i N J TWENTY SEVENTH YEAR WTTYVYTYrTTYTYTTTTYTrTTYTM t Two of Them t at t H P Sutton is just in Tvrpnf nf two carloads of pianos of the leading makes in every style and finish and of all prices He is prepared to please the most fastidious and artistic tastes and also thr most reasonable and modest pocketbooks CALLAND SEE - The Display Is Untqualed Qualifications of Voters The recent legislature passed a law which goes into effect in July which is very important to voters who do not have thoir second papers of citizenship When n foreigner takes out his first papers ho may vote for five years by virtue of those first papers then he can take out his second papers If he fails to take them out at the end of five years he is not to vote until he does take them out Heretofore men could vote with out taking out their second papers but they cannot do so after nest July This is the information given by the clerk of the district court Thus it stands voters in hand to take out their linal papers before another election or run the ris k of being refused to vote No 135 Elects New Officers At the regular meeting of McCook lodge No 135 A F A M Tuesday evening of this week the following ofii cers were chosen for the ensuing year IiOnCbne WVM JB H Stewart SWV Robt J Gunn J W George Willetts treasurer C L Fahnestock secretary Installation will occur about June 21th LOST Ladys Elgin make watch and pin on D st from west 1st to east 1st st to Mrs Phelans residence or on Main st from D to McMillens residence Watch is plain and pin engraved P R Re ward for return to Miss Laura M Bug gies 401 1st street west On Bargain Square Another lot of ladies size 3 low cut summer shoes put on the square this lot at 29c Do you thiuk they will last long Those who think they wont will probably get them A word to the wise is sufficient The Thompson DG Co FOR GRADUATION PRESENTS AND JUNE WEDDINGS SEE THE new line of Cutglass and Silverware at McCook Hardware Cos They have some new and very handsome patterns at very reasonable prices Branch No 1278 The local letter carriers have organ ized a branch of the National Associa tion of Letter Carriers in our city with G F Kinghorn as president and D J OBrien secretary Tribune Is All Printed In McCook You will find local or county news of interest on eactr of the eight pages of this paper every week It is all printed at home No patent print Read all Its Your Own Fault if your bread isnt the best ever if you dont buy the famous Loomis high patent at the McCook Flour and Feed Store G F Smith proprietor Save the Cream It Is valuable We have Separators at from 30 to S75 in the Blue Bell Sharpies and Domo makes Old Separators are taken in exchange FARM LOANS Whittaker Gray 107 West B Mc Cook Nebraska 25 tf MONEY TO LOAN on farms See Roz ell Barger at clothing store For Seed Corn go to the Updike Grain Co A F A M Meeting Special meeting of McCook Lodge No 135 A A M Tuesdar May 25 at 730 p m Work in F C degree By Order of the W M Lon Cone Secretary Mrs Frank Is Dead Aftnr long suffering with cancer Mrs Frank DHLong passed to resit Tuesday afternoon of this week Funoral service were conducted at the home Wednes day afternoon by He v M B Carman burial enduing in Longview cemwtery Annik May Vincent was born on July 22 1862 in Harmony Rock couny Wisconsin Was united in marriage with Frank DeLong in Clair county Illinois May 13 1879 Seven sons were born to them four surviving Camo from Oberlin Kansas to McCook about nine years ago Departed was a mem ber of the Methodist church Had been a great but patient sufferer since last November Bereaved husband and sons have the sympathy of many in this sorrow CARD OF THANKS Wo wish to remember in gratitude and thankfulness all who assisted dur ing the long illness and after the death of our dear wife and mother Frank DeLong and sons Hoisting Machinery Wrecked The hoisting machinery at the coal chute was partially wrecked Wednes day morning and the upper part of the engine house damaged considerably by an unusual and remarkable accident re suiting from the failure of the dog m the drum to hold and letting the ma chinery ruu at an impossible speed Pieces of the cog wheels and machinery were hurled through the bottom and end of the house with incredible speed but moat fortunately neither of the two men in that part of the building were injured A large piece of casting was hurled through the round bouse and on into the machine shop and smaller pieces rattled against the round house and about the neighborhood Work is progressing on repairs brok en parts have beon wired for and oper ations will be possible in a few days Robert Moore Jr Dead After two mouths of sickness Robert Moore Jr of Coleman precinct passed away Wednesday morning fortified with alltherites of thechurch -Departed was 17 yean of age Solemn high mass was