The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 01, 1909, Image 1

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TTfftiTT n irtr
Having purchased tbe 13eo
Ilivo stock of D W Colson I
wish to announce that I am now
prepared to supply your wants in
SIIOES NOTIONS and all winds
of General Merchandise
I earnestly solicit the patronage
of all and with the best interests
of my customers continually in
mind I shall at all times en
deavor to furnish the best possible
merchandise at the very lowest
Favor me with a call or phone
your order to No 47
General Merchandise
223 Main Avenue
Democrats Met Saturday
The Democratic meeting last Satur
day was pretty well attended by poli
ticians from all over tbe county The
object of the gathering was stated as
being tho securingof suitable candidates
for all of the various offces of the coun
ty The matter was pretty well gone
over we are informed and the present
indications are that filings will be made
for each of the county offices by Demo-
crats perhaps in several instances there
will be more than one filing for the same
office as the sentiment is not entirely
unanimous in this regard
While sentiment and purpose may
have been considerably chrystallized
there is uo doubt but that other inter
ests may be recognized and represented
when the filing date arrives
The sentiment of the meeting was
clearly in favor of Barney Hofer of this
city the county central committee sec
retary for the office of county clerk
On the other hand there sesms to have
been a lack of those desiring or willing
to run for county treasurer While the
matter of candidates for sheriff was not
very unanimous
Some Price on Staples
Our low and attractive prices are not
simply on the fancier goods but extend
to staples as well as witness the follow
Simpsons and American prints 5c
Same with border oc
Amoskeag apron ginghams Go
A TYtArtoon A O Kn orrnin Hncra 91f
I Best table oil cloth 15c
Peerless carpet warp 21c
36 inch black taffetta silk 69c
Ladies gauze vests 5c to 50c
Ladies gauze unions doc to blzo
Mens good blue oall and jackets 39c
Mens heavy blue oall and jackets 69c
6 big red or blue hdfs for 25c
Childrens romper suits 39c
Ladies washable jumper suits 125
Childrens parasols with fans 10c
Mosquito netting 5c
You owe it to yourself and family to
take advantage of our bono fide and
strictly cash prices We solicit your
trade The Thompson D G Co The
utmost value
Mr Thresnerman
We bel eve you can make money this
year if you have a good machine and
are ready for business Remember
that we are agents for the J I Case Co
and can land you a machine here in a
few days Let us fill your orders for
anything in the threshers line Good
stock of oil grease and other supplies
always on hand
McCook Hardware Co
Hall Insurance
Let us insure your grain against loss
by hail Policy written at our of
fice Honest adjustment and prompt
guarantee Boyle Eldred
Office over post office Phone 44
New Carrier On No l
Carrier C C Byfield made his last
trip Tuesday and Steve Jimerson took
up the work Wednesday morning
for removing spots or clearing up the
negatives Especially good for films
L W McConnell Druggist
ft For Sale Reasonable
Good driving or work horse Morrisey
Ranch Phone black 292
fc Crt m Tnon
N J Johnson over McConne lls store
A F A M Meeting
Regular meeting of McCook Lodge
No 1S5 A F A M Tuesday July
6 at 80 p m Work in E A degree
By Order of the W M
C L Fahnestock Secy
gft miJjeafAVtVTg
S 1
Wholesale Initiation
It was nu unusual pleaHure the ladies
of McCoolc temple P thian Snterhood
had on Wednesday evening of ibis wok
when they initiated into their temple
some thirty members of McCook lodge
Knights of Pythias ThH large under
taking was very cleverly negotiated by
the sisterhood the accomplishment be
ng the uiire note worthy perforce
he act riiac tbf tempi hid just bean
organized hen Tne gentlemen all went
in as cljHrttr men bers
After the initial ton the ladies spread
a very tempting lunch in the banquet
ball Informal toBStsby Congressman
Norris and others added to this feature
of tbe evening Candelabra and white
and pink carnations served to make
more attractive rho tables
The ewnt was a 2aTn irable one for
both temple and lodge It is hoped
that it was but a foreoHRt of many de
lightful social events to follow
Their Second Anniversary
