ciy September 14th 1888 heuce CROWD TODAY IS MUCH LARGER
would have reached his mj uity in two I -
months He has been in ill health for And the Big Race Tomorrow fur the 1000
J a long time consumption flnaliv j Stake Is Expected to Break the
oping Lust winter Mr and Mrs Bur- Record in Race Crowds
geas Hpent mtiny months in GHliforna
with the hope of improving his ooudi
tion but without results Since his
return home there haB been a uradual
drchne and rest came to htm last Mon
day morning
Brief services were held at the home
Tuesday afternoon bv Rwv Edker Bur
ton of the Baptist church Mrs Jennie
Dbvh sang i Shall See Him Face to
Face Interment was made in Long-
1 vittw cemtnry There wan mnny
i hmiutifui floral expressions uf bympathy
and respect
j Mr and Mrs Burgpss hive devoted
themselves for mtny months
ly and unstintedly to the recovery of
their son and have the deepe t and ten
derest sympathy of this entire city in
their sorrow
In tender mercy God sent His white
winged angel to bear the gentle spirit of
Carl Burgess to Mis house of many
Carl was born in McCook September
14 18S8 died July 12 1909
Never of ery rugged constitution he
was watched with most tender and
loving care by his parents and friends
but about three years ago his health
failed He had to leave his school work
after a time he entered the business
college but was not strong enough to
do indoor work
A year ago his father and mother
went with him to California hoping the
change of climate would be beneficial
but there was no marked change and
Carl wanted to come to his home and
friends He realized he could not be
with them lpng and many times ex
pressed a willingness and desire to go to
his home above He was a great suffer
er and prayed oft times that God would
take him home
There is no deathjwhat seems so ib
This life of mortal breath
Is but a suburb of the life elysian
Whose portal we call death
To our friends who have been so very
kind to us during the sickness and death
of our son and brother Carl we wish
to express our heartfelt thanks The
profusion of beautiful flowers that were
given during the past months were a
delight and comfort to him
Mr and Mrs F D Burgess
Mr and Mrs Geo D Burgess
Mr and Mrs J C Marshall
Mr and Mrs N B Bu9H
Shut Down For Repairs
On account of the damage to our
roof and smokestack Sunday a week
ago we aie compelled to shut down
the mill and give it a thorough over
hauling This work will require about
ten days more after which we will be
ready for our patrons and be better
than ever able to give them prompt
and efficient service
McCook Milling Co
A Valuable Quarter Sold
End of last week the Hart farm own
ed by Walter Hickling was purchased
by James H Duvall of Ricnmoud Iowa
the purchase price being 37500 This
splendid quarter is situated about a milo
northeast of the city limits and is one
of the most desirable quarters in this
section The sale was made by Acker
man Stephens
Best on the Coast
Hiram Brown who with Mrs Brown
arrived from Seattle last Thursday
states that the McCook contingent
Messrs Moore Coieman Cochran etc
have the finest and best lumber propo
sition on the Pacific coast The Browns
will remain here
Female Help Wanted
A hired girl or a woman to help my
mother keep house for me I will pay
good wages to the right party Write
the undersigned at Superior Nebraska
R F D No 2
A L Overman
Separate Pants
They come in very handy and com
fortable for summer We have a dandy
stock of them
Rozell Barger
Will take pupils in pianoforte playing
Call at 810 1st street west or phone
black 118 Fay Hostetter
Shorthand Pupils Wanted
at the McUook Business College
Stayner Williams
For Rent
Five room dwelling Phone red 278
Tne July races of the McCook Driving
Pirk Acswcitition opened VV
afternoon witu a somewhat disappoint
ing crowd
The opening event was the 230 trot
for a purse of 55 0 X There were
eleven eulries in tnis race but it proved
to be a decidedlj one sided performance
with L S Crum owned and driven by
W H Brown of Parens Kansas an
easy winner in three straight heats
The time was 232 220J4 229J4 In
the SHCond heat Urum shut out all but
Mabelle owned and driven by McCarger
of St Joseph Mo who consequently
took second money
Star Kent owned by L A Fitch of
Monte Vista Colorado driven by Elmer
ivay took the 220 pace iu three straight
lieats in 22 236i 230- Miss
Kerr owned by V illiam Jefferies and
driven by Robinson took second place
and Joaie D owned by Tom DeArmond
