The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 04, 1909, Image 5

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your clothes fit welh you
should wear Union Suits
Engineer Rostratter was down from
Denver Tuesday
E L Hawkins is now conductor
having been promoted first of the week
Engineer L S Viersen has been com
pelled to lay off part of the week with a
boil in his left hand
Brakeman L E Smith chairman of
the B of R T grievance committee
was down from Denver Tuesday on
-matters relating to his office
John DXounglate machinist foreman
at this place recently become machine
shop foreman at Alamosa Colorado has
just been made general foreman at that
place Congratulations J D
Dr Herbert J Pratt
f Office 212 Main av over McConnells
Telephones Office 1G0
Residence Black 131
If you would wear Union
Suits you should wear the
best made
If you wear the best made
Union Suit you must wear
If you wear Munsings you
must buy it of- Drebert
Clothing Co Thats all
Home of Princeton Clothes
Tiger Hats Ide Shirts Sil
ver Collars Signal Overalls
and Munsings Union Suits
Drebert Clothing Co
Good Clothes Merchants
McCook Nebr
i i
Come Out
And Join the
Boosters Band
Join the Boosters Band and boost
Dont stay home and go to roost
Keep awake and make a spiel
Put your shoulder to the wheel
Try to help your town along
Boost it loud and boost it strong
Everybody lend a hand
Come and join the Boosters Band
Time Card
McCook Neb
No G Central Time 1045 p M
2 500 A M
12 arr 615 pm 715 am
U 942 p M
10 61 P M
No 1 r Mountain Time 115 p m
3 1142 p M
5 arr S 40 pm
950 A m
905 A m
1217 A M
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 420 P M
No 175 departs 710 AM
Slwpinfff dinint and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and butane checked to any point in the United
State or Canada
For information timetables maps and tick
ets call on or write D F Hostetter Apent
McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General
Paspner Acrent Omaha Nebraska
The 3984 had her tires set this week
Engine 1091 n ceived droppit repairs
this week
Pilot and minor repairs were given
the 2012 this week
Engine 280 has hi r war paint all on and
ib ready for the road
Dean Huet quit the service and II Mil
ler is in his place this week
Driving brass and other repairs were
given engine 1759 this wetk
The 326 was run into the backshop
first of the week for a general overhaul
Thos Bailey and W G Kirby are
new members of the train service this
Conductor and Mis Willettsand fam
ily spent part of the week visiting in
John Durham of Sapulpa Oklahoma
machinist entered the service Wednes
day morning
Conductor E O Scott and family re-
turned Saturday nicht from a visit to
relatives in Lincoln
Earl Notley formerly of the shops here
recently removed to Hoisington Kansas
is now located at Alamosa under General
Foreman Young -
Space is being prepared for a new four
cyliuder air compressor to replace the
small and inefficient one now in use
It will be of the Ingersoll type
Conductor Humphrey returned first
of the week from Columbus Ohio
where he has been representing the
local trainmen at the grand lodge of the
B of R T
Henry Best departed Thursday night
for Oberlin Kansas where we are infor
med he will be united in marriage with
Miss Ha M Briggs who formerly taught
music in our city We anticipate with
hearty congratulations
Miss Fay Hostetter daughter of Agpnt
Hostetter was graduated from the New
England Conservatory of Musicrecently
and is expected home soon She wrote
the class history of 09 iu the Neume
the year book of the conservatory
By an error in checking in the Den
ver office a corpse was held in the bag
gage room here two or three days It
