The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 04, 1909, Image 3

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wiM HSKi
Business Office
is Our Specialty
Particularly Pine Line of
Writing Papers in Boxes
McCook Views in Colors
Typewriter Papers
Box Writing Papers
Legal Blanks
Pens and Holders
Calling Cards
Manuscript Covers
Typewriter Ribbons
Ink Pads Paper Clips
Brass Eyelets
Stenographers Notebooks
Photo Mailers
Memorandum Books
Letter Files
tv o w
Meets second and fourth Thursdays at 8
oclock in Diamonds hall
Chas F Markwad C C
W C Moyer Clerk
McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Monte Cristo hall
MaurtceGriffinRcc MS Jennings M V
JMWENTZFiuaucier RoYZiNTForeman
McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every
second and forth Tnesdays of each month at
800 p m in Monte Cristo hall
Mrs Della McClain C of H
Mrs Carrie Schlagel Rec
McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets
every second and fourth Sunday of each i
month at 230 in Morris hall
Walter Stokes C E
W D Bcbnett F A E
McCook Lodee No 599 B of L F
meets on the first and third Saturdays of each
month in Morris hall
I D Pennington Pres
C H Hosted Sec
railway conductors
Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the
second and fourth Wednesday nights of each
month at 800 p m in Morris hall at 304
Main Avenue S E Callen C Con
M O McClcbe Sec
railway trainmen t
C W Bronson Lodge No 4S7 B of R T
meets first and third Sundays at 230 p m and
second and fourth Fridays at 730 p m each
month in Morris hall C W Corey M
XI O JlUUUCi -cu
RAILWAY carmen
Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A
meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each
month in Morris hall at 7 30 p m
Ray O Light C C
N V Franklin Rec Sec
Bed Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meets
very second and fourth Tuesday of the month
at 800 p m in Morris hall
Theo Diebald Pres
Fred Wasson Fin Sec
Floyd Berry Soc
Post Card Albums
Duplicate Receipt Bo ks
Tablets all grades
Lead Pencils
Notes and Receipts
Blank Books
Writing Inks
Erasers Paper Fasteners
Ink Stands
Bankers Ink and Fluid
Library Paste Mucilage
Self Inking Stamp Pads
Rubber Bands
Invoice Files
McCook Views in Colors
are a Leader with Us
Stationery Department
McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M meets
every first and third Tuesday of the month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Lon Cone Sec
B St S M
Occcnoxee Conncil No 16 R S M meets on
the last Saturday of each month at 8 00 p m
n Masonic hall
Ralph A Hagbeeg T I M
King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets
every first and third Thursday of each month at
8 00 p m in Masonic hall
Clarence B Ghat H P
W B Whittakeb Soc
St John Conimandery No 16 K T meets on
the second Thursday of each month at 800 p
m in Masonic hall
David Magneb E C
Henry E Culbertson Rec
Eureka Chapter No S6 O E S meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Mas Sabah E Kay W M
W E Hart Sec
Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
830 p m in Morris hall Pay assessments
at White House Grocery
Julius Kunbbt Consul
J M Smith Clerk
Noble Camp No 862 R N A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 p m in Morns hall
Mas Caroline Kdnebt Oracle
Mrs Augusta Anton Rec
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
avory first and third Thursday evenings of each
month in hall
Mrs W B Mills Commander
Harriet E Willetts R K
g A B
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each mouth at 230 p m
Morris hall
Wm Long Commander
Jacob Steinmetz Adjt
McCook Corp No 9S W R C meets every
second and fourth Saturday of each month at
230 p m in Ganschow hall
Adella McClain Pres
Susie Vandebhoof Sec
l of g a r
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A It meets on
Che first and third Fridays of each mouth at
230 p m in Morris hall
Mary Walker Pres
Ellen LeHew Sec
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meets first and third Fridays of each month
in Odd Fellows hall
McCook Lodgo No 42 K of P meets every
Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic hall
