The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 21, 1909, Image 5

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Six Fifty
for 750 800
and S50 hats
217 Main Avenue
McCook Nebraska
No 6
liarr 615 pm
McCook Neb
No 1 MouutaiuTimo 115 P M
t 1142 p M
5nrrSJ0pin 9 A M
13 905 AM
15 1217 am
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 420 p M
No 175departs 710 A M
SleopiriK dining and reclining chair cara
seats free on through trains Tickot9 sold
ami huggage checked to uny point in the United
Stntfs or Canada
For information time taWes maps and tick
fits call on or write I F Host tier Agent
McCook Nebraska or L W Waknley General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nobraskn
E F Foe id in the timekeepers office
Work was dono this week on the
20lls cylinders
Engine 1106 and 702 were droppit sub
jects this week
O U Charlel helper in blacksmith
shop is sick and off duty
Engine 1911 received new ash pan and
other repairs this week
The 148 received repairs and work on
her cylinders brasses etc this week
Conductor Hunter of the Ilighline
was lined up for a Denver Alliance run
first of this week
C II Stennett postal clerk on the
McCook Imperial branch has com
menced the erection of a dwelling house
on 3rd street west
J W Anderson express agent has
beon transferred to McCook where he
will have the same position as he held
here lie left this morning Oxford
The fourth biennial convention of
the Switchmens Union of America and
the second biennial convention of the
ladies auxiliary opened in Peorii II
Monday of this week
Six cars of cattle from the famous
Kilpatrick ranch came down the im
perial line Saturday evening the train
being delayed two or three hours to en
able the ranchmen to load them
William Coy of Joplin Mo an old
time conductor on the Burlington out of
McCook visited in the city close of
last week renewing acquaintances here
among the railroad men and citizens of
the early days Same old Bill
A portion of the east end of the black
smith shop has been partitioned off and
is being adapted to the use of the tin
shop men The old flue cleaner has
been removed and a new shed erected
on the ground for the use of the flue
Agent G S Scott of Brush Colorndo
was down from that station Monday
and moved his household goods to hL
new home that evening the family
and himself following on tho night
train George is a live wire and a host
of McCook friends wish him all merit
ed success in his new station
Dr Herbert J Pratt
Office 21214 Main av ovpr McConnells
Drug Store McCook Neb
Telephones Office 1C0
- Residence Black 131
Seven Fifty
for 850 900
and 1000 hats
Our Bii
Clearance Sale
of Millinery
All our Trimmed Hats will be
on sale as follows until Satuiday
Three Fifty
for 450 500
and 550 hats
Ten Dollars
for 1200 1350
and 1500 hats
You must see these hats to apprec
Come early and get the best selection
Central Tinio 1045 p M
500 A M
715 A M
942 P m
615 r m
Some Recent Bulletins
Supt ES Koller has issued a circular
to compay employees calling their at
tention to the Kansas law which ex
pressly provides that it shall be unlaw
ful for any person to drink any intoxi
cating liquors on any passenger coach or
dining car and empowers conductors of
the trains to cause offending persons to
be turned over to magistrates to be
dealt with as provided by law Supt
Koller suggests to employees that it
would be well to refain from selling or
offering to sell intoxicating liquofs to
any person on Burlington trains while
in or passing through the state of Kan
He also reminds employees of the
Nebraska law which becomrs effective
on July 2nd and substantially makes
it unlawful for any person to be found
in a state of intoxication or to drink in
toxicating liquors as a beverage upon
any passenger train coach closet vesti
bule or platform while the train or
within the state Conductors are in
powered to eject such persous from
And as well to the bill which provides
that corporations or their emplojeea
which or who shall have in its or
their possession or control any grouse
pheasant prairie chicken quail wild
goose brant or auy wild duck or any
of tho birds animals or fiati protect d
by the game act out of season or for
the five days following the close of such
season or any corporation or employee
soiling or offering tohel at any lime of
tho jear wild deer elk or antelope
grouse prairie chicken quail wild tur
key wild goose briut or any wild duck
or any of tho birds animals or fish
except of the following varieties stur
geon catti h buffalo carp suckers
and iarfi h protected by the game act
s hail be de med guilty of a misdemeu
aor and upon conviction fined S3 00 for
each hire or fish unlawfully in its or his
possession or control
Harry Frey is working under J D
Young in Alamosa Colo