was tilled to Cleveland Ohio but
checked to McCook The body was
sent on east Monday evening on tram
No 10
The company is arranging to install its
own electric lighting plant in the near
future The engine is now on the
ground It is of the Ideal type high
speed direct connected 20 killowatt
It will provide all the companys light
shops offices etc
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoffice June 4th 1909
Kern Mr Jake
Lewllyn Mr T A
Powers Frank E
Keyuolds R F
Schmidt Mr Adam
Mrs Rosell
Burton Mrs N J
Green Mrs Philip
Jones Mr Harry
Mitchell Mr L E2
Rinck Miss Ethel
Scott Mr Loren
Valentine Mr ffm
Kern John Sr
McCIintock Lou
Painter Mr C D
Snyder Mr Ord
Sell Mr Andrew
Criler Miss Mary
Jones Mr Frank2
McClure Miss Eva
Putnam Mr Leo
Stoumbaugh Mrs J
Selby C H
Whitman Henry
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
Lon Cone P M
Spring Fries for Sale
Some fine spring chickens for sale
Phone red 113
CURES disease with Pure Blood
Best apron gingham
American A 2 bu bags
Peerless carpet warp
Good yard wide muslin
9 quarter yard sheeting
36 inch black silk
4J c
Mens heavy work shirts 39c
Mens 5 pocket bib overalls 39ff
Blue jumpers to match 39
A childs parasol and a fan for 10c
Mens muleskin gloves ISc
Mens Balbriggan union suits 75c
Ladies gauze vests 50c to 5c
Good lawns
6 big red handkerchiefs for
Boys and girls rompers
It takes cash The Thompson D
Co The utmost values
Elect Officers
At the regular semi unnual election
Tuesday evening of this week theChrist
ian Endeavor society of the Congregat
ional church elected the following offic
ers for the ensuing six months Miss
Data Oyster president Bryce Jones
viee president Miss Blanche Bowen
treasurer Miss Hazl Norris secretary
Miss Helen Schwab pianist The soc
iety just added an organ to the musical
equipment of the church
Special Matinee For Veterans
The Pastime gave a complimentary
matinee performance Decoration day
to the old soldiers which wa3 greatly
enjoyed by the boys and their wives
Mr Harmons courtesy was appreciated
In the evening the Electric manage
ment also gave the old soldiers a compli
mentary show at eight oclock
Evangelist Hall
Next Sunday morning and evening
Evangelist Hall of Bethany Nebraska
will occupy the pulpit of the Christian
church of our city preaching on both
Below wo give the entries for the races to bo held in McCook July 14 IS 10
Stake No 1 230 Trot 500
Count Direct b s by RoDfreet L L Robinson McCook
Francis Star br m by Princo of India John Jeffries Palisatlo
Montie ch s by Moncriof O Hay ward Palisado
Lady Katherino Winston b m by Cecilian Chief John Brown Laird Colo
Ask Me Not b s by Axworthy O II Sholes Ilolyoke Colo
Tho Republican bl s by Judge Haywood J P Larimore Benkelman
Flowor Girl ch m by Clogg Wright Jr Daniel Ough Benkelman
LaMy Numero ch in by Monaghan W E Rownd Grand Island
Delwood Jr ch s by Delwod W E Kownd Grand Island
Lon ch g by Juburon J E Casoy St Joseph Mo t
Paroletus b g by Massawa J E Cisoy St Joseph Mo
L S Crum ch g by Spraguo W II Brown Parsons Kars
Dividend g g by L fo Insurance L B McCarger Nt Joseph Ko
Mabelle b m by Gasell L B McCarger St Joseph Mo
Stake No 4 225 Pace 500 j
Character b s by Norval Chief S W Kinsinger Hayes Center F
Miss Kerr b m by Superior Win Jeffries McCoo - j
Grace br in by Un traced
H J Piper Goodland Kins
Seo Emily g in by Prof Nelson O II Sholes Holyoko Colo F
Emma June bl in by D J J P Larimore Benkelman
Masflueto ch in by Massawa L B AcCarger St Joseph Mo
Nellie W b in by Gambrel L B McCarger St Joseph Mo j F
Cecil Lee br s by Gambetta Wni Jeffries McCook
Francis Star br in by Princo of India John Jeffries Palisado
Big Chief bl g by Firmin W L Hill A npaLoe
