The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 11, 1909, Image 7

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The automobile livery in south
western Nebraska that always
Bets there and back Trips day
or night anywhere Prices reas
Can be found at 104 McCook Neb
II S mfl I
1 1 jr 7 -PT a louSlt suggests itself and I
1 ihat is to get hold of a box of I
1 t jr
1 1 r - My hut they look good so i 1
II enticingly golden and crispy 1 1
1 1 Pkas 1 1
S S Hayman of Grand Island state
manager of the Modern Brotherhood of
America was in town Monday in be
half of the order
Messrs Wicks Nilsson and McFad
don were up the line on business Sat
Myrtle Boyer and Laura Murphy of
Danbury were in town between trains
Koy Walker and Orville Marsh of
Missouri arrived here close of last week
for a short visit with their friend Frank
C H Burgess of Lebanon is doing
some painting for W II Eifert this
L D Gockley and wife arrived home
Friday after a few weeks visit at
Haigler Neb and Laird Colo
Lt D Newberry was a county capital
business visitor one day last week
Ernest Dodge and Irene Ruby visited
at tho Yeiter home northwest of town
Sunday afternoon
Lloyd Spaur from Fairviow was an
east bound passenger Friday going to
Bussy Iowa for a visit with relatives
L D Gockley and wife were Danbury
visitors Sunday
A J Greer and family visited at tho
Yeater home northwest of town Sun
The ball game between Danfcury and
the home team last Saturday was
won by the home team
About i of an inch of rain fell here
the first of the week
Grandma Eifert arrived here close of
last week from Beaver City for a visit
with her son and family
Mrs Wicks and children attended
Sunday school at Fairview Sunday
Men Past Fifty In Danger
Men past middle life have found com
fort and relief in Foleys Kidney Reme
dy especially for enlarged prostate
gland which is very common among
elderly men LE Morris Dexter Ky
writes Up to a year ago my father
suffered from kidney and bladder trouble
and several physicians pronounced it
enlargement of the prostate gland and
advised an operation On account of
age we were afraid he could not stand
it and I recommended Foleys Kidney
Remedy and the first bottle relieved
him and after taking the second bottle
he was no longer troubled with his com
plaint A McMillen Druggist
Picture framing The Ideal Store
Stomach Trouble
Your tongue is coated
Your breath is foul
Headaches come and go
These symptoms show that
your stomach is the trouble To
remove the cause is the first thing
and Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets will do that Easy
to take and most effective
Sheriff Peterson and daughter of Mc
Cook were business visitors Wednes
Bert Everist and Bessie Redforn of
Cedar Bluffs were business visitors
Danbury will celebrate July 3rd
There will bo all kinds ot races
speeches ball games etc
Eben French of Herndon Kis visit
ed at the Koy Thomas home from Fri
day until Sunday
Jake Wicks of Marion was a business
visitor Friday
The Misses F E Hughes Ethel Cor
nell and Grace Smith of University
Place will give a musical entertainment
at the opera house June 22
Harold Stone who has been visiting
at Oberlin Kas the past week return
ed home Saturday
Several from here attended the ball
game at Marion Saturday
Mr aud Mrs Pierro MacFee of Ober
lin visited Sunday at the W A Stone
Word received from Benson Neb
stating the death of Grandpa Harrison
formerly of this place
Everist Stone went to Oberlin Sun
day for a fews days visit at the Pierre
MacFee home
C W Rogers and family enjoyed
Sunday at the Rea Oman home
C W Dow and family of Indianola
were Sunday visitors at the J E Noe
Mr Barnett of McCook and Mr Caine
of Indianola were looking over their
business interests here Sunday
Nolle Lord Gaylie Miles Mrs M
Young and Myrtie Doud all of this place
went to McCook Sunday so as to be
ready to attend normal school at that
Clifford Burbridge and lady of Mc
Cook visited at the W J Stilgebouer
home Sunday Miss Leila Burbridge
accompanied them home she will also
attend normal at McCook
Miss Laura Murphy departed for her
home in Blessing Texas Monday morn
ing via Oberlin Kansas
D P Clouse and wife of Indianola
are visiting friends and relatives this
W A Stone was a Herndon Kas
business visitor between trains this
R E Pogue of Bertrand Neb was
in town a short time Monday transact
ing business
Word received from McCook Mon
day stating the death of Mrs Dan
Cashens brother He was thrown
from a horse and killed
These parts were visited by a heavy
rain Sunday night
Annis Dolph came in Monday from
Colorado where he has been working
the past year
H V Lord was a McCook business
visitor Monday
If you desire a clear complexion take
Foleys Orino Laxative for constipation
and liver trouble as it will stimulate
these organs and thoroughly cleanse
your system which is what everyone
needs in the spring in order to feel well
A McMillen Druggist
Arrived Monday Morning
Those ten view post cards of McCook
They are peaches Come and see them