H W Conover C C
D N Cobb K R S
McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Morris hall
H G Hughes N G
W A Middleton Sec
McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets the
aecond and fourth Fridays of each month at
300 pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings
on the first and third Fridays
R S Light W Pres
G C Heckman W Sec
Branch No 1278 meets first Moui ay of each
month at 330 p in in carriers room postollice
G F Kinghorn President
D J OBrien Secretary
McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the
first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800
o m in Diamonds- hall
G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K
Court Granada No 77 meets on the second
and fourth Thursdays of each mouth at 8 p ra
in Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G R
Nellie Ryan F S
Chapter X P E O meets he second and
fourth Saturdays of each mont i at 230 p m I
at the homos of the various members
Mrs J A Wilcox Pres
Mbs J G Schobel Cor Sec
Heart S
Heart Strength or Heart Weakness means Nerve
Strength or Nerve Weakness nothing more Pos
itively not one weak heart in a hundred is in it
self actually diseased It is almost always a
hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault
This obscure nerve the Cardiac or Heart Nerve
simply needs and must have more power more
Stability more controlling more governing
strength Without that the Heart must continue
to fail and the stomach and kidneys also have
these sam3 controlling nerves
This clearly explains why as a medicine Dr
Ehoops Restorative has in the past done so much
for weak and ailing Hearts Dr Shoop first sought
the cause of all this painful palpitating suffocat
ing heart distress Dr Snoops Restorative this
popular prescription is alone directed to these
weak and wasting nerve centers It builds
It strengthens it ofiors real genuine heart help
H you would have strong Hearts strong di
gestion strengthen these Inerves re establish
them as needed with
Dr Slxoops
Advice vcfsr Gt From His Bosa
In Apprentice Days
Tin miti v as working on the side of
a steepl sloping roof All of a sudden
his fi II pod and with a groan he
began to slide down slowly toward the
As lie slid he clutched with tense
fingers H the tin but It was smooth
It cifercd him no hold and his speed
gradually but surely Increased
As in a silting posture like a tobog
ganer the man continued his deadly
slide lie began to pray in a loud an
guished voice
Memory as If In answer to his pray
er flashed across his brain the words
Spread out
The man instantly lay flat on his
back spreading arms and legs to their
widest angle making himself as much
as possible like a starfish And his
speed at once decreased The addi
tional frktlon surface acted like a
brake A few feet from the edge of
the roof he came to anchor
Help lie then shouted
But the slight movement of shouting
acted like a push and he slipped down
a few inches more
Help And again he slid a little
But this time help came A rope was
thrown and the man climbed back to
He wiped the dews of terror from
his brow
My boss in my apprentice days he
said told me if I ever started sliding
down a roof slope to spread out and It
would stop me I didnt believe him
but by jingo he was right
The man smiled and sighed musing
on his long dead boss Then he crawl
ed back to his dangerous work on the
steep slope of the roof Philadelphia
Secret of the Tools Used by the Incaa
and the Aztecs
What was the combination of met
als from which the Egyptians Aztecs
and the Incas of Peru manufactured
their tools and arms Though each of
these nations reached a high state of
civilization none of them ever discov
ered iron in spite of the fact that the
soil of all three countries was largely
Impregnated with it But they substi
tuted for it a combination of metals
that had the temper of steel and the
secret of the combination is lost to
Humboldt tried to discover the lost
art by analyzing a chisel found in an
ancient Inca silver mine but all he
could make of it was that it appeared
to be a combination of a small portion
of tin with copper No present known