held in St Patricks church Rev Kirvin celebrant Friday morning at 1030 oclock interment following in Calvary cemetery Robert Francis Moore was born in Edgemont S Df January 25 1892 Joke on the Jokers Those gentlemen who connected with the telephone wire Tuesday to secure cheap light service doubtless appreciat ed the joke when they awoke on the following morning to find about forty feet of wire missing The phone people were annoyed by the short circuit created and located the difficulty removing tne wire while the gentlemen occupying the room were sleeping without disturbing them 0a Bargain Square About twenty five lace curtains used for samples and slightly soiled and mussed Regular prices up to 85 00 a pair Offered now from 25c each up This ia the lime of year when you need curtains The watchful pruoeut house wives will get them Will you be one of the number The Thompson D G Co The Utmost Service Rip Van Winkle S C Beach and the Players club achieved a highly gratifying histrionic success Tuesday and Wednesday even ings of this week in their rendering of Rip Van Winkle The performances were highly creditable and worthy of even greater appreciation than was ac corded Thy Attended State Meeting at York Mrs WGDulton Mrs Mary Walker and Mrs Mary E Rhoad attended the state meeting of the Ladies of the G A R at York last week representing the lcc il order Mrs Dutton was made a memher of the national couucil and Mrs Rhoad was choosen a delegate to the national meeting Ten Thousand New Views Handsome new post card views of Mc Cook in colors have just arrived from Germany These show views of Mc Cook never before offered the public Business residential and church For sale at this office NOTICE All parties knowing thamselves to be indebted to the McCook Electric Co 1 will confer a favor by calling at the companys office and paying the account McCook Electric Co Fresh garden lawn and field seeds for salealso flour and feed C J RYAN Farm Loans Optional payments No cash com mission required P S Hhaton Typewriter ribbons papers etc for sale at The Tribune office 1 T PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Subscriptions to The Tribune are payable in advance and the publisher is now engaged in mailing to all subscribers notice of the amount due up to January ist 19 ro or up to a date one year in advance of their present date We Ippe to receive many prompt renewals With a list approaching the 1 500 mark it will be easily appreciated how heavy the burden is upon the publisher to carry any consider- able number of subscribers until the end of the year So kindly respond cheerfully and at an early date THE PUBLISHER Rev Kirwin Arrives Home Rev Kirwin of St Patricks church arrived home last Friday evening from his trirj abroad where he was called un expectedly a number of weeks since During his absence he visited Naples and Rcme in Italy and Nice and Lourdes in France Last Sunday at both masses he de scribed his audience with Pope Pius in vivid colors to the keenest appreciation of his parishioners His description covered particularly St Peters and the Vatican Rev Kirwin had the pleasure of obtaining the apostolic blessing for himself and family and for all the mem bers of St Patricks church and their families While the pope is 74 jears of age Rev Kmviu states that the holy father carries himself remarkabh con sidering ttie great prnssure of many duties Of the places of uote visited by Rev Kirwin none impressed him witu nni power thaii did Lourdes France 11 told of this great shrine of miraculous healing especially of the grotto where the blessed virgin is said to have appear ed to Bemadette and of the basilica built almost over the grotto etc Rev Kirwin expressed himself as greatly pleased to be back among his people of St Patricks Kill 0 What It is A new preparation for killing dande lions weeds etc A drop on the root of the weed and it is dead Beautify your lawn by using Kill O and eradi cating the weeds Sold in 25 cent and 50j bottles at Woodworth Cos Druggists Notice of Equalization Notice is hereby given that the Coun ty Board of Equalizitiou will meet on the 15th day of June to equalize the 1909 personal assessment and will be in session at least three days as provided by law 5 21 i Chas Skalla County Clerk Ask Assistance of Citizens The city park committee asks the co operation and assistance of the people of the city while they are engaged in their effort to seed portions of the park It is the purpose to open to travel as soon as suitable sod has been formed Won the Game The McCook high school basket ball girls played the Wray girls at Trenton last Saturday in a fine game losing to Wray by a score of 11 to 8 Farm Loans N J Johnson over McConnells store iry n Aa MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKATRIDAY MORNING MAY 21 1909 