Dont fail to note time table ehanes
in this issuewhich go into effect Sun
day next Note rew trains
Fon Sale Blue squaw corn for seed
Mrs S E Christian phone ash 3GS2
For Sai k Strong plants that will
grow See or phono R McDonald at
Morlan farm phone cedar 1551 21 2
FouSale House and two lots 900
Eay terms Earl Barger
Fok Sale Sanitary couch and a ref
lgerator practically new Mrs Curin
607 2nd street east
Fok Salk A gasoline
engine McCook Cement Stone Co
phone red 19G
Fok Sale Several fr sh milch cowt
Squire of Mrs Annn Cole McCook
Nebraska or phone black 306
For Sale Furnishings for three bed
rnnm Inquire J R Burke black 35S
For Sale Piano and ohter house
hold goods cheap E W Hendricks
30S 2nd street east
Five Dollars
for 600 650
and 700 hats
Fifteen Dollars
for 2000 2200
and 2500 hats
Miss Anderson
Time Card
More Trains and Fjster Time on the
Chicago May lfi Perhaps the nm i
radical chanties jn the way of im
provement ever made in tho train r
vice of any railroad at one time an
tho which take plaro un thu Btirliit
ton Route May 25 when that company
will put on four new truins and will im
prove the service and quickeu the time
of several trains
Perhaps the most important of the
new train nre tho two which will run
through solid from Chicago to Seattle
via St Paul They will both be com
pletely electric lighted and the Oriental
Limited will run over the Great ionh
prn west of St Puiil leaving Chicago
in me evening and ninlfing the tnji in
72 hour it will carry observation
j brary club car standard and tourist
sleeper couches dining cars etc I n
other through train via St Piul will run
over the Northern Pacific roid leivintr
Ohiennn in the mnrninir ml n 11 l
coach is engaged in transportation 1 XT
1 kuuwu ib liio noruiern Iiei lit
pre and will carry similar c quiimnt
It is worthy of note that this is the
first time that trains have been run
regularly over any railroad all tho way
thtpugh solid from Chicago to the
Luget Sound region
In addition a third train to Seattle
will be installed which will start l
St Louis I Kansas City Omaha and
Denver and run through solid to Seat
tU over the Burlington Route to Bill
ings Mont thence over thQ newly
completed line of the Great Northern
through Grent Falls and Spokane one
of tho most interesting aud picturesque
routes through the Northwest
It additiou to thebe three new trains
to Siattle the present through rin
running from t Louis Kansas City
Omihaand Denver via Billings and tbe
Northern Pacific will be made a solid
olecric lighted train
With these changes the people of all
tho important cities of the middle west
will have through trains to PugetSound
twice a day a very important public
convenience in view of the Alaska Yu
kon Pacific Exposition to be held this
year in the city of Seattle
Another new train is the Colorado
Lmitud which will be installed be
tween Chicago and Denver leaving
Chicago 945 in the morning and ar
riving at Dnver at 415 the following
if ernoon This is aioj a completely
electric lighted limited train with the
ucual modern equipment observation
car btand ird si diner etc
The timo of the Burlingtons crack
train the Famous Denver Limited No
1 will be changed so that after May
23 it will leave
Chicago at 430 p m
arrive at Denver 9 p m the following
night This train has tbe unusual
record of having arrived ou time in
Denver during the calendar ear 1S0S
355 times only late ten times during
the year
Another important feature is tbe
fact that St Louis Colorado Limited
leaving St Louis at 215 p m will be
a solid electric lighted train with obser
vation car etc and will arrive at Den
ver at 415 p m instead of 620 as here
The western roads are this year look
ing for very heavy travel to the
W anted Situation by experienced tic Coast on account of the
ccokm restaurant or small hotel kon Pacific Exposition to be held at
Write box No 5 Indhnola Nebraska
For Rent 5 room dwelling on 1 4th
street west at No 607 O Grismore
For Kent A 5 room cottage
J I Lee phone 43
Seattle a greatly increased regular
travel is also looked for to the Yellow
stone Parkand Colorada and with all
these improvements in train service on
the Burlington that road should come
in for a large share of the new business
Lincoln Said He Always Admired and
Co voted It
Alban Jasper Couunt the nrtlst In
telling of his experience in painting
a portrait of Lincoln said
Yankee wit was mentioned at one
of the sittings and Lincoln said That t
Is sometUlng I always admired and r
covedvSome one said Why you
certalnlybave the credit of possessing
It Jif large measure No said Lin
coln not the genuine I dont remem
ber that I ever got credit for It but
once Then he told how hurrying
once through a courtroom he was or-
by the Judge to defend a prison-
er accused of assault and battery A
