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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 24, 1909)
L O f 4 ANNOUNCEMENT Having purchased the Bee Hive stock of D W Colson I wish to announce that I am now prepared to supply your wants in GROCERIES HATS CAPS SHOES NOTIONS and all hinds of General Merchandise 1 earnestly solicit the patronage of all and with tho best interests of my customers continually in mind I shall at all times en deavor to furnish the best possible merchandise at tho very lowest prices Favor me with a call or phono your order to No 47 F S VAHUE General Merchandise 223 Main Avenue Pythian Memorial Day Last Sunday McCook lodge No 42 Knights of Pythias observed the an nua Memorial day of the order in their usut mpressive manner Meeting nt their castle hall at one oclock the regular ritualistic service was held af ter which preceded by tho Pythian Brigade band they marched to the Con gregational church where Rev aud Sir Knight G B Hawkes delivered an appropriate address on the subject of Friendship one of the cardinal teachings of PythiaDipm There was an appropriate anthem by the church choir From the church the order pro ceeded to the city cemeteries where the graves of departed members and of dear ones of Pythian families were duly and lavishly decorated attended with suitable ceremonial The members of the Pythian Sister hnnH necomnanied the knights to the to kill E E Pembroke is the com plaining witness The case had a pre liminary hearing before County Judge Moore Cucumber Pains or stomach and bowel pains from other causes that are so apt to come in hot weather can be speedily cured by taking McConnells Blackberry Balsam Keep it haudy and avoid serious illness Costs but a quarter Female Help Wanted A hired girl or a woman to help my mother keep house for me I will pay good wages to the right party Write the undersigned at Superior Nebraska R F D No 2 A L Overman Record Breaking Ad S N Wolbach Son of Grand Island have the largest advertisement in the Tndenendent which we have ever seen in a Nebraska weekly newspaper It covers six seven column pages Washable Suits and Dresses The warm weather is melting away our supply of jacket suits jumper suits and wash skirts 125 to 750 Look D G Co us over The Thompson The utmost value Hail Insurance Let us insure your grain against loss by hail Policy written at our of fice Honest adjustment and prompt guarantee Boyle Eldred Office over post office Phone 41 For Sale Reasonable Good driving or work horse Morrisey Ranch Phone black 292 Farm Loans N J Johnson over McConne lls store I i i Royal Arch Work in Royal Arch degree Saturday evening June 26th at 830 oclock W B Whittaker Sec I 2m5ft55SCSSfttStK ft D 1 TWENTY EIGHpAR 1 1 Killed by a Taxlcab Wallace Percy father of Mrs D W Colson of our city was killed in Denver last week by a taxicab He was injured on Friday night and died in St Vincents hospital on Saturday afternoon at 530 oclock Mr Colson went up to Denver on No 1 Sunday afternoon to invest cemeteries besides attending services at Notice the following staples the church I The part taken by the band was especially appreciated Circle Is Prospering The Ladies circle of the G A R initiated a class of four at its last meet ing of June 17th After which refresh ments were served The order is steadi ly increasing and is in a prosperous condition with membership of fifty two Several of its members will attend the national encampment at Salt Lake which takes place August 9 to 14 in elusive To Appear and Keep Peace Harvey Rowland has been placed under a bond of S500 to keep th3 peace and to appear at the next term of dis triot court to answer to the charge of assault with a shotgun and threatening igate the matter and brought the body here Monday night for interment The father was evidently on bis way to the school to see his youug son Hurry when be crossed the fatal path of the taxicab Father and son both spent the past winter in our city The father is 7T a rt Ambrose D Dewan the chauffeur is under arrest charged with man slaughter While the chauffeur was discharged at the coroners inquest in Denver there evidence to indicate that he was driv ing the texicab at a much greater speed than he states he wan and that his vic tim was literally sweep away as he was about to step onto a street car by tho rapidly moving taxicab The remains were brought to this city Tuesday morning on No 2 from Denver for interment Brief services were held at the home of Mr and Mrs D W Colson atone oclock same day conducted by Rev R M Ainsworth of the Christian church after which in terment was had in Riverview cemetery Wallace Percy was born in Franklin county New York December 24th 1832 He died in Denver Colorado June 19th 1909 of injuries received from a taxicab He was 7G years 5 months and 23 days old at his death Six children survive him four sons and two daughters tho latter being Mrs D W Colson and Mrs Mabel Clark of our city Mrs Howard Goulds extravagance has brought her to the divorce court and wrecked her happi ness She disdained to ask tho prices when buying Her husband thus was victimized constantly Are you paying more than our prices for dry goods 9 quarter wide sheeting Peperell23c 33 inch fine cambric muslin 8yG Amoskeag apron gingham 