way of combining these two metals
will give the hardness of steel so
there must have been something else
In the chisel which Humboldt missed
Aud these ancient races were able to
prepare pure copper so that it equaled
the temper of the finest steel produced
at the present day by the most scien
tific process With their bronze and
copper instruments they were able to
quarry and shape the hardest stone
such as granite and porphyry and
even cut emeralds The ancient peo
ples must have independently discov
ered the art of tempering copper and
yet it Is a secret that baffles modern
scientists of the whole civilized world
New York Times
Lemon Omelet
Put the yolks of four eggs Into a
bowl with a tablespoonful of sugar
Beat until light and add the grated
rind of a lemon Whip the whites of
the eggs to a stiff froth and mix light
ly with the yolks Then stir in a
fourth of a teaspoonful of baking pow
der Pour in the omelet pan in which
a tablespoonful of butter has been
melted and bake In a moderate oven
for tr minutes When done cut the
omelet In half put on a hot platter
with the following lemon jelly between
the layers and serve as quickly as pos
Lemon Jelly Take one half cupful
of sugar a tablespoonful of butter the
juice and rind of one lemon and two
well beaten eggs Beat together and
stir over the fire until thick Deline
A Weed That Steals Oysters
A seaweed has invaded the oyster
beds of France and carried off 400000
oysters It has carried them off bodily
as a thief would do The minute seeds
of this weed float up the Englisli chan
nel in the current of the gulf stream
they settle on oysters in the Breton
beds of Morbihan Quiberon and Belle
Isle and they grow to the size of a
ducks egg They are full of water
but at maturity the water evaporates
and air takes its place The egg shaped
seaweed is then a balloon and like a
balloon it lifts its oyster from the bot
tom and bears it out to sea
Walking In New York
Men walk more rapidly in the streets
of New York city than in any other
city in the world The average speed
during the business hours according
to the most careful calculations possi
ble is four and one tenth miles an
hour After sunset the pace drops
nearly one mile an hour New York
A Quick Shift
Choleric Old Gentleman Miss if
that fool boy of mine marries you
Young Woman raising her lovely eyes
to his Well Mr Scadley Choleric
Old Gentleman Er well dash him I
cant blame the boy Chicago Tribune
What Every Woman Knows
That the photographer can take a
fine picture of most anybody else
Cleveland News
There is precious Instruction to be
cot by finding wo are wrong Carina
Old but Unsolved Problem Is Thcr
Animal Lifo on the Planet
With a planet so old as Mars and so
far along In the process of life ex
tinction the conditions of life would be
severe and only a highly Intellectual
and scientifically developed race could
endure and master them The engi
neering skill aud constructive capucily
to control the annual floods from tin
poles store the waters and build the
thousands of miles of huge canals
would require scientific knowledge be
yond that possessed by us at the pres
ent time and financial resources In ex
cess of those we have yet accuinulat
ed The nation that finds the digging
of a little ditch at Panama so great a
task would be helpless in the face of
such a problem as these thousands of
miles of Martian canals if indeed ca
nals they be Yet In view of the
greater life age of Mars such higher
intelligence would be natural In the
regular process of development as
suming that it has ever been the abode
of Intellectual life
Scientists are In the main In a re
ceptive state on this subject They
arc not ready to admit that the exist
ence of life on that planet has been
proved They do not deny It but call
for greater proof than a plausible the
ory Among others than scientists
there is In the main a disposition not
to accept the Martian human life
theory or the theory of life on any of
the thousands of spheres that wheel
and glisten in illimitable space They
seem to think that such a theory con
flicts with religion and dwarfs man
and his importance in the scheme of
