The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 11, 1909, Image 5

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HIT - ltTAl IMVlfl
mtwuutt ncu
No 6 Central Time 1045 p m
2 50 a m
12 arr 615 pm 715 am
14 942 p m
10 615 P m
No 1 Mountain Time 115 p m
3 11 V p m
5nrr 840 pm 930 am
ft 4 Q ni a w
15 1217 AM
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 420 p M
No 175departs 710 am
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
aoats free on through trains Tickot9 sold
and baggasto chocked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or writo D F Hostotter Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Fireman J B Wade was down from
Denver last Saturday
A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs
R W Hiler last Friday
F F Neubauer was given a conduc
tors outfit first of the week
Brakeman John Arnell returned first
of the week from a visit to the home
folks at Orleans
No 13 ana No 14 both had to run
around by way of Blue Hill Monday
on account of a washout on the Oxford-
Red Cloud line
Conductor and Mrs Joseph Hegen
berger and family except the two older
boys are visiting in Glenwocd Iowa
The boys are baching with commend
able fortitude and empty stomachs
Conductor and Mrs V A Cassell
will soon leave for an extended visit in
the west and northwest including Salt
Lake City Los Angeles Frisco Seattle
Portland and Vancouver to be absent
four to six weaks
A washout between Strang and Ina
vale Monday delayed trains from St
Louis and Kansas City somewhat as
they had to make a detour by wuy of
Blue Hill There was also a small
washout west of McCook
Dr Herbert J Pratt
Office 212H Main av over McConnelPs
Drug Store McCook Neb
Telephones Office 1C0
Residence Black 131
Igyfrryfrp ft v ftfl v Sfvy v ivy fa
Why dont you save 3
the price of a new
pair of shoes
Try the Viersen
Osborn SHOE
Work right Prices
right Material
Best There Is
V o
BfeJ H M
Trade Mark Registered
The Best Looking Best Feeling and Best Fitting as well as Best
Wearing 25 cent Stockings made They are sold four pairs in a box at
Vanr will renlnrv FRFF anv nnir fliat unafc in lhk lr L1 -
l I M f IU J f I f i 1
ipwiuiui iuui iiiuiiiiis worn aaie oi purcnase L ei us snow tnem to you
show you how to stop the drudgery ot darning
Good Clothes M er chants
TSn trx CfA B
1 I111L WU1 U Ml
Sixth Street Viaduct Soon
The company is now making advance
arrangements for the viaduct to be
built over the tracks at the foot of Gth
street east The indications now are
that work will be commenced the latter
part of this month
It is understood that the viaduct will
cover space enough for fifteen tracks
or ten more than are now laid over that
This will be exceptionally good news
for the people of South McCook and for
those who have to come into town from
that direction
Doubtless arrangements will be made
for the accommodation of foot men as
well as for vehicles in this viaduct and
it is to be hoped that sidewalk facilities
connecting with South McCook will
Sidewalks electric lights and water
facilities will prove a great blessing to
the people of that part of the city who
are now utterly devoid of such modern
improvements which they are seeking
to secure
The viaduct will put them in liae to
realize the dream of years
Conductor T E McCarl had General
Supt Perrys bridge special from Mc
Cook to Denver Monday and Tuesday
Conductor Ryan had it from Hastings
to McCook via Red Cloud and the
branches Saturday and Sunday
Supt E E Young of Sheridan pass
ed through McCook Tuesday morning
with the remains of his wife who died
in Denver Monday The body was
taken to Red Oak Iowa for burial
Mrs Young had not been well for some
time and succumbed after an operation
for her relief Supt Young has the
tender sympathy of the Burlington em
ployees in all departments in this city
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoffice June 11th 1909
Clark Mr Charles Edwards Miss Flo
Gillispie J G Johnson Mr G E
Myer I E Miller Mr L
Lonergon Mr P D Storey Mr L C
Wagner Mr Jacob2 Wagner Mr Carl
Andrews Miss Zetta Bagby Raleigh
Daily Mr Owen Edwards Miss Floi3
Ellis Mr George Hall Master Dee
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
Lox Cone P M
Congratulations Bob
R W Devoe senior law was yester
day awarded the annual Edward Thomp
son Co prize for the best essay on a leg
al subject composed in the senior law
cass The prize is a choice between the
twenty volume set of the English and
American Encyclopedia of Law and the
thirty volume Encyclopedia of Pleading
and Practice Mr Devoe chose the for
mer Lincoln Journal
John Deere Lister Cultivators
are selling like hot cakes Please let us
know at once if you want one so we can
re order Our carload is nearly exhaus