of Wray and driven by Lirimne was
third Tnis race was for a put so of
Tne closing event of the afternoon
was the half mile dash This went to
McBeppo owned and ridden by O U
Sholes of Holyoke in 51- Big Bend
owned by W H Edwards of Beukel
man Prircharl up was second and
Buckmasler owned by Sam Bowleu of
Almena third Purse 850
With Dr Bucks big show Ruzell
Amusement Co and numerous small
street attractions and fakirs there was
no lack of amusement race week Be
sides both the moving picture shows
provided fpeeially strong features
The Parland Newhall Co
It has been consistently maintained
by those advertising the Parland New
hall Co that they would entertain and
please They fulfilled this claim on
their appearance in this city last Fri
day evening in every essential particu
lar They present a program of uncom
mon and unusual variety vocal and in
strumental bolos duets trios quartets
and much of it of a superior sort selec
tions from well known operas etc
Their bell ringing exceptionally fine
and appreciated warmly They are an
entertaining bunch and will be well
received here any time
will burn no longer but on the contrary
will feel cool and comfortable it you
McConnells Foot Powder
into your shoes Relieves aching burn
ing perspiring or tired feet A comfort
producer Price 25 cents
Hurt While Diving
A young man by the name of Reming
ton was seriously injured Monday
while diving in the Frenchman river
at Beverly being partially paralized by
striking some obstruction with his
First Tenants
The McCook Electric Co and Messrs
Gray Whittaker moved into the new
Masonic temple theatre building Tues
day of this week making the first
tenants of McCooks best and largest
Presented to the President
H C Clapp and wife of McCook
Neb are visiting in Washington and
will be presented to President Taft
Monday by Representative Norris
Washington cor Lincoln Journal
Delightfully sweet and delicately
nenetratim odor that wontstale This
perfume throws an air of refinement
about you
L W McConnell Druggist
Lawn Social
The Baptist ladies will serve ice
cream and cake on the Baptist parson
age lawn Thursday evening July 22
bev solicit vour patronage Price 15c
i Its Your Own Fault
f your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy the famous Loomis high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
Owns a Big- Velie
J E Kelley is dow the owner of a fine
big Velie automobile the first of that
make to be purchased in this city
To My Patrons
While I am ill I have arranged to
have my work go on as usual
Mrs S E Griggs
Regular Council Session
Regular session all present but Coun
On motion street concessions were
granted the dnviug park association
On motion a resolution was adopted
closing 6th street east from A to South
street for a period of six weeks during
the construction of the viaduct by the
Burlington railroad company
Reports of L W McConnell Albert
McMillan and C R Woodworth Co
for the first half of 1909 were received
and filed
Report of city weighmaster read and
Oilioial bond of A Cr Ebert was ap
proved and filed
Uity treasurers report was read and
placed on file
Bills as follows were allowed and same
ordered paid out of the usual funds
McCook Electric Co 58 00
McUook Water Works Uo 605 73
Fred Schlagel salary 55 00
R M Osborn salary 65 00
W A Gold salary 40 00
J M Henderson salary 27 00
J H Stophei b salary 18 75
J R McUarl salary 62 50
H W Conover salary 37 50
L W McUonuell salary 12 50
H P Waite salary 12 50
M O McUIure salary 12 50
SVFrazier labor 78 60
Uuilen VixkeiH labor 18 20
W H Ureager labor 2 40
JohnEkstedt 78 00
E F Brunswick labor 40 CO
Frank Uain street work 110 20
Mr U M Bailey park 3 35
McCook Republican printing 10 50
ebrat ka Telephone Co 6 00
F D Burgess plumbing 16 55
J R McCarl expense 6 99
Burnett Lumber Co 20 65
Bullard Lumber Co
F M Kimmell printing
OharleB Skalla county clerk
N J Campbell eewer inspection
25 10
8 10
1 00
6 00
Evil Resorts Raided
Two resorts of ill fame were raided
Wednesday night about ten oclock at
the instance of the anti saloon and civic
purity league and liquors were found in
both of them contrary to law it is
claimed and in one of them in consider
able quantity
The women were brought before
County Judge Moore who placed them
each under bond in the sum o 1000 to
appear in county court next Tuesday
July 20th to answer to the charge of
keoping liquors in their possession un
lawfully They gavebonds for their ap