Ten cents a piece Three for a quarter
Handsomest of the kind ever brought
to this city
Mrs Sentence is here on a visit to old
Mrs I W Stevens returned to Fair
mont Monday
Frank Stevens of Idaho is here visit
ing his sister Mrs Percy Catlett
Mr Vickrey wife and son Glen of
Minco Oklahoma are here visiting their
daughter and sister Mrs A L Cochran
and other relatives and friends
The Endeavor social at tho home of
Mrs Iva Dewey Friday evening was
enjoyed by many
Mrs Fannie Beason went to Lincoln
last Eriday to be with her mother and
brother who have been there for several
Mrs Vorhies visited with Mrs Otto
Webber last week
Dr Arbogast returned from the west
Monday evening
Mr and Mrs Armstrong of Marysville
Mo are here on a visit to relatives
Bartley base ball team went to Arap
ahoe Tuesday and played a good game
resulting in a score of 3 to 0 in favor of
G W Arbogast returned Monday to
Dundy county
Paul Reimer mother and sisters visit
ed with Charlie Reimer at Wilsonville
last Sunday
R F 1 NO 1
C C Byfield carrier for No 1 has
sent in his resignation effective July
1st He will take charge of the eleva
tor at Red Willow He has been carrier
ou No I since its establishment four
years since
Jessie Dudek returned to her home
in Wauneta last Friday
John Nahr has returned to his claim
in Colorado after a visit of a week in
this neighborhood
Mrs Heinrich and Mrs Krause are
guests of relatives here
Bert Shields buggy was smashed
Sunday but he was not seriously
hurt in the accident
Glen Rogers is visiting in Dorchester
this state this week
Joseph Downs will leave June loth
for the sandhills on a visit to his
John Leibbrandt and wife arrived
home last Friday from their visit in
St Francis Kansas
C L Rubottom and wife were called
to Trenton Monday by the death of a
Mrs Fred Satchell of Laird Colo is
visiting her parents Mr and Mrs S D
Mr and Mrs S D Bolles spent Sun
day with Mr and Mrs J K Gordon
Sunday evening as Bryan the thirteen-year-old
son of D B Doyle Sr
was on his way to church his horse be
came unmanageable ard threw him off
His foot caught in the stirrup and he
was dragged about eighty rods The
stirrup came off near the store and the
body was picked up and every thing
possible was done to save his life but all
to no purpose The funeral was preach
ed by Rev Satchell of Oxford at two
oclock Tuesday afternoon The fami
ly have the deepest sympathy of the
whole community in this their sad
Legal Blanks Here
This office carries all kinds of legal
blank forms and makes special blanks
to order promptly and accurately
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Bertha Schocnthal who has ben
visiting her brother D W north of
town left Saturday night for her homo
in Bennett Neb Anna Smith accomp
anied her for a short visit
FaeTeelof Kd Cloud armed Fri
day for an oxtended visit with relatives
and friends
The Christian Endeavor of tho Con
gregational church held their regulur
monthly social and business meeting
Friday at the home of C A Hedges
E Kennedy played ball Tuesday at
Arapahoe for tho Bartley boys Speck
eas Arapahoe has sure got some ball
player as Bartley didnt score
George Mick went to Omaha Monday
night as a delegate for the Masonic
mrs wniitauer or ivicuook was in
town the first of the weak
Grant Lakin is holding down the
chair in George Micks barber shop this
week during the absence of George
Mrs Dow was a Danbury visitor the
forepart of the week
Tracy Lehn who has been working as
nurse in a hospital at Omaha returned
home last week for a short visit with
The Misses Joe and May Murray went
to McCook Tuesday evening to attend
the wedding of their brother John to
Miss Joe Mullen
Emma Howard came out on Saturday
to make an over Sunday visit with Mrs
Mr and Mrs Elmer were visiting his
daughter Nellie and called to see Mrs
Johu Longnecker who is not well yet
Mr and Mrs Carson are visiting her
mother Mrs Taylor on their way to
their future home in California Those
of us who knew him when he was young
can hardly realize that this white haired
stranger is the same as the black haired
Andrew Carson of nearly thirty years
Lewis Elmer wife and children were
at Louis Longneckers first of the
Mr and Mrs Smith called to see Mrs
John Longnecker Monday afternoon
Licenses to marry issued by the coun
ty judge since our last report
Granville P Turner 50 Cambridge
and Mrs Marie V Buck 40 Denver
Truman B McClellan 20 Stratton
and Ida C Redford 25 Cambridge
John C Rollins 2G and Adelaide
Streff 2S both of Indianola
Fred Pftffer 24 McCook and Lizzie
Wall 23 Indianola
John P Murray 30 and Jossphine
Mullen 30 both of McCook
A chautauqua is one of the things
that help to lift us out of the depths of
sordidness to a broader and better plane
of being It is a good thing for us to
think the thoughts and experience the
emotions which are throbing in the
minds and hearts of others It may
cost a little but one new idea that gives
new impulse to larger life is worth more
than the silver it costs One emotion