The Monte Cristo cafe will celebrate
its second anniversary July 4th nest
Sundaj And in this connection a
change will made which the man
agement hopes will be entirely satisfac
tory and pleasing to their patrons Sun
day dinners will hereafter be served
from 530 to 730 p m instead of at the
noon hour as hitherto The price of
the table dhote will remain at 50c
Next Sunday there will be special
We wish to express our appreciation
for past patronage and hope by contin
ued exceptional service and cuisine to
receive an even greater share of the
same Peterson Sisters
Company Order No 8
McCook Nebraska June 30 1909
Co M First Regiment N N G
The annual encampment of the Ne
braska national guard will be held at
Ashland Nebraska July 20 to 30 and
in accordance with tbe abcve order all
members of Co M Nebraska national
guard are herepy ordered to report to
their armory or first sergeant not later
than July 19ch Any member failing
to report will be considered a deserter
and treated as such
By order of
Alvin R Scott Captain
Commanding Co M 1st Regiment
Oil doesnt exactly make the wheels
go round but helps a lot if it is the
right kind It would be hard to find a
better or more reliable oil than
Vacuum Automobile Oil
The protection it is to the various
parts of the machine is worth many
times the price of the oil It is sure to
please Try it 75 cents per gallon or
330 in five gallon lots
L W McConnell Druggist
Burled In Longview Cemetery
Lloyd the infant son of Mr and Mrs
John W Rhodas died on Monday eve
ning The little one was born on the
24th instant Brief services were held
at the home Tuesday morning conduct
ed by Rev Carman interment following
in Longview cemetery The family
moved to our city but a few months ago
He is employed in the shops
Campaigning for Forty Thousand
Deputy Grand Master Workman
Stump is now making his home in Mc
Cook and is assisting in the campaign
for forty thousand membership in the
Nebraska A O U W McCdok lodge
now numbers 450 and it is expected to
materially increase that number at this
Fell Off Step Ladder
Mr Jackson at 904 2nd street west
fell off of a step ladder Monday while
picking cherries and was quite pain
fully injured about the face besides
being badly shaken up by tbe fall
Mixed Paints
If you want a paint to stand this
climate use Lincoln absolutely pure
mixed paint It will give you satisfac
tion and prices are right
A McMillen Druggist
Hail Insurance
Insure your crops against loss by bail
in the St Paul P M Ins Co and the
Conn Fire Ins Co of Hartford
Boyle Eldred Agents
Office over post office Phone 44
Separate Pants
They come in very handy and com
fortable for summer We have a dandy
stock of them
Rozell Barger
For Sale
Sweet Potato CabbageTomato Cay
enne Pepper and Sweet Mango Pepper
Mrs L M Best Phone 91
Band Concert Tonight
The band will give its first concert of
the summerat the intersection of Main
and B street this evening
AST ft rtfc
R A Green Nsw Cashier
At a meeting of the directors of the
Oitiz ns National Bank of MoCooU
R A Green was elect d cashier of that
bank to ncced A C Ehert resigned
R A Green well known to the peo
ple throughout this entiro section hav
ing served as county clerk for six years
and been for several years connected
with the banking business in Cedar
Blnffs Kunpas He has lived in Red
Willow county for the pant 23 years
The bank is indeed fortunate to se
cure a man of Mr Greens experience
and ability to succeed their popular
oldstand by A C Ebert who will re
tire from the banking business for the
present at least on account of the de
mands of his health
Seeks Renominatlon
Elsewhere in this issue will he found
the announcement of Clifford Naden
present county treasurer who seeks
renomination at the hands of the voters
of Red Willow county Mr Naden has
given this county a careful accurate
honest administration of this import
ant office The books and the work
ings of the office are open to the most
careful scrutiny of the people and Mr
Naden is perfectly willing to stand upon
the record made and seeks continuance
in the office upon the facts The Tri
bune believes the office will staud full
est investigation and that his work has
been worthy in every respect
It is a refined ammonia with which
the odor of true violets have been com
bined It is used in many ways that
ammonia is employed especially for the
