The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 04, 1909, Image 1

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from early school boy days
Ralph Bosworth of Denver
briefly for the class of OS
Two of Them
H P Sutton is just in
receipt of two carloads of
pianos of Uhe leading
makes in every style and
finish and of all prices
He is prepared to please
the most fastidious and
artistic tastes and also
the most reasonable and
modest pocketbooks
The Display Is Unequaled
New Members Are Initiated with Custom
ary and Additional Particulars
TTlH nj irt rtf 4lin nf hrm nnnnlnnf t
Supt C W Taor our new superin
tendent of schools bad only pleasant
and promising Impressions to relate
on this auspicious occasion
Frauk M Colfer of the class of 00
many happy returns
- 1 l J l
Farm Loans
N J Johnson over McCunneljs store
His Get-A-Way Probably
worked Keveral penult oti the Imperial
lne last week He went up the line
buying butter and eggH offering a pretty
Htiff price buying on credit Ho
brought the stuff to McCook and sold
to local denier He then disappeared
The branch people aro still looking and
Tue av a young man hired a liverv
I team from Charles Pdterlta the Blue
Front liveryman Friday he received
word from Norton Kansas that his
team was there at his cnll The man
had driven over to Norton and left the
j animals tied to a post taking a Rick I-
land train for some point unknown He
j recovered them
Local police have the theory that the
parties are one and the same fellow
If Oid Tol be tins upon you long at
a time these bright days jour complex
ion is apt to suffer Better give jour
skin a little daily oare Use
M cConnklls Cold Cream
on your face neck hands and armi
night and morning and your complexion
will be protected against all harm that
8 in or wind can do Iih a dainty pre
paration and made especially for dainty
skins This is a most cooling and heal-
high school alumni association gainer-
b preparation that can be U9ed for
ings or luo suiiu iucook was wiuu
awake this year and in tlie an with a
meeting replete with interest and vitali
ty well attended and lively and interest
The session was held in the high
school auditorium last Friday night
the new class of 09 the faculty and the
members of the board of education withn
their wives being guests
Among the features of the evening
were music by the Pythian orchestra
and vocal efforts by Miss Elsie
both much appreciated
The class of 09 came in for a lively
initiation in due form
The banners of several classes adorned
sunburn or any infl tmmtition of the skin
L W McConnell Druggist
Surprised the Elder
A company of old friends neighbors
and relatives of Elder H H Berry sur
prised him Tuesday evening on the
occasion of his 64th birthday and as
sisted him iu a happy manner in the
celebration of that event which includ
ed that of Mrs Berry which antedated
the elders but a few days on the calen
dar Refreshments and a nice memento
of the occasion were details of a pleasing
Instructor and Athletic Director
the walls and other points of vantage i
- I George R McDonald of Beaver Crossing
Besides other decorative effects were
carried out by the committee
The following menu was served by
the ladies of the Methodist church
Unhulled Strawberries
Pulverized Sugar
Olives Midget Pickles
Salmon Croquets
Escalloped Chicken
New Potatoes in Cream
Peas in Timbells
Parkerhouse Rolls
Combination Salad
with Mayonnaise Dressing
Neapolitan Ice Cream
Assorted Cake Coffee
After Dinner Mints
Following the gastronomies were the
toasts wit and wisdom quips and remi
niscences and the other etceteras which
as uu iusiruuiur in luu uigii suiiuui uuu
and enliven such 23 Curtains Left
go to round out an
of the out of the 5 dnz odd ace curtains
occasion George Campbell i
class of -03 was the toastmasler j worth all the way up to S5 00 Some
James A Gollehon president of the slihly soiled Selling now at from
record SI 69 cents each down to 33c On Bar
class of 09 went on as respond-
ingto the toast President -09 with gio square and a genuine bargain
fio i The Thompson D G Co The utmost-
director of athletics Mr McDonald was
superintendent of the schools of Beaver
Crossing last year and gave a good
account of himself in that capacity
bringing that school up to the list of
university accredited schools durii g L s
Junior Normal Accommodations
The people have responded very
liberally iu offeriug to entertain Junior
Normal students with room and board
Accommodations for about 75 more
are needed Those willing to help in
this matter with either lodg ng or board
should phone red 69 or 336 giving price
desired for either or both
Krags and Uniforms
The militia company of our city has