As this is the second alleged offense
conviction will result in a severer pun
ishment for the women
Three charges rest against the women
one for keeping liquors for sale and
two for selling liquors
The Methodist Sunday School will
hold their annual picnic in Mr Helms
grove on the Willow Thursday July
22 going down on No 12 at 715 a in
returning on No 5 in the evening The
fare will be 16c for the round trip for all
children under 12 years of age It is
suggested where the parents of children
do not attend that the teacher be allow
ed to attend to the tickets for them
Please confer with the teacher of your
children Let everyone take dinner and
supper along Also ropes for swings
and hammocks All Methodists and
their friends are invited Com
Bring Them to Me
I am in the market for the purchase
of cattle and hogs in fact of live stock
of all kinds and assure patrons of pay
ing the highest market price I may be
found at the Nelms feed store phone
186 or at my residence on north 1st
street east phone red 143 Give me an
opportunity to make you a price on
your stuff D C Marsh
Fine Rain Saturday Night
A fine rain prevailed in this section
last Saturday night the fall being be
tween a half and three quarters of an
inch The thunder and lightning were
of an unusually lively character
Style and Quality
Another shipment of those handsome
and comfortable blue serge suits just
put on oursriles tables They are Stein
Bloch kiud of course That means style
and quality Rozell Barger
Were Well Patronized
The ladies of the Catholic church
were well patronized at their ice cream
and cake social held on the lawn at Mrs
Anna Colfers home Tuesday evening
of this week
Special on Wall Paper
For the next few weeks we will make
special prices on wall paper Have fair
assortment left from which to select
A McMillen Druggist
No Hunting Allowed
No hunting allowed on my farm or on
the Walsh land leased by me under
penalty of the law E F Flitcraft
Money To Loan On Farms
See Eozell Barger at clothing store
Third Number Junior Normal Lecture
Friday evening July 16 at the high
school auditorium Mrs Frances Letter
will give the closing number of the
junior normal lecture course tier sub
ject will be Machinery Not Made With
Mrs Leiter is one of the foremost wo
men of the- United States She is sup
erintendent of the physical education
department of the National Womans
Christian Temperance Union and also
national lecturer for the same organiza
tion It will be thus seen that she is a
woman of education culture power
breadth of vision and influence
Friday morning Mrs Leiter will lec
ture at 1000 oclock in the high school
auditorium on the subject Phsical
Education from the Standpoint of the
Teacher and the Schoolroom The
public is cordially invited to attend this
lecture free of charge
Fur the evening lecture a charge of 25c
will be made to those not holding season
lecture course ticket- Holders of sea
son lecture course ticketH will present
their lickets to L W McConnell and
get a reserved seat ticket for the eve
ing lecture free of charge
Will Leave Next Tuesday
Company M First regiment of
Nebraska national guard of our city
will leave on train No 2 next Tuesday
morning for Ashland Nubraska where
they will go into camp with the rest of
the regiment for a period of ten days
Captain A R Scott will be in command
of the company which will number
about fifty men This will be the first
experience of many of the boys in camp
life although several of the boys have
had experience in the Phillipines and
Spanisn American war The Tribune
expects however that they will give a
good account of themselves and make
a very creditable shoeing in the regi
Union Temperance Meeting
The Congregational Baptist and
Methodist churches united last Sun
day evening in a union temperance
meeting in the Methodist church where
a goodly audience and close attention
greeted the speakers Revs Hawkes and
Burton who delivered earnest and
stirriug addresses along the temporauce
Members of the choirs of the several
churches represented provided the
After the services funds were sub
scribed for the work in hand and to
meet past expenditures
Attention I 0 0 F
The proposed picnic on July 19ch
has been abandoned on account of the
busy season and instead there will be
an open meeting in the hall at 300 p m
for all I O O F and Rebekah members
The Grand Master and other prominent
state officers will be present There
will also be a school of instructions
