The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 08, 1909, Image 2
sapors 3fl rff 1 HAIJTAUQUA DATES The Chautauqua dates are Just right the locality The talent on this program Is far lUf this part of the state JLeading public men Orators of national fame Musical companies with years of access back of them Watch for the Chautsuqua dates I afe tip1 xFm - LOU J BEAUCHAMP Lou J Beauchamp JHear this great philosopher wSLT 4i J en ffiaXe the Sunny Side Beauchamp always pleases and you sSn miss one of the real treats of Ha Chautauqua If you fall to hear Miss Pauline Kirksmith Saxaphone SnSS PAULINE KIRKSMITH Heed instruments are always popu r and among them the saxaphone 2s leader Miss Kirksmith on bari Siae saxaphone will please the Chau femqua audience with a number of excellent solos as well as with her arprfc In the Kirksmith company Lincolns Gentle Way After Lincoln became president he seas besieged by office seekers One he told a rather unpromising awn this stor Once upon a time there wa a king fond of hunting and always before starring would send itrr his magician for a report on the leather One day when the magician promised fine weather they started off Soon they met a peasant driving a don key The peasint said My great Icing turn back a dtorm is brewing The king replied No my magician 3ays the weather will be fine Said She peasant When my donkey turns jls ears forward its going to storm The king went on and was caught in a jrrific storm When he returned he removed the magician from office and secured a donkey Lincoln added And since that time all the jackasses ji the country have been seeking offices 3f people with symptom8 of kidney or ladder trouble could realize their dan jsr they would without loss of time saenmence taking Foleys Kidney Rem edy This great remedy stops pain and tfte irregularities strengthens and Soitds up these organs and there is no ihoger of Brights disease or other seri x disorder Do not disregard the 3itrly symptoms A McMillen druggist Monarch Silver Bell and lij5nite Satin spell success in good ureaa and cake baking Buy the best 3IcGook Flour and Feed Store WTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYM J -- REAL EASTERDAY Grain and Coal ftirOT We have just tidded coal to our Business and have now in our bins l a full stock of both Colorado and j Pennsylvania coals such as Lnanoier tanon Sunshine Maitland Baldwin Nut and Susquehanna Anthracite 3 Your orders will be appreciated jj and given prompt attention I PHONE 262 f 4 4 i - 4 4 4 -4 4 - - mi ii i TrjT - ii 1 1 1 Miti wn 1 1 -hi i J Sixtieth Wedding Anniversary California celebrated their sixtieth wddin anniversary June twenty fi tb with a banquet at the Hotel An gelus and the following report baa i Who Pays In Advance The following marked Stolen is published in a Missouri paper How dear to my heart is the steady sub scriber who pays in advance at the birth of the year who lays down his money and does it quite gladly and casts around the office a halo of cheer He never says Stop it I cannot af ford it nor Im getting more papers now then I can read but always says Send it tbe family likes it in fact we all think it a real household need How welcome he is when he steps in the sanctum how he makes our heart throb how he makes our heart dance We outwardly thank him we inwardly bless him the steady subscriber who pays in advance Everyone would be benefited by tak ing Foleys Orino Laxative for stomach and liver trouble and habitual constipa tion It sweetens the stomach and breath gently stimulates the liver and regulates the bowels and is much sup erior to pills and ordinary laxatives Why not try Foleys Orino Laxative today A McMillen druggist Do you want to sell or exchange your business The Omaha Bee will run an advertisement for you at one cent a word per day There will be many out of their 40000 readers who will answer your advertisement Write today Patronize home industry by smoking Commercial Club 10 cent cigar anB tiuAAAiiiiAAiiAmumw I tte Siroke 5 cent cigar a iu H JJMWlllMllJftyWtlllWai HW I I CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr and Mra TH LUe formerly f Ohiubtian Bible echool at 10 a m Exofr Nnbraska now of Los AnCppp Prenching at 11 a m and 8 p m 0 E at 7 p m All are welcome R Al Ainswobth Pastor Episcopal Preaching services at St Abana church t 11am and 730 p been sent to the Journal for publication ahu the tiivnt 1 Plates were Jnid for fifty five KuetH The tnble was decorated with OUn n All n Mr 1s Sn4 stronger than that of any assembly -- - m vaUD were in ine rorm or a weaaing non I with two hearts above which were tbe initials of the couple and the dates 1849 and 1909 I During tbn dinner held in a private I dining room quotations r lative to the I celebraion were read by the fifty fie 1 guests The Rev William Horace Da pastor of the First Congregational church responded to the toast The Occasion Wo Celebrate in which he congratulated the couple upon the presence of all their children and grandchildren an unbroken family Other toasN were responded to by Judge W H Morris formerly of Crete Nebraska uDd Mrs Ftinnie Lowe of Las Angeles After the d nnr the guests ad journed to Uih hj ac us parlors of the hotel where thuj were entertained with music readings and old umu reminis