ted McCook Hardware Co
A 6 rooni house smallest room 12 x
14 8500 cash balance to suit purch
aser For further information phone
red 320
To all persons interested in the tract of land
hereinafter described
Take notice that on October 1 1907 I pur
chased at private tax sale for the taxes assessed
and levied thereon for the years 18S6 to 1903 in
clusive the following described real estate to
wit Lot 42 in block 2 in South McCook in
Red Willow county Nebraska assessed in the
name of Hiram C Rider and have paid sub
sequent taxes thereon for the years 1903 1907 and
1903 The time for redemption will expire Oc
tober 2 1909 at which time I will apply to the
treasurer of Red Willow county Nebraska for
a deed to said real estate
Dated Juno 3 1909 ll 3ts
Eabl SpeVceb
ki i -
AUAdiifeA AtWA A rtHMHMiittiir 9tc2s tb cou an3 neals lung
- i mm
Advice General Wallace Is Said to
Have Given Abdul Hamid II
When General Lew Wallace was the
American plenipotentiary In Constan
tinople he saw Abdul Humid 11 at
close quarters too close for comfort
really but his involuntary Inspection
was decidedly convincing as to the
sultans timidity
It seems that from the day of his
presentation to the sultan the general
had grown In favor ut the court and
was frequently commanded to attend
merely from the personal liking of
Abdul Damid for the American minis
ter and the enjoyment of conversation
with him in those days the sultan
was particularly vexed over affairs In
Egypt He felt that Egypt was his
personal property yet England hud
takeu the control of the country out
of his hands entirely She had hardly
said by your leave hut had ad
vised him that for the good ot Egvptq
he Abdul Damid II had better let
her and then had goue ahead
He had accepted the advice because
he had nothing to say uo with
Without a Meet what could any one
say to England This forced acquies
cence worried the sultau continuously
until he could not endure longer with
out madness In his distress he sum
moned General Wallace and described
to him in detail his humiliating condi
The general listened with friendly
sympathy and the sultan being re
lieved in thus talking In confidence to
a mau whom he knew to be sincere
and altogether free from sellish Inter
ests asked the minister what he could
do under the circumstances General
Wallace said that he appreciated the
trust and confidence of the sultan but
that being the representative official
ly of the United States of America tie
could not advise the ruler of another
country as to what steps that ruler
should rake against a third power es
pecially when this third power was on
friendly terms with his own country
The sultan acknowledged the cor
rectness of this position but besought
the general to make an exception say
ing that there was no other man m
the empire to whom he could go for
one single word of honest disinterest
ed advice Hut the general repeated
that he could not he false to his duty
as a minister and envoy from his gov
Then said the sultan Tell me as a
private individual tell me as a friend
This appeal touched General Wallace
deeply and he said As a friend then
and a private citizen I will say this
that were I in the position you have
described to me I should put myself
at the head of my troops and tight to
the bitter end
At these words the blood left the
sultans face and he fell to the floor
in a dead faint He felt their truth
and he knew furthermore that he
lacked the strength of character the
force the will power to carry out such
a program
What would have happened had the
sultans heart been physically weak as
well is not easy to conjecture As it
was General Wallace did not leave
the Yildiz kiosk until long after the
hour he had intended and Abdul Ha
mid II never again sought a coubdeu
tial interview with the author of Ben
nur New York Press
Painfully Clean
Amsterdam enjoys an enviable repu
tation for its cleanliness Owen Kelt
ham who visited Holland in the sev
enteenth century was particularly im
pressed by the spotlessness of its
streets and houses Whatsoever their
estates be he writes their houses
must be fair Therefore from Am
sterdam they have banished seucole
lest It soyle their buildings Every
door seems studded with diamonds
The nails and hinges hold a constant
brightness as if rust there was not a
quality incident to iron Their houses
they keep cleaner than their bodies
tneir bodies than their souls Goe to
one you shall find the andirons shut
up in network at a second the warm
ing pan muffied in Italian cutworke at
a third the scouce clad in cambrick
What Money Cant Buy
Money cant buy everything There
are no admission tickets to a sunset
You wouldnt trade the look in your
boys eyes wheu he greets you at
night for a million dollars of anybodys