This seems to be a very narrow view
to take since it appears to set bound
upon the infinite power and creative
desires of the Almighty whose great
scheme of mortal and immortal life is
not necessarily confined to a single
planet or the few billions of human
beings who are born and die upon it
As to dwarfing the importance of man
a few billions more added to the bil
lions on earth would make little differ
ence Man is at best a small and In
significant creature but if all embrac
ing wisdom power and love takes so
licitous note of him it would be limit
ing those infinite qualties to say that
one planet must be his abiding place
Therefore the question of human in
telligence on Mars or any other planet
of the solar system or the other great
systems in i emote space should be
purely and simply a scientific one tc
be accepted as true only when proved
but not to be rejected through senti
ment or for any other reason whatever
except lack oT proof St Louis Star
An Oriental Blessing
A well known representative froa
China who was a guest at a wedding
in a capital city was approached after
the ceremony by the best man and
jocularly asked to go over to the
young couple and pronounce a parental
blessing The obliging dignitary com
plied with pleasure Placing his hands
on the blushing bride and shaking
bridegroom he said May every now
yar bless you with a man child off
spring until they shall number twenty
five in all May these twenty live man
children offspring present you with
twenty five times twenty five grand
children and may these grandchil
But the little bride grew hysterical
about this time and the oriental bless
ing was ended amid the laughter of
the guests Ladles Home Journal
A Cowboy Spider
Faking aside said the nature stu
dent there is in New Zealand a cow
boy spider This creature throws a
coil of web like a lasso over its preys
head then adds more and more coils
and when the prey Is bound hand and
foot devours it
There is a Borneo spider that in
the spring days plays a fiddle It is a
common thing for a lovesick spider to
dance before his girl but this Borneo
boy my drawing his arm across his
turn produces a sweet clear not
Whenever he sees a good loiir
young lady spider he stops aud give
her a tune hoping to win her by uiu
sic Philadelphia Bulletin
Miners Freedom Frcm Cancer
Miners never have cancer In thirty-five
years practice in a mining tow
I havent had a single cancerous pa
And to what doctor do you imput
this immunity
Miners are singularly cleanly They
bathe every day They rarely smoke
They are a temperate and regular set
The physician smiled griiniy
Miners he said die young Can
cer is an old a e di ease And the
really is the reason of the miners can
cerous immunity - Cincinnati Ei
Not the Sam-
Excu e me he said as he entered
the public library at Pegantic but di
you have any social registers here
No we haint said the librarian
with considerable hauteur This here
buiklin l het up by steam and we
haint got nothin but radiators and
we dont allow no settin around with
your feet en to them neither The near
est thiug we got to a social registry in
this town is the postoffice stove Lip
A Reminder
Mamma What are you doing with
that string Lola Lola- aged five
Tyin it on my finger mamma so if I
ferget anvthingTH be sure to member
It Chktgo News
make r
rience which does not
better makes us worse
Conducted by the McoouX W C T u
Ai wwvyvw
Womans Suffrage Debate
Dawn of Victory
High Sohool Orchestra
Song Audience
Prajer Rev Iarmun
IMitnoSolo Mrn Millh
Vocal Solo The Holy City
Alma Weidenhnner
Reacting Stella Fnua
American tiellts
High School Otchebtni
Resolved that women should have
the ballot on the same term n men
MrPMntiVeIl 9 Mrs W G Duttnn
Mrs E Burton Mri Joseph Allen
MrsE Gary Mrs F M Kimmell
CanalaH Hieb School Orchf stra
Judges Chas Boyle Dr Beach J
C Moore
Price of admittance ten cents
Plaep nnd wte to be announced in
next weeks issue
From a man in the penitentiary who
was sentenced there for crime which he
committed while drunk
A bar to heaven a door to hell
Whoever named it named it well
A bar to manliness and wealth
A door to want and broken health