cences Lbe Nebraskn guests present were Mr and Mrs J N Cox Exeter Neb Mr and Mrs Geo H Lee Omaha Neb Mier Leola Cox Exeter Neb Mr and Mrs C A Roogors McCook Neb Miss Ivy May Lee Omaha Neb Hon J W Dolan and Mr and Mrs Lew Robertson formerly of Exeter now residing in Los Angeles Mrs T C McCleery of Exeter Mr and Mrs C L Cleveland Mogallon N M formerly of Exeter Nob 1 11 L Lee was born iu Halifax England March 20th 1828 the eldest of eleven children and Carrie Walsh was born iu the same town April 17 1830 the iungest of eleven children They became acquainted June 25th 1SA7 and were marriod June 25th 1849 in the Episcopal uhurcb Tbe Parish uf iLilifax was the home of their an cestor as far back as can be traced After their marriage they remained in Halifax two years Mr Lee working at his trade of carpenter and having saved a snug sum they concluded to cime to the United States in the fall of 1851 the landed in New Orleans where Mr Leo worked in the shipyard during the winter of 1851 and 1852 They loft New Orlans on the steam boat Glencoe and landed in St Louis April 2 1852 As the boat was mak ing tne landing the boiler exploded killing a large numbar of people Mr and Mrs Lee with others escaped to shore Mrs Lee without shoes and bon net and losing all their possessions By the courtesy of Capain Orrin Smith of the steamer Nominee they were taken to La Claire Iowa on the banks of the Mississippi river Here Mr Lee commenced business as con tractor and builder which he followed successfully fcr twenty seven years At Le C laire their four children were born namely Mrs Julia W Cox of Exeter Neb Mrs Clara Hileman of Denver Colo G o H Lee of Omaha Neb and Mrs Fannie L Lowe of Los Angeles Calif la the fall of 1879 Mr Lee engaged in the hardware business in Exeter Neb moving his family there in the spring of 18S0 His business in Exeter was successful and they continue to considerExeter their home Mr Lee has two brothers and two sisters namely Geo C Lee and James L Lee of Pasadena and Mrs Lizzie A Sheldon and Mrs Fannie L Elliott of Los Angeles The combined ages of the three brothers and two sisters is 365 years average 73 years Lincoln Journal U ouuuuy ucuuui ui j aij are welcome to these servicer E R Eable Rector Catholic Order of services Mass i a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sundat school 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kibwin O M 1 Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Class at 12 Junior League at 3 Epwortb League at 645 Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 745 M B Carman Pastor Baptst Sunday school at 10 a in Preaching service at 1100 a m Even me service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m most cordial invitation is extended i -ill to worship with us E Burton Pastor Evangelical Lutheran R e g u 1 a GeniMn preaching services in fram building of Est Ward every Sunda morning at 1000 All Germans cordiei ly invited Kuv Wm Bkuegoeman 607 5h st East Christian Science 219 Main Av uf Services Sunday at 11 a m din Wednesday at 8 p in Reading Roor pet all the time Science literatur un -ale Subject lor next Sundaj God Congregational Sunday school a 10 a in Preaching at 11 a m and 8 m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m Senior Endeavor lit 7 p m Prayer meet iQg Wednesday evening al eight oclock The public is cordially invited to thesi rvices G B Hawkes Pastor Evangelical Lutheran Congrega noNAL Sunday School at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m bv pastor Junior C E at 130 p m Senior C E at 400 p m Prajer meetings every Wednesday and Sttur day evenings at 730 All Germans cordially invited to these services Rev GustavHenkelmann 505 3rd street West Lax Discipline a Great crime The national educational association is in session in Denver this week Spiritless Teaching wii discussed bj Supt McNeill of the Memphis city f caools early in rtie e 3sion While he charged that sort of teaching as bejng sufficient and cilculitecl to drive most auv child to delinquency ho delivered himself of the following paragraph which is of special interest to parents A failure on the part of tbe home to exercise even and forceful discipline is a siu which has put the curse of Cain and the stamp of Satan upon many a promising bo or girl When we realize the baneful work ing of uneven discipline growing out of weak - willed inefficient parental government we stand in the presence of a great problem How can we im press fathers and mothers and teach ers witn the idea that weak and vacil lating government of children blasts their lives and make them candidates for the ranks of the ignoble PU3LIC LIBRARY NOTES Annual report of tne McCook public library for the year ending June 1 1909 The library has been open every day of the year during library hours except on six legal holidays There are now in the library 3849 volumes During the year 30S volumes have been added of which number 72 volumes have been presented 51 vol umes have been rebound 71 volumes o magazines have been put in patent binders and placed on the shelves 27 newspapers and periodicals have been subscribed for and three have been donated The number of visitors for the year 21937 number of books loaned 1 1019 new borrowers cards issued 295 FINANCIAL STATEMENT The