bath It is refre hing and stimulating
to the skin and it makes the cleansing
more perfect A few drops in the basin
when the hands or fane are being wash
ed will show how refreshing and valu
able it is A sure cure for prickly heat
L W McConnell DruggiBt
Banks Will Observe Monday
The three banks of our city will ob
serve Monday -July 5 as their Indepen
dence day and will be closed all day
Patrons kindly observe
The postoffice will observe the follow
ing hours 8 to 9 a m 12 to 1 p m
Carriers will make only the morning
Mercerized Black Skirts 44c
On Friday will place on Bargain
Square 25 ladies black silk finished
petticoats of our regular 63c quality and
mark them 44 cents They are light
summer weight and this is the season
Dont be customer No 26 The Thomp
son D G Co The utmost vjdue
Mrs McCofferty
will be at McConnells Drug Store
Saturday afternoon and evening July
3rd demonstrating a new massage
cream and other toilet preparations
The ladies of McCook and vicinity
are requested to call
L W McConnell Druggist
Water From River Jordan
Twelve children were baptized in the
Methodist church last Sunday morning
the water used having been brought
from the River Jordan in the Holy
Land Three new members were also
received into the church making a
total membership of 493
Is Good To Be Here
After reading the lurid and imaginative
accounts of our storm of last Sunday a
week ago in the surrounding local press
the people of McUook must indeed
feel good to be left on earth Brethren
the facts were not nearly so serious
for week negatives It strengthens the
negatives and brings out all defects so
a3 to enable you to make a good print
from what you would consider a poor
negative Try it
L W McConkell Druggist
Land for Sale
The David Goodenberger land located
south of Dodge school house North
east quarter 29-1-29 Will be sold at
public auction at east front door of
court house in McCook July 12th at
one oclock p m l 2t
its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy thb famous Loomis high
patent at the McCook Flour and Feed
Store G F Smith proprietor
Some More Panamas
and a fine lot of straw hats for the boys
Rozell Barger have just received
them You will get your choice now
To My Patrons
While I am ill I have arranged to
have my work go on as usual
Mrs S E Griggs
Yes at McConnells Strong dur
able well made hammocks from 8100
to 81000
The Stangland Pool Wedding
On Wednesday June 30 1909 at five
o1clock p m Miss Martha MayStang
land of McCook and Mr Raymond John
Pool of Lincoln were united in marriage
at home of brides parents Mr and Mrs
K KStangland Rev M B Carman
of the Methodist church performing tbe
ceremony in an impressive style using
tbe ring service Only a few of the
relatives and friends were present
The wedding march was played by
Miss Tacie LeLong
Aftpr the best wishes and congratu
lations had been offered by those pres
ent Mis Welle read letters and dis
patches from the brides sisters Mrs
Ira J Clark of Delta Colo and Mrs
L F Pedley of Bertrand also her
brother Mr Knud Stangland of Lincoln
expressing their best wishes for the
bride and groom
The bride is one of McCooks own a
charming and popular young woman
whose life has been largely spent here
she is much admired and loved by a
large circle and all join in wishing them
a wedded life of happiness
Aftdr graduating from the McCo k
high school she attended tbe university
of Nebraska for one year than taught
in the public schools of Red Willow
county then went to the Lincoln Busi
ness College After completing her
course she was elected a member of the
faculty She held an important posi
tion as instructor in the shorthand de
partment for over four years
The groom spent his early years on a
farm in Cass county After graduating
from the Weeping Water high school
he entered the University of Nebraska
where he graduated in the class of 1907
with the degree of bachelor of arts
One year later he took the degree of
master of arts As an under graduate he
was a member of the college fraternity
of Alpha Theta Chi and was an assist
ant to the department of botany Dur
ing his senior year he was elected to the
honorary societies of Phi Bata Kappa
Iiterarj and Sigma Xi scientific He
now holds the position of adjunct prof
essor of botany in the Universitj of
During the summer quarter of 1908
he did post graduate work in botany in