Commencement Exercises Commencement exercises will begin Sunday evening with the Baccalaureate sormon at the M E church by Rev Carman The choir will furnish special music The graduation exercises will be held in the high school auditorium Thurs j day evening May 27th at 800 p m The feature of the evening will bo the class oration delivered by Dr S Mills Hayes pastor of Trinity Episcopal Church at Lincoln Tickets for commencement are on sale at McConnolls and as soon as enough are sold to fill the house the sale will necessarily bo stopped The annual reception of new members antf banquet of the Alumni association will be held at the high school Friday evening May 28 An elaborate program is being prepared for this occasion It is expected and much desired that Supt Geo H Thomas will bo present at the banquet Commencement Program HiGir School Auditorium May 27 1909 800 P M Piano Solo Deborah Heckman Invocation Rev G B Hawkes Violin Solo Mrs E O Vahue Salutatory Bi anche Bo wen Commencement Oration Dr S Mill- Haves Vocal Solo Elsie M Campbell Valedictory Raymond Joijdan Presentauim of Diplomas W Barnes Piano Solo Nina Tomlinson Benediction Rev M B Carman f lass colors Royal purple and Oxford gray Class flower White Rose Class motto Nihil sine labore Class yell - Were for the blue and the gray Pazu dazu dazu zine Heres to the class of nineteen nine officers James Gollehon President Taeie DeLong Vice President Raymond Jordan - Secretary Margaret Doyle Treasurer Memorial Sunday Union Memorial services will be held at the Methodist church at 11 a m May 23 All ministers and their con gregations invited to be present All members of the G A R Ladies Circle W R C Spanish American and ex Confederate soldiers are requested to meet at Morris hall at 10 a m to march in a body to the Methodist church Sermon by Rev M B Carman assisted by Rev G B llawkes Insist on the n P S Paint and you will get the best ready mixed ready-to-put on paints for every pur pose Fix up your old woodwork and furniture with China Lac and your old floors with our Grainer If its anything in paint let us help you McCook Hardware Co On Bargain Square Alnut30 ladies dar colored waists for 29j a piece These sold up to 80c A re yon in il The Thompson D G Co The ULmostgValue Enjoy the Summer With a Velie Buggy You will find a large line of these high grade buggies at Mc Cook Hardware Co s 1 No Hunting- Allowed i No hunting allowed on my farm or on j the Walsh land leaspd by me under penalty of the law E F Flitcraft Fasture For Horses On section 19 in Driftwood precinct Price 50 cents per month 30 1 O N Rector McCook Neb FOR GRADUATING presents see McMillens assortment cf books and novelties ANNOUNCEMENT We expect to move to our new quarters in the Morlan building about July 1st Moving a furniture stock is quite an undertaking so to cut down stock before moving time we are makingspecial reductions on all goods If there is some piece of fur niture that you have been want ing NOW is the time to secure it at a specially low figure Our queensware department especially will have a sweeping reduction in prices We know we can interest you Investigate J E LUDWICK fc rib in MR W00TTEN SEVERELY INJURED Is Struck In the Back by a Switch Engine In the McCook Yards Monday W T Wootten waB struck in the back Monday evening about 730 by a switch engine and severely injured A severe scalp wound fracture of the skull broken ankle and contusions of the back are the net results of his acci dent He was at once taken to the South west Nebraska hospital and after caro ful examination removed to his home in West McCook Mr Wootten was walking along the track toward the ice house when struck by 1 ho switch engine which was back ing and pulling a string of cars His injuries are severe but his recov ery is hoped for Program for Memorial Day Monday morning May 31st the deco rating committee of the post Comrades George Dillon Joseph Sullivan and Francis Swartz together with a com mittee of four each from the Ladies of tte G A R and WRC will assemble at the Morris hall at 930 oclock to proceed to the cemeterios of the ciiy to decorate the graves of the departed soldiers etc All persons are earnestly requested to bring their flowers for decoration of the graves to Morris hall not later than 9 oclock in the morning At 130 the old soldiers sailors marines solaiers of the Spanish-American war ladies of the W R C aud G A R and ex confederate soldiers will meet at Morris hall to march in a body to the Baptist church where the exer cises of the day will be given commenc ing at 200 oclock Song America Audience Invocation Rev Edker Burton Reading of Orders Adjutant Steinmetz Report from Decorating Committees Music High School Boys Glee Club Reading of Lincolns Gettysburg Ad dress Mrs W S Address of the Day Rev E R Earle Music High