finances have been administered as follows New books 3242 19 Books rebound 25 65 Newspapers and periodi cals 69 35 Total expended for read ing matter 337 19 Librarian 412 50 Janitor 18120 Coal 154 40 Water 30 21 Electric lights 34 45 Gas 2627 50 chairs 100 00 H P WaiteCo 67 28 H N Rosebush 40 00 Miscellaneous expenses 225 75 Total expended 1609 25 From building fund 423 15 General fund 11S6 10 Paid bills of previous year 243 24 From general fund for expenses current year 942 56 All bills paid up to June 1 1909 leav ing a credit of S1276S Respectfully submitted Cabbie Budlong Librarian Secy Delay in commencing treatment for a slight irregularity that could have been cured quickly by Foleys Kidney Remedy may result in a serious kidney disease Foleys Kidney Remedy builds up worn out tissues and strengthens these organs A McMillen druggist MISS ANNE MORGAN The Daughter of J P Morgan and Het Success as a Speaker It is not often that the public gets n glimpse of Miss Anne Morgan daugh ter of the great financier and art pa tron J P Morgan Her appearance recently at the opening of the res taurant in the Brooklyn navy yard started by the womans branch of the National Civic federation was notable not merely because it afforded the pub lic a chance to see the daughter of a king of finance but also because Miss Morgan made a speech a very excep tional thing for her It was before a rather unruly crowd of some flGOO per sons Preceding speakers Had not ro j2 rWvimijfjsJA vl fustfavji a J AX V - jwfjrirs MISS AUNE MOKGAN ceived polite attention and Miss Morgans friends were disturbed kst she might not either But their fear was uncalled for Though there were some whiblles and catcalls when she began to talk when she sat down it was with the crowd all on her side and amid a perfect roar of applause The navy yard restaurant was plan ned by a committee of the Womans Civic federation headed by Miss Mor gan and carried through entirely on the responsibility of the committee it self by pernisiou of the government Its object is to show that men in tV government employ can be provide1 with good food at a moderate price The committee of women intends f prove this by running the rcstnurint so that it pays expenses for one year Thfn if they sueeeed the governmen will rike it over Vh tiier it was that Mis Alorga at her wn su iestion realixii tht 1iis v as a eriti al juncture or net vCl not he lenrcd She was not down on the program to sneak and she f Unwed Mrr Archibald Ae whoe oice cou d hardly be heard at tll f r the in ie of what was almost a hostile crowd Tut M Iorjius spech turned the tide from skepM ism to put mildly to real enthusiasm She with Vt rriiinti n to be heaul ciearl and directly She told the audience that if the plan failed it must shut down that it could not sueeed without their help and if it did succeed it might have unlimited results In leachimr the cov ernment to take up similar jilirs al over the eountrv She was followed by John Mitchell and the efforts o the two reversed the sentiments of the crowd and perlians may result in sar ins the institution trom failure CHAMPION BALLOONIST NOV A Holland Forbes and the Big In dianapolis Race Navigation of the air as a science has received quite a stimulus from th first national balloon race for the titli of championship balloonist of the Aer Club of America The race starteu from Indianapolis on June 5 and the trophy offered was a 100 cup given by the Aero club It was won by A Holland Forbes of New York in the balloon New York lie landed at Cor inth Miss and ho and his aid Clif ford B Ilarmon had an enjoyable trip despite the fact that at the outset they i i f feu i MBW WfcwW lima i m START OF INBIAKAPOIIS BALLOON KACE suffered from the heat and glare of the sun and later from extreme cold The greatest altitude they attained was about lo00 feet There were a large number of entries In the nice and the start which is shown in the accompanying picture was a spectacu lar one Colombia The means of communication in Co lombia are inadequate There are twelve short railways none of them over seventy miles in length and all were planned without regard to coal export although it happens that sev eral of them traverse coal fields The navigable rivers are suitable only for vessels of light draft where the patients fall short jwiwicrm 1 ir - The Cold Water Cure If you feel a cold coming on drlnfc a glass of cold water not Iced and re- L 114 lu ttnli Ml vailif licui ill uuii tiuui imiri uia uuui in Is felt If hot water is easier to take j r It can be substituted for tlw cold par- j tlcularly in the morning and at night r They will drink a glass or two of water then declare they can take no more and ceasing decide water cannot drive out a cold This water cure Is not so modern as the most of -us think It In an old prescription book of a famous physician of more than a hundred years ago this curious remedy for a cold Is found Let ye patient who feels a cold coming on eat of a Due big salt herring just before going to jf bed This win make ye paiienc urinu plenty of water If you have not strength of purpose to drink freely of water for the colds sake make your- Hanged For Violating Smoke Law Curious and little known facts about the house ire were mentioned by E II Blake addressing the