The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 18, 1909, Image 4

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One Half
tho monoy you blow in
foolishly if invested in a
bank account would soon
put you on easy street
You owo yourself tho
protection a Savings Ac
count will afford you
If you aro spending all
you earn it is unfair to
yourself and those who
may bo dopondenton you
You have noticed tho
manner in which small
amounts expended count
up in a month a part of
such expenditures saved
will allow you to have an
account at this bank
Start with a dollar
have monoy in the bank
Bank of Mccook
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
The estimate of expense of running
Holdrege coming year totals 820000
Her total revenue for year past was
It is little short of marvelous with
what unerring accuracy and precision of
intuition the average grafter finds his
kind Big and small alike
If the middle west is not at least
temporarily driven out of the Repub
lican column it will not be due to any
remissness of Sentor Aldrich the great
trust senator
Anything of interest that Eed Wil
low county may lack in county politics
is fully made up by the sizzling time
they are already having over nomina
tions up in Frontier county And the
pencil pushers up there are right at the
front in the whole rumpus Dont
seem to be anybody in Red Willow
county who wants a nomination
The esteemed M cCook Tribune pub
lishes an article about Democrats who
betrayed their party The Tribune
does not comment upon Congressman
Norris voting for Speaker Cannon after
repeated statements that he would not
do so All kinds of traitors are con
temptible Hastings Democrat
So they are my Democratic friend
but unfortunately for your case the
fact is that Congressman Norris never
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska June 15 1909
The county hoard of equalization and assess
ments met in regular session Present S Pre
mer C B Gray and F S Lofton county com
missioners T A Endsley county assessor and
Chas- Skalla county clerk
In the matter of the assessment of the im
provements on lot 9 block 7 Willow Grove ad
dition to McCook presented to the board by
John F Porter a motion was made by Gray
seconded by Lofton that tho valuation of said
mprovements be reduced from 60000 to
SLtiJ0 Motion carried unanimously
On motion the clerk was instructed to notify
E E Smith to appear before the board on or
before June 17 19C9 to show cause why the
assessment of the N WJi of section 19-3-26 should
not be raised from 1GC000 to 320000 Jfotion
carried unanimous
In the matter of the assessment of the south
west quarter of section 13 26 presented to the
board by YV X Lyman a motion was made by
Lofton seconded by Skalla that the valuation
of said quarter owned by Mina Sehmelzer be
reduced from 210000 to 161000 Motion car
ried unanimously
On motion the board adjourned to meet Juno
16 1909
S Premer Chairman
Attest Charles Skalla County Clerk
McCook Nebraska June 16 1909
The county board of equalization and assess
ments met pursuant to adjournment Present
S Premer C B Gray and F S Lofton com
missioners T A Endsley county assessor and
Chas Skalla county clerk
In the matter of the assessment of the im
provements of N Lundstrom on the southwest
quarter of section 2-1-2-26 presented to the
board by N Lundstrom a motion was made by
Skalla seconded by Lofton that the valuation
of said improvements be reduced from 10000
to 9C0C0 to conform with the assessment of
other improvements in the same precinct Mo
tion carried unanimously
In tle matter of the assessment of the im
provements on lot S block 11 original town of
McCook presented to the board by Mrs Anna
Colfer a motion was made by Gray seconded
by Lofton to reduce the valuation of said im
inov tmeuts frcm iC000 to 400X0 Motion
carried unanimously
In tLe matter of the nsscssment of the Mc
Cook Electric Companys assessment of
personal properly lor 1J09 presented to the
board by Irving Hsile a motion was made by
Gray second by Lofton that the assessment
j hould staud at 0X0000 as returned by the
assessor Motion carried unanimously
On motion the board adjourned to meet
June 17th 1909
S PKEMWi Chairman
Attest Chas Skalla County Clerk
State Auditor Barton of Lincoln
was ii city visitor last Saturday
Mrs Lyon and Mrs Thomas are
guests of their brother A K Scott
Miss Lela Fisher has gone to Chey
enne Wyoming on a visit to her aunt
A MoMillhn spent the closing days
of last week in Otis Colorado on busi
Mrs W B Whittaker arrived home
last Thursday night from her long visit
in Wisconsin
Miss Marcella Halligan returned
cloe of last week to her home in Graf
ton this state
L Thororimson arrived home Sun
day night from his visit to his folkB in
Seattle and the Northwest
Captain A K Scott manager of the
electric company is quite ill and con
lined to his bed this week
Mrs L C Stoll arrived home last
Saturday evening from visiting his
folks last week in Curtis
Lewis Ludwick arrived from
ed in the dining room decorations
braska City end of week for the sum
mer vacation with the home folks
Miss Edith Waite arrived home
close of last wepk from Crete where
she has been attending college prist
Mrs A Campbell arrived home last
Friday night from spending several