witness was just testifying that the i
complainant had been fought all over
a Hold On cross examination said 5
Lincoln I asked him How large v as
that field twenty acres No he
replied Ten acres No Were
here two acres I persisted Yes
Just about two he agreed And you
saw him fight this man all over the
field pointing to the prisoner Yes
sir Well sir I said did you ever
see a fight before that turned out so
little to the acre The witness ad
mitted with a grin that he had not
the judge smiled and the jury snick
ered So saying that as this crop was
so poor it did not seem worth further f
cultivation I submitted the case
Some of my friends said it was r
kee wit but that was the only time I
ever got credit for it I wish I had
it McClures Magazine
It Was Real Literary According to the
Wily Stenographer
The beautiful typewriter girl puffed
out her golden pompadour nervously
says the Philadelphia Bulletin My
speed 11 increase Mr Meer excuse
me Wellington my speed 11 increase
30 to 40 per cent every day
Broker Wellington frowned The
girl had taken his dictation slowiy r
And in a stern skeptical voice he said
How so
let them pray over him anointing hia
with cii in the name of the Lord Ana
the prayer of faith sliili save ijo trie
and the Lord jihill raie him up and
if he have committed sins they
be forgiven him Christian Register
A Sd Cs
An Atehi on man has lain in an un
conscious btato ever since 10 oclock
list Iiirht Everything h js heeu done
to anuse him today but all ellorts are
unavtiing LTis friends re irreatly
alarmed They fear he may never re
gain consciousness It seemed that
ycsteiday evening right after Cinrier
the man pi ed tr his Irt put on his
overeeat id although his wife was
sitting right in the room she did not
say Where are you ph g He
walked out of the house At 10 oclock
in tlK eeuing the man returned He
walked into the room where hi3 wife
sat and took off his hat and overcoat
She smiiid at him pleasantly and did
not stiy Where have you been The
man fell unconscious to the floor
Atchison Globe
African Elephants
In portions of Africa the natives be
lieve when a herd of elepiumts is
alarmed and runs away the bulls if
necessary pick up and carry on their
tusks the little ones which may not be
able to keep up with the herd These
little ones when Grst born weigh not -
ytmv temmw iwvwwwfl nHrmwi n u vuw v n wrryryr wwr
Its your new vocabulary that puts
me out she explained I had Mr jF
Mcers vocabulary very pat as per t
contents noted the same he only g
used about 300 words Her flatter- E
ing smile warmed the man like a sun
ueam uut you sir have a real lit- it
erary style Beg to submit our best jr
attention slump bullish hypothe
cate theyre all new words to me
and of course I cant rattle them off
very fast at first But just you wait
say till day after tomorrow Then
youll see
All business men have different vo
cabularies that their stenographers
must get accustomed to ehi said the
Yes sir some large some small
Again her Millie flattered him Yours
is larger than most 1 should say it
was thirty or forty words larger Ileal
literary I call it
Miss Iloskins if theres er auy
supplies you need all youve got to do
is ask said the literary broker fatu
F pFychciherasy
In tho 13pi ak of James we fkd the
early Christian rule of psychotherapy
It was adopted by the early church
and for many centuries was a rule of
faith and practice in the Christian
church in all its brunches It is still
a rule of conduct in some of the older
churches and some leader is church
es where the rule has lapsed begin to
plead for its revival and for the as
sumption by the church of what re
called its legitimate powers St James
said Is ui sick amorr you let hin
call for the elders of the church aud
more than 200 pounds and of course c
might readily be carried as stated
We do not know that any white man r
has ever seen this but the natives in-
Blst that it is done Forest and Stream r
The Similarity
Blobbs Why do you liken Harduppe
to the usy bee He Isnt particularly
Industrious is he Slobbs Oh no It
isnt that but nearly every one he
touches gets stung Philadelphia Rec
Often the Cace
My wife believes that what Is to be
tvill be
Andi she believes rt will all be ay
fault Kansas City Journal
For Spring aifd Summer
Items You Should Buy Now
titiL V HWWMUII W mwi
S i
Summer Dress Goods
Our lines are complete We
can please you in quality style
and price 5c to 50c per yard a
Summer Underwear
Of which we have a large and
complete stock
Also Suits Skirts
Low Shoes and Hosiery
can von satisfy yourself
that STEJN BLOCM Smart
Clothes will fit you with
Style and accuracy When
you find they do you begin
to save money
LgM4 jMUi ktv WA
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
ifTi LwiMAwm miijE n MiiimapiuLM
White House Grocery
Phone 30