surveyors institution on warming and ventila tion Fires were at one time a grr t luxury he said and even the right to use the fire had been bequeathed Thus the will of one Richard Byrchett nr10 read I will yt sayd Nell my wyfe shal have ye chamber she lyes In a d lyberte at ve fyer In the house all yese thyngs shal she have so long as she ys wldo Coal continued Mr Blake was first Imported Into London at the end of the thirteenth century but the smoke pro duced b3 burning It In Improperly con structed grates caucd such a preju dice against it that in loOG a law was passed making It a capital offense to burn coal in the city The Tower re prive details of n mans trial and execution for the offense Iordon Graphic Not the Kind He Wanted Trofessed politicians who have re duced public office to an exact science find the independent voter a sad stum bling block a fact which is ninusinsrly disclosed by a story found in the life of the late George Monro Grant the eminent Canadian educator and clergy man Toward the end of Sir John Mardon alds life he and rrlncipal Grant then the head of Queens college met at a dinner at the house of the premiers brother-in-law Professor Williamson EEow I wish the premier said to the principal that you would be a steady frierd of mine M3 dear Sir John the principal replied I have always supported you when you were right The premiers eyes twinkled and he laid his hand upon the shoulder of the principal My dear man said he I have no use for that species of friendship Greatness Net Fres From Shame The transcendent power and fame with which great genius has at differ ent periods endowed various men do not always insure them from after misery and shame This was striking ly exemplified in the cases of the four greatest of military conquerors Alex ander Ilannibnl Caesar and Napoleon The general judgment of mankind has conceded them the first place in the lines of action for which they were severally distinguished Yet they all met with melancholy deaths Two of them suffered for years the keenest humiliations wbl h a total destruction of their hopes could bring Two per ished at the zenith of their power just as they might have expected a long enjoyment of the fruits of their tre mendous achievements Exchange The Greatest Wealth Is there any compensation in money fcr a starved stunted dwarfed mind Can lands and houses stocks and bonds pay a man for living a narrow rutty sordid life How much money would match the wealth of a trained mind of unfolded possibilities Is the capacity for the appreciation of the meaning of life of the lessons of civi lization worth no more than ones bread and butter and roof Can any one conceive of greater possessions than an intellect well trained and dis ciplined than a broad deep full orbed mind responsive to jjll beauty all good Orison Swett Maiden in Suc cess Magazine Optimistic My wife is a very optimistic wo man Indeed she is Noticed it have you Yes when I was talking with her yesterday she said that if you ever died she ould marry again because she felt sure that she could do better next time Ilouston Post Triumphs of Travel Now lies bragging about how he did Venice What do you mean Most tourists spend a week in Yea Ice He did it in a day Kansas City Journal No Excuse Is that horse you bought a kicker A kicker answered Mr Sirius Barker I am the fellow who paid twice his value and who is buying the feed What has the horse got to kick about Washington Star His Misfortune The Poet Poets are born not made The Girl I know I wasnt blaming you Boston Transcript There are certain flowers the per fume of which it is said Is produced by microbes fi i nn nvii wwy w wvwmw i py n Col W W Crittenden GENERAL AUCTIONEERING f McCook Nebraska Farm sales a specialty Dates may be made at tlio Citizens Dank HL P SUTTON ncfOOK M Lumber and Coal Thats All t Taking an abundance of liquid matters frty ft y y n i LLtiUMMit f more than Its temperature It Is there A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over McConnells drug store McCook Nebraska tyfl Tvynypy vi flTfi i7 P fWfiWirf I C MrRPAVPP Real Estate Farm Loans and Insurance Office over Marshs Meat Market self thirsty as best you can only take fay i tittttiuyifM1iikijtoUdftftJff all the water possible Philadelphia l Press JEWELER MUSICAL nebkaska VI i dd lot on Bnby PLUMBING and STEAM PITTING All work guaranteed Phone 182 McCook NebrHtka icvcK riiwD f Inery western Nebraska that always Bets there and lack Trips day or night anywhere Price1 reas onable D G DIVINE Phone 166 E F OSBORN Drayman Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE ME A TRIAL t K W M Can be found at 104 IV1CCOOK IeD Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phone 13 But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber Co Phone 5 lTT tlHMIHHV i ike Walsh DEAIEE IN POULTliY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location jnst across rirCfflr street in P Walsh building l lUUlS t 2V vTsSNCrNJBiaS33VSESSNi F D BUKGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe 3rass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free 3se ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA 8SBsasSESIff sENSvSvJSS1 MTOHOMMS stpos the cough and heals lxantf A II itt ft KM sfii y yj w v ft i t u M vvj ti a f k i i