weeks with her sister in ONeill this
Mrs L J Burtless has gone to
Auburn New Yoik to spend part of the
summer with relatives in the old home
Miss Clara Keating a sister of Mrs
W M Morrisey departed close of last
week for her home in Jacksonville
Mrs A McMillen and Cecil went up
to Trenton Sunday to visit relatives a
few das returning home Tuesday
Miss Gertrude SuEssand Miss Helen
Schwab departed Thursday morning
for Crete on a visit to their grandmoth
er Suess
L R HiLEMAn has beeD down from
Denver part of the week expecting to
leave today for California to join the
family in a reunion
Mrs G B Hawkes and the two
children departed last Friday evening
for Scottsbluff this state on a visit of
two weeks with friends
R B Sheridan has been spending a
week with his daughter Mrs Harry
McGillen on the Frenchman arriving
home close of last week
Mrs Fred Satchell came down
from near Imperial last week and has
been the guest of her parents Mr and
Mrs J S Modrell north of town
Charles and Miss Loretta Wil
liams departed end of week for Colo
rado to be absent most of the summer
in Denver Pueblo and other points
Miss Millicent Slaby who has been
in Chicago for the past year takiDg a
special course in school arrived home
last Sunday She will teach in the city
schools coming year
Mrs A J Simonson and son Warren
came down from Denver Sunday night
on No 6 and were briefly guests of
Mrs Adele Phelan and family They
are old Alliance friends
Miss Elizabeth Bettcher departed
Monday on 13 for Colorado en a visit
after which she will go to Indiana to
6pend the remainder of the summer va
cation with the homefolks
Mrs Rose Bayless departed on Wed
nesday for Brookfield Mo to be absent
during the rest of the summer She
has rented her residence to Eugene Gary
furnished and he and family are now
R A Green was over from Cedar
Bluffs Kansas Tuesday on some mat
ters of business He is home from
Montana looking after the closing up
of some deals here previous to locating
more permanently in that state
Mrs E C Hill and Miss Bessie
Kowell departed Tuesday morning on
No 2 for Kearney to represent respect
ively the Methodist and Congregational
churches in the state Sunday school as
sociation in that city this week
Mrs J E Lovell of Bedford Iowa
arrived in the city last Friday and is
visiting her business associate and sister
Mrs J P Nies Mr Lovell will join
her about July 1st and together they
will take in the Seattle exposition
Mr and Mrs Andrew Carson who
have been in Arkansas for several years
are in the county guests of her mother
Mrs Phoebe Taylor of Red Willow The
Carsons expect later to locate in Calif
ornia and Mrs Taylor will join them
there later for the winter They especial
ly Mr Carson finds Red Willow county
and McCook in particular jreatly
changed and improved since his last
visit eleven years since
Mrs W E McDivitt and Mrs W
G Dutton entertained a large company
of friends last Thursday afternoon at
a kensington of quite notable particu
lars Mrs W R Starr and Mrs W F
Joues received the guests The elabor
ate two course lunch was served by
Mrs Albert Barnett and Mrs W R
Starr at the large table assisted by
Mrs Leroy Kleven and Mrs W F
Jones Carnations were richly
sr Hade
E C Hill and Rev Carman also at
tended the district Epworth league con
yention at Alma this week
William Travers went up to Denver
Tuesday on No 1 to be absent about
a month on a vacation trip
Mrs C W Britt and Miss Maude
McMillen are attending the state meet
ing of the P E O this week
Miss Fay Eikenberry departed
Wednesday on No 13 to join her
parents at Monte Vista San Luis valley
Mr and Mrs L W Stayner went
down to Edgar Wednesday on a visit
to his folks They will also visit in
Lincoln and Des Moines
General Hale came down from
Denver Wednesday morning on busi
ness connected with the electric company
here of which he is president
Miss Louis Donisthorpe of Geneva
who is to be on6 of the new teachers in
our high school coming term is in the
city guest of Mrs A R Scott
Rev G B Hawkes occupied the
Congregational pulpit in Fairmont Sun
day last His pulpit here was filled in
the morning by Rev B L Webber
Rev Carman was called down to In
dianola Thursday morning to conduct
the funeral services over the remains of
the three year old son of James
O W DeWald of the Trenton
Register came down to western Nebras
ka headquarters Monday nijrht re
turning home on No 5 Tuesday
Mrs F G Stilgebouer and daught
er of Bartley were guests of Mayor and
Mrs J H Stephens last Friday
Forster came up on the evening train
and accompanied them home
C A Rodgers clerk of the district
court is in California and will partici
pate with the Hileman family in the
sixtieth wedding anniversary of the
grandparents Mr and Mrs Lee
Miss Mary Fitzgerald of McCook
formerly employed in the office of the
supreme court in Lincoln leaving the
city about one year ago is in the city to
spent two week with friends She is
now the guest at Mrs Frank D Eager
at 1448 E street Wednesdays Lincoln
Licenses to marry issued by the coun
ty judge since our last report
Joseph F Burton29j of Clatonia
Neb and Nellie M Rittenburg21 of
Edward D Anderson26 and Mrs
Nora Stanley29 both of Denver
Married by county judge June 14th
Genuine Panama hats for garden use