money and if you keep a well furnish
ed mind you can go into it any time
you like as you would into a childs
playground and amuse yourself watch
ing your thoughts play leapfrog with
each other Lillian Pascal Day in Suc
cess Magazine
Faithful Girl
You know Misv Blank said the
proprietor ot a railmatl Mation rw tau
rant tlnic is mv it deal m having
your sandwiches mU attractive
Yes sii I liiimv it replii d the irirl
I have done v rvthim 1 could 1
have duMcil those sandwiches evir
mnrnini t the iat ten days Jar
pers Weekly
Nautical Learning
Little Mermaid I nave read ot fh
origin of the papa shad but cant linr
how rhe ma in ma had was created
Mamma Mermaid She was rashiouci
from a rib ot the papa shad Litth
Mermaid Gee whiz Ill bet he neve
missed it Boston Herald
An Ambidextrous Liar
Hi Jim Tagwood says he kin juggle
ten eggs t keep em all in th
air an never smash a one Si Gee
He must be ambidextrous Hi By
gum He is if thats Greek fer
blamed liar Chicago News
Mans chief wisdom consists in know
ing his follies Rochefoucauld
Its Divisions Known as Drill Town
and Slag Town
A copper camp has Its own charac
teristics peculiar and apart It has
two distinct Hisses of workmen
the skilled miners who work under
ground and the smelter uien who
range from experience and sclentltie
training to unskilled day laborers
More often than not they form sep
arate camps within the camp Drill
Town ns the slag pushers call the
quarter given over to the men who
hit the drill and Slag Town or
Uttle Ilades for the smelter men
The smelter Is the heart of the camp
In the community there Is every va
riety of camp architecture from the
tent pure aud simple and the half
breed house which Is a tent floored
and boarded up along the sides to the
turn of the roof and fitted with a Riire
enough door that will lock to the
hotel like a huge packing box with
rows and rows of little narrow win
dows set along the sides like polka
dots on a shirt waist and a Hat roof
that does not reach an inch beyond the
sides the whole painted a faded green
and jaundiced over with the red dust
A great copper camp grows slowly
When there Is a town above ground
there Is something like it below tun
nels stations stopes workings reach
ing out like streets and alleys to fol
low the vagaries of the lend There is
no gutting of a rich ledge and going
on no careless search for pockets to
be robbed and left
With scientific skill and mathemat
ical precision each yard of work is
driven to open up the best road to ore
still beyond and to leave a safe and
convenient way by which It may reach
the surface Nature has rooted her
wealth of copper deep In the earth
and no haphazard methods will release
it profitably It would amuse or be
wilder an old time gold miner to see
the care and economy practiced in
modern copper mining the small sav
ings the constant search for better
methods of handling the struggle to
eliminate waste and utilize all the by
products Out West-
It Keeps Posted on Every Vessel En
gaged in Commerce
It is a fact not generally known that
the arrival and departure of steam
and sailing vessels engaged In com- j
merce is reported daily from every
nnrt in thu world Kittine in the
time Exchange you could tell at a j E
glance just what bad transpired In jF
shipping circles of any port during
the past twenty four hours There is
a report on every ship that has cleared E
or entered The report gives the name jF
of her home port how many days out E
her cargo the number of passengers lp
her consignors and consignees her des- j E
tination and hpr captains name Tho
Self Tending Beacons
The acetylene lighted buoys of tho
Swedish coast keep in action seventy
days without renewal of the single
tubes of fifty liters of dissolved acety
lene Ingenious automatic lighting
makes this possible A bright reflect
ing surface and a black absorbing oup
give unequal expansion by daylight
thus closing a valve and shutting off
the gas but at night this action ceases
the valve opens and the gas automat
ically lighted continues burning
Cleveland Plain Dealer
Not Silent
I am sealing this letter with a si
lent kiss he wrote to her and just
then he dropped a little of the hot
wax on his thumb and let out a howl
of pain that could be heard clear
around the corner Cleveland Plain
Psychology of Dreams
Dreams go by contraries but they
nearly always agree with what we
eat Birmingham Age Herald
There is a place and means for every
tnan alive Shakespeare
companies themselves and
1 ui
ers anu iorwaraers siuuon iaese agents
all over the map and the agents are
like so many train dispatchers on land
reporting the movements of every
piece of rolling stock under the reign
of maritime law The number of men
engaged on shore in the business of