been provided with Krag - Jorgeusen
rifl and the regulation blue uniforms
had his customary grist of The khakis will come later Captain
cences to make merry the event Scott reports the boys coming into
Mrs C
W Wood worth
of 96 was form nicely
there again and none were sorry 50 Shlrt Waists at 2pc Each
She is oue the alumni hope will have nn - Rniam ThRR are some
ucuan oi mb ciass oi a i - t fn fi1 r t
etrated that he is related to it closely I
what mussed but they are worth from
ltjl I WU - f wv v KU Vj i
Drices lour cnoice now at 2ya xne
It is a habit Ray has had and cultivated j Thompson d G Co The utmost
Weeds Will Not Bother
if vrm linvn n Tnlin Fpfrf Tivn Rnw
Lloyd Jennings had a word to say for
- m j
a There de-
Lister Cultivator is a big
the decorating committee of the
6 mand for these Let us have your
sion wuicn realized every reasonauie
A Barnett of the board of education
represented the board in this post pran
dial event with wsdl known facility
Punch was drawn from a well in rus
order so we can take care of you Mc-
1 Cook Hardware Co
We Lead On Wash Suits
Very nice ones at So 00 to 8750
Wash skirts at SI 50 to S3 00
1111 tQiiyj j 11
A sharper giving the nam of Tiller
tic effect tincups and binding twine able jumper suits 1 25 to SI 00 Alter
supporting the scheme J ations free The Thompson D G Co
The class of 190S was the honor class Actual cash values
for attendence eighteen members being
It wes in the early morning hours
its Your Own Fault
if your bread isnt the best ever if you
dont buy the famous Loomis high
before the singing of Auld Lang
fc h McCook Four aud Fed
Syne which concluded the meeting of
McCooks high school alumni for 1909
Hall Insurance
Let us insure your grain against loss
i ui Bnnm wnirrirx at niTR
uy uuii j u --
fice Honest adjustment and prompt
guarantee Boyle Eldred
Office over post office Phone M
Boys Three Piece Suits 12 yrs To 19
in good variety of latest things from
3 50 to 6 00 at the Thompson D G
Co Actual cash values
Store G F Smith proprietor
Straw Gsods Now Have Call
And of course straw hats are in order
Straw bats in all the styles and at all
prices at the leading clothiers
Rozell Barger
0 No Hunting- Allowed
No hunting allowed on my farm or on
the Walsh land leased by me under
penalty of the law E F Flitcraft
Twenty First Occasion Was Not
able and Noteworthy
The High School Auditorium Was Well
Filled With Relatives of the Gradu
ates and Admirers of Our Splen
did Public School System
Paul Benjamin
Blanche B iwen
t Jay Browne
Im z Viola Clark
Tacie Ettiel DeLong
Margaret Dole
Ona May Dwyer
lames A Gollehon
Max William Hare
Gordon A Uartman
Virginia Eleanor Heckman
Francis Mabel Hughes
Raymond Jordan
Marguerite L Vic Adams
U zp1 E Merle
Minnie Middleton
Imz May Mills
Florence Glaoys Simmons
Fay Stayner
James Gollehon President
Tacie DeLong Vice President
Raymond Jordan Secretary
Margaret Doyle Treasurer
Last Thursday evening in the high
school auditorium was enacted the twenty-first
annual commencement of the
McCook high school under circum
stances and accompanied by particulars
nioat appealing and satisfactory to
parents and patrons of the ejstem
In the absence of Miss Deborah Heck
man detained by sudden illness Miss
Nina Tomlinson gave the opening selec
tion with a feeling and finish which
mark her as a pianist of bright future
and accomplishment
The invocation fell in appropriate
diction from the lips of Rev G B
Hawkes of tba Congregational church
In the regular order came the splendid
violin solo by Mrs Earl O Vahue who
draws the most artistic bow in this
section of Nebraska Mrs W B Mills
accompanied on the piano
Miss Blanche Bowen the class saluta
torian in well chosen language in
troduced the commencement orator
Dr S Mills Hayes pastor of Trinity
Episcopal church Lincoln
Dr Hayes chose for his subject
Tub Scholar and the Wo ld giving
it the thorough treatment of the scholar
the analysis of the legally trained mind
fnd the color and application of the
ecclesiastic The crystallized idea of
the orator was acquire education and
Knowledge of the world in healthful and
rational proportion thus avoiding the
fate of the intellectual prig or the inane
oociety butteifly lie was bold and
forceful in his arraignment of the com
mercialism and selfishness of this age
but claimed that knowledge of the facts
is ef Sfntial to success This age of
uupt bluest graft and commercial despo
tism is the greatest age of the most
bouudless opportunity to the thinker
who is fortified with a knowledge of ihe
world as it is and with great earnest
ness of soul and speech the doctor
nought to drive home the thought of his
address and clinch it on this wise
Miss Els e Campbell followed with a