the Uinvsrsity of Chicago
He is a member of the American Asso
ciation for the Advancement of Science
The American Forestry association The
National Geographic society Botanists
of tht Central States The Nebraska
Academy of Science and the Nebraska
State Teachers association
He is the author of numerous papers
and reviews in various scientific journals
Many handsome and useful gifts were
received by the young couple
A four course wedding dinner was
spread Mrs H H Berry Miss Dora Oys
ter and Miss Tacie DeLong serving
Mr and Mrs Pool departed on No 1
Thursday and will visit various points
in Colorado spending some time with
Mr Enos A Mills at his home Longs
Peak Inn and several das with Prof
Frederic E Clements of Univen itj of
Minnesota one of Mr Pools former
teachers who with Mrs Clements is
spending the summer in ootanical in
vestigation in Colorado They will also
vinit the brides sister and husband Dr
and Mrs Ira J Claik of Delta Colo
They will return to Lincoln in time
for the opening of the State University
in September and will be home to their
friends after October 1st at 1451 Q st
where an elegant modern cottage is ready
to receive them The cottage is a gift
from the grooms parents
The out-of-town guests were
Mr aud Mrs Wm H Pool parents of
the groom and Albert his brother from
Weeping Water Mr Clarence E Pool
and wife and their two little girls from
Wabash Com
A few bargains in second hand ma
chines One Wayne runabout
14 horse power shaft drive
equipped with Sweinharts solid rubber
tires price 8250 00
Picklums Garage
222 W B St
IJ 1
Special on Wall Paper
For the next few weeks we will make
special prices on wall piper Have fair
assortment left from which to select
A McMillen Druggist
No Hunting Allowed
No hunting allowed on my farm or on
the Walsh land leased by me under
penalty of the law E F Flitcraft
Nifty Hats
They sell the niftiest hats at Rozell
Bargers at 8225 Just prove this by
calling and inspecting their line
For Sale
N E i 12 3 33 Make offer Geo
W LeFevre 406 So 7th St San Jose
Money To Loan On Farms
See Rozell Barger at clothing store
Tender Tribute By Friends
The funeral services ver the remains
of Miss Edna Kellev wore held in the
home last Friday morning many friends
paying a tribute to hr memory and of
respect and sympathy to the family by
their presence nt the brief but touching
services conducted by Rev E K Earle
rector of St Albans church of which
deceased was a member
A solo by Miss Eteie Campbell and
two hymns by tbe church choir consti
tuted the music of the sad occasion
The elegant casket was simply em
bowered in the rich and numerous floral
tributes of friends in the city and else
The pall bearers were Max Hare
Fred Archibald Budd Bailey Ward
Evans Walter Campbell and John Bur
nett Elsie Campbell Hazel Merle
Julia Barnes Mary Barbazette Blanche
Asten Leah Pennell and Hazel Barba
zette Gertrude Morrissey being honorary
pall bearers the oung ladies being uni
formly gowned in white and tbe young
men in black The honorary pall-bearers
each carried a pink carnation which
they deposited in the grave at Longview
cemetery where tbe remains were
interred in the family burial plat
Our strictly pure white lead will look
better after six years than so called
leads do after two years It saves labor
because the surface to which it is ap
plied will not need to be painted often
It also saves labor because it spreads
best easiest and most evenly It also
covers more surface is whiter and taken
tints better than any other white lead
on the market
This is the lead to use if you want
best results with least labor and at
lowest cost It is absolutely pure
L W McConnkll Druggist
Shut Down For Repairs
On account of the damage to our
roof and smokestack Sunday a week
ago we are compelled to shut down
the mill and give it a thorough over
hauling This work will require about
ten days more after which we will be
ready for our patrons and be better
than ever able to give them prompt
and efficient service
McCook Milling Co
Officers Installed Last Thursday
The officers of McCook lodge No 135
A F A M were installed on last
Thursday evening June 24th St
Johns day
Alonzo Cone W M Burris H
Stewart S W Robert J Gunn J W
George Willetts Jr treasurer C L
Fahnestock secretary W E Hart S
D H E Culbertson J D C B
Gray tyler
Bring Them To Me