sailing ships is twice bb great as the
number managing those same ships on
the ocean
In any given company the organiza
tion represents a great pyramid of
brains and brawn authority percolat
ing down through the maze of derail
from the man who draws a princely
salary studying the Mercator pro
jection to the stevedore who shifts
freight Every man has his work cut
out for him
Every steamer that floats Is consid
ered as a unit It is a semi-independent
state the moment it leaves shore
It has its orders just the same as a
battalion of soldiers on the battlefield
and on its bridge walks the captain
who holds almost arbitrary power over
the destinies of his floating commu
nity Bookkeeper
Dowries In India
The custom of extorting dowries has
grown into the very fabric of the so
cial life and is a standing disgrace to
the Bengali community which has uc
justification to plead or apology to of
fer The practice has now assumed
alarming proportions of parents of
boys extorting costly dowries as a con
dition of marrying their sons The
marriage of a daughter among Ben
galis has become an expensive affair
and the amount in cash demanded by
the father or guardian of the boy
and paid by the father or guardian ol
the bride varies with the educational
attainments of the bridegroom Indian
Look at
Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges are splendid
bakers and save gas Sold by
McCook Hardware Co
We are now agents for the Famous Car
hartt Overalls and Jackets also for their
Gloves and Caps HUBER
Wall paper paints oils varnishes
stains and mission finishes at Wood
worth Cos Druggists
Patronize home industry by smoking
Commercial Club 10 cent cigar and
the Srrbke 5 cent cigar
Free 10c package Conkeys Lice
Powder also 25c poultry book Bring
ad to G F Smith By mail 7c
It you want a good pickle in sweet sour
or mixed we have them a quart jar full
for 25 cents HUBER
xMonarch Silver Bell and
White Satin spell success in good
oread and cake baking Buy the best
McCook Flour and Feed Store
Save the little chicks from indiges
tion diarrhea etc Conkeys Cholera
Cure in the drinking water is guaranteed
by G F Smith Price 50c 4 4
Umbrellas and raincoats your needs
in these essentials can be filled at Rozell
Bargers up to your highest expecta
tions in assortment price and styles
Quality like blood tells Quality ex
plains the well earned popularity of the
Famous Loomis High Patent Four3
Sold by McCook Four and Feed Store
An expert trick bicycle rider enter
tained the populace on lower Main av
Saturday and in the evening and
incidentally gathered in several plunks
for himself wife and little girl Hi
performance is described as having beer
very meritorious
Vf i t v v wn vrr
Shirt Waist Specials
iooJto 125 waists special 68c
150 to 175 waists special 98c
200 waists special 119
250 waists special 148
Take advantage of these shirt
waist bargains
I Wash Dress Goods
Have you seen the good things
in our wash dress goods line
Styles are right
Prices are right
McConnell for drugs
C L DeGroif Co
juin vmjm a a j j VjUt AtAjjuiji a u ji jlj a uu 4 vj wv
Everything in drugs McConnell
Fresh fruit always in season at Hubers
Mary Harrisonnurse Phone black 28G
Go to tho Star Laundry for good and
clean work Phone 140
McMillen druggist sells Wall Paper
Paints Oils and Varnishes
House Grocery
and cream
Phone 30
Dont send your work out of town
take it to the Star Laundry Phone 140
Take your lace curtains to the Star
Laundry and have them done like new
Phone 140
Ice cream soda and fancy cold drinks
again on tap at Wood worth Cos
For Ke t a L r
J I Lee 41
Fok Sale My reMM -
hold goods cheap Gi
shade trees Cal t
2S 3 l
11M I -
- d
E t
O lt
For Sale Now efr - r
used cheap Caii it t1 K
2S3 U O Iu i
For Sale Blue sjuav ciru fo
Mrs S E Christian 1 1 rf ash
For Sale IIou eo vo vis
Easy terms Earl Uargi r
For Sale A 0 1 -- t tis
engine McCool Onie t one
phone red 196
For Sale Seeri
Inquire of Mrs Aiui
Nebraska or phono b i f
For Sale or ird - m ic
Chase county land Mr 4 W
Arapahoe Neb
For Sale- -
Celery Tomtt -
f0ft rb
Jf Pfprt
bweet aats
Best Pi oi f 9
For Sal iti farm dfiri i
work boit xi 1 ah - imtf li
Phone blfk 29
For S- i -
at 06 1st street
For houscsii
700 Kozell clothing -
at roit
For Rent Pi r uv
bath and Iipht 3fr 2 sf 1
red 255 2S 2
For Rent b r ii r
J I Lee r hrr e
For Rent- G W3r
Phone ced r fj S V M i
Wanted Heart by day or vr
Railroad mt n 1 407 U it
Wanted li u ci iiir ad to
learn nursing A j t al the out- st
ern Hsi
Lost Ncrtl 1 jol
houae a Im asc c ir vnj tti t s
harness Rewaro fr m reiur t L M
McCook Sarins
Merchants iiiu oHjiir iu Mciook
tndy r noay art- pitysag the
Corn 73
W liful 1 Io
Orts 65
Ry 75
Barlev 75
Hugs 610
futt r ifiwxi 10 to IS
Eggs 17