which sets the heart singing with better
purposes is of more value than many
Ordinary pill cathartics and purgatives
cau e griping nausea and distressing and
injurious after effects that are frequently
life lasting You may have your money
back for the mere asking if Rexall Order
lies do net overcome constipation and fully
restore the intestines to regular activity
and good health They are eaten like
candy and can be taken day or night
They positively do not cause nausea grip
ing or any discomfort whatever Two
sizes ioc and 25c
L W McConnell The Rexall Store
Everyone would be benefited by tak
ing Foleys Laxative for constipa
tion stomach and liver trouble as it
sweetens the stomach and breath gently
stimulates the liver and regulates the
bowels and is much superior to pill3
and ordinary laxatives Why not try
Foleys Orino Laxative today
A McMillen Druggist
If Your Tastes Are
too fine for letter press printing if they
demand engraving and steel die em
bossing come and get our figures on
such work Dont send away or give
your order to some traveling shark
that is dont do it before you have seen
our samples of such work z -1 gotten
our figures
Colds that hang on weaken the con
stitution and develop into consumption
Foleys Honey and Tar cures persistent
coughs that refuse to yield to other
treatment Do not experiment with
untried remedies as delay may result in
your cold settling on your lungs
A McMillen Druggist
Foleys Honey and Tar is especially
recommended for chronic throat and
lung troubles and many sufferers from
bronchitis asthma and consumption
have found comfort and relief by using
Foleys Honey and Tar
A McMillen Druggist
A Handy Receipt Book
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at Thb
Tribute office
Some of the Wonderful Properties of
Rapidly Revolving Bodies
It Is probably well known to our
readiTH that by means of revolving
soft copper disks the edges of which
are served with diamond dust by beat
ing ll In diamonds can be sawed up
By means of sharp rapidly revolving
iron disks lt Is possible to cut through
heavy steel armor plates of four to
eight Inches In thickness These phe
nomena belong to a Very Interesting
department In physics the physics of
revolving bodies that doubtless still
has a great deal that Is remarkable to
oiler The rotation of a wheel results
In the phenomenon that keens the
wheelman or bicyclist without exer
tion free on his seat i e the so
called free axis We can also observe
It easily In a top which Its equilib
rium disturbed as long as the rotation
Is rapid enough always resumes a cer
tain position In regard to its axis with
out requiring pivot bearings Rotation
also exercises a tension producing ef
fect on the substance of a revolving
body and It is this tension that Im
parts to the soft saws referred to their
notable efficiency If for Instance a
disk of thin cardboard Is caused by a
suitable transmission to rotate very
rapidly on the lathe the rotatory ten
sion causes the card to behave like
sheet metal
As the Natuwlssenschaftllche Woch
enschrift states the cardboard can
in such case no longer be bent and if
struck with a hammer gives off a
sound as though we were striking
bronze This is however only the be
ginning If we place on the shaft of
an electromotor a disk of good paper
cut into an exact circle about eight
inches In diameter this paper disk can
be made at the highest rotating speed
of the motor to saw through cigar box
wood At the cutting surface it ac
quires a One brown polish The unifi
cation in question shows other inter
estlng experiments We can for In
stance fit on the shaft of the rotatory
apparatus a drum about which may be
passed an annular closed little chain in
such a manner that at the highest ro
tatory speed of which the motor is
capable it can be slipped off the drum
The chain will then behave like a
solid ring roll across the table and
when it strikes the ground bounce up
like a hoop The active principle on
which all these tension phenomena are
bused is centrifugal force
A Bit of Quick Thinking and Good
Play on the Diamond
The quickest thinking I ever saw on
a baseball field was done bv Tommv
McCarthy the Boston outfielder of
years ago Tom Browne one of the
speediest runners that ever playtd
baseball was on second base and New
York needed one run to tie the score
Jack Doyle then a great batter was
at hat and it seemed certain that a
base hit by Doyle would tie the score
and perhaps win the game as then
was but one out and Browne was so
speedy he could score from second
base on almost any kind of a safe hit
McCarthy crept closer to the Infield on
left realizing that although he could
throw with wonderful rapidity and ac
curacy the chances were all against
throwing Browne out at the plate un
less he was close and the ball came to
him quickly Doyle drove a hard line
hit straight to the left field Browne
went scudding toward third base
Doyle raced for first and McCarthy
plunged forward at top speed The
fielder reached the ball on its first