I am in the market for the purchase
of cattle and hogs in faut of live stock
of all kinds and asdure patrons of pay
ing the highest market price I may
be found a the Nelms feed store phone
186 or at my residence on north lat
street east phone red 143 Give me an
opportunity of making you a price on
your stuff D C Marsh
Well Advanced
The new German Evangelical Luth
eran church building on north 6th
street eust is well advanced in construc
tion It ia of frame construction of the
usual type small but adequate to the
demands of the new congregation being
gathered together by Pastor Bruegge
Wash Suits and Skirts
White ducK skirts buttoning down
front with large pearl buttons 8150
Colored chevron striped ditto 8150
Washable jacket suits 8500 to 3759
Washable jumper suits 31 25 to 8400
Alterations free The Thompson D G
Co The utmost value
Circumstances Unfavorable
Owing to the inability of the man
agement to obtain suitable lease on
grounds together with the fact that the
season was so far ahanced before an
organization was etfected the McCook
Tennis association will make no further
plans for this summer
Female Help Wanted
a hired girl or a woman to help my
mother keep house for me I will pay
good wages to the right party- Write
the undersigned at Superior Nebraska
R F D No 2
A L Overman
The Smart Clothes
Just received at The Leading Cloth
iers another shipment of those Hart
Schaff ner Marx Smart Clothes suits
that never fail to suit you
Rozell Barger
WThittaker Gray 107 West B Mc
Cook Nebraska 25 tf
For Rent
Five room dwelling Phone red 278
i c
The harder a man works the
more essential it is for him to
save if he is to get tho real good
of his labor The saved portion
is tho seed of actual accomplish
ment and independence This is
not theory it is practical fact
which many learn from oxporienco
when it is too lato Dont wait
Start an account today -with
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
Two June Weddings
Rev Edker Burton officiated Sunday
at the wedding of two young couples of
our city
In the first instance Miss Lola Pearl
Hiloman and Oliver K DeLong wero
the contracting parties The ceremony
was performed at the homo of the
brides mother MrsSusan C Hileman
at the hour of one oclock They will
make their home at tho residence of thu
grooms father Frank DeLong in
South McCook
In the afternoon at 330 at the homo
of tho grooms parents Conductor and
Mrs Herman ilegenbergerthe wedding
of Miss Myrtle F Rupp and Floyd M
Ilugenberger was consummated Floyd
is the junior member of the firm of
Okerson Hegenberger barbers They
will make their home at 207 3rd streot r
The Tiiibunk adds its congratulations
and well wishes for both of these young
G T C Club Meeting
The G T C club had a most enjoy
able meeting last Monday eveningwith
Mr and Mrs J A Wilcox
A guessing contest in charge of Mrs
Chase caused quite an animated specu
lation The honors a bouquet of roses
were awarded to the hostess
Dainty refreshments were served and
after music both vocal and instrumental
the club adjourned to meet next time
with Mr and Mrs Chase
One Present
On Bargain Square
Friday morning we will place on
Bargain Square thirty seven mens
undershirts and drawers consisting of
odds from the regular stocks and being
worth 35c and 5Jc each at the price of
19c a garment These are summer
garments and mostly small sizes The
Thompson D G Co The utmost val
Fifteen Government Licenses
According to government records at
Omaha there are 15 government liquor
liceuses held in the city of McCook or
which were in effect July 1st 1903 All
government licences must be renewed
Comfortable Shirts
What that means these warm days
Rozell Barger have them in plenty in
plain blues the whites and creams
without and with collars Come and
see for yourself
Notice to the Public
Mr J H Schneider professional
piano and organ tuner 511 west 3rd
street McCook Neb is now ready for
engagements in his profession
Harvest Is Approaching
You will need gloves We have them
at from 25 cents to 3250 and in all stze3
Rozell Bakger
We have a large line of up-to-date
hammocks at various prices
A McMillen Druggist
Farm Loans
Optional payments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
As the ice cream season has
again opened with us our store
will remain open evenings through
out the summer
Woodworth Co Druggists