6jC Simpson and American dress prints 5c Best table oil cloth 15c Ajnericah A 2 bu grain bags 21c 36 inch black taffeta silk C9c Mosquito nettingfMcLeans 5c Ladies gauze vests 5c 10c 15c 20c up to 50c 6 big red handkerchiefs 25c Childrens rompersthe best 39c Bovs double front and seat over alls 39c Mens blue overalls and jackets 39c and 69c Washable jumper suits 125 to 400 Childrens parasols 50c to 10c Smyrna rugs 2x5 feet 135 Yes it takes cash to get them We invite your trade The Thompson D G Co The utmost value Card oi Thanks We are most grateful to all the friends and neighbors for assistance aud sym pathy in the tragic death of our dear father and his subsequent burial in our city M it and Mrs D W Colson M its Mabel Clakk Harry Pkrcy Placed Under 500 Bond Raymond Bahr has been placed un der a bond of 500 to appear at the next term of district court to answer to a statutory charge made by Hattie Miller who is under the age of consent This case had its prelimiuary hearing before Justice of the Peace Lellew Burning Tired Itching- feet are quickly relieved when you shake a little of McConuells Foot Powder in to vour shoos It checks excessive perspiration It is a healing antiseptic and a cure for practically all foot troubles Price 25 cents Mixed Paints If you want a paint to stand this climate use Lincoln absolutely pure mixed paint It will give you satisfac tion and prices are right A McMillen Druggist Will Remain In City Miss Deborah Heckman will remain in the city and will receive all pupils at Mrs W H Dung in s residence corner of C and 2nd street east Democratic Committee Meeting- Announcements are out calling a meet ing of the Democratic county central committee in McCook next Saturday June 26th For Sale Sweet Potato CabbageTomato Cay enne Pepper and Sweet Mango Pepper plants Mrs L M Best Phone 91 McCook Next Year The next meeting of the district Ep worth League will be held in this city cwEitinE i gpg5355iMBgsaassatsS5aA JtIc00E TRAGEDY ACCOMPANIES STORM Of Last Sunday Afternoon While Attempting To Cross the Canyon North of the City RAYMOND DeLONG SWEPT AWAY AND DROWNED The Body is Recovered Several Hours Later About a Half Mile low Where the Lad Had Fallen Into the Swollen Stream Tragedy most pathetic accompanied the torrential ram and hail Btorm of Sunday afternoon Little Raymond De Long son of Mr and Mrs Elmer E DeLongof our city being the victim Little Raymond together with several other lids went to the pasture north of the city shortly after the heavy storm had ceased after the cows They found the usually dry canjon a raging flood with the cows on the opposite side of the water Numerous accounts are current of the Bad occurrence but this seems to be as near as it can be described After the rain quite a number of chil dren boys and girls went up to the canyon to see the flood Among tho number were Raymond DeLong Frank McClure Carl Ebert a eon of C G Budig and others who weie after the family cows in that pasture At the time of the accident Raymond and young Budig were on the north side of the canyon and water Raymond was evidently wading along the bank of the canyon when he fell into a deep hole aud not being able to swim wa9 quickly carried out into the strong current and down stream Willie McClure at once bravely jumped into the water to the rescue of tho drowning boj but his efforts were unsuccessful and he soon became exhausted aud called for help Carl Ebert grasped some weeds along the bank and held out his foot which Willie managed to grasp and finally reached the bank utterly exhausted The boys at once brought the news of sad tragedy to the city and scores of citizens repaired to the canyon to re cover the body The search was prose cuted untill nearly midnight when Lon Estimate of Expenses According to the printed estimate of expenses of the city for 1909 ending May 3rd it will take S183U0 to cover the expenses of the city for the ensuing year The entire revenue of the city for the year ending May 3rd 1909 totals S13 09007 leaving over 5000 to be made good in payment of back taxes increas ed levy and valuation The estimate of expenses of Holdrege for the same period is 820000 Her revenue for the past year was slightly in excess of 321000 Kill 0 What It is A new preparation for killing dande lions weeds etc A drop on the root of the weed and it is dead Beautify your lawn by usiug Kill O and eradi cating the weeds Sold in 25 cent and 50c bottles at Woodworth Cos Druggists A Haren of Rest in which you can take real pleasure eat or sleep A real one will last you a life time and we have them in stock from 100 to S10 00 L W McConnell Druggist Does Your Root Leak Tf so vou can make it good with Pimbley Roof print which is good for tal or shingles in fact for any kind of roof For sale by McCook Hardware Co In Class by Itself Last weeks Tribune was distinctly in a class by itself and at the head of its class too No weekly newspaper published in this section approached it in quantity quality or variety of news Announces Approaching Event Mrs Cora Dougherty announces the approaching marriage of her daughter Grace Winifred to J LeRoy Dalton The event is to take place July sixth at four oclock in this city Marlon Has Appealed Marion has appealed from the action of the county commissioners