A bar to honor pride and fnmp
A door to sin and grief and shame
A bar to hope a bar to prajer
A door to darkness and despair
A bar to honored and useful life
A door to brawling senseless strife
A things true and brave
A door to every drunkards grave
A bar to joy that homo impnrts
A door to tears and breaking hearts
A bar to heaven a door to hell
Whoever named it named it well
Killed By His Own Car
G B Frederick who was a son in law
of John Flury living southwest of
Cambridge was instantly killed b
being struck by a street car in Denver
M nday at 1230 oclock
Mr Frederick formerly lived in Cam
bridge being section foreman He has
for the past three years been conductor
on the Denver street car line and was
killed by being run over by his own
car while changing a trolley
Deceased leaves a wife and one son
aged 11 years to mourn him The re
mains were shipped to Cambridge
funerel was held at the Methodist
church Sunday at 2 p m rnd burial
in Cambridge cemetery Cambridge
Ecipse In June
As the month of June is just upon
us it may be well to state that there
will be two eclipse in that month this
year The first will be a total eclipse
of the moon on the evening of the 3rd
of June commencing about the time
of the moons rising and continuing till
about 9 oclock p m
The second will be a partial eclipse
of the snn on the 17th of the month
his eclipse v ill be late in the evenioe
nd will not be over before the sur
ets There will not be over three
igits of the north side of the eur
overed by this eclipse but that will
e nearby one third of center face of the
un and will be well worth seeing
Missions and Church Extension
The Methodist people lifted an offer
g for Missions and Church Extension
st Sunday amounting to 3152 CO
he pastor informs the writer that rlii
sum will be increased at least 100 00
more hetween now and conference in
September The amount raised for
these purposes last year was but
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings have
been made in the county clerks cfhVe
since last report
Conrad Lenhart et ux to Georee
Walter wd to pt sw qr 29 3
Lincoln Land Co to the Ma
sonic Temple Craft Asfn wd
to 13 14 15 in 10 McCook 2000 00
If Your Tastes Are
tco fine for letter press printiccr if the
demand engraving and stepl die em
bossing come and get our figures ot
such work Dont send away or give
your order to some traveling shark
that is dont do it before you have seen
our samples of such work z gottei
our figures
Colds that hang on weaken the con
stitution and develop into consumption
Foleys Honey and Tar cures persistent
coughs that refuse to yield to otb r
treatment Do not experiment wih
untried remedies as delay may result in
your cold settling on your lungs
A McMillen Druggist
Have You An Oliver
Remington Smith - Premier or Cali
graph typewriter We have at this
office ribbons for any of these makes
Also good assortment of papers manu
script covers carbon paper etc
Many of our citizens are drifting to
wards Brights disease by neglecting
symptoms of kidney and bladder trouble
which Foleys Kidney Remedy will
quickly cure A McMillen Druggist
Legal Blanks Here
This office carries all kinds of legal
or Tine
Citizens Bank of McCook
of McCh k Neliriicka
in tliu btutttof Nohru kit at tlioclontof txiiiuom
MiyJ2 tlHJi
Lon ns and discount-
Ovonlrnf t secured and iuiMcur l
iieiiiKnui Ihmi o luii our niti ILitiin
Curruiit ixHiiwm ami tux ri jtairi
42a vs a m
ti tK
lfijIMI UOl
zxo on
Due irom iiiitmnii i tntu
and privutH Imal i and
hunkers SKEMSl a
Clierks and item- of ex
clinni 1714 IH
Currency 5 4MJ W
Gold coin silver nickels
mid cents IIIU5 1212irr
Total 2UM 11
Capital Htock S 00
fund axmtM
Undivided profit JJlUa K
Individual depc its
jt ct to check JSMiUiT M
Dxniand cortitlcntL of -
posit 2 M7 31
of domit Vi CAti A
Citsliiern checks iMit tand
in XiXXiSlZ
Due to tatc a d private
bniikn mill baikora 8150101 vrjx ra
btHte of Nolirnikii
nriti r I d Wi hit J1
I A C Ebort cashier of the nboTo nnmnt
IjitiK m lit rtu fr fin ini uljiiw Mau
inilit is a coixCt and true ropv of lli report
made to tliu Statu Hanking Hoard
A 0 KliKRT Caphfer
Attest V Fkankmn Director