vocal solo which received the usual ap
proval of her hearers in warm measure
The valedictorian of the class Ray
mond Jordan expressed the appreciation
of the class for its splendid opportuni
ties and the faithful services showered
upon them by teachers and the system
concluding with the hope in which all
present join that the class of 09 woula
pass out into lifes duties or take up
advanced educational work and make
C W Barnes secretary of the board
of education then in a brief speech pre
sented the class with diplomas signify
ing the completion of the high school
Rev M B Carman of the Methodist
church pronounced the benediction
concluding exercises very gratifying to
all and reflecting most creditably upon
the public schools of our city
The platform in the north end of the
auditorium was decorated with ferns
palriTsVpotted plants etc and the color i
g I baturday June 5th 1909 1 Wn
jpH I and will repair any and all old separators bring 1
Ka I them in Also any and all who are thinking of 1 gj
HH 1 buying a new separator will do well to call that da pptf
S fl and secure a genuine bargain 1 g8J
iH I W HHarmon 1 i
fmfrrn nJtmlm mi mi immi 1 i TTni m 1 5Im
Kill 0 Vhat It Is
A new preparation for killing dande
lions weeds etc A drop on the root
of the weed and it is dead Beautify
your lawn by using Kill O and eradi
cating the weeds Sold in 25 cent
and o0j bottles at Wood worth Cos
Notice of Equalization
Notice is hereby given that the Coun
ty Board of Equalization will meet on
the 15th day of June to equalize the
1909 personal assessment aud will be in
session at least three days as provided
by law 5 21 4 Chas Skalla
County Clerk
Look Over the Large
line of Velie and John Deere Buggies
at McCook Hardware Cos and let
Two Days Engagement
Colonel Sutton and his spell binder
have been signed for a two dajs en
gagement at the Hastings chautiiqua
thi3 summer Juiy 31 and August 1st
Dwelling For Rent
Five rooms and bath furnished or
unfurnished 21 per month furnished
or 820 unfurnished Fruit Mrs Nannie
Ratliff north 5th street east
19 Pairs Left
of those low cut summer shoes that w
are selling on Bargain Square at 29c
a pair All siz 3 The Thompson D
Go Co The utmost value
A Fair Crop Assured
Protect Your Buildings Come in now and give us your order
with Shinns pure copper cable light- for a light running Deering Mower
ning rods sold and put on by McCook them tell you how you can buy one now i Binder or Header McCook Hardware
Hardware Co and get the summers use of it I Company
Hundreds From Country and City At
tended the Final Services Here
The remains of Mr and Mrs Alfred
E Kennedy arrived from Beaver City
last Thursday night and on last Friday
afternoon services were conducted in
the Christjau church Rev Ainaworth
in charge and being assisted by Rev
Burton of the Baptist church after
which the bodies were interred in Rivor
view cemetery of this city
The church was entirely inadequate
to the demands of the large outpouring
of sympathetic friends of both families
of the deceased many being unable to
gain admittance to the building even
The scene was a most piteous and
tragic oue none escaping the spell and
influence of its oppressive sadness
The caskets were covered with many
fl iral evidences of sympathy and love
for departed and living
A brief obituary of each of the de
parted young people is given below
Alfred E Kennedy was born in York
county this state October 18th 1886
died at Beaver City Nebraska May
25rh 1909 aged 22 years 7 months 7
days For several years he resided on
the farm southeast of McCook attend
ing the McCook high school for a while
Re was a machinist by nature being
called the kid engineer as a boy
Ho naturally drifted into running
automobiles and was associated with
Charles Pieklum of this city in that
line of work and about a year since
wpnt into partnership with Mr Pick
lum in the business August 20th1908
he was united in marriage with Mis
Freda Marie Mette of Beverly in this
ity Iu boyhood days a member of the
United Brethren church he within the
last year at Beaver City joined the
Christian church
Freda Marie Mette was born at Jan
sen this statp Jauuary 7th 1888 died
at Beaver City Nebraska May 2G 1909
aged 21 years 4 months 20 day She
was united in marriage with Alfred E
Kennedy in this city August 20th
19QS moving to Beaver City where srre
scheme was in royal purple and Oxford became a member of the Christian
gray with class motto Nihil Sine j church of that place Deceased taught
Lahore done suitably in form and school in the Kennedy district south-
color and occupying wall space in rear
of the plntform
east of this city two terms She was
generally liked by pupils and patrons
I -