in grant ing a road in the Danbury Marion con troversy To My Patrons While I am ill I have arranged have my work go on as usual Mrs S E Gjriggs to Special Sale On refrigerators You can save dollars by buying now at McCook Hardware Cos Like Good Things To Eat Have your cook use our spices and flavoring L W McConnell Druggist Marrisd In Culbertson Mr Ward C Higley late local man ager for the Barnett Lumber Co was united in marriage Thursday afternoon last June 17th with Miss Maude Mae Reynolds of Culhertson Dr and Mrs C M Duncan of our city were among the numerous out-of-town guests They will be at home after July 1st at Twin Falls Idaho where the groom will have charge of a lumber yard Seriously Injured Rev A J Lutz now of Shelby Polk county this state but formerly of Indianola was recently seriously in jured by being thrown from his motor cycle It is said that the hospital au thorities at Columbus where he was taken are not very hopeful of his re covery and it is feared he may be an invalid for life Binders and Headers of either Deenng or Piano make mowers of Deering Milwaukee and Dain make Dain and Deering hay tools If your old machine needs repairs let us help you fix it We have expert men for that purpose Ur let us nave your ftnbtme mccook red willow county Nebraska Thursday evening june 24 1909 Be- Cone one of the pnrty continuing the search came upon the body in a hole in the bottom of the canyon a few hund red feet below the bridge just northeast of the city The body was entangled in some barb wire The spot had been gone over carefully several times before however without success Life of course was extinct long before the re covery of the body which was at once taken to the home of the agonized par ents for preparation for burial Too much credit cannot be accorded those who assisted in the search for the recovery of the body as the entire length of the canyon to where it finally empties out onto the valley near the Stillman place was gone over repeatedly in the search a distance of two miles or more In this most distressing sorrow the bereaved parents and family are sus tained by the tenderest and most heart felt sympathy of this entire community Master Ray mond was born in this city November 19th 1899 where he died Sunday June 20th 1909 Funeral ser vices were conducted by Rev Carman in the Methodist church Tuesday after noon at 330 oclock The large out pouring of the people of the city much in excess of the capacity of the church indicated outwardly the depth and tenderness of the general sympathy felt for the sorrowing parents and family while the wealth of loely fljwers in elaborate aud beautiful set designs and general profusion bore mute but charm ing evidence of that sentimemt Six young playmates were the pall bearers besides the members of the Sunday school class to which departed belonged attended in a body There was appro priate music by the choir Interment wasirade iu Longview cemetery or- derfora new machine McCook Hardware Co Are You Going- To Paint Patterson Sargent ready -mixed and ready to put on paint for every pur pose is handled by McCook Hardware Co There is no better paint lis Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if you dont buy the famous Loomis high patent at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor Special on Wall Paper For the next few weeks we will make special nrices on wall paper Have fair assortment left from which to select A McMillen Druggist No Hunting- Allowed No hunting allowed on my farm or on the Walsh land leased by me under penalty of the law E F Flitcraft Nifty Hats They sell the niftiest hats at Rozell Bargers at 3225 Just prove this by calling and inspecting their line McConnells Blackberry Balsam--a sure cure for cramps colic and cholera morbus no matter what the cause may be Price 25 cents Special For Children A parasol and fan both for 10 cents at The Thompson D G Co The utmost service Money To Loan On Farms See Rozell Barger at clothing store Edna Kelley Died this Morning- The many friends of the family will learn with surprise and sorrow of tho death early thid morning of MissEdna Kolloy daughter of Mr and Mrs John E Kelley Doparted has for years been a sufferer and her condition has recently been much worse culminating in a serious kidney trouble and death this morning Deceased was approaching 22 years of ago Was born in this city Tho fact that the daughter was an invalid had endeared her to her fond paronts in a special degree The family is in tho tendor and sympathetic considera tion of this community Funeral berviees will be conducted at the residence tomorrow morning at ten oclock interment following in Longview cemetery Storm Cut It Short Colonel Sutton and his musical spell binders were all primed for a concert Sunday arternoon of the old vintage but the severe Btorm came up shortly after the opening of the concert cut short the performance and caused the hearers and band to make a dash for shelter The program so far as rendered indi cated that the band is rapidly assuming oldtime form and quality and that they will be able to give a splendid account of themselves at Hastings and during the races in July Notice Ordinance 97 relating to and regu lating tho keeping and harboring of dogs by imposing a license