bound grabbed it and without stop
ping or looking threw with terrific
force and perfect aim across the dia
uiunu iiiiu int ursi uasiiiian s nanus
Browne had stopped at third base
Doyle who had turned first with the
intention of sprinting to second was
caught standing still ten feet from
first The next batter went out on a
fly and Boston won the game
After the game I asked McCnrthj
concerning the play Well he ex
plained Browne is a quick thinker
He saw just how hard that ball was
hit and knew he would be thrown
out at the plate unless I fumbled
Doyle doesnt think very fast and
knowing that he would turn first and
stop to see if I was throwing home I
threw across to first and caught him
fie figured that out while the ball
was screaming through the air toward
him probably reaching his conclusions
and making the decision In four fitths
of a second Hugh S Fullerton In
American Magazine
Handle With Care
In her assumed cfiaracter of mother
little Miss Dorothy going on five
spanked her new doll so vigorously
that the eyes dropped out This acci
dent seemed to make quite an impres
sion ou the young lady and when it
came her turn to he reproved in the
good old fashioned way a few days
later she glanced up from her mothers
knee as the exercises were about to
beuin and plaintively observed
Better not spank too hard mamma
Member what happened to the doll
Philadelphia Ledger
A Familiar Trait
After an absence of twenty years
a ChtVnjjo man walked In on his wife
the other day She didnt recognize
him He sat down and kicked because
dinner was late
Then she recognized him eh
Kansas City Journal
Daylight Only
Mrs Baker Mrs Smith Is wearing
light mourning Bobble What is light
mourning ma Mrs Baker Its the
kind that permits you to go to mati
nees but not to evening performances
Quaker Oats Grlddfe Calct
Try them today
The family that hasnt eaten Qaaksr
Oats griddle cakes has a delightful sur
prise coming to it Besides the delic
ious flavor there is the pleasure of
knowing you can eat all you want and
the more you eat the better for you
The best of all foods for anyone
wanting more strength and vigor
Hundreds of thousands of packages
of Quaker Oats are consumed in Ger
many annually and almost all of it is
taten in the form of Quaker Oats
griddle cakes In the New York
cereal restaurant of the Quaker Oats
Company these griddle cakes are very
Heres the best recipe for making
2 cups Quaker Oals uncooked cup
flour 1 teaspoonful salt I tcaspoonful soda
dissolve In two tablespoonfuls hot water
1 teaspoonful baking powder mix In flour2tf
cups sour milk or buttermilk 2 eees beaten
lightly 1 tablespoonful sutrar 1 or 2 table
spoonfuls melted butter according to richness
of milk
Process Soak Quaker Oals over nfcbt la
milk In the morning mix and sift flour soda
sucar and salt add this to Quaker Oat
mixture and quantity of melted butter add
eggs beaten lightly beat thoroughly and cook
as griddle cakes they make your mouta
water for more
OltbKIt Of HhVKlNu AMI MM it l ON lK
hi tho County Court of Kel Willow county
Statu of Nebraska Red Willow county ss
To the heirs of and nil eions interested In
tho estate of Fumiiu E ircrn uecuasetl
On rendintr the petition of A AIcMillen ad
ministrator prnjinc u liuiil settlement and al
lowance of ins account filed in this Court on
tho 2Jtli day of MnjljOO and fora decreu dotor
ininiiiK tho heiro of said deceased and for tho
distribution of said estate aud for his discharge
as administrator It is horeby ordered that
ou and all per uns interested in said matter
nitty and do iippear at the County Court to be
hold in anil for said County on Saturday thu
Jth day of June A I lWi at Ten oclock AM
to show cause if any there bo why the prayer
of the petitioner should not be and
that notice of the pendency of said petition and
the hearing thereof lie Kiicn to all persons
in said matter by publishing n copy ot
this order in the McCook Tribui e a weckly
newspaper printed in said county for threu
siiccessho weeks- prior to said day of hearing
ska i J C Mooter County JikIku
Boyle A Eldred Attorneys I it
CURES disease with Pure Blood
nHiTB I 5 C S 9 Li K
jgSS The only high class
vJm Baking Powder sold at jBpfe
1 a moderate price tfit
Makes Kidneys and Bladder Right
Dr J O Bruce
Telephone 55 McCook Neb
f Office over ElecricTheatreon Alain Ave 5
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
I ISA 41
DENTIST Phone 112
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Dr J A Colfer
Room Postoffice Building
rvvwTrvTfflvvvr rfTnTnftfW
H Gatewood
Office over McMillen s drug store
Phone 153 McCook Nebraska
gltjtll jM ll jl lntiMI lijjllilUjj IilLM
McCook Nebraska
CSbj AKent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Office in Postoffice building
C H Botle C E Eldbeb
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distance Jvone 44
Rooms 1 and 7 second Moor
Postoffice Bnilding MCLCOK rfeo
Middletoii Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
Cures Colds Prevents PbshxbsbIs