HI isinnrRi Ira
ESJiij W a s r m a Vtrgm
KflSH I - S Krai i
gyl Mr Kundall ot the DeLaval beparator Co will g j
gbEfill B UC 111 lULUUfl clL JJct1 111U11 O OCLU11U AjLclllU JLU1C j fcjlgi
A young woman of pleasing personality
she naturally attached herself to a large
circle of friends Ilers was an active
and earnest oung life
If you own a hammock you can have
it when evr your time allows There Co
are probablv plenty of places around
your home where you can hang a bam
good hammocks
a all prices from S100 up Have them
i 1 a variety of st les weaves patterns
a id colors Every hammock is well
made and strong and sure to give long
service Come in and see thse uew
goods Gt your hammock early and
have comfort ali summer
L W McConnkll Druggist
Is a Head Lmer
As a world traveler Dr MacQueen
s ands as a head liner He has made it
a point during the past four years to
j visit one or two new countries where
I things are happening each summer
HU lectures therefore aro udoh live
i issues and upon topics in which every
one is interestfd Mr Chas F Horn
er manager of the Redpath System
tuinkr Dr MacQueen will be one of the
best liked men on the whole chautauqua
I plaform
I County 8th Grade Graduating Exercises
All school olhcers patrons and friends
of education are most cordially invited
to attend the eighth grade graduating
i exercises of the Ked u lllow county
I public schools to be held at McCook
Fridaj Juue llth at 230 p m in the
high school assembly
Claudia B Hatcher Co Supt
Save All me Cream
with a Sharpies or Blue Bell Cream
Separator sold by McCook Hardware
Farm Loans
Optional pa ments No cash com
mission required P S Heaton
Whittaker Gra 107 West B Mc
Cook Nebraska 25 tf
John Cashen Auctioneer
ludianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc
Cook National bank
It will pay you to see McMillens Wall
Paper before buying
I have 100 acres very fine pas
ture and will take a few more
colts to pasture Fine shade and
plenty of water W E CORWIN
phone ash 1354
- NSs Ifc
Mccook national
Is the first stop toward success
and fortune
Protects your family in emer
Educates your children
- Makes you independent
Gives you a standing in the
Is a valuable aid in any enter
prise undertaken anywhere
by any body undor any
If do not havo
you a bank ac
count let us suggest that you
start one with us immediately
P Walsh President
C F Lkhn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
The Drugs You Buy
are of course bought for a purpose to
speed the recovery of sorro one who is
ill in nil probability Do you ever fail
to consider quality when purchasing
such goodB Theres a differenco in
drugs you know and soma druggists
take more pains in selecting their drugs
We make quality the first considera
tion Buy drugs of u j and you can bo
sure you are getting the purest fresh c t
and most potent that tie mnrltet affords
L VV McConnkll Druggist
Official Record Incomplete
The ollicial record coph d from our
esteemed contemporary List week ap
parently tenot ofTicMlly complete at
least Mrs May Douglass who taught
the South McCook school Inst term
with satisfaction advises the writer
that her name should be among those
elect It ib herewith cheerfully append
ed and any others omitted will receive
cheerful attention as announced olli
ciilly or otherwise
Stansberry is Their Prophet
The readers of
The Tribune are re
quested especially to note the page ad
vertisement of the Bradley tfc Vrooniitn
paints appearing in this issue
This great paint firm is a leader in
paints for all purposes and Stansberry
is their local prophet Hell tell you
3ll about it
Hail Insurance
Insure your crops against loss by hail
in the St Paul F M Ins Co and the
Conn Fire In Co ol Hartford
Boyik A Eldrkd Agents
Office over post office Phone 41
New Shipment Jast In
Of those popular two piece suits for
rneu Latest in colorings shades aud
stjles and best of all the prices aro
strictly ritiht Re zkm Barger
Neck Ruchings lc a piece
on Bargain 6quaie A half a gross
of them in black and white assorted
Your choice for 1 cent The Thompson
D G Co The utmost value
Eggs for Sale
Pure Barred Plymouth Rock eggs
choice stock 3 sets each 8200 per 100
Phone ash 1351 or black 255
Mrs J W Hurtles- Route 3
A 6 room house smallest room 12 x
1 1 8500 cash balance to suit purch
aser For further information phono
red 320
MONEY TO LOAN on farms
ell it Barjer at clothing store
A As the ice en am season has
again opened with us- our store
will remain open evenings through
out the summer
Wood worth Co Druggists
If you need your cellar
cemented now is the
time to have the work
done We are making a
special price for the next
thirty days
McCook Cement Stone Co
H N Rosebush Manager
Phone red 196