tax on the keepers and owners will be strictly en forced Persons interested will do well to see to the securing of license tags for their dogs immediately as the city marshal has been ordered to dispose of all unlicensed dogs at once By order of Mayor and City Council On Bargain Square 27 pieces of wash goods running in price from T2Jc up to 50c a yard and containing from 5 yards up to 35 yards each put on Bargain Square Friday morning at 7c yard These are lawns dimities voiles batistes etc and their cost is not considered in this good bye to them You are invited to participate The Thompson D G Co The utmost value Bring- Them To Me I am in the market for the purchase of cattle and hogs in fact of live stock of all kinds and assure patrons of pay ing the highest market price I may be found a the Nelms feed store phone 186 or at my residence on north 1st street east phone red 143 Give me an opportunity of making you a price on your stuff In the Hospital Dr J A Toren is in the Southwest ern Nebraska hospital of our city for treatment and for the present is unable to attend to his practice His patients will govern themselves accordingly meanwhile Buried Mother In Missouri Mr and Mrs William Jeffries accom panied the remains of his aged mother who died in Palisade last Thursday to Missouri for interment They went on No 11 last Friday evening Bridge Approach Repaired The approaches to the bridge over the canyon northeast of town washed out by Sundays flood were promptly re paired Monday and travel over same opened up Hail Insurance Insure your crops against loss by hail in the St Paul F M Ins Co and the Conn Fire Ins Co of Hartford Boyle Eldred Agents Office over post office Phone il The Smart Clothes Just received at The Leading Cloth iers another shipment of those Hart Schaffner Marx Smart Clothes suits that never fail to suit you Rozell Barger Sprung- a Leak A gas pipe in the city hall sprung a leak Monday making some smell and moie noise but was soon repaired with out much loss or annoyance Five Hundred popular copy right books just received Select your books now for summer read ing All the popular novels in stock L W McConnell Druggist Enjoy the Summer in a four passenger lawn swing or a nice hammock Get them at McCook Hardware Cos FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Cook National bank Mc- For Rent Five room dwelling Phone red 273 NUMBER 5 HARD WORK Tho harder a man works tho more ossential it is for him to save if ho is to get tho real good of his labor Tho saved portion is the seed of actual accomplish ment and independence This is not theory it is practical fact which many loam from experience when it is too lato Dont wait Start an account today with THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DI RECTO 8 J J Loughran P F McKenna Childrens Day Exercises The postponed exercies of Childrens day in the Methodist church Sunday evening were heard by a goodly comp any notwithstanding the sorrow which touched every heart The scheme of the exercises was educational in char acter and patriotic in appearance and the young folks acquitted themselves creditably and instructively Tho dec orations were patriotic in form and color Mrs Davis of St Louis sang a solo in addition to the regular items of the program Mrs Byram Dies Mrs H E Byram wife of tho former general superintendent of the Burlington railroad in this city died at 3 oclock Saturday morning in Chicago Mrs Byram had been ill but a few days and the physicians who attended her pronounced the death caused by paralysis of the heart Mr and Mrs Byram left Lincoln May 24 for Chicago where Mr Byram went to accept a promotion at the head offices of the company Ladles Laundered Embd Collars 9c A lot of fine embroidered and plain linen collars about 5 doz have been put on Bargain Square and marked 9c for choice Are you learning that these little Bargain Square items are worth your attentiou You will do well to heed these offerings Dont let others take in all the plums The Thompson D G Co The utmost value Down In Old Kentucky Rev Moore a Presbyterian minister who has been in the service in San Francisco for past four years preached in the Metnodist pulpit last Sunday morning with much satisfaction to his hearers He was on his way to hia former home down in old Kentucky Is Now Company M 1st Regiment The First Separate company of Mc Cook is now company M First regi ment the company at Broken Bow fail ing to materialize and being mustered out Notice to the Public Mr J H Schueider professional piano and organ tuner 511 west 3rd street McCook Neb is now ready for engagements in his profession Wanted Family Wasning I must have work at once and will do my Lest to please Mrs Winnie King in the Thole building on west B street at corner of 3d street west Harvest Is Approaching You will need gloves We have them at from 25 cents to S250 and in all sizes Rozell Barger Hammocks We have a large line of up-to-date hammocks at various prices A McMillen Druggist Vacuum Automobile 011 you need it for your machine 75 cents per gallon L W McConnell Druggist Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Heaton NOTICE As the ice cream season has again opened with us our store will remain open evenings through out the summer Woodworth Co Druggists