followed by an open meeting and re
freshments in the evening All visiting
and local members and friends invited
W A Middleton Secy
Ordinance 97 relating to ana regu
lating the keeping and harboring of
dogs by imposing a license tax on the
keepers and owners will be strictly en
forced Persons interested will do well
to see to the securing of license tags for
their dogs immediately as the city
marshal has been ordered to dispose of
all unlicensed dogs at once
By order of Mayor and City Council
Superior Features
of the Velie automobiles sold by the
McCook Hardware Co are attracting
the attention of experienced drivers and
are interesting to the careful buyer
You take no chances m buying one
of those cars that are put out bj the
John Deere Plow Co with the most
liberal guarantee ever accompanying an
Skin Irritation
caused by heat and excessive perspira
tion subside instantly after applying
It cools the skin wonderfully and is so
deliciously fragrant
L W McConnell Druggist
Notice to the Public
Mr J H Schneider professional
piano and organ tuner 511 west 3rd
street McCook Neb is now ready for
engagements in his profession
Note the New Time Card
The time card which appears in this
issue contains all the changes made by
the new time card which went into
effect last Sunday July 11th
We have a large line of up-to-date j
hammocks at various prices
A McMillen Druggist
Farm Loans
It is undoubtedly hot weather
But then that is tho kind of
weathur it takes to make things
grow Is it making your bank
account grow too Dont lot that
languish but see that it keeps
growing all the time It is the
plant that is always sure to bring
returns when properly cultivated
returns in health in independ
ence in comfort and iu ability to
do things
Remember that a good flourish
ing bank account grows steadily
regardless of the weather if you
want it to grow While the
weather is warm como in with
jour deposits just the samo as
over You will always find the
same welcome at this bank hot
weather or cold
Better try a bank account at
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKonna
Tuesday evening July 20th com
mencing at 830 oclock in Methodist
church under auspices of the Ladies of
the G A R Tickets 10c
Piano solo Miss Emma Burrows
Vocal solo
Piano solo Mrs W B Mills
Clarinet solo Raymond Jordan
Reading Miss Estolla Faus
Piano tr o Marion
Norris Izora Rolfe Ruby Lineburg
Violin solo Miss Hazel Norris
Vocal solo Mrs Jessie Davis
Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness
We invite the people of McUook and
surrounding couttry to visit The White
Housb Grocery on west B street just
west of the Citizens National Bank
Phoue 30 Moore Son
Mixed Paints
If you want a paint to stand this
climate use Lincoln absolutely pure
mixed paint It will give you satisfac
tion and prices are right
A McMillen Druggist
For Rent
One desirable office room over the
Electric theatre Modern conveniences
McUook Hardware Uo
Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc
Cook Nebraska 25 tf
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
John Cashen Auctioneer
Endianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
Rooms For Rent in P 0 Block
J E Kelley phone 6
McConnell for drugs
McMillen prescription druggist
Mrs J Jacuson nurpe
Limoneira Lemons
Grocery Phone 30
Phone red 251
White House
Try our crackers In tin boxes You will
never use any other HUBER
Relieve tbat pain by taking one of
McConnells Headache Capsules
Twentv doses for 25 cents
New shipment of suit casis just re
ceived at the leading clothiers Rozell
Bargers Get vour choice now
The pain of sunburn stjps as soon as
you apply McUonnells Fragrant Lotion
It cools sooths heals 25 cents
McMillen druggist has recently re
ceived a large assortment of the latest
post cards You should see them
We have the finest lme of Olives and
Olive Oil in McCook The full Reid Mur
dock line HUBER
Take your ease this summer in one of
our comfortable hamm cks Good col
ors in the best quality and weave
L W McConnell Druggist
Have you seen that 3100 gauntlet
glove for harvest work at Rozell Bar
gers You cant equal it in the city
either for quality or price
Quality like blood tells Quality ex
plains the well earned popularity of the
Famous Loomis High Patent Fours
Sold by McCook Four and Feed Store
McMillen druggist is serving the
famous Franklin ice cream at his fo un
tain Can furnish cream in quantity
N J Johnson over McConnells store 0r take orders for brick ice cream