Jami S Doyik Director
Subscribed aud sworn to oio m Huh 24th
day of May lNi H II Hkuuy
fsiAi Xotarv Iulilic
My commission expire October S 1913
OKKfcli OK nl mlMi Mi NOTICE ON PE
In the County Court of IVd Willow county
State of Ni irnskn Red Willow county hs
To the heirs of and al persons interested in
the estate ol I mmie E Oreen i ccchmkI
On rendiiu the oetition of A Mellillen ad
iniuibtrntor prajuiK a linal - lenient aud al
lowance of ha account hied in Com on
the 20th da of Mtiyl01 and for a decree detrr
ininiiur the heirs of sniil dereii ed and for this
distributioi of iaiil cMntc and for
as admiuisrator It is lereby orderid hat
you nud all persons interc ted in said mutter
may and do ppear at the County Court to lie
held in aud for said County on Saturday the
2tli day of June A D 1HJJ at Ten oclock AM
to show cause if any there he whj thepraer
of the petitioner should no tc cranted and
that notice of the pendencj of said petition anil
the hearinir theieof he Kien to ah p Mjn
in -aid nuitter pnl liliinn a copy of
this order in the Alrt t Tril a veokly
newspaper printed in saii comiy for threo
successive weeks prior to sai1 day of lKnrtnij
skai I J C Mooiir County Judo
Hoyloifc Eldred Attorney--4 3t
In thn I istrict Court of Red Willow county
In the matter of the application of Alinj M
Adams dministiatrix a it the U ill annexed
of the Estate of Ida L Kaime deceased for
License lo sell real estate
Notice is herebj riven that in mirsuance or
an order of the Hoi orablo C Orr Judge of
the District Court of Red Willow county Ne
braska made on theVith a of May Vk J for
the sale of the real estate hcreiiafler described
there ill be sold at pul lie vendue to the
highest bidder for cash at the last fro it door
of the Court House in the Citv of McCook in
said county on theCth day of June MRi at the
hour of one oclock 1 M tins
real estate to wit nn undivided one
ninth interest in the Northeast Quarter or Sec
tion Thirty four U in Township One I
Range Twenty seven 271 in Red Wiliow county
Nebra Ua Said sale will rt main open one hour
Dated this srd day of June
At i M Ai ms Administratrix
with the Will aiin red of th5
Estate of ha L Kai lie deceased
Hoyle A Eldred - --
A Handy Recupi Book
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at Thr
Trihunk office
Ji Reall 93 Hair Tonic does not
sratlcate dandruff stop the hair rrom
falling out and grow new hair to your
entire satisfaction we will return erury
ceit you paid us for it Surely no offer
could be fairer Two sizes 50c ad Sixo
L W MoConnpll Thp RpxbM Store
No more bunting fishing picnic king
or boat riding on the old Lromis place
Parties doing so will l takn for Ires
passers and treated as such This
means you
Foleys Honey and Tar is especially
recommended fn chronic throat and
lung troubles and many sufferers from
bronchitis asthmn and consumption
have found comfort and relief by nsirg
Foleys Honey and Tar
A cMillen Druggist
Stomach Trouble
Your tongue is coated
Your breath is foul
Headaches corne and go
These symptoms show that
your stomach is the trouble To
remove the cause is the first thing
and Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets vill do that
o take and most effective
WWch do you think won
Not long ago two men athletes werJ
into a contest to see which could stand
erect and hold his arms stretched out
full length at either side of his body for
the longer time One man had fed on
steaks and chops sausage ham roast
beef etc the other ate heartily but con
fined himself to such foods as Quaker
Oats rice macaroni etc Which do you
thinR held out longer
The first man lasted twenty two min
utes The Quaker
hap concluded to stop after he had been
at it more than three hours
Theres more strength and economy in
ating lots of Quaker Oats than
people imagine
Every family should cat plentifully of
Quaker Oats at least once every day
breakfast is the best time It strengthens
irou for the day
Regular size packages for city trade
large size family packages for those who
blank forms and makes special blanks are not convenient to the stores Grocers
tp order promptly and accurately j sell both of these