Nick Wright b s by Clegg Wright J P Lariinorn Benkelnian
Touchdown bl s by llershon 1 M Doyle St Joseph o
Ashland Cassell b s by Ashland Wilkes L B McCarger St Joseph Mo
Mabelle b m by Gaskell L B McCarger St Joseph Mo
Stake No 6 210 Pace 1000
Carter G ch s by Carter II Win Jeffries McCook
Midfurd Vincent br s by Dr Vincent T V Lowe Goodl ind Ivans
Special Meeting Club
Thore was a special session of the com
mercial club Tuesday evening
The comnittee to cooperate with the
Woodman log rolling committee on the
log rolling and July celebration reported
that the joint committees considered the
time not propitious for holding either of
the events and reported in favor of post
The report was accepted and it was
the sentiment of the members present
that the club render ail necessary assist
ance to the log rolling event which will
likely occur in September
Supt C W Taylor of the city schools
was present and presented the desire of
the McCook Junior State Normal School
in the matter of cooperation of the club
with the school in tho entertainment
course for this session A committee
consisting of L W McConnell Barney
Hofer J E Ludwick A Baruett F A
Pennell and H C Clapp was appointed
to solicit sale of season tickets These
gentlemen will call upon the pwplo of
the city at once to secure this necessary
sale of tickets to finance the course
There should be a hearty and generous
response to this call as thereby the jun
ior normal cause is boosted and the tick
et holders will receive the worth of their
money in high class entertainments
They Dont Do It Do They
But we do We sell as follows
cash only
Simpson and American prints 5c
Best table oil cloth 15c
Junior Normal Lecture Course
make a combination seldom produced
on the lecture platform The date of
Mr Robersons lecture will be June 11
830 p m at the highchool auditor
The second number will be the cele
brated Parland Newhall Company
male quartet brass quartet bell ringers
composed of four members JLincoln
Newhall Stewart A Smith Willis O
Maupin and Ralph H LJarland
This is indeed one of the strongest
musical companies on the platform to
day Without doubt this is the most
versatile four people combination now
before the American lyceum public
The brass quartet introduced tastefully
into the program and the cornet and
French horn together vith the piano
as an accompaniment to vocal solos
round out a complete and beautiful
piogram that is startling and unex
pected in its variety Their program
pleases immensely and their work has
elicited praise of the most pronounced
character from lyceumites and commit
tees everywhere The Junior Normal
management is to be congratulated up
on such a strong musical number ior
the lecture course
Tickets are on sale at McConnells
Seats will be re ened and season ticket
holders will have the first chance at the
reservations Season tic et holders
may get reservations from Mondav
June 7 on Single admission tickets
will be i laced on sale June 9
Moderna br m by Allertonian L B McCarger St Josopi Mo t
Raven Boy bl g by Shelley II E E Beckwith Neligh j
Leo Line ch s by Lee Woodline D A Lord Denver Colo
Stake No 5 220 Trot 500
Count Direct b s by ReDirect L L Robinson McCoo
Uiioristor br s by xaconnec jouii urown Jairu i olo a
Billy Barleycorn ch g by Airloom S C Friend Ran lull Kans
King Pin b g by Noron I E Casey St Joseph Mo
Don ch er bv Aldenwood W II Brown Parsons Ivans
The Mystery bl g by Barada L B McCarger St Joseph Mo
Reynold Wright b s by Star Wright W L Hill Arapahoe P
Fay Benard b m by Athol Willies D A Lord Denver Colo if
Stake No 2 215 Pace declared off Purse 8200 for 215 pacers substituted
Stake No 3 Free for All Trot declared off Purse 200 for 225 troters sub