School Girls Glee Club Address to Unknown Dead - Mrs Matie Welles Beuediclion Rev G B Hawkes Comrades John Underhill and William Burns of the general arrange ments committee earnestly desire the co operation of all in the proper observ ance of the day By Order of Committee They Dont Do It Do They But wh do We sell as follows for cash onl Simpson and American prints 5c Best table oil cloth 15c Bet t apron gingham GVSc American A 2 bu bags 21c Peerless carpet warp 21c Good yard wide muslin 4c 9 quarter wide sheeting 19c 36 inch black silk 69c Mens heavy work shirts 39c Mens 5 pocket bib overalls 39c Blue jumpers to match 39c A childs parasol and a fan for 10c Mens muleskiu gloves ISo Mens Balbriggan union suits 75c Ladies gauze vests 50c to 5j Good lawns 5c 6 big red handkerchiefs for 25 Boys and girls rompers o9j It takes cash The Thompson D G Co The Utmost Value If you Have in Mind doing any papering this season we wish you would drop in and see the new styles We carry lines and quality of papers seldom shown outside of larger cities so complete in every way as to enable you to carry out the most ela borate ideas of wall decorations L W McConneli Druggist Two From Holbrook The McCook Highs captured two games of baseball from the Holbrook boys last week Fridays game at Hol brook was acquired by a score of 7 to 0 The game here Saturday was bagged in the last half of the ninth inning when defeat was imminent score 5 to i On Bargain Square A dozen and a half of edd corsets at 23c Slightly mussed Cheap at 50c Some worth SI 00 Tours now for 25c The Thompson D G Co The Most Goods Straw Goods Now Have Call And of course straw hats are in order Straw hats in all the styles and at all prices at the leading clothiers Rozell Barger Dwelling For Rent Five rooms and bath furnished or unfurnished 825 per month furnished or 820 unfurnished Fruit Mrs Nannie Ratliff north 5th street east ELKAYS straw hat cleaner 25 cents L W McConneli Druggist John Cashen Auctioneer Indianola Nebr Dates booked at Mc Cook National bank NUMBER 52 A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION Stop into our bank today Make your deposit in a bank that is officered by men of known in tegrity This bank gives YOUR ACCOUNT the same attention as the largest ones it has Our customers aro all treated aliko A bank account makes pos sible other important stops making investments buying a homo starting a business so curing an education Be xeady when tho oppor tunity presents itself by starting an account however small with THE Mccook national BANK P Walsh President C F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTOHS J J Loughran P F McKonna KODAKS FOR GRADUATES with every thought of graduation gifts the score of desirabln items to bo had here Kodaks are best because always appropriate beautiful useful and suie to please at onco and to romain foryears to recall pleasant memories of the giver These must not be overlooked if you wish to make just tho right gift Kodaks from 81 00 up any price you wiBhto pay Died In California A newspaper brings us the news of the death of LeRoy Allen a former res -dent of our city which occurred in Alhambrai California 11th of heart failure He is Jiurvivpd by bis wife and daughter Mrs Will F Lawson McCook friends will join The Tribune in expressions of sincerest sympathy Took The Money A patient medicine fakir made hay some in McCook close of last week and early days of the present selling lini ment corn cure etc from a wagon on the streets A gentlpman of color a splendid black team and a 6mooth tongue assisted in separating the people from their monpy in generous doses On Bargain Square For Saturday May 22nd only about 2 drzen pairs mens overalls and pants fir 25a a pair Saturday only The Thompson D G Co The Utmost Ser vice For Commencement Pictures books fountain pens sta tionery kodak post card albums and scores of othpr gifts L W McConneli Druggist Eggs for Sale Pure Barred Plymouth Rock esgs choice stock 3 sets each 8200 jer 100 Phone ash 1351 or black 255 Mrs J W 8cbtlep Route 3 FOR SALE A 6 room house smallest room 12 x 11 8500 cash balance to suit purch aser For further information phone red 320 Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges and Stoves in many styles and prices Let us fix you out with one of these gas savers McCook Hardware Co Team For bale One good heavy work team Worth the money McCook Ilardwars Co HAMMOCKS Good strong durable All the new weaves can be seen at McConnells aaft i NOTICE As the ice cram season has I again opened with us our store f I will remain open evenings through- j out the summer Woodworth Co Druggists j SPECIAL If you need your cellar cemented now is the time to have the work done We are making a special price for the next thirty days McCook Cement Stone Co H K Rosebush Manager Phone red 196