50 cents Drebert Clothing Co
Council Sessions
Regular session Monday evening all
Minutes read and approved
City engineer was instructed to have
all ditches Bewer ditch connections etc
Police judges report was referred to
city attorney
City weighmasters report filed
Annual report of city library was
Mayor appointed C W Taylor Louis
Suess and J E Kelley as members of
library board The retiring members
are C H Meeker Louis Suess and Geo
E Thompson
Bids for sidewalk construction were
opened and the contract was awarded
the McCook Cement Co at following
prices bidewalks i2c crossing 17c
curbing 15c All per square foot
Resolution was passed authorizing the
purchnse of lot 14 block 10 Original
Resolution of expenses for current
year was adopted
Also a resolution transferring 1000
for the general fund to the road fund
The ordinance committee was in
structed to frame an ordinance provid
ing for extending water fire and light
service to South McCook
C L DeGroff Co were ordered to
clear alley in rear of their store by 12
oclock noon June loth and city mar
shal instructed to do the work in case
of failure
The clerk was instructed to eive suit
able publicity to ordinance 97 which
deals with dogs
Ordinance committee was instructed
to prepare an ordinance changing meet
ing nights from second and fourth Mon
days to the first and third Wednesdays
Bills allowed as follows
Bullard Lumber Co 8 -70
A A Fish 85 00
R T Highland 1040
Bullard Lumber Co
Cullen Vickers
S V Frazier
Mrs C M Bailey
J M llickerson
T C liegeman
John EKstedt
R Osborn
Fred Schlagel
Cullen Vickers
E F Brunswick
J E Jackson
E F Ohorn
Bullard Lumber Co
N J Campbell
Dr J D Hare
78 00
55 00
J M Henderson 2700
Bullard Lumber Co 35
Welebach Street Lighting Co 15200
McCook Electric Co 5S00
W A Gold 4000
Adjourned to Tuesday night
Council was in adjourned session
Tuesday night with all present but
Councilman Morris
Ordinance 191 changing dates for
council meetings was passed under sus
pended rules
Bond of McCook Cement Stone
was filed and approved
36 Inches Wide 69 Cents
Our yard wide black taffeta silk that
you hear so much about keeps making
new friends every day Another 75
yards received yesterday We invite
your inspection The Thompson D G
Co Actual cash value
clothes you buy sure of quality of the sort
of tailoring that holds its shape of correct fit of
becomingness in short sure of your satisfaction
in them Thats what we offer that kind of
clothes that kind of sureness that kind of satis
faction If you dont get it all you can have
your money back
You will see without having it pointed out to you
when you come to look at our PRINCETON
CLOTHES Best Tailored what real satisfaction
in clothes really means Priced 10 to 30
VOU will be pleased with the fit of our
Good Clothes M er chants
McCook Nebraska
For Sale Blue squaw corn for seed
Mrs S E Christian phone ash 36S2
For Sale Sweet Potato Cabbage
Celery Tomato Cayenne Pepper and
Sweet Mango Pepper plants Mrs L M
Best Phone 91
For Sale Good family driving or
work horse reasonable Morrisey Ranch
Phone black 292
For Sale My residence and house
hold goods cheap Good lawn and
shade tiees Call at 206 E 3rd st
R O Light
For Sale Baby
black 260
For Rent 5 room
red 278
Call up
dwelling Pnone
For Rent Furnished rooms Mrs
J I Lee phone 43
For Rent A 5 room cottajje Mrs
J I Lee phone 43
For Rent Good house 9023rd st E
Phone cedar 983 Mrs W llickliug
House for rent New 5 room cottage
with bath Inquire of O N Rector
phone red 349
Lost A pocket book between 221
Main avenue and depot Liberal reward
Return to this otlice
Lost A silver scroll case watch gold
hour and minute hand black second
hand on east B et or Mitin avenue
Return to this ollice
shirts also theyre made right and the
patterns and fabrics are here to please everybody
100 to 250 Special value at 175 Fine
neckwear and hosiery
TF you care for a real South American Panama
you can get it here the greatest stock in Mc
Cook big values 600 750 900 Other
fine straws priced 75c to 300 Split yachts
English sennits rich leghorns all fully shown here
We are sole agents for McCook
BUSTER BROWNS insured socks
four months four pair 1 00
Union made SIGNAL overalls and shirts
MUNSING union suits
TIGER hats
Will Hohmann of Lincoln is a guest
of Dr E M Easterday
Harvey Burgess came up from Leba
non last week on a visit of ten days
Miss Katie Brady returned from
Denver Wednesday evening on No 10
Mrs H C Shriner and son Harry
were over from Curtis early part of the
Dr Herbert J Pratt
C Telephones
22Vz Main av over McConnelFs
DriiK Store McCook Neb
Ollice 160
Kesidence Black 131
Grain and Coal
We have just added ooal to our
business and have now in our bins
a full stock of both Colorado and
Pennsylvania coals such as
Chandler Canon
Sunshine Maitland
Baldwin Nut and
Susquehanna Anthracite
Your orders will be appreciated
and given prompt attention
There is always trouble for those who do not look
around It pays to look around Quality makes lots
of difference to the value of lumber We put quality
first yet our experience will help you cheapen the
house or barn you want to build so that you can
afford to build let us help you
Call in and get our Bungalow Book with pictures
of homes so cosy that it is a pleasure to look it over
Stansberry Lumber Co