One Running Race each day for a purse of 87500
The Junior Normal lecture course
this year will be one of unusual merit
r -
jne nrsE numner will ue an illustrated i
lecture on the dreadful earthquake
disaster at Messina by Frank
lecture piauorm rue terrible Messina i
catastrophy is fresh in the minds of all
and will furnish abundant material for
a most fascinating descriptive enter
son We only have to mention
son for you to be assured of a great
treat in store for those who attend
There is only one Roberson on the
Season tickets will be 8100 with ad-
vanced reservation privileges free
Single admissions 50c
Pupils For Piano
Miss Emmi burrows a graduate of
Grafton Hall Fond du Lac Wis and
of the Ripon Wis Conservatory of
Music will recpive pupils for instruction
on the piano at the home of Mrs He -man
Pade 2nd street east Phone red
Change In Sunday Hours
On account of schedule changes on
the railroad the open hours at the post
office Sundays have also been changed
Beginning next Sunday the open hour
will be from 12 to 1 instead of 2 to 3 as
You Cannot Afford to Paint
with poor paint any more than you can
afford to do without paint B P S
stands for BEST PAINT SOLD Ask
for this at McCook Hardware Cos It
is ready mixed and ready-to-put-on
Cures Golds Prevents Pneumonia
For Rent Firtijoi
bath and lisht 309 2od st
rpd 255 2S 2
yrrefrTftWyy wyiqyw wr x
Shirt Waist Specials
uooJto s25 waists special 68c
150 to 175 waists special 98c
200 waists special 119
250 waists special 143
Take advantage cf these shirt
waist bargains
Wash Dress Goods
Have jqu seen the good things
in our wash dress gccds line
Styles are right
Prices are right
Look at
Fou Sale My residence and as i
hold good- chpap Good fcraz ruJ
shade trees Call at 209 E S i L t
28 3 R O Lhht
Fou Sale khw refngrator rtjmrj
ued cheap Call at 209 E Srd it
28 3 R O Irtye
Ftu Rent
KurnshHi r oit
- 4
tainment Mr Roborson for the first jp
time in McCook will introduce motion jlil llul iVLffyitiiVWriitfiiiit
fcV r ti
pictures directly illustrative of the aEBBamBaaaBoBiaBtnB
iireat disaster i
The three things the man the sub- FOR SALE FOR REKT JcTC J F MK Kknt A f r -- Mr-
Jtuij Vl13 lliutiuil IIVIII13 111 VJC1 ItlllllJ
C L DeOroff Co 1
in fir 4lfhTl4lvilt1Yr iitiH iiiittiiiitlo
Lee phone 43
G u i u livz ii z fcj
i Phone cdat 9s3 Mi- W Ithi g
Watki - Boarders by iiy or week
Railroad men prefern d 407 ti St E
McCook Markets
Fou SALE Blue squaw cora fs r ed j Merchants anu ueieia mMoCoofc
Mrs S E Christian phone asli 45US2 j tDty Friday arc paying the follow-
Fok Sale
Easy terms
-House and two Jote
Earl Barger
j iS prices
Corn 75
4 VJT 1 1 T
ueub x Ji
Outa 05
engine McCook Cement
phone red 196
For Sale Several fr
Sroy CoKJ
Inquire of Mrs Anna Covlc Mi Cook
Nebraska or phon black 3C6
r3H7iey to
iiogs JiQ
li miie tws j omur good nio it
For Sale or trade 160 kltds
Chase county laid Mrs J W Dr
Arapahoe Nb
ffiBga 17
The McCook Water Comjjary
iioration of tlie Stale of Isobraskt with head
j Quarters at Jlcl ict rnsha nervry gnr
notice that tlie total iuiijcciii a oi c
j poralion ninoiins at thi time to -lie
i llnrtv ilioiivaiKi
I3 Witness of f aci
r - -
1 sone j ristOIU j j ecoil ixy of June i I
i Alcl jX V
Wateo ioiiui vwmeij and mm toi
learn nursing Ap 1 at the
itii Nebraska E sprnl It
I Wl f T
Ily Minor IrPM le t
im l wirrcor
John V Ki cy errti y
ami i ins cr
Janie W i IicM Trcr
and lir i tor
t Qiriiil Iip nf Irff
wn in i ii xnxso
I hae jut rereh fd 7 ceo varr nf
new a iul oi ihe laltst patterns
The lace will Le placed on sae
Friday Morning June 4th
at the extremely km price of 5 ft
perard i z Goine early and you
will find a larjie assortment of un
broken select from
sets to - -
James McAdams
V -